03x02 - The Despicable Shinigami

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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03x02 - The Despicable Shinigami

Post by bunniefuu »

Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Scars that just refuse to fade from memory Sometimes the burden 's too much for one to bear Don't give up on me, please don't turn me away Whoa! I'll hold your hand in mine Will I lose my hold on her someday? Will her smile fade In a flood of tears Or can I keep the fears at bay? Echoing, distant voices wither into silence.

But there is one thing that will never ever age my love for you is timeless Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Smiles with hearts' bitterness replaced "I'll never smile again" "I'll never let love in" Don't ever say such things to me A future we cannot see All happenings Find meaning in the story In time the clouds will clear away, so just stay, please stay with me Whoa! Who are we to pass through you? Whoa! That answer will find you someday You're not going to sleep yet? You're going to get sick Yeah, just a little bit more How's Tsubaki doing? He's not Back then, If I didn't Tsubaki! Kotenzanshun! I reject! Tsubaki! You fool You faltered! Tsubaki I had already lost my will to fight.

It will be okay, Orihime.

Healing one of our own requires a lot of skill.

I'm so sorry It'll be okay, Miss Inoue.

Your Shunshunrikka have incredible powers.

Indeed! Any doubt in your heart directly influences our powers, so you need to be strong, Orihime! But We'll practice some more! So that you can be able to ditch the Spirit Chant, and summon us by just the attack names! If you can do that, we will be able to protect you faster! Y-Yeah W-What is it? Just wait a little longer I'll be better in no time.

U-Uh-huh! Are you ready? I'm ready.

Let's go.

This might have been for the best Being with her these past days, it's become very apparent.

Inoue is definitely not suited for combat! She hates seeing others get hurt more than anything.

Even if it is the enemy People like her shouldn't fight.

That kind of fighting will only bring harm to herself and her comrades.

Hey! You guys! Wait a minute! What are you guys doing over here?! What squad are you with? Squad Eleven.

Oh? That's odd I'm with Squad Eleven, too, but We specialize in combat, this is the first time I've ever seen one of us walking around without their Zanpakuto, like an idiot! Damn it! I didn't know each squad had their specialties! That's Squad Twelve's emblem.

Not ours Guess you wouldn't know, huh? Who the hell are you? Damn I had hoped we could keep going quietly, Guess I have no choice! That was close, you guys! Were you hurt? What nerve! Doubting your own comrade, what a jerk! He's drunk! Th-Thank you very much! It's okay, Squad Twelve looks out for it's own, so it's only natural that we help each other.

These guys will pick any excuse to come next door to mess with us.

Damn it! When you're in a rush, anybody can forget their sword sometimes! Here, this way! - We'll walk you back to quarters.

- Sounds good! Wait Think about it Isn't it strange for them to help us in this situation? Even though he was drunk, what that man said was perfectly logical.

Why would these guys go out of their way to help us? Miss Inoue! Get away! W-Why? Captain! This isn't what we agreed upon! Our role was to just talk to them, then bring them back to quarters.

- It can't be helped.

- Then why this Once a b*mb is thrown, - it shouldn't be thrown back.

- How could you do this, Captain?! Captain--! A shield?! Thank you.

If you hadn't called out to me I No, we survived because you've been practicing all this time.

W-What about the others? Unfortunately But, that's not something you should feel guilty about.

The one who should feel guilty, however is you! Oh! This is an interesting technique! That shield Is it the work of that woman behind you? I have no intention of answering you.

How interesting! That's the first time I've seen that technique! You, woman! How would you like to be my research subject? Don't be ridiculous! I said I have no intention of answering you! Come with me, I won't do anything bad.

Rest assured! I'm kind to women She's crying? Why is she crying?! Is she afraid? No! Be careful! If she were afraid, she wouldn't have risked herself just to save me! Then why? Is she crying for those guys that died just now?! Besides, why did she save me?! I'm the enemy! What's in it for her to save me? I just don't get it.

I know! I'll offer you my best working conditions! I'll limit drug therapies to eight times a day! And mechanical experiments up to five times a day! I'll even do my utmost to refrain from performing surgeries which may be life-threatening! How about it? Rather exceptional terms for a research subject, I should think.

He's fast.

Oh A Quincy, huh? Such a rarity.

It's been years since I've seen a live specimen.

But I'm sorry, I've finished researching your kind already.

So I'm no longer interested in your kind.

Step aside! Finished researching? What do you mean by that? What are you? What? Do you Ryoka just charge into enemy territory without studying your enemy first? How careless At the very least, you should commit to memory the names of the thirteen top people, I should think.

I am Captain of Squad Twelve, as well as the second Chief of Research and Development, Mayuri Kurotsuchi.

You don't have to remember that though.

Pretty soon, you won't know anything anyway.

This guy Miss Inoue! Run! Hurry! No! I'll fight too! Hey, you from Squad Eleven! Take her and run! Y-You've got to be kidding! Why me? You don't want to die, do you? If you drag your feet, you'll be caught in the crossfire! Take her away by force, if necessary! Otherwise I'll sh**t you! Hurry! D-Damn it! Come on, Missy! No! Did I say you could run away? Did I say you could go after them? My, my I'm really not interested in you.

Let-me-go! - Please let me go! - Ouch, ouch, ouch! Oh, no, I can't! I, Makizo Aramaki, a ten-year veteran of Squad Eleven, also known as Maki-Maki am a compassionate man who won't leave behind women and children, even if they ask me to! Why, you Sorry about that.

I have no intention of getting caught up in that freak Kurotsuchi's fight or getting shot by that four-eyed jerk So I had to be a bit rough there Maybe I was a bit too rough Maybe I should apologize when she wakes up My, my It's very time consuming to set this up.

He took his own arm off? It hurts It sure does hurt It hurts and it hurts So much that my mind's about to melt.

It seems that the woman has gotten away.

That's fine.

Even if there's just a single strand of her hair left on the ground, it's enough to track her down.

I can't wait to capture and examine her until she turns to mush.

I hate to lose even a minute or a second.

That monster There are two enemies If Kurotsuchi is the captain, is the woman behind him his lieutenant? She hasn't moved even though her superior has a bow pointed at him does that mean her combat abilities are low? If so then I'll start with the captain! That guy'! Pretty good Nice moves you've got there.

The previous one and the one just now That was the "Hirenkyaku," right? Moving at high speed by creating a current of spiritual energy beneath your feet, an advanced Quincy move I'm surprised someone so young has mastered it.

You're pretty good.

Seems you're quite talented I couldn't take him! However, it's a bit of a bother to have you running around me like that After this, I need to capture that woman and conduct my research.

I'm busy, you see So at this time I'll have to use a method with the least effort to k*ll you.

Tear him up Ashisogi Jizo.

What are its abilities? If it's the type that absorb att*cks Then I can't attack it head on! Damn it! What-?! This one's attacking! L-Let go! It can't be! No way He really att*cked his lieutenant.

Isn't she a part of his team? Why? You idiot! I thought I taught you to hold on, even if your arms were ripped out! M-My deepest apologies.

Oh well It's not like I expected much from you in the first place.

At least we got this far.

From here, it will take no more effort than strangling a baby.

He really sacrificed his subordinate just to k*ll me! You're sweating quite a bit.

It must hurt.

Without even crying out you bear your pain You've got some will.

It's not the first time you were cut by a sword? It's my second time! Oh so you're quite experienced.

How nice however She's so noisy! My deepest apologies Lord Mayuri May I have some of the Hojiku-zai? The wounds seem to extend to my lungs At this rate I may not be able to sustain my vital functions What?! You! Are you insulting me?! Eh?! Are you?! Do you think your body, would break that easily with just that cut? Stop it! What are you doing? Isn't she part of your group? She's really going to die! And are you insulting me also? You think she'll die from just this? This body which I created?! With a wound of that degree, you think she'll cease to function?! You'd better be careful of whom you insult! You Created her? That's right.

Let me tell you her name.

Nemu Kurotsuchi.

By melding the quintessence of my gigai techniques and gikon techniques I created this masterpiece.

So don't go parading your creepy sense of justice around here.

How I decide to use this thing, is none of your business, stranger! Stop it! It it won't move! Just realizing it now? Pretty dense, aren't you From whatever it cuts, this robs the mobility of its four limbs.

That is the ability of this "Ashisogi Jizo.

" A paralyzing poison, huh? Don't be ridiculous.

It's not something that vulgar.

Of the countless signals fired from your brain, it selectively severs only the neural impulses controlling the movement of your limbs.

It synthesizes a very complex drug.

It's not paralysis.

It robs only the movement of the limbs, in other words You'll feel every bit of pain.

Hey, Nemu! Get up! You're going to strike the final blow! Nemu! Oh yeah, that's right You were cut with this also, so you can't move either! Damn it! You're useless! Cut it out What? I said, stop it! Persistent, aren't you? Or is it something else? Showing mercy to wounded women, even if they're the enemy, is that the Quincy honor that you all are so fond of? What? You are fond of it, aren't you? Because you all keep saying that line until the moment you die.

"On my honor as a Quincy, I cannot do that!" "On my honor as a Quincy, I won't allow you to do that!" It's so annoying! Each and every one of you! Regardless, with one thrust of this, any words of resistance will become meaningless.

You Now hold on.

This is the story of my hardships When I became the Chief of Research and Development, the Quincy were already a rare breed We were monitoring the few that were left.

I had the monitors purposely delay their rescue just to obtain the souls, Can you understand? Just how difficult this was? But even with all that effort, there weren't any decent research specimens.

The last specimen I had was a nasty old man.

He kept calling his apprentice's Or grandson's name the whole time.

It was so creepy Do you want to see his picture? It's after all the experiments, so his original form wasn't maintained.

What was the name of his apprentice? Goodness It seems once my experiments are concluded, I lose all interest What's that?! The name of his apprentice Do you want me to tell you? The name of his apprentice is Uryu Uryu Ishida.

That was Soken Ishida He was my teacher As well as my grandfather! Oh And? I'm glad Miss Inoue isn't here.

This is one battle that I wouldn't want her to see.

On my honor as a Quincy, I'm going to k*ll you.

Happy People Come on, Come on, Come on Happy People Here we Go! Everybody stand up! Everybody fight! Relief is anxiety But Keep Your Head Right Up! To the Sky! No matter when (Oh Yeah!) No matter where (Oh Yeah!) Just call me anytime! (Oh Yeah!) I'll be your strength Happy people's In The House!!! With a tough smile Happy people's In The House!!! You have to live! Wow Happy people In The House All right Happy People Lately, it feels like my appearances have been diminishing Do not fret.

Miss Yoruichi! You shall have no appearances in the next episode either.

Ishida is going to do his best by himself.

Leave it to me.

If you do not master the Bankai soon, perhaps you may never have another turn.

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