02x15 - Defend the Star of Hope!! Kuririn's Astonishing Power-Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x15 - Defend the Star of Hope!! Kuririn's Astonishing Power-Up

Post by bunniefuu »

C- could he have fallen asleep? I don't know U- um Because of those villains, most of my children across this world have been k*lled.

This is grievous.

They appear to be after the Dragon Balls.


To think that this would happen because of these Balls of hope, testament to the wisdom and power of the Namekians Excuse me for coming right to the point, but could I ask you to let me borrow the Dragon Ball over your head for a short while? I absolutely will not turn it over to them! I promise you! You are gathering the Dragon Balls too, are you? Yes.

We would like to bring our dead friends back to life.

I ask on my behalf, as well.

Grand Elder-sama, if these people's friends come back to life, they may be able to defeat those bad people.

How do you know of the Dragon Balls? We had them on Earth as well.

What did you say!? Long ago, during this planet's crisis, there was a Namekian who made his way to Earth.

That person created our Dragon Balls.

Is that so? I remember now.

Katattsu's child.

What a surprise.

Who would have thought that he would arrive safely on Earth? That child was a Dragon-type prodigy, who was capable of creating Dragon Balls.

He was k*lled along with our other friends by the Saiyan Vegeta, who is now here.

The Saiyans are indeed terrible.

That child prodigy, huh? This Saiyan wouldn't happen to be a Super Saiyan, would he? Huh? W- what's that? Gentleman from Earth, could I get you to come over here? Please allow me to probe into your past a little.

Past? How can this be!? Once evil made its way inside him, he split into two!? So in order for him to become Kami, he couldn't have even the slightest of evil feelings within him, then? And as a result, the evil Piccolo was born.

But what a shame.

To think that he should divide the uncanny power he was born with in half.

If he had become one, as he was before, he may not have had to die.

Become one? Well, I guess it would be all right.

Your desires are pure, and the courage you have displayed up to now is greatly esteemed.

I will give this Dragon Ball to you.

Terrific! Thank you very much.

So this is a Dragon Ball from the homeland.

It sure is huge.

Things sure are slow, huh? Is someone here!? No, I'm bored, so I thought I would do some training.

Oh Six more to go, huh? I'll do my best.

Still, I doubt you will have your wish granted.

Huh? Why not? Unfortunately, my life will only hold out for another few days.

Can you get the Balls that those bad men have already gathered away from them before then? I would think that would be impossible.

Once I die the Dragon Balls will also expire.

It's okay! That can't be helped! For the time being, I will guard this Ball with my life.

That's far better than allowing those guys to gain eternal life, after all.

If you'd be so kind.

I cannot guard it anymore with the power I have left.

I will, for sure! You have such outstanding power.

It's such a waste that you still have power lying dormant.

Power lying dormant? I will awaken that power for you.

I couldn't possibly have any power left.

I've thoroughly trained myself, after all.

I'm beyond my limits now as it is.

Please escape from their clutches somehow.

My power my power My power has shot up! This is awesome! I- I don't believe it! It feels like I've been reborn! Thank you so much! Um Can you call forth anyone's power? Say, even a little kid's? As long as there is dormant power within them, it is possible, whomever they may be.

I- it won't shorten your life if you do it too much, will it? All I do is provide the occasion.

It has nothing to do with my life.

C- could I bring another one of my friends here? I am positive that he has an incredible amount of power lying dormant.

Bring him here.

The more strong just men we have, the better.

Right! I'll go bring him right now! U- uh as for this Please take it with you.

I am leaving the future of this world and the universe to you.

Dende, wait here.

I'll go get Gohan and bring him right back here.

P- please be careful.

Grand Elder-sama! This is awesome! I can't believe I had this kind of power within me! I should be able to pick up Gohan in a few hours like this! H- how can this be!? A village we haven't att*cked yet has been exterminated! lf I submerge the Dragon Ball here, no one will be able to find it.

Whatever it takes, I have to get that Dragon Ball What happened? Who overcame you? A S- Saiyan came for the Dragon Ball So it was Vegeta, was it? T- the Dragon- Know when it's time to die! It couldn't be Freeza-sama, it is Zarbon.

Come in.

Has a village been located? No, we have not discovered any villages at this time, but I have just come from defeating Vegeta.

Oh, is that so? Then Zarbon-san, that means you transformed for the first time in ages, yes? Yes, sir.

So, Vegeta did die, then? Well, I did not exactly check for a body, but even in the unlikely event that he did survive, he must be gravely injured.

Why did you not verify that he was dead? W- well, Vegeta had been submerged underwater, so You could have dove into the water, no? You were loathe to get yourself wet, and neglected to check for his corpse.

And trying to k*ll him right away was a rash thing to do in the first place.

What are we to do if Vegeta has hidden a Dragon Ball from us somewhere? I- I am terribly sorry! I will go check on him at once! Freeza-sama! I have- I have discovered a village! What? However, the village had already been destroyed.

What was that!? I am afraid it was the work of Vegeta.

Then he has hidden a Dragon Ball somewhere! There was one surviving villager, but I disposed of him immediately.

You k*lled him, then? The only witness we had? Y- yes, sir The thing I hate most is when rash actions are taken when there is insufficient data.

Be prepared to answer to me as well if Vegeta is dead.

Bring Vegeta here at once.

This time, place your hopes on the chance that he is still alive.

--Yes, sir! --Appule! Yes, sir? You will contact Planet Freeza and inform the Ginyu Special Corps that they are to come here.

And of course, tell them to bring Scouters with them.

They should arrive in five days.


F- Freeza-sama, why the Ginyu Special Corps? Forgive me for saying so, but I believe it is completely unnecessary to call that group here.

I feel an odd foreboding.

H- how do you mean, foreboding? I have been thinking this for a little while now, but it would seem that there is a powerful Saiyan being brought up, and in time, I feel he will become my foe.

At first, I thought it was Vegeta, but it does not appear to be.

A- are you sure you are not making too much of it? Aside from Vegeta, there is only what's-his-name and his child, on Earth.

Their battle power is supposed to be considerably lower than Vegeta's.

Are you telling me that my foreboding is wrong? N- no, sir.

Never mind that, I would like you to hurry and bring Vegeta here.

Y- yes, sir! The Ginyu Special Corps The Saiyans do indeed appear to have a fathomless battle power ensconced within them.

Every time they do battle, it rises greatly.

Naturally, there is no way that it can stand against me, but when considering the future, l must nip it in the bud now.

lt would be problematic if one were to become a "super" Saiyan, after all.

That was some good sleep.

I wonder how long I've been asleep.

It's no use! I'm so exhausted, I can't move at all! D- damn it! I- I am not about to die! W- what? To think that he'd still be alive.

He's one tough guy.

Then again, it's because of that that l'll be spared this time around.

We're going to treat you.

You're one lucky guy.

Hey, listen, Gohan-kun, look at this.

One of the Dragon Balls has started moving.

It's coming straight this way.

Could that be Kuririn-kun? I'm sure it is! He did it! He must have met the Grand Elder, and gotten his Ball.

J- just a moment.

Then, what exactly is this other one here? These five here are probably the ones that Freeza guy has, right? But look, there's this one over here all by itself.

Huh? You're right, and it's close to here.

Let's see that direction, right? Ah! We told you that Vegeta was attacking a village, remember? It was in that direction! B- but Vegeta isn't over there.

I can't sense his Ki.

I've got it! He att*cked the village, but was unable to find the Dragon Ball! He figured it wasn't there, and went off somewhere else.

Please let me borrow that Radar! I'm going to go get that Dragon Ball.

All right! Luck is turning in our favor somewhat! Good, good, now's our chance! I don't sense any formidable Ki nearby at all! Who would have thought we'd ever be treating the injuries of a traitor? The scramble for the Dragon Balls was becoming more and more chaotic.

Who will be the one that laughs last?
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