05x18 - Dangerous Pride!! A Challenge to Cell's Perfect Form

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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05x18 - Dangerous Pride!! A Challenge to Cell's Perfect Form

Post by bunniefuu »

"Dangerous Pride!! A Challenge to Cell's Perfect Form" Dad has this won.

Super Vegeta, you say? W- what's that? It'd be too much trouble to explain in detail.

Imagine whatever you like yourself.

Swagger around as Super Vegeta, will you? In the future, you have been k*lled by Artificial Human No.

17! I have absorbed the power of No.

17 as well! Even a child would understand which one of us must be stronger! Hmph.

So this is what they mean when it's said that someone is yelping as much as a weak dog.

If you've got enough spare time to go on prattling like that, why not worry after your own well-being instead? However hopeless that might be.

Cell has changed quite a bit from before.

I- is that what he calls his perfect form? Has he already gotten No.

18 and the others? A- and after all the trouble Bulma-san went through to make this! Will it have been for nothing as well? T- that's Dad's Garrick-Ho att*ck! Your cells are also within me! Take this!! Dad! V- Vegeta! I- incredible! Vegeta! Vegeta has this won.

I can't believe it.

That's just what I had expected of you, having obtained my cells.

However, although you may be able to mimic my Garrick-Ho, there was no way you could get past the difference in our powers.

Enough! For you to not understand such a thing, does it mean that the inside of your head is hollow? I won't allow something like this to happen!! I- impossible! W- why!? Awesome! He's become ridiculously strong! His body has also become larger He's not the same Vegeta he was up until now.

Is this a new Vegeta? What sort of training do you suppose Vegeta did in the Room of Spirit and Time? Will Son also emerge with power even greater than Vegeta's? Son will not get a turn at this rate, huh? Vegeta is going to finish this by himself.

You see, Trunks? Your father is incredible! He's going to b*at Cell, after all.

You know something, I didn't need to work overnight.

The emergency shutdown controller won't be necessary now, huh? Gohan! Get angry! Pop on off, with a bang! Pop on off, with a bang!! I must have fallen asleep without realizing it Father? Ka me ha me HA!! Father! Gohan, you're awake? F- Father, I'm embarrassed to have fallen asleep.

Gohan, the gravity is ten times greater, during the afternoon, it's 50 °, while at night, it's minus 40 °, and under these terrible conditions, we have to train for a whole year.

That has to be tough for a child like yourself.

When it's time for you to rest, it's okay to rest! I- I've rested long enough.

Father, please train me! Father, please! I'm in a hurry to become a Super Saiyan, like you, Father! When I first came in here, I didn't have your high spirits.

Gohan, you ready? Yes! W- why? He's not supposed to be an opponent worthy of me to begin with What the hell has happened? W- why has Vegeta's power risen to this extent? T- this sort of thing D- dammit, this sort of thing can't be happening! You stupid scum! I'm not going to let this folly take place!! It's overwhelming.

There's too much difference in their powers.

There is a new history being made, entirely different from our own history.

I- is that Trunks? He has become quite a bit more brawny.

I hardly recognized him.

For him to become like this in just one day, it must mean that Room of Spirit and Time or whatever is one awesome room.

Okay, raise your right leg high, now! One-two, one-two We currently have nothing further to report Let your day continue to be tranquil, with What's the deal? Nobody has any more news about what's happening.

Ten-san, how are you doing? My Goku-sa is around, so you can relax! My Goku-sa is sure to be managin' somethin' or other! I want Ten-san to hang in there too.

Still, isn't that the Muten Roshi-sama we all know? He has completely maintained his composure! Nothin' too fantastic about it.

At best, he's just havin' some kind of lewd dream or somethin'.

Goku-sa, don't be worryin' about what comes after, just stick with it! I have to get you to settle this quickly, and then let Gohan-chan get to studyin', after all! Gohan sure does have himself quite a mother.

Don't he? Everyone says so! Take this! Have you ran away? It will be you that dies! I will now savor the greatest feast of all! That's kind of you to say, but I'm most unpalatable! I'm going to suck you! You expect me to become your fodder? This will do fine.

At this rate, once Dad defeats Cell, it won't matter what becomes of No.

16 and No.


We won't even need the help of Son Goku-san and Gohan-san.

Incredible! There's no comparison! Come! Where are you hiding yourself? Dammit! Where are you!? It would appear as if you have received quite a shock, huh Cell? Why don't I tell you of an even further shocking fact? Over there is a guy named Trunks.

Though not to the same extent as myself, he also possesses a power close to mine! It seems that even with you putting out all the power you've got, this is what your level is.

How damned disappointing! You pantywaist! Here I came, wondering what an exceptional guy you must be But now, somehow k*lling you has become such a frivolous matter! Damn it to hell!! Damn it all to hell!! My perfect form if only I could become my perfect form! That sort of guy wouldn't be so Damn! Lousy No.

18! Where are you!? No.

18!? Is she here? Cell is absolutely no match before the overwhelming strength of Vegeta.

For him to become his perfect form, he must absorb Artificial Human No.


However, Cell has not realized that No.

18 is right nearby.
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