07x10 - A Case of Robbery!! The Culprit is Saiyaman!?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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07x10 - A Case of Robbery!! The Culprit is Saiyaman!?

Post by bunniefuu »

A Great Theft! And the Culprit is the Great Saiyaman!? Where did Chibi go? He was here when I checked up on him the day before yesterday.

He just hatched from the egg, so he shouldn't be able to fly yet.

And I haven't seen the two adult monsters.

Let's look a little more.

I can't watch this enough! Videl, if you want to become a real champion like me, you should train more.

Is that the Tenkaichi Budoukai? I'm looking forward to it.

But papa, I've heard that the champion before you was pretty strong too.

Oh, you mean Son Goku.

He used some kind of stupid trick, so no one really knows who he is.

But I have a lot more real strength than he has.

If I had gone to that competition I would have surely won! Son Son Goku? Goten, weren't you able to find him? I wonder if something happened to him.

Starting today in the park of the Circus Show is a baby monster.

This monster was just found yesterday by Musuka.

The monster appears to enjoy performing in front of an audience.

It's Chibi! Next Sunday, a lot of people are sure to come.

What's he talking about? That little thing's terrified! He must have been kidnapped while the parents were gone.

Otherwise they wouldn't have let this happen.

I feel bad for Chibi.

Don't worry Goten.

Let me handle this.

This must be the place.

Chibi, that's so sad.

I'll save you.

Excuse me.

Are you the most important person in this circus? What do you want? Will you please release Chibi back into the mountains? Don't be stupid.

Do you know how hard I worked to bring that thing to the city!? He's going to have to work hard to make me a lot of money now! But Did you kidnap Chibi just to make you money!? Shut up! I caught him myself! It's my right to use him as I please! What are you going to do about it anyway!? I've got to save Chibi! I have to take Chibi back to his mother and father soon.

I'm sure they're worried about him too.

Wait! They must be looking for him right now! If that's the case, something terrible might happen! Behave yourself.

You can relax now Chibi.

It's me, Gohan! You're okay now.

Let's go back to your dad now.

Good, here we go.

What in hell do you think you are doing!? I'm a Champion of Justice! You damned thief! You're wrong! It's dangerous to swing this thing around.

What is he!? Let's go.

Something terrible has happened Musuka-san.

The monster has been kidnapped! W-What!? Hey, what's wrong? Don't do that.

Are you afraid of flying? I'll just have to run away on the ground.

I guess he still is just a kid.

But you're eventually going to have to fly on your own Chibi! That's the crook.

Get him! Even though he's the Great Saiyaman, I can't let him do this! Give us back that baby monster! Let's get out of here! Good, now we can escape.

We have to get out of town quick! Come back here Great Saiyaman.

You're acting a lot like a thief for being a Champion of Justice, Great Saiyaman.

A thief? Videl-san, this is still just a baby.

I have to take him back to his parents! If I don't, something terrible might happen.

Give me that monster peacefully! If you don't, I'll have to take him from you with force! If you lose to me, don't blame me if I take your mask off, Great Saiyaman.

Why are you wasting time!? Isn't it your job to capture thieves!? Don't worry.

We can leave this up to Videl-san.

Who's that girl? That's Mr.

Satan's daughter, Videl-san.

That's the daughter of the World Champion Mr.

Satan!? I can't believe I'm going to have to fight Videl-san because of this.

Drat Stop this Videl-san! Why? Are you afraid of me!? If you think that I'm weak because I'm a girl, you're in for a big surprise! I want to see how strong you are, but I also want to see who you really are.

This is the perfect opportunity.

Don't try to hold back against me.

You don't know what you're talking about.

I'm not going to hold back against you! Videl's pretty good.

She's a lot stronger than Mr.


I'm sorry.

What are you apologizing for!? Now's my chance.

Do you think you can rebel against me? Chibi! You should be more worried about yourself, Great Saiyaman.

You're making a mistake.

What are you talking about!? If I don't take Chibi back, something really bad's going to happen to this city.

This is for real Videl-san.

Do you think you can trick me like that? Please understand Videl-san! That's the spirit! It wasn't fun before! What do I have to do so she'll understand? Chibi.

Shut up you damn monster! sh*t.

It's a monster! sh**t them! Stop that! They're just here to get their baby! Videl-san, please get Chibi.

If I give them back Chibi, they should calm down! Hurry.

Before something bad happens.


Don't sh**t.

Calm down.

I'm giving you back Chibi, so stop being angry! Do you know those monsters? Yeah, I've played with them since I was a kid.

Right now they're angry, but they're usually pretty nice! They should know who I am even though I'm transformed.

Have you forgotten me? It's me, Gohan! Gohan!? You just said you're Gohan.

Let go of me Videl-san.

You said that you're Son Gohan-kun.

I'm not going to let go of you until you confess! This isn't the time for that! What are you doing? Tottoo! What are you doing!? Do you think I'll give you back my money machine!? Stop it! Watch out Videl-san! I'm sorry Tottoo! Don't worry about him Chibi.

He's just knocked out.

Great Saiyaman.

Videl-san, I'll let you take care of the police.

Bye! Isn't this good Chibi? Aren't you afraid of flying with your mother? You're cute.

Damn it! Next time I'm going to capture the whole damn family! If you try that, I'll make you pay! You picked the wrong monster.

Give it up.

Everyone's safe! Thanks brother! Damn I'm late.

Good morning Son Gohan-kun! Ah Videl-san! Good morning.

Thanks for yesterday.

I'm just glad you're okay.

You can't hide it from me anymore.

You're the Great Saiyaman.

You're him, aren't you Son Gohan-kun? Damn! And I worked so hard to have the perfect costume! I was suspicious about the way you talked.

Why did you wear those funny clothes? Well, you see.

If I wanted my friends to have normal lives, I had to hide how strong I am Your friends? You're the Golden Haired Warrior too aren't you!? You're wrong there! Really? Really.

I can't let her know that.

Okay, I guess.

Videl-san, don't tell anyone else.

Maybe I will.

Son Gohan-kun, are you going to the Tenkaichi Budoukai next month? The Tenkaichi Budoukai? It'll decide the greatest martial artist in the world.

It's being brought back after not being held for a while.

My father was the champion last time.

The one before that was the mysterious man, Son Goku.

He has the same last name you do.

That's an unusual name.

Since you have the same name I think that he's your father.

Am I wrong? Well She's pretty clever.

Thought so.

You're going to come.

Don't you think it'll be interesting for the children of the last two champions to fight at this competition? Since you were able to knock out that monster with a single punch, I'm sure you're pretty strong too.

I'm going to have to pass.

I'm not very interested in that.

Then I'll tell everyone who you are! That you're the Great Saiyaman.

But If you show up as the Great Saiyaman, no one'll know it's you! But Do you want me to tell everyone? Okay, I'll go.

Yahoo! I'm glad there's going to be someone there strong enough for me to fight! Oh no This is exactly what I didn't want.

One more thing Great Son Gohan-kun.

What now? Teach me how to fly.

It wouldn't be fair if you can fly and I can't.

Okay, Videl-san.

Okay, I'm looking forward to it Son Gohan-kun.

I can't b*at Videl-san From one misfortune to another.

Gohan's b*rned his hands on Videl again.
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