02x31 - What of the Battle's Outcome!? Freeza's Evil Hand Closes Around the Grand Elder

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x31 - What of the Battle's Outcome!? Freeza's Evil Hand Closes Around the Grand Elder

Post by bunniefuu »

117,000 Unbelievable! Even Commander Ginyu's highest battle rating only reached 120,000.

In all the universe, l should be the one whose strength is second only to Freeza's! Stop it! Why you! I- I can't believe it! This is your true power!? N- no wonder we didn't stand a chance against him! How can a Saiyan be so strong? And just so we're clear, I can momentarily put out much more power than even this! What!? You can't possibly You can't possibly be How awful! I want to get away from this planet soon! The Dragon Balls can grant any wish Grand Elder-sama, it's Nail-san! I know.

Why have you returned? Have I not charged you with the task of assisting the people from Earth? My sincerest apologies.

However, it is my duty, above all others, to defend your life, Grand Elder-sama.

Even so If you die, Grand Elder-sama, the Dragon Balls will also disappear.

If that happens, then the Earthlings' wish cannot be granted.

Very well.

It's just over there, Kuririn-san.


Hurry! Bulma-san! We're here for the Dragon Radar! Bulma-san! Bulma-san! Please come out from wherever you're hiding! Good grief.

And us without a moment to lose.

She's never around when it's really important, huh? Kuririn-san, look! Jet-Bike tracks! Where do you suppose Bulma-san would have gone on a Jet-Bike? You don't suppose she's decided to go off touring Namek or something at a time like this? Touring? We'll follow her! We have to get the Radar from her and locate the Dragon Balls before we run out of time! We have to get the Radar from her and locate the Dragon Balls before we run out of time! Right! There it is.

Sure enough, it appears that he finally sniffed this place out.

He's almost here.

Dende, come here.


Go to them, Dende.

The Earthlings stand in need of you.

I've drawn out the power within you, so you should be able to arrive in a short amount of time.

B- but Go now.

Very well.

Grand Elder-sama, please don't die on us! I wonder, will I be k*lled, or will my time to pass on come first? Y- you can't possibly be a Super Saiyan, can you!? You know, Vegeta said the same kind of thing earlier.

But I have no idea what you guys are talking about.

A Super Saiyan! A legendary warrior stronger than any other! How can this be!? H- he's a He's a Super Saiyan, the only thing Freeza-sama is afraid of!? Sorry, but there ain't any way that you can beat me.

I don't want to fight a meaningless battle.

You guys get off this planet.

W- what? Do you really mean that? I really mean it.

Especially you.

You're a much fairer warrior than I thought.

I don't want to k*ll you.

You don't want to k*ll me? You don't want to fight meaningless battles? Get off this planet? A Super Saiyan is supposed to be the strongest warrior in the universe, who loves to fight.

S- so then, you're not a Super Saiyan, are you? You have not completely become a Super Saiyan.

I see You are not a Super Saiyan after all.

Is that right? I see.

So that is where the Namekians are.

Oh, very well.

I suppose I can leave such a speck of dust alone.

He is here.

What do you want? My name is Freeza, and I have a wish that I would like to have granted with the Dragon Balls.

I have managed to gather all seven Dragon Balls together, but for whatever reason, I cannot seem to get my wish granted.

And so I was hoping you could tell me, how does one get their wish granted? I must ask you to leave.

I cannot tell that to anyone who is evil.

Well, well, you still have some friends around, do you? They must have fairly low battle powers.

My Scouter did not pick them up until just now, after all.

Those guys! Looks like we're in time.


S- stop! Don't do it! You don't have a chance against him! Maybe we don't have a chance, but we can still land a punch or two! After all, we're warrior-types too, just like you are.

Warrior-types? Oh, all three of you have battle powers of around 10,000.

I suppose I should expect as much from warriors of this planet.

As far as I am concerned, however, you are still like rubbish to me.

What did you call us!? Stop it! Your deaths will be meaningless! Nail, you take care of Grand Elder-sama.

My children Do you know the password for the Dragon Balls? Well? No, I suppose that rubbish like you would not know.

It was silly of me to have even asked.

I think it would be best for you to accommodate me.

There is no reason why I should not k*ll you.

There are two of you here, are there not? Either one of you would be acceptable in answering my request.

You can do as you wish.

But before we fight, I will say this much: The other one, who resides within this house, is the Grand Elder-sama of Planet Namek.

The Dragon Balls are the creation of this Grand Elder-sama.

Listen well, and get this through that head of yours! If you k*ll Grand Elder-sama, the Dragon Balls will also disappear! Grand Elder? Now I see.

Apparently, you are telling the truth.

He is certainly different from the other Namekians.

Grand Elder-san, I do not suppose that you would be of a mind to tell me, would you? However, you would not refuse to tell me if this gentleman here were about to be k*lled, would you? Nail will not be as easy to defeat as you may think.

He is the strongest of the warrior-type Namekians.

You will not be able to do to him as you have the other Namekians you have k*lled up to now.

It appears you have no intention of telling me, no matter what, do you? l'm counting on you, Nail.

Buy us as much time as you can.


Very well.

If you are going to be as stubborn as this, then I will show you the terror of the strongest being in the universe.

You are not a Super Saiyan.

But you are at least far stronger than I am.

Such incredible strength! Freeza's evil grasp closes around the Grand Elder and Nail.

Will they be able to keep the secret of the Dragon Balls safe? And what will be the outcome of the fight between Goku and Ginyu?
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