01x41 - "The Wrath of Rebecca" / "The Girl from America"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x41 - "The Wrath of Rebecca" / "The Girl from America"

Post by bunniefuu »

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

Joey: bakura! Hey, bakura,
are you still up there?

I'm with mokuba.
He's coming around.



Téa: is he ok?


Yes, mokuba's fine.


So his soul's back
in his body, huh?

That's a relief.

so he's really all right?

He's fine.

Who would have
believed pegasus

Would keep his word?

Go figure.

So, how're
you doing, mokuba?

You feeling up
to getting off
this island?

Not without seto.

Where's my big brother?

Yugi: he's somewhere
in this castle.

We'll find him.

I bet he already knows
you're safe.


Yugi. Joey.

Yugi: croquet.

Due to his illness,
mr. Pegasus will be
unable to attend.


Joey: ya ask me,
it's just a lame excuse

To avoid payin' off
on the prizes!

Croquet: all prizes are
still to be awarded.

Yugi has already received
his agreed-upon award

Of freed souls.

In addition,

There's this.huh?

Yugi: what is it?

It's a card called
the ties of friendship.

It's the only one
of its kind,

by pegasus himself.

I was instructed
to deliver it

to yugi moto.

You are now, officially,
king of games.

This contains a check
for the prize money

Won by yugi in his duel
with joey wheeler.

It's all yours,

Just like
I promised.

Joey: you're the best, yuge!

$ Million,

For your sister's


We've been apart
for so long,

But now I can save her
from goin' blind.


That's great, joey.

Joey: yeah,
you bet it is.

Now...we'd like you
all to leave.

I just realized,

If mokuba's soul
has been returned,

Then maybe...


It should mean
that grandpa is
recovering, too!

I can't wait to get him
out of that hospital.


Yugi, you saved me!

seto! Big brother!


It's me, mokuba!

Where are you?

The castle's huge.

Kaiba could be
almost any--



Mokuba: it's him!

All: oh!

big brother!

You're here!
You're here!


It's all right.


Come on!

Let's not get
all mushy and gooey,
you know?

I can't take it.

Oh, seto,
I didn't know

What happened
to you.

But I never stopped
thinking of you,
big brother.

I know.

I would have
risked anything
to save you, mokuba.

Yugi told me
you risked a lot.

And now we're
together again,

So whaddaya say,
little brother?

Ready for me
to take you back home

Where we both belong?

You bet!

Thank you, yugi.

Thanks for saving
my brother mokuba's soul.

He means everything
to me.

How could I do
anything else?

And I am grateful,

But because
of our circumstances,

Our last duel was
not really conclusive.

Yes, you're right.

One day, we will meet
in the arena again

To decide which of us

Is truly
the better duelist,

And one of us
will walk away
with pride.


Come on, mokuba.
Let's go.

My copter's waiting.

Mokuba: all right!
We're going home!

you did it.

You saved
everyone, yugi.

we both did,

And I don't even
know your name.

I've been called
many things

Through the ages.

Pharaoh, yugioh.

I've been known
as yami.

Well, yami, I'm proud
to call you my friend.

Good, because I'm
proud to be one.

Oh! I just thought
of something.

All the boats have left.

So how are we supposed
to get off this island?


We gotta
hitch a ride.
Come on!

Wait for us, kaiba!and us, too!

yugi has the championship,

Joey has the money,
but I hold the real prize,

The millennium eye.

And soon I'll have
yugi's millennium
puzzle, as well.

what's the matter, yugi?

You're not surprised
to see me

Up and about, are you?

oh! Grandpa!


Hey, grandpa!
Ha ha ha!

You're ok!

Yes, my boy!

I've missed you.
Ready to go home?


Grandpa, chuckling:
so you saved me

And became champion
of the duelist
kingdom, yugi?

I didn't do it
alone, grandpa,

Everyone helped.

That's right,
everybody pitched in.

But he couldn't have
done it without me!

Ha ha ha!

Well, then you've
obviously improved

Since I last
saw you duel.

Uh, not that much.

A little.a lot!

Grandpa, maybe you
should go home and rest.

You did just get out
of the hospital, you know.

Don't be silly.
I feel great!

, , , ...

, --Ohh!grandpa!

Tristan: are you ok,
mr. Moto?

just a little stiff,
that's all.

Girl: hey!all: huh?

I've got something
to say to you!

That is if you're
who I think you are!

what in the world?


Who is that?
You guys know her?


Tell me, is your name
solomon moto?

That's right.

And who might
you be?

Who might I be?
I might be rebecca.

And I might
have just arrived
here in town.

And I might've been waiting
for you to show up!

It's not nice to keep
a lady waiting, you know.

[Chuckles] lady?that's right!

Are you saying
I'm not a lady,

Wait a minute.

What's a little squirt
like you doin'

all by herself, anyway?

That's dangerous.

Oh, yeah?
Well, I can take
care of myself,

And if not,
I've got teddy
to protect me.

Isn't that right,

She talks
to the bear?

Rebecca, wait.

What exactly is it
you want from me?

My card back!

Beg your pardon?

You've got
my blue eyes
white dragon,

Now give it
back to me!

All: huh?

Listen, you heard
what I said.

I want my blue eyes back
right now!

a slight problem.

All: uh...

The blue eyes
white dragon is

An ultra-rare
and powerful card

That only belongs
in the deck

Of a true champion.

I, rebecca,
am a true champion.

I've traveled the world
and beaten many top duelists

While you were away.

isn't that right, teddy?

You've beaten
top duelists
around the world?

Yep! I daresay
I'm the number one
duelist in america.

Aren't you
a little young?

I'm .

inches tall.

You really shouldn't
tell lies, little girl.


It may not be a lie.

I remember reading

An article,
just before we left

For the duelist kingdom

About a duel monsters

She was causing
a major sensation.

No way!

You're not telling me
this little pipsqueak's

Really the national
champion, are you?

Get real, yuge!

What's the deal?

Are you questioning
my dueling credentials, pal?

Hey, don't
give me any lip!

I got
credentials, too.

Second in
the duelist kingdom

That's true,
but on the other hand,

You probably don't know
how to spell "credentials."

Knock it off.

You're supposed
to be on my side.

Oh, I know
all about that.

First place
in the duelist kingdom

Went to yugi moto,

And second place went
to joey wheeler.


But who cares
who came in second?

It's only first place
that really matters.

Isn't that right,

Let me at her!
I'll show her
who matters!

But, rebecca,
I'm confused.

Why do you think
your championship
entitles you

To my blue eyes
white dragon card?

No, I don't think that.

The blue eyes
white dragon card
should be mine

Because you stole it
from me.

Just wait a minute.

No way!
My grandfather?!

He'd never steal.

Well, there are only
blue eyes white dragon cards

In the world.

Kaiba's got ,
and my card is missing!

What's with you, kid?!

You're not makin'
any sense here.

That blues eyes
white dragon is mine,

And if you won't
give it back to me,

Then I demand the right
to duel for it.

you don't understand.

Oh, yes, I do.


Your gramps is scared.

He's just afraid
to duel with me.

No, no.

He's not afraid
to duel you,

It's just that
that card, it's...

Well, uh--

I've heard enough
of your excuses!


Duel me, old man.

Listen. Solomon moto,
if I win this duel,

You give that blue eyes
white dragon back to me.

What does it take
to penetrate

That thick skull
of yours?!

To the arena!

[Talking as teddy]
I will eat you alive!


Child: look,
it's a blue eyes!

A real one.

Man: it's just
a statue, son.

Hey! All right!

I win again.

I love kaibaland, sis.

Yugi: so, can you
help us, mokuba?

You're asking
a lot, yugi.

You know,
kaibaland's duel rings
are booked solid

For the next months.

But of course,
we do owe you big time.

Thanks, mokuba.

Well? So what are we all
waiting for?

Let's get this duel
on the road!

nice dueling arena.

A little small, though.

Hmm. Ok, mr. Moto,
are you ready to duel?


But, grandpa...

Relax, yugi.
I'll be fine.

I don't know.

What is this?
Are we going to duel

Or settle in
for an afternoon nap?

He can't duel you.
I'll face you instead.

But, yugi...

Grandpa was just released
from the hospital

This morning.

He's in no condition
to be dueling, rebecca.

Ok, then that's
even better.

the national champion,
vs. Yugi moto,

Winner of the duelist kingdom,

In a clash of titans.

Of course,
it's still ordinary him
against genius me,

So he doesn't stand
a chance of winning,
does he, teddy?

[Talking as teddy]
mm--not a chance!


Oh, I can't tell
if she's just stuck
on herself

Or totally nuts.

Or maybe both.

You guys watch
from here.

Be very careful, yugi.

She is strange,
but smart.

Yugi, rebecca:
let's duel!

Oh, yugi...sure you want
to go through with this?

I'm sure.

Ok, but it'd be
a lot easier

Just to give me
the blue eyes white dragon.

You're up against
a genius, you know.

Oh, teddy,
isn't that right?

[Talking as teddy]
yup. Yup. You're
a genius, rebecca.


Now let's get down to it.

who on earth is
this young lady,

And why does she think
I stole her blue eyes
white dragon?

it's your turn.

For my first
brilliant move,

Witch of the black forest
in att*ck mode.

All right, let's see
what you're worth,
witchy woman.

Heh heh heh heh
heh heh heh heh.


An unusual
opening gambit.

what's she up to?

Witch of
the black forest

Isn't really
that strong
of a card at all.

Hmm. Why would she
play that?

He thinks very slowly,

Do you suppose
he'll ever play a card?

I'll play, rebecca.

The celtic guardian,
in att*ck mode!

Celtic guardian,
att*ck the witch!


Witch: aah!

So much for
your black forest witch!


That mean old yugi
sent my worthless witch
to the graveyard.

Oh, what do I do?

Huh? What did you say?

Oh, thank you.

If the witch
of the black forest

Is sent to the graveyard,

I get to pick another card
from my deck.

A monster with
up to , defense points!

And I get to
shuffle my deck again.

Whee! Thank you, teddy!



Well, I'm waiting.

Are you gonna play
or what?

Hey, don't you distract me
when I'm thinking!

What next? Decisions,
decisions, decisions.

That kid could
drive you crazy
really easily.

Oh, I guess I'm stuck
with this one.

Hmm...here we go.

I play sangan
in att*ck mode!

Aww, he's so cute,
isn't he?

Not for long.

You can kiss sangan


Celtic guardian,


That celtic guardian
sent my poor sangan

To the graveyard, too.

You're so mean!

Gimme a break.

I'm not being mean.
I'm just playing
the game.

Did you hear that, teddy?

Nasty old yugi
is yelling at me.

And I'm not yelling
at you!

Huh? What did you say?

We haven't lost
just yet, teddy?

If sangan goes
to the graveyard

I can pull
a new monster?

Mm-hmm. I understand that.


I don't know.
That girl's weird.

Geniuses are supposed
to be eccentric, you know.

Come on you guys.
You gotta be kiddin'.

That little twerp's
no genius.

She's just a nut case.

hmm...rebecca's strategy is

Strangely familiar to me.

Now, let's get down
to business.

Kid gloves are off.

You've met your match, yugi.

Suddenly she's a lot
more serious.

I play a magic card,
tribute to the doomed!

It lets me
throw away one card
from my own hand.

In exchange,
I get to wipe out

One of my opponent's monsters
from the field.

Heh...just watch!

Celtic guardian
went bye-bye.

And to finish my turn,
I play one more card
in defense mode.



Here is where things start
to get interesting, yugi.

Mark my words--
the blue eyes white dragon

Will be mine again!

Am I having

Or did she just put on
a totally different

Uh-uh. She's
a lot smarter

Than she led us
to believe.

Watch out
for her, yugi.


téa's right.

That little kid stuff
was just an act.

Rebecca's a serious

All right, rebecca...

I att*ck
with summoned skull!

Big mistake, yugi.

The card I played
was the millennium shield.

The millennium shield!

It has , defense points,

And your skull only has
, att*ck points.

Ha ha ha ha!

So you lose
life points!

Rebecca: whee!
Yugi's down points!

Hey, that little squirt
can actually duel.

Someone's trained her
very well.

wait. I've seen
that card before,

With its overwhelming
defense power.

I remember now.

It's called
the millennium shield.

Interesting card,
isn't it?

It certainly is.

Your defense
is now impenetrable,
professor hawkins.

Authur. Call me arthur.

Grandpa, thinking: it was
at an archaeological dig
in egypt so many years ago

That I'd nearly forgotten.

But almost card for card,

My friend
professor hawkins and I

Played this same duel.

Why are you so surprised
that I won that last exchange?

I told you I was
a child prodigy.

This duel has been
easy so far.

[As teddy]
rrrruff him up, rebecca!

Right, teddy!

I play a magic card:
ring of magnetism.

Now why would
she play that?

[Thinking] hmm.

Combining it with
the millennium shield

Actually weakens
the shield's

defensive power.

Ha ha! Poor yugi.

He's confused, teddy.

Hee hee hee!

What's he gonna do?

Nothing. I'm going
to pass this turn.

Aha! He's taking
a wait-and-see attitude.

Well, if you can't think
of a move, I can.

Cannon soldier,
att*ck mode!

Be very careful, yugi!


If she sacrifices
a monster next,

She can turn
cannon soldier's as*ault

Directly on
yugi's life points.

Yeah, but she's never
gonna get the chance,

'Cause yugi's
summoned skull's

Gonna blow
cannon soldier away.

Tristan: let's hope so,

Otherwise that soldier
will do a lot of damage.

Summoned skull,
att*ck cannon soldier!

Lightning strike!

Waste of energy.

Just watch what happens
with his att*ck.


Ha ha ha ha!

The ring of magnetism
draws all your att*cks

To my millennium shield.

Get it? While the ring
of magnetism is in play,

My monsters are all safe,

'Cause all you can att*ck
is my millennium shield.

And it's got
a defense power of , .


[Thinking] unh!
It's a standoff.

Summoned skull's
att*ck power

Is exactly equal
to the defense power

Of her
millennium shield.

I have to break through
that shield somehow

In order to win.

So, are you having
a good time, teddy?


'Cause this duel's gonna
get even better now.


[Thinking] oh, cool,
it's the shadow ghoul.

This little baby
will come in handy

A little later.

But for now,
let's summon

Another wimpy witch
of the black forest,

In att*ck mode!


So long, witch.

You get used as a sacrifice
to my cannon soldier,

So he can turn all his power

Directly on
yugi's life points.


Cannon soldier,
you got her energy,

Now blow yugi away!

Unh! Uhh!

Ha ha!

Well, that took you
down a peg.

to be exact.

And now I get to draw
another card.


She's real good.

She must've learned

From somebody as experienced
as you, gramps.

Joey, you may
be right.

Huh! I was taught
by someone

More talented
than a moto could ever be.

My grandfather
was the best duelist ever.

Your grandfather?

Is what I suspect true?

Rebecca, what's
your last name?

Took you long enough
to ask.

Yes, my name
is rebecca hawkins.

And my grandfather is
professor arthur hawkins,

The man whose blue eyes
white dragon you stole

And whose friendship
you betrayed.

Tristan: that's crazy.

Joey: absolutely nuts.

You're wrong, rebecca.

My grandfather would
never betray a friend.

That's what you think,

But your grandfather
is a thief, yugi.

He stole my grandfather's
blue eyes white dragon!

And you're gonna pay!
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