02x23 - Goku on Final Approach! Smash Through Freeza's Dragnet

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x23 - Goku on Final Approach! Smash Through Freeza's Dragnet

Post by bunniefuu »

Well done, everyone.

I have been expecting you.

Thank you very much, Freeza-sama.

Please tell us what our mission is this time.

The traitor Vegeta has taken the Dragon Balls that I had gathered, and fled.

Vegeta Hey, that's that Saiyan, right? I hear he's quite the arrogant bastard, for someone who doesn't have that much power.

Vegeta has betrayed Freeza-sama However, for whatever reason, his battle power is starting to rise higher and higher.

Although, he should still be no match for you.

Please rough him up so as not to k*ll him, and bring him back here.

I would like to force him to tell me where he has hidden the Dragon Balls.

That will be a simple task.

Our Scouters are already tracking Vegeta.

He appears to be traveling at high speed not too far from here.

What is the matter? Who might these other two who are with him be? They appear to have a fairly high battle power.

Two of them? Ah, those must be the two children who interfered earlier.

So they have teamed up with each other, have they? What are we to do with them? You are to k*ll them.

--Lucky! --Hooray! Hooray! Understood.

Let us go thoroughly enjoy ourselves.

At the heart of it all, you are no more than just a Saiyan monkey, kneeling under our rule.

Don't go thinking you're on an equal level with us, just because Freeza-sama has taken a liking to you! As perfect as Freeza-sama might be in everything else, there's still one thing that I can't comprehend.

And that's how someone as useless as you are has been admitted into the Ginyu Special Corps.

What!? Try saying that again! Don't breathe next to me.

It stinks so bad, I can't stand it.

I'll show you whether or not I'm useless! This is no time to be playing around Vegeta-san.

A very nice planet has been found.

It should sell at a high price.

Let us go see it- just the two of us.

As you wish.

Looks like you got away with your life.

You're a lucky one, at least.

That miserable Vegeta Oh my, what's the matter, Ghurd? Do you have to go potty? No, it's nothing.

Freeza-sama, the Scouters you ordered are in this case.

Well done.

Well then, we will be off.

Special Corps! Ginyu! Fight! They've started moving.

T- they're fast! Hurry! They're going to overtake us! These strong guys are coming at us, one after the next There's nothing we can do! Father! 20 minutes to arrival at Planet Namek.

20 minutes to arrival at Planet Namek.

All right Oh yeah Kaio-sama didn't have to send me so many of them.

Someone even more incredible than Vegeta, huh? Stay alive, everyone.

Ten more minutes It's funny.

I don't feel any fear.

What am I so relaxed for? There's going to be someone unbelievable out there and yet, nothing.

Maybe training in all that outrageous gravity has made me crazy.

Over there! We've got them all! Come on! What's the matter!? Get over here, now! Why, you! Gohan, no matter how I think this through, it's not right.

How can we let this guy have eternal life? Don't give me that now! Hurry up and turn over your Ball! We don't have time to dawdle! Yo, Veggie-chan.

It's been a long time, huh? Dammit! And I was so close! They're fast! They were so fast, I didn't even know they were approaching! By any chance, is that one of those Dragon Ball things? There are five of them lying over here.

This is all because you were so slow! H- how can you say that? Freeza-sama will be overjoyed by this.

You have to get all seven Dragon Balls together, right? There are five of them behind us, and you've got two of them.

That's all of them, isn't it? W- what Vegeta said was true.

l'm no match for them! And that guy is exceptionally amazing, even among these guys.

Y- you think we're going to just hand them over to you!? You seem to have it all wrong.

Without Freeza-sama's power, you can't do anything! Watch what you're saying! What!? Come on! Come on! That guy that guy alone is really not all that tough.

W- why is that guy mixed in with them? Stay back! You smell so bad, I can't take it.

--Die!! --Whoa! Don't go acting on your own, Ghurd.

It's not like we've decided that he's your prey yet.

Why don't you hand that over right now, Vegeta? Although, even if you do hand it over quietly, we have no intention of turning a blind eye to you.

You guys may be able to search for people with your Scouters, but I doubt you can search for these.

What of it? This is what! I'm back.

That's too bad.

It looked like you were trying to throw it far away.

Unfortunately for you, Butta's speed is the fastest in the universe.

T- that's impossible! Now then, the other one Destroy it! Damn it all! The Dragon Ball H- how? So the rumors were true, were they? What do you mean, rumors? They say that Ghurd is able to control and stop time, momentary though it may be.

T- that can't be true It's true, all right.

Well then, that makes all of them.

Now, for your turn.

We're going to give you plenty of tender loving care.

And when he says tender loving care, he doesn't mean patting your head, and tossing you up in the air.

He means we're going to hurt you.

You don't have to explain that! Vegeta, is fighting them the only thing we can do? You must have realized running away would be futile.

Having you guys around is better than nothing.

Even knowing the extent of your power you showed me on Earth will be useless, I'll still be counting on it.

I'll take Vegeta.

You guys decide who gets the other two unknown pipsqueaks by rock-paper-scissors.

--Why do you always do this? --That's not fair! --You can't do that, Commander Ginyu! --Yeah! You took the tastiest piece last time, too, didn't you!? You can't do that! Let me have him! I owe him one! I guess I've got no choice.

All right then, I'll take the Dragon Balls to Freeza-sama.

You guys take care of the rest on your own.

Hooray! I'm nice to you, aren't I? Yeah, you're the best! Well, first will be Vegeta, second will be Those guys are a set.

All right, let's go! Rock, paper, scissors! Tie, go again! Tie, go again! Couldn't we get away now? Hooray! I get Vegeta! D- damn it! Cheer up.

It's better than him not getting k*lled at all.

Understand, that's how it goes.

But I'll let you strike the finishing blow.

Now Freeza-sama will be able to gain youth immortal.

I won't let you have them! Stop! Don't waste your energy! Right now, concentrate only on defeating these guys, instead of worrying about him, you idiot! Hey, come here a minute.

Oh, oh, a strategy meeting, huh? That Ghurd guy that you'll be fighting has a low battle power, but he uses supernatural abilities.

Don't let your guard down.


By the way, is Kakarrot really not here on this planet? No, he's not.

But he is headed here.

Hurry and get here! He may be an infuriating bastard, but if we can get another ally, it will add some to our potential for battle.

Why in the world did we even come here to this faraway place? Far from being able to get the Dragon Balls together, we're instead letting the bad guys get eternal life! Darn it! Huh? This is disappointing, huh? Ghurd, you go first.

Tch What am I, some kind of b*ttlefield garbage-collector? What can I do? But ReaCoom, make sure you really save some for me! They're the same ludicrous bunch as ever! Gohan, remember the image training we did on the spaceship.

This looks like it's going to be over in no time.

All right, let's go! Release your Ki! What's this? A full-power leadoff attack A fierce, all-out battle, the likes of which had not been seen before, had begun at last.
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