06x13 - Direct Hit to Earth!! Cell's Extra-Large Kamehame-Ha

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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06x13 - Direct Hit to Earth!! Cell's Extra-Large Kamehame-Ha

Post by bunniefuu »

Direct Hit on Earth! Cell's Kamehameha! Oh no! I can't believe this! What power! Im-Impossible! And he has even more power? Wh-What was that? For a moment I thought his body was flashing.

Something exploded, then What is going on? Now it looks like he's surrounded by some kind of golden fire! It's a trick, alright! Father The same thing just happened to Cell as well I think both of them are using cheap tricks.

That's right If it isn't a trick, then what else could it be? Right now, a fully powered battle has begun.

Come! Sure.

Very good, Son Goku.

This is just what I wanted.

The pleasures of a battle cannot be savored unless both warriors are of equal strength.

Yeah, I think so too.

Is Is this Kakarotto's real power? Amazing! Goku-san is incredibly strong! What an incredibly strong ki.

He's really different from us.

Why is everyone so surprised? Of course I'm really strong.

Hey, did you get that just now? No way, they were too fast.

I think they were using another trick.

I see.

They were showing great speed, weren't they Mr.


Well they were so-so.

I'm enjoying this, Son Goku.

Wh-What? That's No way! Shinshin No Ken! Damn, Cell has collected Tienshinhan's cells too! You Mr.

Satan, an explanation please.

Do you plan to use that technique to k*ll me? That trick won't work on me.

Is that so? What the hell am I looking at?! That technique has just one weak point.

It weakens your att*ck power.

But isn't his power and speed equal to when he had only one body? I don't want to admit it, but Cell made this technique more of his than mine.

However, Son Goku is not losing.

Son Goku, now do you realize the extent of my power? Yeah.

I guess.

But there's more beyond my already absolute perfect power.

That's Crap, now it's my technique.

Take this! I was waiting for this.

I was waiting for you four to separate! H-He did it! Great, Goku-san! You took advantage of their differences in timing.

Idiots! This is nothing but basic fighting.

Anyway, observe Cell's potential power.

Cell didn't his ki didn't decrease at all.

How's that possible? You're kidding It's Kienzan That's my Kienzan He's using it like Souki-dan.

That's not Kienzan or Souki-dan! That's the last technique Freeza used on Planet Namek.

That stupid Dr.


What a monster he made Freeza's cells are instructing me.

You plan to emerge in front of me and defeat me.

However It won't work! I had already predicted this as well.

You can't b*at me if you continue to rely on other people's techniques.

It's all worthless in the end.

Maybe you're right.

Then, let me finish you with this.

He has raised his ki to maximum.

What does he plan to do? KA ME Stop! You cannot fire the Kamehameha with a power like that! HA ME St-Stop it! HA!! This way, Cell! Wh-What's happening? Why? That Kamehameha should have hit you.

Yeah, it should have.

That's right.

You appeared and then disappeared suddenly before.

It's Shunkanido [Instantaneous Movement.

It's a nice technique.

Shunkanido? Oh, that sounds troublesome.

I want to ask you something too.

If I didn't fly into the sky, would you have fired the Kamehameha and destroyed the earth? Well, I don't know.

But I knew you would fly into the sky.

I see.

You really seem smart.

But I'll tell you this.

I have no problem in destroying the earth.

However, I have no desire to see my fun end just yet.

Well, I have confidence in my speed.

Cell's speed is surprising! Can Goku win?
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