01x06 - "First Duel" / "The Beautiful Harpy Ladies"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x06 - "First Duel" / "The Beautiful Harpy Ladies"

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

[Pegasus laughs]

All over the island,

My unwitting pawns
are in place.

The duels have begun,
and by now...

The slow process
of elimination

Is well underway.

Only the strongest
duel monsters players

Will survive, and those
of insufficient skill

Will fall by the wayside.

Ok, bring 'em on.

I'm itchin' to duel,
and I'm takin' on

The next player we see.

You know,
I'm not so sure
joey's up to this.

Yeah, there are
players here.

But don't you think
he's smart enough
to realize--

Here I stand, the next
duel monsters champion!

Oh, he needs
a reality check.

Guess he's about
as smart as he looks.

I'd better be
the champion...

for serenity's sake.

She's always
counted on me.

Even when
we were kids.

Where are we, joey?

Where have you taken me
today, big brother?

To the beach.

That's what
you said you wanted.


Hey, joey?


You're the world's
best brother.


Oh, joey,
it looks so pretty!

Joey: and so cold!




What a great day!
We gotta come back here!

But how?

Don't worry.

Even if mom and dad
do get divorced

And we have
to live apart,

I'll still bring you back
to this place someday.

You promise?

Yeah, I promise.

I'm your big brother,

I'm supposed
to take care of you.

I'm gonna win
this tournament

And the prize money.

I'm gonna make sure you
don't lose your eyesight

And show you that beautiful
ocean one more time.

I promise.

[Crowd cheering]

Look there.

duel monster stadiums.

Look at 'em.
They're all over.

You said it!
Lots of dueling going on.

I'm goin' in.

You sure you want
to do this?

If you lose, you give up
your only star chip.

That's right.


Don't panic.
You can do
this, joey.

You do know
that, don't you?

I hope you're right, yugi.

This'll be
my first official duel,

And I can't afford
to get knocked out
at the start.

True, but not
everyone here
is a pro.

I'm sure you
can find someone
on your level.

Go for someone easy, joey.

And I guess I should
think about what kind

Of field my cards
are best suited for.

They're mostly monsters
and fighter types.

I guess that makes
this meadow region

My kind of turf.

that's right, joey.

See? You know
what you're doing.

Mai: you lost, crybaby.

Now give me
your star chips.

A voice that annoying
can only belong to mai.

It's not fair.
You cheated somehow.

How could you know
what your cards were

When they were
still face down?

I'm psychic.

And you're done.




Well, look who's here.

Wow. Mai's already
won more star chips.


Hey, yugi,

Are your duels
going well?

I'm making progress.

So you have
star chips,
do you?

I might
be up for
a duel myself.

Take her!

Knock her out
of the contest
and off the island!

Hmm. You know,
I'm definitely

In the mood for
a duel right now.

So get ready,
because I choose

To challenge
you, joey!


You challenge me?

Do you have the guts
to accept?

Get it?
I want to play you, kid.

Ha! Guess you heard
about my skill.

Don't flatter yourself.

I overheard you and yugi
talking on the boat,

And I know he gave you
the only star chip

That you had.
My motto is,

"Take out the weakest
players first."

And considering
that you wouldn't even

Be here if yugi
hadn't given you
one of his chips,

You've got to be
the weakest duelist
on the island.

Hey, do you have
to be so insulting?

This time she was
being truthful.


Mai's ruthless.
Don't duel her first.

Don't you get it?
If you lose this contest,

You're out for good.

Yugi, stand up
for joey.

You have to fight her
in his place.

Yugi: this is his
decision to make.

Show mai what
you're made of.

Right. She thinks I'm
a pushover, but she'll see.

Tea: yugi!

Tristan: you can't
be serious, joey.

I've never been
more serious.

Don't you see?
This is my chance
to prove myself...

To show everybody.

Don't forget,
gramps trained me.

I mean, sure,

Gramps didn't get a chance
to finish my training.

And granted, I wish
I'd had a chance

To practice more
before getting thrown

Into a tournament this huge
with so many heavy hitters.

But honest,
I think I can take her.

Oh, man.

You'd better be right--
for your sister's sake.

Yeah, you better not
screw this up, joey.

I accept.
Let's duel.

Get ready to lose.

Go get her,

Kick her butt!


He'll do fine.

Since you only have
one measly star chip,

I only have to bet one
of mine against you.

Joey: at least this
region will give me
a field advantage.

Huh? Oh, no!

What are all
those mountains
doing on my field?

The field we'll battle on
is % forest, % mountain,

And the last % is meadow.

So deal with it
or surrender.

Calm down, joey.
You'll be ok.

Your monsters
will still get
a field power bonus

On the meadow part
of the field.

Oh, yeah.

Listen, mai,

Not for nothing,
but I gotta ask you

One question
before we duel.

Hmm? What?

Why did you decide
to take part

In this tournament?

Tell me, mai,

Why is it you duel?

Why do I duel?

For all the comforts
that I crave:

Designer clothes,
travel, perks--

to avoid real work.

Hot cars turbo-charged
for livin' large.

Huh! So that why you
want the prize money?

How selfish.

How dare you try
and judge me!

Who do you think you are,
you pathetic little snot?

Hey, you're only
dueling for things.

But for
your information,

Some of us fight for
the people we love.

You'll show her, joey.

Show her what it's like
to duel from the heart.



So to start
the game off,

the legendary swordsman.

The field power bonus
will bring his power
up over points.

Hey, I made
my first move!





What do you think
you're doing?

Divining my card.

I have
to mystically choose

Which one
of them's the best.

Huh? What are you,
a psychic?

And the best card
would be...

Hmm. The harpy's lady!

Her strength is boosted
by the mountain's
field power bonus.

I'll still take it on.



Joey, wait!

Land monsters are
at a disadvantage
to flying monsters!

that can fly

Have a magical

Against monsters
that can only walk
on the earth.

So joey blew it

No, but he att*cked
too soon--before
he thought about

What her monster
was capable of.


Joey: my samurai's sushi!

Mai: oh, cards,
speak to me!


And I'll choose again

Without looking.

Huh? How's
she doing that?

losing it!

Guess that mop head
wasn't for this duel.

Hey, joey!

Think about what you're
doing before you move again!

Joey: how can she
read the cards

When they're
lying face down?


Mai: my little card trick
has made this kid forget

Everything he ever knew
about duel monsters.

All I have to do is just
keep pushing his buttons.

What do I do?

Maybe this one,
tiger axe!

My field power bonus
should raise
its attack power!

So it can take on
the harpy's lady
head to head.

You're not thinking!

It's still resistant
to magic!

Right. Tiger axe
is another handicapped
earth-based monster.




Hmph. It'll take
stronger monsters

Than your land-based wimps
to beat my harpy's lady.

Now I'll play
this lovely card

Without even looking.

I'll give you a hint.

It's an equipment
magic card

That will help me defeat
yournext card in one turn.

Again with all
that psychic stuff?

Joey: can she see
my cards, too?

Since I can't see
what she's playing,

I gotta get defensive.

Running scared, huh?

Well, let me show you
my surprise--

Cyber shield, to juice up
my harpy's lady.


[Growls]joey: no!

How's she doin' that?

Ha ha ha ha.
This is so much fun.

In case you were wondering,

The next card
you were thinking of
won't work either.

Mai has e.s.p.
It has to be it.

I'm gonna lose
this duel match

And the chance
to save my sister.

Ha ha ha.
This game is mine.

You can't win against me.

She's right.
She's too much for me.

Settle down.
Joey, remember what
my grampa taught you

About how to play
duel monsters.

Don't let her
rattle you.

She's just trying
to psych you out.

Hmm. Stay out of this!

Your brainless

Isn't going to help him
against the superior power

Of my harpy ladies.

Don't you guys get it yet?

Friendship doesn't
win duels, never will.

It hasn't helped him.

He's defeated,
and he knows it.

Not true.

No? I beg to differ.

There can be
only one champion.

On this island,
in this game,

Someone can be
your best friend today

And your worst enemy

Once the competition
forces you

To face each other
in a duel,

Where's your friendship

That's why
the only person

A duelist can trust
is himself.

I hope that
your defeat today

Teaches you
that lesson, kid.


He's losin' it!

He needs help.
Yugi, help him!

Yugi: yu-gi-ohh!

Don't listen to her, joey.

We're here to help you

Just like you're
always there for us.


Trust me on this.

She's just trying
to divide and conquer,

A strategy that's been used
for centuries.

Believe me. I know.

When you get that
look in your eye,

I believe
everything you say.

Ha ha ha ha.

Do you really think
yugi wants youto be
the grand prize winner?

He's a duelist, too,
you know.

To win, you'll eventually
have to take him on.

She's right. We will
have to duel, but--

Yugi, you're the best
friend I ever had.

Don't worry. We'll rescue
your grandfather.

We'll do it together.
We're a team.

We are a team,

But I also have
to win the contest
for serenity.

I'm sending you this video

Just so you don't forget
your little sister's face.

It seems like
I'm running out of time.

Take care, joey.

What do I do?

Maybe yugi's right
about this thing.

I have to stop listening
to mai's nonsense

And start using my head.


I just gotta concentrate
on how to win the game.

Joey: there's gotta be
a way to beat mai.

If I can just figure out

How she knows
what our cards are--

If she's not psychic,

There must be
somethin' else she's doin'.


What's that strange smell?

I never noticed that smell
when my eyes were open.

I'm smellin' a bunch
of different perfumes

Comin' from...

Her cards!


Mai: let's go, kid.
It's your turn.

That's it.

I see through
your card trick.

You sprayed
all your cards

With different perfumes,

And by smellin' each
different scent,

You can tell
which card is which

Even when
they're face down.

So you don't
have to look

In order to play
your cards.

That way you can psych
the other player out.

No way! How could
an amateur punk like you

See through
my aroma strategy?

It's just impossible!

I gotta admit, mai,

You really had me
buyin' into the whole
psychic power shtick.

I was too freaked out

To think things through
because of that,

But you're not
a psychic at all!

You're just a big fake.

All right, joey!

Go get her, joey!you the man!

Yugi, you were right!

Just because
you saw through

My little psychic act

Doesn't mean you're
going to be able

To defeat me in a duel.

I think you're wrong.

Before you were winnin'
by confusing me

And tryin' to pit me
against my friends,

But now my mind is clear.

I know who I can trust.

All you've got left
is your cheap tricks,

And I won't fall
for 'em anymore.

I'm gonna blast
your harpies

Out of the sky
with this.

Good card, joey.

Joey: baby dragon.


Ha. That wimpy card
is your grand play?

I only wish it was
worth some more

So when I devastate you,

It would do more damage
to your life points.

My card will be
elegant egotist.

Its magic
will make duplicates
of my harpy's lady.

Oh, no!

Harpy's lady ...



It's times
the trouble.

Now what? He was
struggling when
there was only one.

Don't give in, joey!

You've still got
all kinds of moves left.

Really? What moves
would those be?

How would I know?
Ask an expert.

Ask yugi.

It's joey's duel.
He has to figure it out.

I don't have any cards
strong enough to beat
harpy ladies.

Ha! And I'm going
to keep using the magic
of elegant egotist

To double my harpies
again and again each turn.

Ha ha. But while
my harpies multiply

I can't attack you,
so it's your move.

Of course, you'll soon
be up against an army.

An army of harpies.

How the heck
do I fight an army?

She's got a whole army.

How am I supposed
to beat that?

Yami yugi:
don't give up, joey.


Think hard
about her strategy.

She's been using
only one monster card

And strengthening
that one card

With many magic cards,

But there's a serious flaw

In her dueling strategy,

Using magic on one card?
That's true.

She's just been juicing
up the harpy ladies
every turn,

But if she has
mostly magic cards,

Maybe the harpy ladies
are her only monsters.

I bet if I can just
defeat her harpies,

She won't have any
monsters left to play.

That's right, joey.
Now think.

What card in your deck
will help you win?

Which of my cards?
You tell me.

Wait! I think
maybe you did.

Yugi: salamandra and
a kunai with chain,

Baby dragon and
shield and sword.

Great! With these
new magic cards,

Combined with
your monsters,

You'll have
a real strong deck.

All right!

Here, add this
to your deck.

It can be helpful
in a tight spot.

The time wizard.

This is the kind of
tight spot

Yugi must've been
talkin' about.

Now, if I can
just remember

What gramps taught me

About the way to use
a magic card.

It's my only chance.

But do I have it
in my hand?

If I had known how long

It was going to take you
to make a move,

I would have
brought a magazine.

Uh-oh. The time wizard's
not in my hand.

I'll have
to draw for it.

Ahh, but what if
I don't get it?

Ohh, what if--

Yami yugi:
trust in your cards, joey.

Trust in yourself!

Ahh! Here I go.

It's all or nothin'.


Huh? All right!

It's the time wizard!


Hmm? What good
is that thing?

Don't you know?

The time wizard
can make time
go faster,

my baby dragon

To grow into
a thousand dragon.

Right, joey, and that's
not the only affect

Your time wizard will have.

Time magic.

Joey: baby dragon,
transform into
thousand dragon.


So now you have
a bigger dragon.

Big deal.

My harpy ladies still have
greater attack power.

Attack it,
my harpy sisters!

[All shrieking]

What?! What happened
to my harpy ladies?

They've gotten so old.

Ha ha. I warned you.

A millennium has passed
on the playing field,

And your harpy ladies

Have become old
and decrepit.

Face it, mai.

Time's running out for you
and your ladies.


I believed,

And the cards
came through for me.

Go, thousand dragon!


Attack with inferno
flame breath!



Hah, ha ha.

He did it!
Joey won!

I knew you
could do it!

Thanks, guys.


Ohh. How?

How could I ever lose
to such an amateur?

Joey: hey, mai.

I tried to tell ya,

There's more
to duel monsters

Than just kickin'
the other guy's butt.

If you're ever gonna be
a real champion,

You gotta learn
to care about someone

Other than yourself.

Isn't that right, yugi?


Yugi: I'm proud
of you, joey.

All your hard work
and training paid off.

You went from a guy

With nothing
but eagerness and attitude,

To a winning duelist

Who battles with his head

And his heart.
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