01x23 - "Face Off, Part 2" / "Strongest! Splendid! Ultimate Dragon"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x23 - "Face Off, Part 2" / "Strongest! Splendid! Ultimate Dragon"

Post by bunniefuu »

Announcer: previously
on yu-gi-oh...

Mokuba: aaaaaaah!

You monster.

What have you
done to him?

What do you want?

Want? I want to see

If you're capable of
defeating little yugi
in a duel.

And only if you
successfully crush him
in a humiliating defeat

Will you get
the opportunity
to duel me.

Then, if you beat me,

I promise to restore
your brother's soul.

hey, guys, look!

You're not gonna believe

Who's blocking our way
into the castle.

It's kaiba!

I can't let you pass, yugi.

You and I are going
to have one final duel.

This is it, yugi.

Whoever wins,
faces pegasus.

I will defeat you
once and for all.

Both: let's duel.

Stand back
and prepare for battle.

I play riyu-kishin
in attack mode!


Go, curse of dragon!


Dragon flame!


There. Riyu-kishin
is no more.

I play sword stalker!


Dark magician,

Dark magic attack!


The dark magician

your sword stalker.

I summon la gin.

Heh heh heh!

My wish
is his command.

Hmm. Yugi doesn't suspect
my real plan:

To assemble all
blue-eyes in my deck

To create a monster
more powerful

Than any he's ever seen.

For combined,

They create the ultimate
creature of destruction:

The blue-eyes
ultimate dragon.


Ha ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha ha!

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

Tristan: this is
way too intense.

remember, tristan,

Yugi beat kaiba
once before.

I'd like to beat kaiba,
all right.

What's with kaiba,

[Thinking] he claims
that he's changed,

But he's acting like
the same old creep

We used to know
and loathe.

I don't get it.

Mmm mmm mmm. Hmm.

Man, look
at these jokers.

They're really going at it.

Which is fine with me.

I got the best seat
in the house

For scoping out
the competition.

[Thinking] kaiba's
trying to finish me off
as quickly as possible...

But that's not like him.

He enjoys toying
with his opponents

Almost as much
as he enjoys winning.

Last time we dueled,

He spent half the match
messing with me.

But this time...
He's all business.


What's the matter, yugi?
You look a bit worried.

Finally realizing that,
without your precious
exodia cards,

You don't stand
a chance against me?

I won't need exodia
to defeat you, kaiba.

Hmm. If I keep drawing
cards like this, you will.

I arm my genie
with the de-spell card.

The de-spell card can
deactivate any magic card,

And that's a loss

I'm quite sure
you can't afford, yugi.

Heh heh heh!

La jinn,
my mystical genie
of the lamp,

Activate de-spell.

Oh, no!

My cards!


De-spell has destroyed
your swords of
revealing light.

Hmm, that's
a tough loss, yugi.

Your swords could've paralyzed
my monsters for turns,

But I guess now
you'll just lose
turns sooner.

Ha! Don't count
on it, kaiba.

That genie's big trouble,

But as long as he has
the lamp to hide in,

Yugi can't touch him.

Is there any way
to destroy the lamp?

[Thinking] this card
might do the trick--

The mystic box.

It could be just
the magic card I need

To evict la jinn
from his ancient lamp.

But first...

Hunh! Uhh!

I call upon
the dark magician!

I'm surprised you'd
put your magician
at risk, yugi,

When you have no idea
what I have in store
for you.

Then perhaps
before I attack,

I should see
what you're planning
for myself.


Behold my magic eye
of truth!

So called because
the eye of truth
knows all, sees all,

And it will reveal
every card in your hand.

What's this?

You've got a blue-eyes
white dragon in your hand

But you haven't played it?

You can always
count on kaiba

To have a blue-eyes
white dragon or

Up his sneaky,
slimy sleeves.

Kaiba sure loves
his blue eyes.

white dragons.

That's got to be
nearly impossible
for yugi to beat.

Yeah? Well,
yugi's beaten
blue-eyes before,

And he'll beat 'em

what's kaiba up to?

Why hasn't he played
his blue-eyes
white dragon yet?

yugi may have glimpsed
a blue-eyes in my hand,

But I doubt that
even he could guess
what I'm planning...

Because it's never
been done before.

I'm going to take all
of my mighty blue-eyes
white dragons

And fuse them together

Into one incredible creature
of unsurpassed power:

The ultimate blue-eyes
white dragon!

So, yugi,

The mundane magic
of your wimpy eye of truth

Allowed you a sneak-peek
at my hand,

But what good
does it do you?

The fact still remains

That your dark magician
can't do anything

Against my genie,
la jinn...

Not while he has his lamp
to protect him.

Then I'll extinguish it!

Through the magic
of my mystic box!

Now, watch closely,

As first my dark magician
is sealed within the box.

A trick!

It's much more than
a mere magic trick,

As you're about
to find out, kaiba.

Now watch and be amazed

As the mystic box
is skewered!

But have I destroyed
my own dark magician?

Or have I
magically extinguished
your ancient lamp,

Just as I promised?

Uhh! No, you've destroyed
my genie's lamp.

And the magic's
only half done, kaiba.

For my dark magician
emerges from
the mystic box...


But how?

You know a good magician
never reveals his secrets.

Now, dark magician,
dark magic attack!

No, my genie!

It's just
as you said, kaiba.

The ancient lamp may have
protected your great genie
la jinn,

But once it was destroyed,

Your genie was no match
for my dark magician.

Your little magic show
may have been entertaining,

But let's not
lose perspective.

You know I've got a blue-eyes
waiting in the wings,

And I know you have nothing
that can stand against it.

You knownothing.

The eye of truth
showed me your hand,

Not the other way

I don't need
to see your hand.

But I think you need
to be taught a lesson,

And I'll be happy
to make my next play

Painfully instructive.

[Thinking] this combination
of saggi the dark clown

And the contagious
crush card

Should help me infect
yugi's life points.


Saggi the dark clown!

Heh heh heh!
Heh heh ha ha!

Saggi the dark clown?

I was expecting kaiba

To sic his blue-eyes
white dragon on me.

He knows saggi is no match
for my dark magician.

What's he up to?

He didn't have any
trap cards earlier

When I got a look
at his hand,

But he might've drawn
some new ones by now.

The only way
to know for sure
is to attack...

But I dare not risk
my dark magician.

Dark magician, return!

All right! Good card.

Gaia the fierce knight.

He wiped the floor
with saggi

In my first duel
with kaiba.

And he will defeat saggi
once again.

Gaia the fierce knight

In attack mode!

[Horse whinnies]


Your dark clown has
been vanquished, kaiba!

Vanquished and sacrificed
are very different things,

Look again.


What's happening?

[Horse whinnies]


Not just gaia, yugi.

My dark magician!

What have you done,

It's really quite
ingenious, actually.

Knowing that
you couldn't resist
attacking my dark clown,

I infected him with
the crush card virus.

A crush card?

By destroying
the infected saggi,

You released
the crush card virus--

A virus that is
so highly contagious
to duel monsters

That even as I speak
these words,

It is infecting all
but the weakest cards

In your precious
dueling deck.

No, my cards!

Ha ha ha!

The only monsters unaffected
by the crush card virus

Are those
with an attack power
weaker than , .

Looks like I've broken
the heart of your cards,

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Yugi, thinking:
that crush card kaiba used
to infect my deck

Makes it so I can't use
any monsters with more
than , attack points.


But it will take
more than a virus

To win this duel, kaiba!

Ha ha ha ha!

Yes, I expect
that it will, yugi.

I'm looking forward
to subjecting you

To a wide array
of debilitating cards.


Keep talkin' the talk,
big-mouth kaiba.

Just don't forget
that yugi beat you
last time.

Yeah, and now yugi's
an even better duelist.

Yes, but last time
he didn't have
a crush card

Forcing him to play
just magic cards
and weak monsters.

You're kiddin'.

He's only allowed
to play magic cards

And his wimpiest creatures?

He'll still win.

Heh heh heh.

This is turning out
to be quite the show.

All I'm really missing
is a hot dog and
a bag of popcorn.

Oh, well, from
the looks of things,

This duel isn't gonna
last long enough

For me
to enjoy 'em anyway.

Besides, gettin'
the low-down on these
chumps' dueling strategies

Is plenty for me
to snack on.

Your turn, yugi.

Let's see how your
disease-ridden deck
serves you now.

You may have infected
the body of my deck,

But it is the heart
of the cards

That will see me through
this contamination.


the summoned skull.

But I can't use him

Because his attack points
are over , .

Kaiba's crush card
would infect him

The second I laid him
on the field.

Face it, yugi.

To continue playing
in this duel,

You'll have to serve up
your weakest monsters.


he's right.

For now,
that's all I can do.

Silver fang,
defense mode!

And his attack points
are low enough

To make him immune
to your virus.

Your turn.

Ironic that a wolf
will be the first of
your sacrificial lambs,

But so be it.

[Thinking] ah,
the second of my
blue-eyes white dragons.

Just one more now,

And then absolutely nothing

Will be able to keep me
from victory.

Soon, with one
earth-shattering blast,

I'll defeat yugi
for the last time.

And once I've finished him,

I'll go after pegasus

And rescue my brother
from his demented grip.

But while I'm waiting
for my third blue-eyes,

I'll clear the field
of yugi's rabid beast.

Battle ox, awaken

And let loose
the dogs of w*r!

[Growling softly]


Axe slam-attack!


Your puppy
has been put down.


It's cool.

Just a minor setback,
no big deal.

come on, yugi.

I know you can win this.

No one's ever beaten you
in a duel,

And no one ever will.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Your pitiful defenses
can't even withstand

The crude assaults
of my battle ox!

How do you expect to
protect your life points

When your defenses
are demolished

And you have nothing left
to shield you

Against my even more
powerful monsters?

I guess we'll find out
soon enough.

Ha ha ha ha!kaiba's right.

But how can I defeat
any monster

When his crush card
forces me to play
my weakest creatures?

You should accept your fate
for now, yugi.

After all, you'll have
the rest of your entire life

To brood over this defeat.

[Thinking] no.
I can't give in
to his taunting.

I've come here
to rescue my grandpa,

And I can't let
kaiba defeat me.


I summon you!

Let's see you deal
with this attack, kaiba.

Hmm, a griffore.

I think you've made
a grave miscalculation,

His pathetic defenses
are no match

For my battle ox.

Heh heh heh.

Whoever said that
I was going to be

Playing him in
defense mode, kaiba?

What do you mean?

I'm attacking
with my griffore...

With the help of my
horn of the unicorn.

Magic lightening,
combo attack!


Your battle ox
has been destroyed.

All right!

I'm feeling a comeback
in the works.

Stellar move!

Good show! That was
a brilliant play

At a critical

Yeah, yugi,
great move!

Impressive, yugi,

Using a combo attack

To combat the perils
of my virus.

But I'm afraid that there
are some hazards in my deck

That are simply inevitable.

It's my turn now.

[Thinking] at last!

Now all I need is
a polymerization card
to merge them all.

Prepare yourself for
ultimate annihilation, yugi.

But first, I'm invoking
the mystical elf.

Kaiba: you see, yugi...

If there's one thing
I've learned in
my matches with you

It's that you have
an uncanny ability

For snatching victory
from the jaws of defeat.

But I don't intend to give you
such an opportunity today.

Which is why I've summoned
the mystical elf

To reinforce
my life points...

By .

I've never seen kaiba duel
so methodically before.

Every move he plays
is so precise.

He's leaving nothing
to chance.

It's as if to him

This were a battle
of life and death.

soon, little brother.

Soon I'll have completed
pegasus' twisted little task

And then nothing will stop me
from rescuing you.

Once I defeat yugi.


Unh, uhh!

The mighty blue-eyes
white dragon!




All: ohh!

Now, yugi,
your fate belongs to me.

Take flight, blue-eyes
white dragon! Rise!


white lightening attack!




Already my blue-eyes
has you cowering.

And this is only
the beginning.

Soon, you will know
what fear is.


I don't fear
your blue-eyes, kaiba.

I've defeated him

And with my giant
soldier of stone
guarding me,

I'll manage
to defeat him again.

I'm afraid
you're mistaken.

Yugi, when you battled
my blue-eyes before,

They were
separate dragons--

Formidable, yes,

But not invincible.

But now I've found a way
to merge their power,

Combine their attack points
to create...

Uhh, unh!

A monster with power
beyond imagining!


Now I create a duel monster
without peer...

With attack force so great

That no monster
can stand against him.


I create the blue-eyes
ultimate dragon!


[Thinking] so that's why
he didn't play his
blue-eyes at first.

He was waiting to merge
them all together.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Yugi moto,
there's no escape.

can save you now.

That monster's
attack points
are off the charts.

Yeah, how could
any creature
in yugi's deck

Beat that thing?

That kaiba!

He's been setting yugi
up for that beast

This entire time.


Heh heh.

Yugi is done for.

Kaiba had that little twerp
on the ropes,

And now this
ultimate blue-eyes

Is gonna knock him
out of the ring.

[Thinking] this
can't be the end.

It just can't.

Yugi will find a way
to come back.

I know it.

[Thinking] kaiba
has really played
a brilliant strategy:

Setting me up
with that crush card,

Holding out for all
of his blue-eyes,

And at the same time,

Whittling down
my life points
to a sparse .

Now he's got me cornered

And staring down
the toughest monster

I've ever faced.

Yugi, how I savor
this moment.

This is the moment
I've been waiting for

Ever since you handed me

My first and only
duel-monsters defeat.

Prepare yourself
to see the power of
my creature unleashed.



ultimate white dragon,

Neutron blast attack!

My stone soldier!

You're lucky
your stone soldier
was in defense mode.

Joey: whoa! At least
yugi didn't lose
any life points.

[Thinking] stone soldier
was the last of my defenses.

My blue-eyes
ultimate dragon

Atomized your creature
to dust, yugi.

You know you have nothing
to stand against it.

You should concede.


No, yugi.

You can
win this.

That's right.

We all believe
in you.

You gotta remember what
you're fightin' for, yuge--

The heart of the cards,

Just like your grandpa
taught you.

You've never let
anyone down before,

And I know you're not gonna
let your grandpa down now.



[Thinking] grandpa,
I won't let you down.

I have to keep
fighting for you.


No, kaiba.

I will never surrender
to the likes of you.

That's it!

That's the kind
of determination
I expect from you.

Fight on.

Gather every last bit
of your strength, yugi.

I prefer to take you down

When you're fighting
your hardest.

[Thinking] everything
rides on this last card:

This duel,
this tournament,

My grandpa.

But as hopeless
as it seems,

I still have to believe.

good luck, yugi.

you can do it, pal.

[Thinking] believe.


Kick butt, yuge!


It comes to this.

So draw your card
and face your fate.

heart of the cards,

Guide me.

Let's finish this,
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