01x09 - "Duel with a Ghoul" / "Revival of the Dead! Magical Silk Hat"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x09 - "Duel with a Ghoul" / "Revival of the Dead! Magical Silk Hat"

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh...

Pegasus: seto kaiba

Has abandoned
his corporate station,

And now you five

Wish to seize control
of kaiba corp.

You then want to merge
with my company,

And you'd like me
to handle

Any messy details, yes?

Big : for our plan
to succeed,

Kaiba must be taken
out of the picture

We recommend kidnapping
kaiba's brother mokuba.

In name, he will
control kaiba corp,

But we will control him.

Do these things for us,

And we will lay
all of kaiba corp's technology

At your feet.


we know you're in there!

Open the door,
or we'll break it down!

Second goon:
let's go, kaiba.

Mr. Pegasus would like
to have a few words with you.

Kaiba: you'll never
take me alive!

Get him!

Nobody could survive
a fall like that.


Get him off me.

Put him down now.

I'll consider it
if you win the duel.

There is your opponent.


Kemo: he's an old friend
who's dying to see you again.

He met with an unfortunate end
earlier today,

But he's come back
just to duel you.

[All gasp]


Yes, yugi.

It's me, kaiba,
and this time,

You don't stand
a ghostof a chance.

[Sinister laugh]

♪ Yu-gi-oh,
yu-gu-oh, yu-gi-oh ♪

♪ Your move

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

[Kemo laughs]

Yugi, you don't have
a ghost of chance

b*ating kaiba

Because this time
he isa ghost.

A ghost?

Stop it, kemo!

It's a fact.

Witnesses saw him
fall to his doom.

[All gasp]

Liar! Take back
what you said!

Get used to it.

All that's left
of kaiba

Are your memories.

a very cranky ghost

Just looking
for revenge.

It's not him!

Well, he's seen
better days.

It's time to duel
with the ghoul.

It can't be!

That guy's
but a fake,

A trick
by pegasus.

don't worry, mokuba.

I'll win your freedom.

Then we'll find
your brother.


This is extremely

I just love reality tv.

Who is yugi dueling?

It's kaiba--
what's left of him.

The poor boy had shown
so much promise.

Croquet: but now

How did you do that?

I really can't
take all the credit.

I had help from yugi.

Pegasus: and now,
to return the favor,

I'm going to teach him
a lesson

About the real power
of the millennium items.

Kaiba: yugi, you look
like you've seen a ghost.

That's enough.

Kaiba: I am no longer
of this world,

And it's all
because of you.

I could have had it all,
but when you b*at me,

You took more
than just the match.

You stole my life
and destroyed my soul.

You're nothing
but an impostor,

So stop the lies

And let's start
the duel.

Kaiba: fine with me.

This time,
you won't b*at my cards.

You might
look like kaiba,

But there is no way
you can imitate
his deck.

You mean my deck.


b*at him,

He's nothing
but a fake!

Yeah. That ghost don't
even look like kaiba.

That's right.

Téa: wait. I mean,

It's not a ghost,
and it's not kaiba.

get him, yugi!

Kaiba: yugi,

I know you can hear me.

I know you can sense
my thoughts,

And I know that you
can see the truth.

I amkaiba,

But this time,

You're dueling someone
who's got nothing to lose.

Kemo, once I b*at yugi,

Pegasus can have
kaiba corporation.

All I want is revenge.

says I win.

Fine by me.

That means
when the duel's done,

I'll have !

Let's duel.

Guess I'll go first.


And I'll start off
with the hitotsu-me giant.



Is something wrong?

It's your turn
to move, yugi.

The hitotsu-me giant

Is how kaiba
began our last duel.

There's a card just like
that in my brother's deck.

Hey, just 'cause
it's the same card

Doesn't mean
it's the same deck.


he's trying
to confuse me

By making the same
opening move

That kaiba did,

But it'll have
the same result.

I'll start
with this card.

Go, dark magician!

With an att*ck strength
of !

dark magic att*ck!

Yugi: so much
for your giant.


You're as strong
as ever, yugi.

[Kaiba ghost laughing]

Did you see that?

That carbon-copy kaiba
is laughin'.


It's funny how things

Have come full circle,

What are you thinking

In that feeble brain
of yours right now?

I bet I know.

You've come to the conclusion
that no matter what,

There's no way you can win,

And you couldn't
be more right.

Even a simpleton
like you

Now knows that
I mustbe seto kaiba,

And once you accept
that fact,

You may as well
accept defeat.

I don't care
who you are,

You're going
to lose to me
just the same.

But, yugi,
you barely b*at me

The last time we dueled.

And this time,
your big advantage is gone.

What do you mean?

Heh heh. Exodia.

You've lost exodia.


You could
only b*at me

With exodia
in your deck.

And without it,

You can only lose.


♪ Disappear

♪ Outta here

♪ It was time
to pay my dues ♪

♪ Never guessed

♪ That you'd be dressed

♪ In my clothes
and in my shoes ♪

Get him!

Nobody could survive
a fall like that.

♪ Move right in

♪ If I were you,
I'd be concerned ♪

♪ Either way,
you'll come again ♪

♪ And catch it in account
on my return ♪

♪ I thought you were
a soldier ♪

♪ You had it all
under control ♪

♪ Now enough is enough

♪ I'm gonna take back
what you stole ♪

♪ Give it up

♪ 'Cause now I'm back

♪ Give it up

♪ 'Cause now I'm back

Computer: running identity
verification protocol.

Please state your name.

Seto kaiba.

Computer: I thought
I'd seen it all,

But having to break
into your own house?

It's too long a story
for right now.

too long a story?

Well, maybe I'm not in such
a talkative mood myself

Right now.

I'd find that
hard to believe.

Such a smart guy.

While you were off

A hostile takeover
of kaiba corporation
has begun.

I know.

At the same time,

Maximillion pegasus kicked off
his duel monsters championship

At the duelist kingdom.

If yugi moto can be
defeated by pegasus,

Or a competitor
that represents him,

Then the new
kaiba corporation board

Has promised him control
of the company.

He won't win.
Yugi's unbeatable.

His deck has exodia.



Computer: yeah, well,

Some time
after you lost to yugi,

He lost exodia.

No way!

When it rains, it pours.

Pegasus knows all about
the corporation bylaws

That require
a living kaiba heir

To make any change
of control legal.

Mokuba's his prisoner,

And with you out of the way,

It's likely pegasus
will exert all kinds
of pressure

To make your brother
do what he wants,

One way or another.

So, now you know.

What are we gonna do?

They'll keep
my brother safe,

At least until
the takeover's complete.

So, I've got to make
sure pegasus

Doesn't defeat yugi
in a duel

No matter what.

I'm not gonna give up
kaiba corporation

Without a real fight.

It's takeover time
by me.

We're going to hack

Right into pegasus'
computer mainframe.

Next stop,
the duelist kingdom!

Yugi: are you here
to play head games

Or duel monsters?

It's time for your move.


And it's
gonna blow your mind.

This next card's

A blast from the past,

With the emphasis
on "blast."


I att*ck
with the blue eyes white dragon.



Only one deck
has got that card.

That means, what they say--
could it be true?


[Kaiba ghost laughs]

Looks like the advantage
is mine.

[Thinking] so this
really iskaiba's deck.

There's no
other explanation.

But does that mean
that kaiba--

Kaiba is really--?

Don't worry, yugi.

My feelings weren't hurt
when you called me a liar.

Now admit that you
were wrong.



Not having a real body
isn't so bad.

You would not believe
what I save in food bills alone.

But I still get to enjoy
the finer things in life,

Like revenge,

And I'm going to savor
its sweet taste

For a very long time.

Shut up! Please, someone
make him go away!

Make him go away!

Heh. Almost breaks my heart--
if I had one.


Computer: we've easily
broken through

The duelist kingdom
computer system.

Too easy. Ok.

When it comes
to computer duels,

Pegasus has met
his match.

Now it should be
a piece of cake

To find the field
in which yugi is dueling.

I'm lookin', I'm lookin'.

access denied?!

What did
you do wrong?

Don't blame me.

I finally found
the security,

And it's all around
yugi's data.

Ah, I should've known.

Fine by me, pegasus.

Go ahead and give it
your best sh*t.

There isn't
a computer system

Anywhere on earth

That I can't break into.

Here's the thing:

Every computer
has a back door

If you know
where to look.

And guess where
we're gonna look.

Beats me.

It'll be quicker
if I take over

On manual
for a while.

Data from
all the duels

Is being beamed
from the island

To an orbiting
industrial illusions

And back down
to their mainframe.

These transmissions

Are obviously
highly encrypted.

If we can
somehow force

The industrial
illusions computer

I'm sure their
backup systems

Won't have
as much security.

Computer: are you sayin'
we can make their computer

From here?

But how?

A computer crash
is exactly what
I had in mind.

The biggest computer
crash ever.

And I'm going to use
pegasus' own satellite
to do it.

but I've already tried
to hack into their systems.

My idea's different.

Once the security is down,

We should be able
to freely access the data.

Be ready with a search
for the dark magician.

Computer: gotcha.

Dark magician inquiry
loaded and standing by.

Good. If yugi's dueling,
he's sure to use that card.

so spill it already.

How the heck
are we going to use

Industrial illusion's
own satellite

To bring down
their computer?

By bringing down
the satellite itself--

Down all the way!

Computer: loading
satellite schematics.

M-class triton series.

Booster rocket controls
on line.

Locating orbital

Breaching onboard
computer security.

You are now
the proud owner

Of an industrial
illusions satellite.

Great. Now plot
a crash course

For the computer

Computer: uploading
new coordinates now.

[Rocket engines f*ring]

Computer: we are
locked on target
for the computer.

Hmm. Virus software
won't stop this.

You're on notice

That the kaiba
still mine!

satellite impact
in seconds.

[Kaiba ghost laughing]

I won't att*ck just yet.

Why rush to victory
when I can draw it out

As long as possible

Huh? There's more to it
than that.

He's hiding
some sort of magic card,

I know it!

Yugi: dark magician,
go to defensive mode.

And I summon curse of dragon

On the defense as well.


Smart playing, yugi.

it wasn't smart enough.

You played right
into my hand.

Defense paralysis!

A trap!


Hmm, now all
your monster cards
on the field

Have been switched
into att*ck mode.


While that defense
paralysis card's
on the field,

My monsters can't
defend themselves.

I've got to think
of a way out.

Ha! It's time!

Blue eyes white dragon,

Use your white lightning!


Well, so much
for your curse of dragon.


No dark magician there.

Next field.

Computer: we've exhausted
almost every possibility

Of locating yugi moto.


Computer: field is
the final active duel.

Then he's gotta
be there.

Search field .

you got it.

What's that?!

Looks like I crashed.


Back on line.

Enter field .

I'm frozen again.


It's worse this time.

Hang on.
Watch this.

Just as I thought.

So, a virus.
A good one.

That means
just one thing.

Searching for yugi's cards
activates the virus.

Yugi's inside.
Get ready to go in.

but the security door!

We've come this far already,

And I'm not gonna blow it!

Actually, yes I am.


What's that?!

it's a virtual fortress.

Sensors indicate
that all of the data

From yugi's duels
is processed here.

You won't blow your way
through this thing.

It's the ultimate defense,

And it's impossible
to penetrate

Without the password.

Hmm, a password.

If I know pegasus,
that egomaniac
would never think

That anyone would
outsmart him

And get
even this far.

We're going in!

the password?

Ha! Pegasus.


[Thinking] how can I defeat
his blue eyes white dragon?

Ha ha ha!

Yugi, you gotta
admit for a stiff

This kaiba's
sure got game!

That's not my brother!
There's just no way!

Yugi, you know
that's not him.

Everyone thinks
he's a bad guy,

But I know my brother,
and he's not mean like this.

He's my best friend
in the whole world.

That thing's not him!

Uhh! You just gotta
believe me!

[Thinking] I wish I could
be as sure as you, mokuba.

I don't know
what to believe.

The only thing
I do know for sure,

This duel's not over yet.

magical hats!

the dark magician.


Yugi: he's
under there somewhere,

But which one?

Hmm. Are you so desperate
that you have

Your dark magician
doing simple hat tricks?

It's not a trick,
and it's not so simple.

Your move, but you'd
better think twice

Before you choose.

Just do the math.

Hats, only % chance
you'll find
the dark magician.

The real question is,

What else is hiding
beneath those hats?

Way to go, yugi!

Hey, that's what
I like to call

Pullin' one
outta your hat!

[Gasps] all right!

Computer: you were right
about the password.

The virtual fortress
is unlocked.

We now have access
to yugi's data,

And it was just his turn.

Pegasus thinks
he can make up

All the rules
in this game,

But he could
never have imagined

This brand-new twist.

I'm back!

Hmm, so predictable.

I know where
the dark magician hides.

If you're so sure,
then move.

It's a shame this duel's
going to end so soon.

White lightning!

[Thinking] if he att*cks
the right hat,

I'll lose more
than just this duel.

Much more!
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