01x15 - I Enjoy Being a d*ck

Episode transcripts for the TV show "3rd Rock From the Sun". Aired: January 9, 1996 – May 22, 2001.*
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Four extraterrestrials who are on an expedition to Earth, the third planet from the Sun, which they consider to be a very insignificant planet.
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01x15 - I Enjoy Being a d*ck

Post by bunniefuu »

Sally, where's my breakfast?

I haven't had anything to eat

Since that ketchup you fixed...

Not that it wasn't delicious.

Yeah, yeah. Keep your pants on.

I just can't get ready
as fast as you guys.

Every morning I have to wash,

Dry, pluck,

Powder, dab,
cleanse, de-cleanse,

Foliate, curl, blow, and buff.

Well, that's far
too complicated.

I usually just rinse, spit,
unzip the parka, and voilä.

Sally, where's my breakfast?

I'm working on...

Harry, what are you
doing on the floor?

I have no idea.

What is noble in a universe
where entropy grips us

In a fatal dance of nihilism?

Why's he talking like this?

I don't know. All
I did was this...

If he's broken, it's
going right in the report.

I wrote a song yesterday,

And it goes like this.

What's with him?

He seems to be having a reaction

To a crushing skull blow.

With this?

Yeah, all right...

Careful. We could
actually hurt harry.

Now, liberals
won't you believe...


I'm sorry. I couldn't
live with that.

As many intelligent people know,

Aliens are all around us.

This is the story of
four such explorers.

Hurry! Hurry!

I'm coming, I'm coming.

Stop it, already.

What took you so long?

Her pants are tight.
She can't go too fast.

What is the big emergency?

I don't see anything.

The dishes... They're dirty,

And we need a plate!

Don't you know
how to wash dishes?

Of course not.
That's sally's job.

That and k*lling spiders.

Oh, please.

We wouldn't ask,

Except sally's
mysteriously absent.

Without a clean
plate we could starve!

d*ck! Come in here!

Here she is.

You guys are not
going to believe

All the cute stuff I got today.

Everything came together
like a well-oiled p*stol.

I've got the last pair

Of ferragamo
sling-backs on layaway.

I need 300 bucks.


Because without the
shoes, the belt's a joke.

Lieutenant, we seem to be having

A breakdown in communication.

I have no idea what
you're talking about.

Of course not. It's about women.

Oh. Ah.

Women's issues.

Ohh, women...

Maybe if you explained it,

I would understand!

I've been explaining
since we got here!

One thing I do understand...

This female obsession of
yours is costing me a fortune!

Spider! Spider! Spider!

Fine, take it all
back to the store.

I'm going to get a job.

I am tired of having to
justify myself to you

Whenever something
pretty goes on sale!

Come on, harry. You're
getting a job, too.

I am? Yes.

I will not go unaccessorized!

I had that dream again.

Which one?

I'm riding a tractor,
smoking a big cigar.

Oh! You're ovulating.

Hee hee hee hee.

What? What are you laughing at?

Girl talk.

Girl talk?

I'm sorry. Did
that sound sexist?

No, sexist would be if you
told me I had a tight butt

Then said if I didn't go to
bed with you I'd be fired.

Dr. Solomon, I really don't
think you'd understand.

Oh, I know what this is.

Me man. Me too thick
to grasp girl talk!

Oh, nina, are you going to that
lecture series on thursday?

Doctor natalie
blumfeld is speaking.


Sounds wonderful.
Can I come, too?

It's really not for you.

It's a place where
we can open up

And share our feelings.

I have feelings.

It's a women's study group.

Well, I'll take notes.

Please let me come.

Does everything
have to involve you?

In a perfect world, yes!

I'll be very quiet. You
won't even know I'm there.

I think a man's presence
would be inhibiting.

I said you won't
even know I'm there!

Don't take this personally.

It's not as if we were
deliberately trying to exclude you.

You want to have lunch now?

Sure. Oh, I'd love to.


I'll have my lunch alone...

Like a man.

My apple is so tiny!

These career
tests are so stupid.

Mine suggests I set my sights on

Optometry or horse training.

What does yours say?


Ha ha! Yeah, right,

You, flying around in space.


Like I know anything about
antimatter containment vessels!

Tommy, you know
what we should do?

Backpack around
ireland for a few months.

Yeah, yeah, when?

After we graduate.


Or, better yet, we
could move to new york

And rent a loft in the village

With a view of the river.

It'll probably cost
about 300 bucks a month,

But that's o.k.

We'll find jobs in bookstores.


Tommy, give me some feedback.

Well, it s... It sounds great.

Then why are you
being so noncommittal?

I... I... Uh...

I don't know.

Is it me?

Would you rather do
this stuff without me?

Oh, no, no, no!

It's not you. It's graduation!

I'm not sure I'm even going
to be here in five years.

I know what this is.

You don't want to commit

Because you're not
sure I'm your soul mate.

When you're done sorting
out your feelings, call me.

August, wait, wait, wait! I...

I think that...

We've reached a point
in our relationship

Where I can tell you
the truth about me.



I care more about
you than anything,

And as long as I'm on this
planet, I want to be with you.

There. Now aren't you glad
you sorted out your feelings?

Oh, yeah.

Oh, boy, did we luck out.

Not everybody can
walk in off the street

And get a job at
a pancake house.

Harry, what are you doing?

Well, the training manual

Said no hair below
the shoulders.

Now, I don't think anybody's
going to look there, but...

You know, a rule's a rule.

Hey, um...

I got a question.

We've been on
this planet a while,

And I was just wondering

If we were to tell someone
we really cared about

Where we were actually from,

Would it be so dangerous?

No, not at all, tommy.

I've already told mrs.
Dupcek and the mailman

And that nice guy
down at the minimart,

Because I want us
all to die like lab rats

At the hands of
primitive scientists!


Sally! I'm right again!

I returned to the store.

I sent back your
extravagant purchases,

And I met a lovely
saleswoman named gwen.

And the two of us
effortlessly put together

A thrifty yet stylish ensemble.


Big deal. It's just a
little black dress.

Ah, to the untrained eye.

But add a faux jacquard scarf

And a pair of pearl
button earrings,

And look.



This skirt.

It's an economical
acrylic blend,

But look how it drapes.

And the vertical
stripes are so slimming.

Ahh... Ahh...

You like?


All right, now, sally,

Since I've opened your eyes

To a whole new world of options,

You can return me the favor.

Dr. Albright belongs to
a women's study group,

And I must find out
what she's doing there.

God knows you don't want
to respect her boundaries.


Has august ever belonged to

A secret women's organization?

Well, sure. The girl scouts.

But she got out
because she thought

The cookie selling
verged on racketeering.

Well, lieutenant,

You have your assignment.

I can't help you, d*ck.

As of today, I've suited up

And joined the proud
ranks of the work force.

Come on, peppy!

Wait a minute!


I'll show you 50
ways to tie a scarf!

Tommy, could... Could you...

No, d*ck.

I've got to find out
what she's doing.


A study group for women.

Women only.

I have to find someone

To infiltrate this group.

But who?



You got any real syrup?

Well, why, yes, we do, sir.

But may I suggest...

A dash of boysenberry

To bring out the hidden oakiness

In your vermont maple?

Enjoy it...

Mr. Grabby.

Uh... Whoa.

Let me ask you something.

Was your service
quick and courteous?


Was your food hot and
exactly what you ordered?


Move over, sweetie.

Then why is it, my friend,

When I subtract your check
from the amount on the tray

I come up with 97 cents for me?

I didn't think you'd
count it in front of me.

But you're glad
I did, aren't you?

Yes, ma'am.

Because now you understand

That a tip is short
for gratuity,

And gratuity is
short for gratitude.

I never heard that, ma'am.

Don't interrupt me.

Gratitude for a job well done.

Now, 5% is not
gratitude, mister.

It's an invitation
to an ass-kicking.

Got it?

Got it.

Thank you!

Have a nice day!

I'm doin' great!

So, uh, split ends.
Is that serious?

No, but they're
driving me crazy.


August, if I told you a secret,

Do you think you
could handle it?

You've been keeping
secrets from me?

Oh, this is not just any secret.

This is... This is a
really big secret.

You've been keeping
big secrets from me?

Well, not just you.

I told you about my impetigo.

I know. It made me
feel very close to you,

But my secret's a
lot more serious

Than just a
contagious skin rash.

You don't trust me.

No, no, it's not that.

I just don't want to
go blabbing things out

When I'm afraid there might be

A fearful, ignorant reaction.


I understand.

Ahh. Good.

Oh, jeez!

If I had known you
could just cut this off,

I would have done it months ago!


My name is judith.

Thank you, judith.

We have beverages as
well as hummus and pita.

Why not? I'm wearing
control tops.

Oh, pardon me.

No, it's entirely
my fa... Oh, my!

Nina, it's me, dr. Solomon.


Hee hee hee!

I'm wearing women's clothes.

Ah! That's it!

Wait right here.

Dr. Albright.

Dr. Albright.

Nina, can't this wait?

I don't think so.

Dr. Blumfeld is in the middle

Of a very interesting story.

Well, mine's better.

You're hurting my arm.

Where were we?

Mary, let's not
monopolize dr. Blumfeld.

Have a seat.

All right, ladies.
We're ready to begin.

Everybody settle.

I'll... I'll just
squeeze in over here.


What are you doing here?

Do you hate me?

Oh, don't be ridiculous!

Do you ever have this
little voice in your head

That says this
might be a bad idea?

Shh! Shh!

I'd like to start

By having everyone
ask herself a question.

How am I censoring myself?

What am I doing

To inhibit my relationship
with those around me

By concealing my true self?

I have a thought on that.

Don't you dare.


Thank you.

I work in an office,

And I find that I have
to censor my feelings

Just to fit in.

I'm often excluded,

And whenever I do
summon the courage

To express my desire to
be embraced by the group,

I find myself

Muzzled and squelched by them.

We're here to
support each other.

Please, go on.

And... And you are?

Dickie jo.

Dickie jo?

Don't mock me!

I'm being excluded and
sequestered because of my sex.

I can feel the air
change in the room

When I walk in.

And I just think it's so unfair!

Just stop it! Stop it!

Big girl. Pretty...

But big.

No, I will not!

Why do women have to
close themselves off?

They don't. Let it out!

I wouldn't encourage dickie jo.

Mary, let her speak.

Yeah. You go, girl!

Mary, why do you withhold,

Pretending there's
something inside you

That I can't understand?

We're both grownups.
What are you afraid of?

Not here. Not now.

Dr. Blumfeld is right.

We can't hold ourselves
back any longer!

Knock, knock, who's there?


Go away!

It's too late.

I'm here.


I knew it all along.

Me, too.


Listen, I just wanted to say

That I've invested a
lot in this relationship,

And if you think you can
treat me this way, you're wrong.

Your hair looks really good.

Oh, thanks. Um, august...

I can't stand it anymore.

I have to tell you something.

You won't believe this at first,

And it might even make you sick.

It's about my family.

Well, that was a wash!

The woman I love
won't let me be a woman!

I need some herbal tea
and a fat-free cookie.

Listen, august,

What I needed to tell you...

Don't speak, tommy.

Don't speak.

So, harry, how much did we make?

I'll get our tip jar.

You know, I have
never been so fulfilled.

For the first time as a human,

I feel a sense of
accomplishment and worth.


$27 And 15 cents.

Come on, harry.

You must have missed
a couple of 100s.

Let me see this.

I worked eight stinking hours

For a lousy pile of pennies?

I could have found
this in a couch!

Hey, remember,
we're splitting it.

Shut up!

$27 And 15 cents!


And a mento.

Not a mento.

These just came for you.

If you think flowers
can repair the damage,

You are so wrong!

They're not from him.
They're from judith.

You want me to read the card?





Another place I will
never be able to go to again.

Why not? They were
very supportive.

Did you learn nothing
about women? I did.

You are the biggest
fool I have ever known.

Really? Is that what you think?

To say that you
behaved childishly

Is an insult to
children everywhere.

That's it. Open up. Talk to me.


Am a merry-go-round person.

You are a tilt-a-whirl person!

This is good! Tell
me your feelings.

Before you came
into this office,

I had a very sane
and ordered life.

I could go for weeks
without explaining myself,

And now the sky's the limit!

You... Drive... Me...


I do all this to you?


Well, I must be a
pretty exciting guy.


That's good!

Now we're communicating.
Now I know what you're thinking!

What am I thinking?

You like me.

You really like me.

Captioning made possible by nbc
entertainment, the carsey-werner company

And 1995 nci caption
club/ grantsmanship

Sally, is there anything you'd
like to tell me as a woman?

Because I think I'm enlightened
enough now to hear it.

Ah. Well...

Men are always
bossing you around.

No one ever says "thank you."

And you're expected to
clean up after everyone.

Are you talking about
being a woman or a waitress?

Waitress, woman...

Same thing.

I just never realized

How many people here
are in the service of others.

Everybody here sells
his time for money.

It's like taking a
mortgage against your life.

My life is worth more
than minimum wage

And the occasional
slice of free pie.

I've just got to figure out
what I really want to do.

I think you should.
Everybody needs a goal.

Yeah. I want to let
my hair grow back.

I want to make the
world a better place.

I want to bring mankind
the gift of electricity.

They have electricity.


Then my work is done.
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