01x25 - "Shining Friendship" / "A Duel of Tears! Friendship"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x25 - "Shining Friendship" / "A Duel of Tears! Friendship"

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh...

It can't end this way.

If I don't defeat you
in this duel,

Pegasus will keep
mokuba prisoner.

I can't let that happen.

What do you mean?

I'm going
to force your hand...

And win this battle, yugi.

You can attack
my blue eyes again

And wipe out
my remaining life points,

But if you do,
the resulting shock waves

Might cause me
to lose my balance.

Strike now
if you dare.

Otherwise, next turn,

I swear
I'll take you down!

That is, unless
you have the courage
to unleash your attack.

No! It's not right!


There must
be another way.

There isn't.

Kaiba, I've
never backed away,

And I'm not
starting now!

Celtic guardian,


You can't
take this risk!

She's right.

We can't do this.


white lightening attack!

Joey: that underhanded
sleazeball wiped yugi out!

If yugi had done
what needed to be done,

He would be entering
the castle, not me.


[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

Joey: yugi?

Tristan: come on, yuge.

Téa: why
won't he answer us?

Tristan: I've never
seen him like this.

he's totally out of it.

Bakura: well, he did
lose his only chance

To save his grandfather.


Let us help you.

what is happening to me?

Strike now, or I swear
I'll take you down.

Kaiba, I've
never backed away,

And I'm not
starting now!

[Thinking] one minute
I'm battling against kaiba--


[Thinking] the next minute
I'm battling with myself.

Suddenly, there was this
other presence inside of me

Willing to do anything
to win the duel,

And it took everything I had
just to hold him back,

But that gave kaiba
the opening he needed.


I let kaiba win the match,

But I had no choice.

That other presence might
have seriously hurt kaiba

If I hadn't
regained control,

And now I'm afraid
of what happens next time.

What happens
if I can't control it?

No! I can't
take that chance.

And that means
I can never duel again.

Oh! We have to do
something, joey.

Joey: yeah, all right.

I'm going in.

[Laughs] it's ok, yugi.

You just lost
a few star chips is all.

Here, take mine.

I owe you big time
for ever getting me this far.

Joey: take 'em.

But what about--

My sister?

Sure, she needs my help,

But gramps is
in danger right now.

We got to get yugi
into the castle.

Please, yugi.

Joey: come on, pal.
What do you say?

Let's go kick
pegasus' sorry butt

And get your grandpa back.

Go on, yugi.
I want you to have them.

I can never duel again.


Come on!
Snap out of it!

You're really starting
to scare me, man!

I'm trying
to help you out here.

Pull yourself together!

take it easy, joey.

Woman: huh. If this is
how you treat your friends,

I can't wait to see how
you treat your enemies.

It's mai.

All: huh?

What's up?

If you guys
have enough star chips

To get into the castle,

Why are you
hanging out here?

It's yugi.

He lost
his chips to kaiba,

And now it's like he's
lost the will to go on.

Mai: so the little guy
finally lost one, huh?

Lucky for you guys
I came by.

Kaiba, thinking:
all right, pegasus.

I played your game and won.

Now I'm coming for you.

Pegasus: ahh, kaiba boy.

Shall we toast him, croquet?


A toast to kaiba

And his stunning
upset victory over yugi.

Of course, if he thinks
he can just waltz in here

And rescue
his poor little brother,

Then he overestimates
his chances

And underestimates
my abilities.

But he'll see.

He'll see soon enough.

[Evil laugh]

Ok, now listen up.

Especially you, yugi.

You got beat,

But that doesn't mean
it's the end of the world.

When I got beat,

I thought it was
all over for me, too,

But then yugi stepped in
and saved my star chips,

And now
I'm returning the favor.

No way!

Joey: you said it.

Without those you can't
win the prize money.

Hmm. I'm being kind,
not stupid,

Ahh. She already has
chips of her own.

No wonder she's
being so generous.

Lay off.

Now go on, yugi.

You know I owe you,
so take them.

Earth to yugi.

Star chips
at o'clock.

Go ahead and take
my star chips, yugi,

And then we can all head up
to the castle together.

what, are my star chips
not good enough for you?

Then I'll keep them!

And your friends
can wipe your nose

All the way back
to the nursery.

Grow up!
Sometimes you win!
Sometimes you lose!

Mai, don't get mad.

You just don't understand.

Oh, I understand.

You friend
lost one lousy duel,

And now
he's too chicken
to play again.

Isn't that right?

How pathetic.

[All gasp]

Come on, chicken boy.

Duel me for them. Now!

I'll duel you!

That's right.
I'll duel you

Right here, right now,
for yugi.

All: huh?

You and me,

Right here,
right now.

Yugi needs
those star chips,

And I'm going
to win them for him.

Come on,
be serious.

An amateur like you

Wouldn't stand
a chance against me.

Téa: would so.

Mai: hon, it's sweet,

You standing up
for yugi and all,

But sweet
doesn't win duels.

Now I'll ask you
one last time.

Are you sure
you want to duel me?


What do you think?

I think
yugi's in good hands.

Joey: I sure hope
you're right, buddy,

'Cause everything's
riding on this
one match.

Mai: so what do you say,
téa? You ready?

Totally. Let's go.

It's time to duel.

Yugi's still lost
in his own head.

Tristan: well, maybe
a little duel action

Will snap him out of it.

All right, mai.

I'm playing
the petite angel

In attack mode!


What is that?

Come on, téa!
That is not funny!


I play harpie lady.

Attack mode!



Téa: uh...

Mai: and I'll
lay this, too, face down.

Right. Um...



That was close.

[All gasp]



You know, téa, if
you're trembling with fear

After just the first round,

Maybe you should
quit right here.

Ugh. No way, mai.

I'm in it to win it.

Go, fairy's gift!

Ugh! Another
of these cutesy cards.

Come on, what are we having,
a duel or a pageant?


Hmm? Huh?


oh, I remember this.

It's a trap card,
a powerful one.

If only I could remember
what it does!

Think, téa, think!

Hmm. I just
better figure it out
before I really need it.

This, too!

Face down!


Ok. A rocky start,

But I think
téa's back on track.

I hope
you're right, joey.

Everything is
riding on this duel.

Go, fairy's gift!

Attack with
enchanted dust!

what's taking so long?

My fairy's
attack power is higher
than that harpie's.

It should
be taking her down!

Something's wrong.

But what?


Oh, no!

Sorry, hon,

But I activated
my magic card--

The rose whip,
a personal favorite.

It gives my harpie
extra attack points.


More than enough
to defend her

From your silly
pixie dust

And take out
your fairy as well.


[Thinking] too late
to call off my fairy's
attack now.

I just have to hope
for the best.

Now, my harpie lady,
whiplash attack!


How about that?

Your fairy turned to dust!


Clever move.

Joey and tristan:

Mai tricked téa
into attacking

By making her think
that her fairy
had the most points,

But what
mai didn't reveal

Until after
téa att*cked

Was that
she had a magic card

Waiting to power up
her harpie lady.

mistake like that,
and it's all over.

If you had any idea
what you're really
up against, téa,

You'd call it quits
right now.

This isn't going
to get any easier, you know.

Just give up and
go back to cheerleading!

No. I'm not going
to let yugi down, mai.

Please. If this is the start
of some friendship rant,

Just save it.

I've heard all
your lame speeches before,

And from that look
on yugi's face,

I'd say he has, too.
Ha ha ha.

Take that back!

Come on, admit it!

Everyone sees
how scared you are.


You're just a little girl

Who's accidentally stumbled
into the big leagues,

But whatever.
You'll learn the hard way.


[Sly laugh] hmm.

Harpie's feather duster.

My turn, hon,

And I'm playing this,

Face down.

face down again?

I hate it
when she does that.

Makes it hard to know
what to play next.

Shining friendship.

That's like all of us.

We're all
in this together.

Boy, I wish
this card was as strong
as our real friendship,

Then it would be
able to beat anything.

[Sighs] it would
have joey's courage,

Tristan's spirit,

And yugi's heart.

You can do it, téa.

we're with you.
Go, téa.


Are you with me?


[Thinking] maybe
this card is as strong
as our friendship.

there's really only
one way to find out.

Shining friendship
in attack mode!

You kept me waiting
all this time

For that
little butterball?

Fine, then!

Harpie lady!
Whiplash attack!

Not so fast, mai.

I placed a trap,

And I remember now
what it does,

So I'm
activating waboku!

Mai: waboku!

That's right!

And waboku reduces
the attack points

Of my opponent's
creatures to zero,

So my shining friendship
is unharmed.

I think I taught
téa that move.


If by teaching
you mean "getting schooled"

Every time
she beat you with it.

Watch it.

You're right, mai,

Maybe I am
scared up here

Dueling you for such
incredibly high stakes.

But this card
reminded me of something

That helps me
face that fear--

My friends.

And I know with all
of them backing me up,

I will win!


It's like the card says:
shining friendship.

No matter how dark
things may get,

The special bond
I share with my friends

Will always find
a way to shine through.

I may be scared,

But that fear won't
keep me from dueling

Or from helping yugi

Or from
winning this duel!

Yugi, is any of this stuff
getting through to you?

Don't you see?

Téa's putting herself
on the line for you.

Bakura: even though
she's frightened,

She still battles on.

It's quite inspiring,

Mai: nice speech, téa.

In fact,
it was so stirring,

I almost feel
the need to throw up.

Can it!

I've had enough
of your insults!

[Thinking] hmm.
The magician of faith.

I'm playing this
in defense mode!

And that's not all!

I'm playing the silver
bow and arrow card

Which raises
my creature points!

Fine with me.

It's not like I don't
have magic cards, too.

Cyber shield!

Tell me what you think
about this makeover.

Now harpie lady's attack
will be points stronger.

But wait,

I'll also play
this de-spell card.

Sorry, cupid,

You've been

[Evil laugh]

Not good.

Hold on, téa.
This might be rough.


[Chuckles] and
I think I'll attack
your face-down card

To demolish
any hopes you have left.

There! No more hope!

No more faith!
No more chances!

Don't you know
the rules yet, téa?

Since I flipped
your magician of faith
over with my attack,

You get a card back
from the graveyard.


I mean, how can you
seriously hope to beat me

When you don't
know the rules?

Look, honey,

I'm sure that
everyone's really impressed

That you've
lasted this long,

But all you're doing
is delaying the inevitable.

Huh. I won't give up!


Come on, what you're
doing is pointless.

Yugi's already
given up on himself.

You're not going to be able
to keep fighting for him.

He has to fight
for himself.

He has to stand up to anyone
who dares to get in his way.

And whatever's
going on in his head, téa,

Yugi has to deal with it
on his own.

why, maybe mai's right.

I have to fight harder.

Maybe I gave up
too easily.

What do you do when the thing
you're fighting against

Is some
kind of magical spirit

That can
take control of you,

Something that's
living inside of you?

What do you do then?

Face it, téa,
yugi's checked out,

He's given up,

He doesn't care
about this match,

And he doesn't care
about you.

Nothing's worth
the humiliation
you're going through.

You're wrong!
My friends are worth it!


I don't care how much
experience you have
playing duel monsters.

I don't care
what the odds are
against beating you.

I won't give up,

Not on this match

And not on yugi either.

I won't give up.

I won't.



Don't let these
tears fool you, mai.

I may be crying,

But I've
never felt stronger.

So you better get
your star chips ready,

I'm about to beat you!

And there's not
a thing you can say
or do that'll stop me.

You may have a tendency
to run at the mouth,

But you've
got a lot of spunk.

Give me your best shot.

Téa, thinking: this
elf's light's a good card.

It would give me
a major power boost
to my shining friendship.

And I also
have a de-spell card.

I can use that to get rid
of mai's cyber shield.

Plus, since I recovered
my silver bow and arrow
from the graveyard,

I can add
its -point power boost

To the -point boost

That I get from
my elf's light card!

Then my shining friendship's
attack power will be , .

I just hope
that will be enough.

First, I'm playing this
silver bow and arrow

That I brought back
from the graveyard.

I'll use elf's light

To power him up
even further.

Now shining friendship

Is ,
attack points strong.

Hmm. That's
still not enough.



Yes, it is.


Or does the magic
of de-spell

Not apply to you, mai?



[All gasp]

Attack, shining friendship,

With silver lightning arrow!


Mai: hmm.

for friendship!

What a shot!

I think
téa's doing better
against mai than you did.


Well done.



I almost forgot.

My harper's feather duster.

This card
could win it for me.

[Thinking] huh?
Harpie's feather duster?

I surrender, téa.

I don't have
the cards to win.

Huh? Giving up
just like that?

Don't rub it in, téa.

Harpie lady was
the best monster I had,

And seeing as
how you beat her,

There's really
no point in me going on.


I won!
Hey, hey!

Joey: yeah, way to go, téa.

You really
came through for yugi.

Mai: whatever.

I didn't need these anyway.

Good match.


Wait, mai.

I have to ask you

the last card you--

A throwaway.

It was nothing that téa

Wouldn't have been able
to beat anyway, really.


Some cards just aren't
worth playing, huh, yugi?

Thank you.

Téa: yugi?


I, uh...

I won the star
chips for you.

I know.


Thank you so much.

Sure thing.

I'll never forget
what you did for me, téa.

You overcame
your fears for me.

[Thinking] and you've given me
the courage to deal with mine.

I will duel again,

And hopefully, the consequences
won't be as bad as I fear.

So take them

You're making
me blush.

You're the best.

Welcome back.

You really had us
worried there
for a while, yuge.

Mai: hey, you losers!

Last one to the castle door
is a rotten egg!

All: huh?

Let's go!

All: yeah!
Ha ha!

Tristan: gangway!

Téa: you gangway!

Bakura: hey, wait up!

Tristan: and tristan
takes the lead.

[Mai laughs] not likely.
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