02x32 - Surprise!! Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is Goku

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x32 - Surprise!! Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is Goku

Post by bunniefuu »

How audacious it was for them to attempt to inflict even one injury upon me.

Such extreme examples of those who did not keep their places.

Now then, Grand Elder-san, it would appear that there is still one foolish individual out here who does not know his place.

I believe that if this gentleman were about to be k*lled, you would soon change your mind and tell me how to have the Dragon Balls grant my wish.

You will also regret not having spoken up sooner, while you were still unharmed.

If you like, we can spare your life right here and now.

You've probably already realized this, but Grand Elder-sama has only a short time left to live.

It would be bad for you and I both if we were to fight here, with him caught in the middle.

We will change our location.

I do not anticipate the extent of our fight to be that great, but very well.

Anywhere you like.

My apologies, Nail.

Please find a way to hold out long enough for Dende to reach the Earthlings.

At this point, the fate of our planet rests in their hands.

C- Commander Ginyu! What are you laughing about? How can I not laugh about this? I didn't think anyone could be as strong as you.

So why laugh? Because I'm happy to have found someone much stronger than even I, Ginyu-sama.

Yes, yes! Such strength! I'm so happy! I'm so happy! It's been quite a while since I've been so happy! I'm so glad to be alive! W- what!? Jheese Y- yes, sir.

S- so that's it! Commander Ginyu Take care that you do not drop my Scouter.

That's it, all right! How far away are you going? This is far enough! There is no need to distance ourselves any farther than this, is there? I suppose not.

My, my.

Those who wish to die certainly account for a large number of this planet's inhabitants.

How troubling.

This is amazing! Your battle power has risen to 42,000.

I see now.

You certainly are quite different from the other Namekians.

I am surprised.

It is a wonderful battle power.

You certainly live up to your classification as a " warrior-type.

" I wish you were among my ranks.

Well, shall I inform you of the battle power rating which I possess, to use as a reference as you begin your fight against me? My battle power rating is However, naturally I do not intend to use my full power against you, so you need not worry.

What!? I know! What if I were to fight using only my left hand for you? That might make it more enjoyable.

Enough! No, this will not do.

Here I stretched out my neck for you so that you could not miss, and this is all you have? On the other hand, this is about right for someone at 42,000.

Oh my, that was impolite of me.

I will return it to you.

You should not be straining yourself so, should you? I think it would be best for you if you spoke, before you get k*lled.

This is a surprise! You can regenerate? Although, while you may be back in one piece, your situation has not changed.

It appears that you cannot regenerate your energy, as well.

Your battle power has dropped.

My, my.

After having been shown how mismatched you are, you still wish to continue? I have no idea what the people of this planet must be thinking.

I will not allow you I will not allow you to W- what is this? What is going on here, exactly? Does this planet have something personal against me, or something? This time, l've had it for sure! Lucky! lf I can just make it into that cave Just a little farther I- I made it! I'm saved! Huh? Have I been saved? This is so mean of you! This is it! This time for sure! Farewell, everyone! Yow! What? What happened? Here.

Stay back! You pervert, grabber, idiot, monster, whatever you are! Bulma-san! G- Gohan-kun! T- then How could you, Bulma-san? How terrible.

There wasn't even any warning- What have the two of you been up to?! No sooner do you show up suddenly with Vegeta and take the Dragon Ball away, then you take off with him to someplace else! Now, I want to know just what's going on! Do you think you can just leave a delicate lady unattended out here in such a dangerous place, and get away with it?! B- b- but didn't we just rescue you from that dinosaur? B- Bulma-san, at any rate, we need the Dragon Radar! If everything works out, we may still be able to get our wish granted! What's this? You still haven't gotten our wish granted? I saw from the Radar all seven Dragon Balls had been gathered in one place.

I was sure you were the ones who had gotten them together, and I was on my way to meet you.

And now what do I hear? Unbelievable.

What sort of goofing-off have you been up to? G- goofing-off, she says.

Scratch, scratch Bulma-san, pardon me for a second.

Kuririn-san, I've got it.

It's that way! Okay, we're off! Hold on! Tell me what's going on! We're in a hurry right now, so we'll explain later.

Bulma-san, please wait for us back at that island.

Huh!? You've got to be kidding! You expect me to walk back from here? How can you? This is so mean of you! Oh yeah, Father has arrived! R- really? How is he? Has he gotten much stronger? Gohan, let's hurry! Right! Son-kun, huh? I didn't think he would turn out as handsome as he did.

With Yamucha as my boyfriend, all he and I have ever done is fight Maybe I blew it.

Wha- wha- What are you doing?! What the? Y- you're not a Super Saiyan b- but I've still taken a liking to that strong body of yours.

T- taken a liking? S- sure enough, Commander Ginyu is planning on doing that Amazing! How was he able to find that much power in his condition? H- here it comes C- Change!! H- how come I'm over there? I've made an exchange, your body for mine.

Y- you did what? Commander Ginyu! Here's your Scouter.

All right, we're returning to the ship.

Freeza-sama may be on his way back, as well.

Yes, sir! This body is even faster! I can't move! So this is the reason why he injured himself Oh no! At this rate I, I mean, he and Kuririn will meet up! Dammit, not only am I unfamiliar with this body, but with this wound, I can't fly so well.

On top of that, if I manage to safely get back to Earth, l'll probably just get Chichi angry at me again.

L- look at the face l've got now! l'm done for! What's this? Goku and Ginyu have exchanged bodies! Flying toward Freeza's spaceship in search of the Dragon Balls were Gohan, Kuririn, Vegeta, and Ginyu! The battle revolving around the Dragon Balls has taken yet another radical turn!
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