02x23 - A Funny Valentine/The Wallflower/Home is Not a Home

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Love Boat". Aired: September 24, 1977 – May 24, 1986.*
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Set on the luxury passenger cruise ship MS Pacific Princess, and revolves around the ship's captain Merrill and a handful of his crew, with passengers played by guest actors for each episode, having romantic and humorous adventures along the way.
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02x23 - A Funny Valentine/The Wallflower/Home is Not a Home

Post by bunniefuu »

( Jack Jones' "The
Love Boat" playing)

♪ Love ♪

♪ Exciting and new ♪

♪ Come aboard ♪

♪ We're expecting you ♪

♪ And love ♪

♪ Life's sweetest reward ♪

♪ Let it flow ♪

♪ It floats back to you ♪

♪ The Love Boat ♪

♪ Soon will be
making Another run

♪ The Love Boat ♪

♪ Promises something
For everyone ♪

♪ Set a course for adventure ♪

♪ Your mind on a new romance ♪

♪ And love ♪

♪ Won't hurt anymore ♪

♪ It's an open smile ♪

♪ On a friendly shore ♪

♪ It's love ♪

♪ Welcome aboard It's love ♪

( majestic theme playing)

( mouths): Wow!

Ned, this is perfect.

What better way to elope?


Have I told you lately that
you're wonderful and handsome

and exciting and sexy?

You forgot well-groomed.

Oh, Ned Dunkmueller. I love you!

You see? That's what
vitamins will do for you.

That's why I take
mine every day.

Would you believe that I'm 57?

No! Oh, thank you.

You don't look a day over 47.

( laughs)

My mother was perfectly content

in Sunnydale Retirement Villa

until that father of yours

conned her into
running off with him.

It was her idea.

She even finagled him into
cashing in his life insurance.

Let's just get
them off this ship

before they harm
themselves further.

Hm! For once we
agree on something.

Excuse me. JULIE: Yes?

I wanna know the
whereabouts of my mother.

She's a frail old lady,

travelling with an
arthritic old man.

His name is Dunkmueller.

Oh, Dunkmueller, yes.

They're on the Promenade Deck.

Cabin 341.

Yes, that's down the
hall and to the right.

You have saved
some wonderful people

from a terrible, terrible fate.

Thank you.

Isaac, you just sent
them to the dining room.

We've only got about
five minutes before we sail.

They're never gonna
find their parents in time.

Ah, love, your magic
spell is everywhere.

You won't believe
this, but as a child

I was blond, almost like that.

He's due for a transfer.

Before the beginning
of this cruise.



Sylvia, what are you doing here?

Well, you're
always talking about

how much fun these cruises are

and how they're
the best vacation

a single girl can take.

So I saved all
year and I decided

I'd let you show me yourself.

I'm all yours.

Oh! Welcome!

Doc. Doc, say hi to my
next-door neighbor, Sylvia.

Say hi to Doc.

Hi, Doc.

How do you like it so far?

Oh, it's wonderful.

Everything's so romantic.

Hey, romance is our middle name.

You could be
married by Acapulco.

When do we get to Acapulco?

( laughs)

MAN: This way. Through here.

All right.

Right over here, you guys.

Oh, watch that one. Watch it.

Uh, What's all this?

"Exclusive property
of Madame Maria,

"internationally known
fortune teller and palm reader.

Continued on next trunk!"


( Stubing reading)


Oh, Julie!

Haven't forgotten how
to make an entrance.

No, you haven't. JULIE:
Captain, I want you

to meet my pal.

Mrs. Mary-Louise Murphy,
also known as Madame Maria.

Murph, I want you to meet
my friends. This is Doc Bricker.

MURPHY: Hello.
JULIE: Gopher Smith.


Sylvia Carblonker.

Hello, Sylvia. This
is Isaac Washington.

MURPHY: Hello,
Isaac. How do you do?

JULIE: And the captain
of our ship, Merrill Stubing.

Well, hiya, Merrill.

Murph's gonna do some palm
reading for the passengers.

That's right. I'm going to tell

all the romantic futures
for your passengers.

Of course, if you'd
like me to audition,

I could read your
palm right now.

No, no, no, no, thank you.

I'm sure your talents

will appeal to all of our
younger passengers.

Oh, come now, Merrill.

Everybody has a romantic future.

Did you hear that?

I'm afraid my romantic
future is all behind me.


I like him.

I think he sort of likes me too.

( foghorn blowing)

( shouting and chattering)

( upbeat theme playing)

Oh, Ned, are we crazy?

( laughs)

I'm crazy about you, Molly.

I mean, cashing
in your insurance

and spending all this money.

Well, what are we
gonna do with it?

Save it for our old age?

( laughing): Oh.

Where would I be without you?

You'd be wasting away

at that Sunnydale
Retirement Villa

with the rest of the old fogies,

instead of opening up
a new life in old Mexico.

But we are crazy. We
don't know a soul there.

You scared?


Me too. ( laughing)

But isn't it a wonderful
adventure, huh?

Oh, Ned, I feel
so, so... Crowded?


Here we are.

Oh, thanks, Gopher.

I really had a good time

watching everybody come onboard.

Did you spot the
man of your dreams?


Where was he?

No one said anything to me.

See you later, Sylvia.

Oh, where are you
going? How do I find you?

We'll be on the Lido Deck.

Uh, why don't you put on a
bathing suit and come on up?

Well, I tell you what.

I could stop back a little later

and we could go up together.


See you in a little bit.

( sighs)

So, uh, Sylvia lives
next door to you?

Must be a pretty
quiet neighborhood.

( majestic theme playing)

Now, Dorie, this line
is your romantic future.

Ah, I see a handsome stranger.

Oh, where? What's he like?

Uh, he's a man.

Oh, great.

I can't wait to call my mother.

Oh, you're bald.

Oh, no, no, leave
it off. Leave it off.

Oh, phrenology is
one of my sidelines.


Oh, you know, reading the
bumps on people's skulls.

Now, look, will you
please stop that?

Oh, I get so carried away

when I see a
great-looking skull.

Great? Great-looking?

You should never wear a hat.


Oh, and such an
attractive smile too.


Yes, um, well,
uh, car... Carry on.

Aye, aye, gorgeous.

Aye, aye, gorgeous?

Oh, Murphy's always
had a way with words.

The Lido Deck

is a great place to meet people.


Well, Sylvia, you just, um...

You meet people.

Here. Wait.

Oh, yes.

Do some of this. Good.

Now, you sit down.

Make yourself comfortable,

and why don't I get you a drink?

What do you want?

Um, club soda, please.

Okay, ahem, coming up.

Was your friend
expecting a dust storm?

One club soda, please.
Hold the wisecracks.

Doesn't she know she
needs bait to catch fish?

Hey, here comes a
likely-looking flounder.

GOPHER: Sylvia.

It's a guy. Notice him.

Sylvia, come on.

Sylvia, turn around.

Oh, she let him get away.

Well, she would have
thrown him back anyway.

Too small.

This situation calls for

confidence-building measures.

As soon as I think of some.

( majestic theme playing)

Mother, this is
for your own good.

You'd be miserable
living in a foreign country,

and quite frankly,

you're much too
fragile to manage alone.

I won't be alone. I'll have Ned.

Francis thinks it's
best if his father

returns to Sunnydale
Retirement Villa.

Now, Francis and
I have to arrange

for a couple of cabins,

and then we'll help
you out to the deck.

Help us out to the deck?

Do my bones rattle that loud?

Don't worry about it.

We only have to put
up with them for today.

Tomorrow we'll get
up at the crack of dawn,

slip off the ship

before they even
have an eyeball open.

Good. I hope so.

Well, it looks like

we're gonna have
to bunk with you.

There is nothing left.

Not even a lifeboat?

An empty shower?

A broom closet?

( laughs)

You two. What a sense of humor.

( majestic theme playing)

Hi. Hi.

Tough finding your
table the first time, isn't it?


Allow me.

Here we go.

Good evening, all. I'd
like you all to meet Sylvia.

Aren't you eating with me?

Well, I'm on duty.

But if there's
anything you need,

you just whistle for your
favorite assistant purser, okay?

Enjoy your dinner.

Are any of you named Sylvia?


Look what I got.

Oh, hey, how about that?

Does every girl on
this ship get roses?


( giggles)

Well, I guess I'm not
gonna have to worry

about you this trip. Or will I?

Let's see this. You
have a secret admirer.

Not bad, and it's
only the first night.

I love roses. I wish I
knew who sent them.

Well, maybe he's shy.

Yeah. Maybe I'd better
get back to my table

in case he's looking for me.

Gopher, did you?

Well, I thought it might

get her more into circulation.

You're too much. You
really are incredible.

And you're a wonderful
judge of character.

We'll have the crab cocktail

followed by the hearts of palm.

That's much too much roughage.

You know what the doctor said.

We'll have the crab cocktail,

spinach salad and
Chateaubriand for two.

Chateaubriand? Absolutely not.

Mother would be up all night.

We don't want their
tum-tums to be upset.

I'll tell you what.

Why don't you bring
everything Ned ordered,

plus four bottles of wine?

Then if our little
tum-tums get upset,

we'll be too bombed to notice.

( laughs)

How was dinner?

Oh, it wasn't bad.

Well, it wasn't supposed to be.

( wolf whistle)

I knew I ate too early.

( clears throat)

Good evening.

Good evening, sir.

Oh, sir, don't forget,

you're supposed to have a
cocktail with Mrs. Wickham

at Carniva Night tonight.

Oh, cancel for me,
will you, please?

Yes, sir. Ship's business?

Yes. I'll be having
my palm read.

( clears throat)

( snickers)

( majestic theme playing)

( marching band music playing)

( balloon pops) Hey!

They'll wear themselves out.

They seem to be
bent on defying us.

Ordering champagne.

It's really unfair.

Who do they think is
going to take care of them

when all this carousing
has taken its toll?

Hm? You and I. Who else?

It's how I spent my life.

( snickers)

Me too. It's really
why I never married.

I'm glad we met.

Even though it had to be
under trying circumstances.

I must say I feel
the same about you.

Thank you.

We should try and
keep our wits about us.

( tittering): Shh!

( laughing): Our
parents may need us.

The heck with our parents. Let's
have some more champagne.

GOPHER: Of course, you know,

life on a cruise ship
isn't one big carnival.

No, sir. There's
a lot of... uh...

well, there's a lot of
loneliness and a lot of...

Lot of, um...

Will you excuse
me just a minute?

Hi. How's it going?

Fine. Great.


Not great.

He hasn't shown up.

I thought for sure
he'd find me here.

Well, Sylvia, you know...

You know, it's like I
said, maybe he's shy.

You should go looking for him.

Oh, I couldn't.

Uh, well, I got an idea.

We could go into
the Acapulco Lounge

and dance and
maybe he'll cut in.

Okay. But it's late.

It is never too
late for romance.

Here, you see that?

( in French accent):
Eight o'clock in the morning

in Paris.

Come, hm?

( laughing) ( clears throat)

Sit down.

You look a little nervous.

Well, I'm really not
sure why I came.

Hm. I am. Give me your hand.

What for?

Do you know another
way to read palms?



Well, let's see now.

This is your love line.

No, this is... This
is your life line.

This is your love line.

Oh, now, wait a
minute. Is that right?

Wait a second.

Sometimes I don't
know which line is which.

So I look at this little chart.

Even Julia Child
uses a cookery book.

It's a phony way to do business.

But I'm just a beginner.

But you build false hopes.

Just because I show
people how to find love?

Listen, if a pirate shows you
where the buried treasure is

and you don't dig for it,
is that the pirate's fault?

I don't understand that at all.

( laughing): Neither do I,

but it sounded good.

Come on, let's start again.

All right.

Oh, you're divorced.

That's right.

How did you know that?

Julie told me.

( sighs)

You're nothing but a fake.

Ooh, I see a man,

sandy-colored hair,
glasses, cute smile.

He's, uh, wearing a white suit.

It's a... A uniform
of some sort.

You're gonna have
a wonderful evening

with dancing,
champagne, moonlight.

And in the morning, ooh, you're
gonna feel like a new woman.

( laughs)

If you don't mind, doctor,
I'd like a second opinion.

Watch your step, son.

( slurring): I don't
have a stepson.

I don't even have a son.

Which is as it should be,
because I don't have a wife.

( cackles)

Which is a darn shame
when you stop to think of it.

A darn shame.

You'd make a wonderful
husband and father.

Not necessarily in that order.

Let... Let me do that.

It's open.

You're welcome.

Let me help you, son.

I'm perfectly helpable
of caping myself.


Francis, don't go to sleep.

We gotta work out the
sleeping arrangements.

Besides, we were only
gonna see the folks to bed

and then you were gonna
take me out in the moonlight.


( yawns)

Oh, Ned, they're both snockered.

Yeah. Let's pack.


I'll bet these roses were
sent to the wrong table.

I'm sure they weren't.

You'll probably find
each other tomorrow.

And even if you don't,

there are still a lot of
other guys on the ship.

Right. Why limit yourself?

Thanks, but you don't
have to try and cheer me up.

Some people just aren't
cut out for romance,

even on a cruise ship.

( dramatic theme playing)

( giggling)

( laughing)

( mellow theme playing)

What are you doing?

Oh, captain, you
have a lovely boat,

but you can't expect
me to stay in a cabin

where the windows don't open.

Windows don't open on a
ship. Now, you can't sleep here.

Is there a rule against it?

Uh, it's highly irregular.

Oh, captain. Do I strike you
as a highly regular person?

( sighs)

Good night.


I want to apologize.

I was very hard on
you earlier tonight and...

Well, I guess I was
expecting something...

You were expecting me
to promise you romance.

And then to make
the promise come true.

Yeah, it was silly of me.

You never said
you could do that.

I never said I couldn't either.


The trouble with
you, Merrill Stubing,

is underneath that
starched white personality

is this sloppy old romantic
that's fighting to get out.

To make it worse, there's this

rather attractive,
dizzy girl who's spent

the better part of today
trying to get you to notice her.

And if that weren't enough,

here you are
sitting alone with her

under the dreamy starlit sky.

You're in trouble, pal.

Why do I have the feeling

that you knew a long time
ago that we'd be here together?

Because you probably
had the same feelings,

only you wouldn't admit it.

You see, that's
the key difference

in our lifestyles, captain.

I think I'm starting to believe

that you can predict the future.

Well, I certainly know

what's gonna happen
in the next two seconds.

Say good night, Merrill.

Good night, Merrill.

( romantic theme playing)

( mellow theme playing)

Sir? Hm?

Captain? Sir?

Uh, what time is it?

Five thirty, sir, a.m. Oh!

You'll be needed on
the bridge in 25 minutes.

We're coming into
Puerto Vallarta.

I overslept, I won't
have time for breakfast.

Breakfast is ready. Hm?

Fresh papaya, brioche
with marmalade,

crisp bacon, scrambled
eggs and coffee.

That'll be all, Isaac.

Yes, sir.

Good morning. Good morning.

Here's to you.

Oh, and to you.

To us.

( majestic theme playing)

Francis. Francis, wake up.

Go to sleep.

Francis, we're in bed together.

( chortles): Yeah.

It's kind of nice, isn't it?

We're what?

Shh! You'll wake
the folks. Our folks!

Darling, I bet you my boots

they're still sound asleep.

They're gone!

Francis? Did you
call me "darling"?

( laughs)


( screams)

( people laughing)

A bride should have a bouquet.

Oh, Ned.

Looks like we gave
the kids the slip.

What do you think they'll
do when they find out?

Well, if it's left up
to Francis, not much.

What do you mean?

Well, he's not what
you call a man of action.

He's... He's sort of a wimp.

( laughs)

Molly, you're talking
about my flesh and blood.

Well, while you were at it,

you should have thrown
in some backbone.

People who live in glass houses

shouldn't throw backbones.

Ha! Well, look what you raised.

A finicky, dried-up daughter.

She is sweet and kind.

Everybody says she's a saint.

Hm. Saint Prune.

Are you intimating that
I'm not much of a parent?

Well, it seems that's
what you're saying to me.

I'm not saying anything
to you. Not anymore.

Dad, thank goodness.

Mother, are you okay?

You were right.

I was crazy to think

about running away with this...

Take your flowers. Oh, there...

Now, Dad, what did I tell you?

I know.

Your father's a silly old fool.

No, you're not silly
and you are not a fool.

I guess that just leaves old.

I never would've believed it.

Do you mean that
the captain and Murphy

spent the whole night
together on the Lido Deck?

You got it. ( howls)

( all laugh)

Kids sure do crazy things

when they're in
love, don't they?

Gopher, you were right.

All of you.

GOPHER: Well, of
course we were right.

About what?

Last night when you
dropped me off at my cabin,

I walked into my room

and it was filled with roses.

Everywhere I looked.
Roses, roses, roses.


Well, if I get that many
flowers at my funeral,

I'll be the happiest
girl in the world.

Oh, I'm so glad
I listened to you.

This is the best
vacation a girl could take.

I'm going back to my cabin

and wait for my secret admirer.

Sylvia, don't you think he'll
probably be looking for you

on the Lido Deck?

I wasted all yesterday there.

He probably didn't
wanna approach me

with all those other
people around.

So I better go.

( chuckling)

Now you've really done it.

Dumb, dumb, dumb.

The first time it
was sweet, Gopher,

but this time it's just cruel.

Maybe there are no roses.

Maybe she just made that up

as an excuse to
stay in her cabin.

You know how depressed
she was last night.

Oh, poor kid, she's
making them up.

And it's all my fault.

( dramatic theme playing)

There it is.

Now, Mother, I
know we're on a boat,

but believe me,
he's a real doctor.


Hi, come on in.

Oh, Dr. Bricker, could
you see my mother?

She isn't feeling very well.

Well, of course.

What seems to be the problem?

Oh, I just don't feel up to par.

I guess I'm not
the girl I used to be.

Well, you're the prettiest
patient I've had all day.

Must have had a slow day.

( laughs)

I'll examine your mother.

Come back in about half-hour?

Okay. I'll see you later, Mom.

Now, this won't hurt a bit.

Rowena. Oh.

Are you all right?
Oh, I'm... I'm fine.

Mother isn't feeling
well. Where's your Dad?

Resting in the cabin.

His arthritis, acting up on him.

Oh, I'm sorry.

It's an awfully good
thing we came on this trip.


( dramatic theme playing)

( soft dance music playing)

Hello, young lovers,
wherever you are.

I hope your troubles are few.

Why are you smiling?

This could be our theme song.

Let's get out of here.

What's wrong?

Too many grownups.

( music stops) ( people applaud)

( disco music playing)

( Rowena titters)

Champagne, please. Yes, sir.

You know, when you
two first came onboard,

I did not think that you
were the fun-loving types.

Fooled you, didn't we?

You sure did.

You know, you're
just like your folks.

I mean, full of the
joy of being alive.

Say, where are they? I
haven't seen them all day.

Francis, what have we done?

I don't know. But we
did the wrong thing.

( mellow theme playing)

( disco music playing)

I really should be
getting back to my cabin.

After just one dance? Never.

Think she's having a good time?

Oh, it's better than moping
around alone in your cabin.


I'm sorry, I really wanna
get back to my cabin.

He'll be looking for me.


Hey, dance? Boy, I'd love to.

Gopher, why won't anyone
let me go back to my cabin?

I mean, all day long,
shuffleboard, badminton, bingo.

Don't you want me to
find my secret admirer?

Uh, Sylvia, come here.

You know, I wanted you

to have a really great
time on this cruise.

Oh, I know. If you'll let
me go back to my cabin...

You came aboard
because I told you

what a romantic
place this ship was.

But I thought you needed

a little bit of help
finding the romance.

Oh, what are you talking about?

( sighs)

I guess I figured
that if you thought

that someone
was looking for you,

you'd have enough
confidence to mingle

and you'd really find someone.

So I sent the roses.

Sylvia, I'm sorry.

No, that's okay.

Oh... I knew it was
too good to be true.

I... People like
me don't get roses.

I'm sorry I was so much trouble.

Are you ready?

Okay, everybody. Up and at 'em!

What is it, Rowena?
Is something wrong?

That's just it.

There is nothing wrong
with either one of you.

Rowena and I are sick
of playing nursemaid.

But I don't... ROWENA: No buts.

We think it's time we got a
chance to live our own lives.

And we won't have the
money to send you back

to Sunnydale Retirement Villa.

We are going back to dance.

If you wish to sit here and
listen to your arteries harden,

that's your affair.

Spunky little
twerp, that Francis.

He's more like
you than I thought.

I think he's stuck on Rowena.

And I can see why.

I've always felt that
way about her mother.

Oh, Ned!

( chuckling)

( titters)

( dramatic theme playing)

( whimpering)

Hi. Hello.


Oh, you look as if you
could use a palm reading.

No, I don't... I don't think so.

I already know my past,

and there's nothing
special about my future.

Oh, well, why don't you

let me be the judge of that?

Come on. What
have you got to lose?

Now, let me see.

Ah, I... I see a
man. I do see a man.

A man with roses.

Gopher told you to say that.

Come on, let's go.
No, I did. Really.

( crying)

Hello. I'm Monroe Munvies.

Um... I'm Sylvia Carblonka.

I know.

You're very popular.

It's hard to find you alone.

Me? Yeah.

Did you like the roses?

Oh, Gopher told you too.

I sent them.

He said he did.

He's a liar.

Well, maybe he sent the
two little ones at dinner.

But all of the other ones
in your cabin were from me.


Why didn't you tell me?

Well, I'm not very good
at approaching girls,

especially pretty ones.


Besides, you're always
with that Gopher guy.

Oh, he's just a
friend from home.

Like a brother.


Well, he seems very nice.

Um, if you'd like, I
think we could dance.

Um, I mean, that is, if
you want, if you'd like.

Yeah, I'd like that very much.

How about here in the moonlight?

Oh, that would be fantastic.

Oh, I mean, um, sure.

Um, I think it's
only fair to tell you,

I'm kind of short.

You're 10 feet tall.

( romantic theme playing)

STUBING: Come on. Stand up.

I wanna show you something.

Now, close your eyes.

What for?

Just close those green eyes.

Come on.

( chuckling): Keep
them closed now.

I'm watching you.

I got a big surprise.
Gonna make you happy.

( humming)

Okay. Open.

( both laugh)

Oh, Merrill.

I bought it hoping it would
make me feel young again.

That was before I met you.


Would you throw it overboard?

All right. Hair today,
gone tomorrow.

( both laughing)

Oh, I've had such fun. ( sighs)

It doesn't have
to end, you know.

You could stay on
the ship for a while

as the entertainment.

Or, uh, maybe get
a job in the gift shop.

I could arrange it.

We could be together.


I... I love you too.

It's just that I'm...

I'm better at romance
than I am relationships.

I don't understand.

Tonight you're the most
important thing in my life.

But next week, well, who knows?

Commitment just isn't one
of my long suits. I'm sorry.

Oh, I, uh, I'm sorry too.

But I certainly
understand your reluctance

to become involved with
someone who is so much more...

So much more mature.

( laughs): I knew it.

Oh, Merrill, you
are a fuddy-duddy.

I love you because you're you.

Is that so difficult
for you to accept?

It's just highly irregular.

Highly irregular? Yes.

I know.

Well, that's it then, isn't it?

You're much too staid for me,

and I'm much too dizzy for you.

So let's call the
whole thing quits

before we hurt each other.

Do you mean that?

Well, of course I mean it.

I wouldn't have said it if
I didn't mean it, would I?

I don't know.

Look, can't we,
uh, reconsider this?

Oh, Merrill, you
are a fuddy-duddy.

Good night.

( door closes)

( dramatic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)

Remember my Princess special.

Two blood tests
for the price of one.

ALL: Oh!

It's gonna be a double wedding?

ROWENA: That's right.

But separate honeymoons.

He snores too loud.

( laughs)

Well, it's been
wonderful, thank you.

Pleasure having you. Bye-bye.

It was a pleasure.
Hope you enjoyed it.

Oh, I enjoyed.

Bye-bye. Congratulations.

Yeah, hey, what's the rush?
And where's the captain?

Oh, it turned into such a mess.

Oh, I'm sorry for both of you.

Please give this to Merrill.

Sure, sure.

Bye-bye. Bye, darling.

And I'm sorry.

Oh, thanks, Gopher.

Thanks so much for everything.

You can say that again.

Oh, this cruise is everything

you said it would be.

Have I ever lied to you?


( giggles)

Bye, now. Thank you.

JULIE: Uh, captain? Yes?

Uh, Murphy left this
for you. And I'm sorry.

MURPHY: Dear Merrill,

I'm sorry it had
to end this way.

I know I'm a coward
running off like this,

but saying goodbye is
also not one of my long suits.

I had a wonderful time.
I do love you. Murphy.

certainly blew this exit,

didn't I?

Here I write this
touching goodbye letter,

and then I don't even leave.

How come?

I don't know.

I was all set to
go, and then I...

I started thinking about
that job you mentioned

in the gift shop.

Well, maybe I
could get to like it.

You'd hate it. But...

No, you know you
would. I know it too.

Now, I love you, Murphy.

Enough to let you go.

So you better beat it
before I lose my nerve.

You're the captain.

Well, I'm going now.

You certainly do have a
heck of a long love line.


Maybe we can say goodbye
better over breakfast.

Yes, or lunch, or
maybe even dinner.

I have a week off.

Well, that ought
to give us time.

( romantic theme playing)

( majestic theme playing)
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