02x34 - That Ain't Me! Gohan, Don't Lose Your Nerve, Hit Your Father!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x34 - That Ain't Me! Gohan, Don't Lose Your Nerve, Hit Your Father!!

Post by bunniefuu »

Jheese, how high is my battle power now? Yes, sir What's wrong? Jheese, hurry up and tell me! I- it's 23,000.

What's that? I can't hear you! There, you hear that!? Just 23,000! That's all! Why? W- why, you ask? You say it's just 23,000!? That's my body there.

You see, unless your mind and body are united, you can't put out any great power! Kuririn, Gohan, you can beat this guy now! I- impossible! T- this is impossible! I- it's true! We just might be able to beat him like this! Let's go, Gohan! R- right! Now, Gohan! What's the matter, Gohan!? Father Gohan! What's the matter, Gohan? I- I'm sorry.

For a moment, he seemed like he really was Father.

I- I know what you mean.

I feel the same way.

But that isn't Goku.

It's Ginyu! Got it? Gohan Kuririn Okay, it won't happen this time.

Here we go! Jheese! What are you doing? Why don't you fight!? Y- yes, sir! Whoa! You're going to face me! Vegeta! You mean that lousy Vegeta is still around? You expect such a wimpy attack to hurt me? W- why!? This body is supposed to have a power greater than 180,000! Didn't you hear what Goku said before? You can't use that body very well.

Why don't you just give up now? G- give up? You expect me, Ginyu-sama to give up!? Don't be ridiculous! Kuririn Gohan For someone such as yourself to even consider picking a fight with me takes a lot of guts! Babble as much as you want! How did you manage to hide yourself!? There wasn't any reading on my Scouter! You guys rely too much on your Scouters! If you were to fight against those guys from Earth, you'd figure it out for yourself! That is, assuming you don't die here first! Don't be ridiculous! The Ginyu Special Corps is made up of only the most super-elite warriors in the universe! There's no way a monkey bastard such as you could ever stand a chance against me! So you say, but you're actually afraid of my renewed battle power, aren't you? W- what? Take a good, long look, with your precious Scouter there.

Afraid, you say? Me? Afraid of a battle power such as yours, Vegeta? I- impossible Dammit! It's broken! Do you really think it was a malfunction? W- why, you! Every time I recover from being near death, I grow stronger.

I've also overcome the limits of ordinary Saiyans, and I'm still getting stronger! Actually, I've just now realized something- This growth in power is not just due to some kind of gift that I have.

Which means, I must be getting very close to becoming one myself! A Super Saiyan! W- what? S- stop talking nonsense! A Super Saiyan is the mightiest of all warriors, delighting in death and battle! Kakarrot may not be cold-hearted enough to become one, but I'm different! I- i- impossible! Attaway, attaway! We're really hitting our stride! L- looks like we're going to beat him, huh, Kuririn-san? I- impossible! How can I, Commander of the Ginyu Special Corps, be beaten by these guys? G- Goku, Sure enough, it was useless trying to stop you, and now you've become tangled up in things better left untouched.

Goku, soon you will realize the hidden terror possessed by Freeza.

It's not too late, even now.

Depart from that planet as quickly as you can! I- if Dende can just make it to where they are You Namekians really are very stubborn.

You have absolutely no chance of winning.

I do not want to use my energy needlessly.

Dende I wonder how much longer I will be able to view Namek's scenery.

I hope it is until Dende reaches the Earthlings.

W- when Grand Elder-sama dies, the Dragon Balls will also disappear.

Before that happens, I have to hurry and meet up with those people.

Oh, no! Gohan! This is strange.

It's like suddenly, it seems like he's gotten much stronger.

Watch yourself, Gohan! R- right! Impressive.

Looks like he's starting to get used to my body.

This ain't good.

From here on out, I'm not going to be pushed around by rubbish like you guys! Here it comes! The Ginyu Special Corps' I haven't done this by myself very much, but there's got to be something good for me to say here Oh well, maybe I'll just skip it this time and leap right into battle.

I- I- I wasn't finished yet! I won't be beaten by that flimsy blast! This one will be even harder! Gohan! Get out of the way! Goku! F- Father Yow-ow-ow! H- how did you manage that in your condition!? I- it's just like you're doing.

I'm starting to get used to this body.

I'm going to fight, too! Y- you may have become partially used to it, but you still can't generate its full power.

We've got to eliminate him, before he completely masters my body.

With the three of us, we can beat him! Kuririn! Gohan! Right, Father! Y- yeah! There's something strange about this, huh? I- I feel the same way.

I- it's a little odd to think that I'm about to attack my own body like this.

Vegeta! There's no way we're going to be beaten by a monkey bastard like you! Babble on all you like! It does not change the fact that you are no longer a match for Vegeta-sama! Now then, how about I show you my true power? S- s- spare me- Vegeta! You didn't have to go that far! You just keep on spouting that soft-hearted nonsense of yours, Kakarrot! You'll never become a Super Saiyan! I'm the only one who has that capacity! What? You, a Super Saiyan? Haven't you taken care of Ginyu yet? All right then, I'll dispose of him for you! Move it! I- incredible! Now, to finish you off! Why, you T- that's enough! Don't k*ll him, Vegeta! Die!! You fool! I- it can't be! Change!! What? Once again, Ginyu's signature technique, the Body Change, bursts forth.

What is Ginyu's target?
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