02x29 - At Last, a Direct Confrontation!! Captain Ginyu Takes the Field

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x29 - At Last, a Direct Confrontation!! Captain Ginyu Takes the Field

Post by bunniefuu »

Where did he go? Behind you, Butta! What!? Yo.

H- how did you get behind me!? Behind me, who prides himself on being the fastest in the universe! Then maybe you're second-fastest in the universe, ain't you? H- how can this be? Not only did he repel my Crusher Ball, he managed to slip behind Butta! lt's as if l'm having a bad dream.

Who are you!? I am a Saiyan, who was raised on Earth I guess.

Don't be ridiculous! How can a Saiyan have that kind of speed!? How should I know? It must be from my having trained so hard.

Still, you can't win on speed alone! Not if all you're doing is running away! Once you've worn yourself out running away, you'll lose those sharp reflexes, and then you'll die! Go ahead, dodge me! C- can you see that? Not at all.

Dammit! How can members of the Ginyu Special Corps let that runt make fools of them!? It's all you can do to just evade me! I could defeat you right now! We'll see about that.

What do you think you're doing!? What about you? Where were you looking!? What!? Why you Hold on.

This is no time to be fighting each other.

R- right.

Shall I show you then? How there's more to me than just speed? --What!? --What!? I hope you understand now.

Give up this senseless fight.

This guy, and the one before him, are both still alive.

Hurry up and take the two of them and get off this planet.

D- don't be a fool! Kakarrot, finish them! Finish them off! These two are all beat up.

There's no need to k*ll them for no reason! H- how can this be? We're the Ginyu Special Corps, you know! W- we're a super elite fighting force, comprised of the five best warriors in all the universe! How can we be beaten by such a low-level fighter!? This is a nightmare! I'm going to be done in, and there's nothing I can do! He's running away! There's no helping some people, huh? He just left his friends behind.

Sorry, guys, there ain't any Senzu left.

Hey A- are you really Goku? Yeah.

I've just been through some incredible training is all.

Vegeta! How could you!? I told you there was no need to finish them off! Those guys couldn't even move.

It utterly sickens me with how lenient you always are! Why did you let that other one get away? With your strength now, you could have easily disposed of him! It appears that you were unable to fully become a Super Saiyan after all.

Super Saiyan? You seem to be proud with how overwhelmingly strong you've become, but even so, there's no way you can beat Freeza.

Not unless you make yourself immortal or something.

You have no idea how terrible Freeza is! I hate to sound like I'm blowing my own horn, but I think I've become a lot stronger.

Even so, you say that there's no way I can defeat this Freeza guy? That's right.

If you plan on fighting him, then brace yourself.

Freeza's strength goes far beyond anything you can even imagine.

A- are you sure you're not exaggerating a little bit? I mean, you saw Goku's strength just now, right? Those guys were powerless against him! Is there anyone who can beat Goku now? In that case, go ahead and try fighting him.

What's even worse is that by now, Freeza has probably become immortally young with the Dragon Balls.

Any way you cut it, there's no way to beat him now.

We can only pray that we don't run into him.

I don't think he's made his wish yet.

W- what? How can you tell!? If the Dragon Balls here are the same as the Dragon Balls on Earth, then when Shen Long appears, the sky is supposed to get dark, right? But up to now, the sky has remained bright.

I don't think it's happened yet.

S- Shen Long? What is that? W- when you get the Dragon Balls together, does something come out? T- that's it! I've got it! He doesn't know what the password is! He must think that just gathering all seven Dragon Balls together will grant him his wish.

A password? You need that too? There's still a chance for us to get our wish granted! Oh, yeah! Hey, Gohan! We still might be able to bring our dead friends back to life! Hooray! Isn't that great, Gohan? Yeah! Yay! We're saved! Goku, that means we have to get the Dragon Balls back, huh? That's right.

S- Shen Long To think that these things can grant any wish After Freeza-sama gets the password from the Namekians, he'll be able to obtain eternal life Which means the whole universe will belong to Freeza.

What a wonderful thought.

What did you say!? Ghurd, ReaCoom, and Butta were all k*lled!? Yes, by some unbelievable kind of guy.

Don't be ridiculous! We are the Ginyu Special Corps! With the exception of Freeza-sama, there is no one in the world stronger than the Ginyu Special Corps! T- that's what I thought too, but the fact remains So, having those three battle ability ratings disappear wasn't a Scouter malfunction, huh? Should we contact Freeza-sama? You must be joking! How can we tell him such shameful news!? It's a good thing Freeza-sama is not here.

I, Commander Ginyu, will give you an example of how a real battle is to be waged.

I- if you please.

Hide the Dragon Balls! If anything happens to them, you will suffer the wrath of Freeza-sama! Yes, sir! Hey you guys, this isn't a game! Hurry up! Yes, sir! There, no one will find them now.

All right then, we're off.

I'm going to show them meticulously just how dreadful I can be.

Ginyu Special Corps, move out! Sure enough, it doesn't have the same impact with only two of us.

And I just got done thinking up a new one, too I don't know who you are, but you're going to pay! You're going to pay! I've had it with Dad.

How can he say that Son-kun should have already landed on Namek? Once Son-kun gets here, l should be the first one he comes and saves.

I've been looking after Son-kun ever since he was little.

It's no use.

These are all beyond repair.

I don't care anymore! I wonder if Son-kun has landed yet.

It would be great if we could get the Dragon Balls back from them somehow.

Vegeta, you know them pretty well, right? Is there any way to go about it? Weren't you planning to defeat Freeza? I'd like to if possible, but first, we have to bring everyone who you k*lled on Earth back to life.

Come to think of it, Kaio-sama told me not to fight Freeza, no matter what.

Even if you get such a worthless wish granted, it won't do any good if Freeza just comes along and wipes out all of Earth soon after, will it? Instead, let me wish myself immortally young.

You've got to be kidding! Letting you do that is no different from letting Freeza do so, is it!? There are two battle powers headed this way! So, he's gracing us with his presence? You let Jheese get away, and now he's returning with Commander Ginyu.

This time, no matter how strong you may be, you're going to have one tough opponent to handle.

Him, huh? This one is going to be trouble all right, Goku.

Wait a minute, where's Freeza? Now that he's got the Dragon Balls from Ginyu, he should be at his spaceship.

Looks like he ain't there any more.

I can feel a strong Ki way off in this direction.

That's probably Freeza.

B- but that direction is Oh no! That's where Grand Elder-san is! Grand Elder? I get it! Freeza was unable to get his wish granted, so now he's headed off to ask a Namekian directly about it! What? You mean there's still some surviving Namekians? That's probably the one who created the Dragon Balls here.

Yeah, that would be Grand Elder-san.

T- this is bad! Once he finds out how to get his wish granted, he's certain to k*ll Grand Elder-san and the others! And if Grand Elder-san dies Once I pass away, the Dragon Balls will also disappear.

He doesn't know that if Grand Elder-san dies, the Dragon Balls will be lost too! W- what? They're here! You certainly made a mockery of us earlier, huh? Now the Commander is here to personally make you suffer the consequences! How about it, Goku? Do you have a chance of winning this time, too? I won't know until I try.

This guy sure appears to have an impressive level of strength, after all.

I see, so this is him, huh? His battle power reads about 5000.

That's right, only 5000.

Strange, isn't it? You idiot! You were made to look like fools because you only relied on the Scouter's rating.

No doubt he just raised his battle power dramatically for just a moment.

That's the type he is.

In my estimation, I'd say he has an actual battle power of around 60,000.

heard of a Saiyan with a 60,000 rating.

It's not unheard of.

He was probably born an extremely gifted warrior, some kind of mutant, just like we were.

This is shaping up to be a fight more interesting than any I've experienced before.

I didn't think the time would ever come when Ginyu-sama would have to display his true power.

I'll keep them busy.

You guys use the Dragon Radar to find the Dragon Balls.

They're probably still near their spaceship.

If I'm able to defeat these guys, I'll join you shortly.

Don't sound so discouraging! Make sure you beat them! Right.

Okay, let's go! We have to hurry, before Grand Elder-san gets k*lled.

He may already have been At any rate, hurry! Vegeta, you take care of the other one.

Now that you've recovered from being near death, your power should be much greater.

He's no longer an unbeatable opponent, right? You knew about that, huh? Really? All right, get going! And be careful! We're off! Good luck, Goku! They're getting away! Let them go.

They're small fry.

Damn it, let there still be time! Hang in there, Grand Elder-san.

All right, we're up, too.

Guess we've got no choice.

See you later, Kakarrot! Vegeta! Your guard is down! Vegeta's ambitions are frightful.

And now, a direct battle between Goku and Ginyu begins.
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