02x06 - Stalked by the Rare Hunters

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x06 - Stalked by the Rare Hunters

Post by bunniefuu »

your move!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time
to d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Joey: you can't
be serious.

You mean to tell me
dat rich punk kaiba

Is throwin' his own
exclusive duel monsters


And the whole thing
kicks off in less
than a week.


I can't believe
money bags didn't
send an invite to me.

I was da runner-up
at duelist kingdom.

Where's da respect?

Here's a news flash
for you, joey--

doesn't like you.

I'll give him
somethin' not to like.

You know, this is
exactly how he
wants you to react.


You got
a good point
there, tristan.

Maybe I don't need
to enter kaiba's
snooty competition.

What about you, yuge?

Are you gonna
enter the tournament?

I have to.

I just found out
that entering kaiba's
battle city tournament

Is the only way
I can achieve my destiny.

Your destiny?

What are ya
talkin' about?

It's kind of
a long story.

I got
nowhere to go.

All right.

Some kind of evil force
is coming back
from the past,

And I'm destined
to join this tournament
and defeat it.

Then it's my destiny
to help.

I got just da card.

I'm talkin'
red-eyes black dragon,

So what
you're saying is,

You've changed
your mind again

And now you
aregonna enter
kaiba's tournament.


Dat's what I'm
sayin', all right.

Yugi inspired me,

And wit dis baby
in my deck,
I got it made.

Isn't that right,
my little red eyes?

Who's gonna help me
kick some major
kaiba butt?

What's da matter?

Ya never saw a guy
kiss a card?

With my red eyes,
I'll put kaiba
to shame.

Didn't you learn
your lesson the last time
you dueled kaiba?

Tea's right, joey.

Your red eyes
is a powerful card,

But it doesn't

That you'll
beat kaiba.

You got a point.

You'll need to have
a little patience.

First, you should get
used to his new, more-advanced
version of the duel disc.

The old ones were
too advanced for me.

They cost me
da duel.

No! I lost.

Just look at you.

My new duel disc system
has proven to be
quite effective.

You're moping
like the frightened dog
I've turned you into.


Yugi: you're a much better
duelist now than you
were then, joey,

But before you jump
right into another
duel with kaiba,

You should practice
with the new
duel disc.

what are we
waitin' for?

I gotta try
and sign up
for dis thing.

Hey! Ho!

Man: yeah, big time.

This tournament
is gonna be good.

Oh, hey.

Looks like
the registration office
is over there.

Joey: battle city tournament,
here I come.

excuse us!

You think they'll
let joey sign up
for the tournament?

I don't know,

But I gotta say,
that boy sure is

You said it, tea.

By the way,

Thanks for taking
yami to the egyptian
exhibit yesterday.

I knew
spending the day
with you would help.

I still can't believe
he was an ancient
egyptian pharaoh.

Yup, and he
saved the entire
world, too.

[Thinking] whoa.

Yugi doesn't seem
worried at all,

But if what ishizu
told us about the past
is true,

There's so much
danger ahead.

Yugi: tea?

Ya know kaiba's new
rule that the winner
of each duel

Gets to take
the loser's
rarest card?

On one hand,
it's an awesome idea

'Cause the winner of
the whole tournament

the ultimate prize--

A super-deck made up
of the rarest cards
in duel monsters,

But on the other
hand, I put my heart
in this deck.

I don't want to lose
any of my cards
to another duelist,

my dark magician,

But the fate
of the whole world

Depends on
yami and me,

So I'll play
by whatever rules
I have to.


Hey, I think
we sign up here.

Joey: I'm just
gonna play dumb.


well, here we go.

I know this tournament's
gonna be really risky,

But we'll all
get through it together.

how ya doin'?

May I be
of some assistance?

Yugi: hi.

We came to register
for the battle city

And get our
duel discs.

Well, then,
my young friends,

You have entered
into the correct place.

You are fortunate,
since I have duel discs
left on my shelf,

But first I have
to make sure you're
qualified to register.

Ok. I'm yugi moto.

All right.
Yugi moto.


Not bad.
You've got stars.

the highest rank.

Hmm. Where does
this information
come from?

Kaibacorp performed
extensive research

On duelists
around the world

And compiled the results
into a database.

This shows
your skill level

And the rarest card
you've ever played
in a duel.

To ensure that only
the best duelists enter,

Mr. Kaiba has gone
to great lengths

To learn everything
about you and your decks.

[All gasp]


Knowing every card in our decks
gives an unfair advantage
to kaiba.

that's not cool.

Man: well, as promised,

Since you qualify
to enter, you get this--

new and improved
duel disc system.

Thank you.

Joey: ahem!
I wanna
register, also.

Joey wheeler's
da name.

Let me see.
Joey wheeler.


I'm sorry.
You've only got one star.

Your ranking
is much too low to enter.

That can't be!

Kaiba fixed
those results!

I came in second
at duelist kingdom!

Hey! Joey!

Just calm down!


Quit havin' a cow.

It is weird that
he doesn't qualify.


he's gonna burst
a blood vessel.


[Thinking] huh? He holds
the rare red-eyes black dragon.

My master will
surely be interested.

Relax, joey.

Man, I can't believe
he did dis.

There must be
an explanation.

Man: so, you want
to duel, joey wheeler?

I'm sorry, joey.

It appears my hard drive
was malfunctioning

And you actually
have stars.

You qualify.

Yeah! I knew it.

Lemme see
those beautiful stars.

Hey, my kisser
ain't lookin'
too bad, either.

I knew the computer
was wrong.

That's how I was able
to stay relaxed
and keep my cool

While he fixed it.

Best of luck.

Come to papa!

Ha ha ha!

Aw, yeah!

Battle city tournament,
here we come.

Joey: who's da man?

Tea: way to keep
your cool, joey.

Joey: thanks.

Yugi: we're lucky.
We got the last two discs.

Send over
the rare hunters.

The boy with the red eyes
just left.

Joey: guys,
I gotta get goin'.

My sister serenity's
operation is tomorrow,

And I told her I'd stay
at the hospital tonight.

All right.

Wish serenity luck
for me, joey.

I'm sure everything's
gonna be fine.

Thanks a lot, yuge.
Later, guys.

Tea: bye, joey.
Good luck.

I hope
he's all right.

Going to that hospital
is not an easy thing
for him to do.


Joey's mother is
gonna be at that hospital,
too, guys.

Tristan: she was
the one who separated
joey and serenity

When they were kids.

He hasn't spoken
to his mother since.

No way.

But that means that joey
hasn't seen or spoken
to his mother

In almost years.

Yes, but I'll make sure
that the wheeler family
unites once again.

Aren't you getting
just a little carried away
there, tristan?

Not if he's
trying to be a hero

To impress
joey's sister


[Joey panting]

I'd better hustle.

I promised serenity
I'd be at the hospital
in a few minutes,

And I've never
let her down.



Excuse me.

Uh, hey, what's
the big idea?

Outta my way.
I'm in a hurry.

Ha ha ha!

You won't be going
anywhere for a while.

What do you freaks
want with me?

Ha ha ha!

You're a feisty little one,
aren't you, joey wheeler?

I see you've never met
a rare hunter.

We stalk our prey
and take what we desire--

In this case,
your red-eyes black dragon.

Now prepare
to duel for it.

Joey: how'd you know
about my red eyes?

Just step aside.

If you'd like
to leave here
in one piece,

I'd suggest you do
as we say and duel.

You're not givin' me
a choice, are ya?

Den I guess
I accept.

Then let the hunt

Now, we'll duel
by the battle city rules.

That way, when we win,
we'll get your
red-eyes black dragon.

I'd suggest
you prepare yourself
for the hunt.

Let's get dis
over with.

I got somewhere
I gotta be.



Time to duel!
Time to duel!



Serenity, what's
the matter, dear?

Well, I guess I'm just
really terrified

About getting
this eye operation, mom,

But I know once joey
gets to the hospital,

I'll feel
so much better.

He should
be on his way.

Joseph's coming?

I'll get
dis party started

By playing
my panther warrior
in attack mode.

the predator's move.

I place one card
in defense mode.

Joey: not much
of a predator
so far.


These little
fur-balls may not
look like much,

But they're
just what I need
right now.


Panther warrior
can't attack unless I
make a sacrifice first,

So b'bye, scapegoat,
hello, panther attack.



Looks like
my panther warrior

Is the real hunter
in this duel.

Now what?

The graceful charity card
allows me to draw
new cards.

My deck is filled
with surprises,

And soon I'll be
adding your red eyes
to my collection.

[Thinking] where is joey?
He said he'd be here.

He's always been there
for me before.

I hope he's all right.



someone out there
who needs my help,

So I'm gonna
end dis duel
once and for all.

I play
alligator's sword
in attack mode...

And I'm gonna sacrifice
another scapegoat

So panther warrior
can attack again.


So you guys wanna
play by battle city
rules, huh?

Well, I just heard

That when you
have no monsters
on the field,

I can attack
your life points

Alligator's sword,
attack now!

Direct attack
on da hooded freak.




Give up yet?

No. Not quite.

I play
graceful charity again.


Yes. A good hunter

Must acquire strong hounds
to replace the weak ones.

So I discard
two old cards

And place this one
in defense mode.


Gimme a break.
I'm fallin' asleep.

How many times ya gonna
keep throwin' the same
lousy cards down?

You duel as badly
as you dress.

Time to end
this pathetic duel

So I can get back
to what I was doin'.


[Thinking] I'm gonna
wipe da street
with dis bum.


Wait a second.

When yugi was telling me
about the battle city
rules today,

He said something

About havin'
to sacrifice
weaker monsters

So you can summon
stronger monsters.

I think
I can offer up
those two guys

To bring out
my secret w*apon.

Now for your
worst nightmare--

The moment I've been
waitin' for.

I summon
red-eyes black dragon.



So you wanted to see
my red eyes, huh?

Guess you got
your wish.

Now take
a look at dis.

Here we go.

Red-eyes black dragon,

I think this
was my easiest
duel ever.

While you were busy
pickin' cards
and playin' defense,

I was
blastin' you away.

Foolish boy,

I've been leading you
through this hunt,

Waiting for the right
moment to pounce.

What're you
talking about?

I think
you got your cape
on too tight.

I've been
cremating ya.

Wrong. I'm about
to finish you off.

Say whaaaaa?

It's my move now,

And it's time
for me to unleash
the ultimate beast.

I summon exodia
the forbidden one.

No way!
It's all over.

Not exodia.

No! How can it be?

Exodia, obliterate.


Exodia's the rarest
card I know.

How did you get it
in your deck?


It is true that
the individual pieces

Of exodia the forbidden one
are extremely rare cards,

But rare hunters thrive
on relieving duelists
of their rarest cards.

That's how I've assembled
complete sets of exodia

In one single deck
of cards.

You won them all?

Let's just say,

We acquire them
by whatever means

Now we'll
take our prize--
your red eyes.

Hey, I'll get it.

We prefer
to take it by force.

I said, I'll get it.


Oh! Uh!

Ah, the thrill
of the hunt.
Here it is.


And now your precious
red-eyes black dragon
is mine.

red-eyes black dragon.

Ha ha ha!

Mother: serenity,

Open the door
right now.

Please let me in.

Serenity, please.

I won't.

I'm not going to
have the operation

Until joey
gets here.

Yugi: hello?

Mrs. Wheeler?

What's that?

Joey never showed up
at the hospital last night?

Don't worry, mrs. Wheeler.
We'll figure this out.


Hey, tea.

Any sign of joey?

Yugi: nothing.
This isn't like him.

I'm really worried.

Well, anything?

I didn't
see him anywhere,

And I checked all
of his usual spots.

There must be someplace
I'm not thinking of.

Why don't you
check downtown
on your bike?

Not a bad idea
at all, tea.

We should split up
and check every corner
of the city.

It just isn't like joey
to miss his sister's operation.

Something must have
happened to him.

Yeah. He'd never
let serenity down.

He was supposed
to have gotten
to the hospital

To see serenity
at about : last night,

So whatever held him up
from doing that

Must have happened
right after we left him.

Time is running out.

All right. You guys
should check up here.

I'm heading downtown.

Hey, joey!
Where are you?

Hey, wheeler!
You out there, buddy?

Joey, it's me, tea!


He's gotta be
around here somewhere.

We checked
everywhere, yugi.

[Horn honking]

Hey, look
who I found!

He's got joey!

He's all right,
and he can still make it
for the operation.

open the door
this instant.

I have other patients.
I can't wait any longer.

Doctor, please.

Joey: yeah.
Hang on there, doc.

[Gasp] joseph.

That's right.

Let me take care
of this one, ma.

Joey: serenity,
it's me, joey.

Listen, sis.

I know you're upset,
but you gotta open
dis door so we can talk.

Serenity: no.
I'm not opening
the door.

You said that you
would be here
last night, joey,

And I was so worried
about you.

I need you
to help me
through this.


I'm sorry.

I know
I let ya down, sis,

But just lemme
explain, please.

I was on my way
to da hospital yesterday,

Just like I promised,

But I ran into
some creeps downtown.

All I could think about
was comin' to see ya,

But that g*ng of punks
wouldn't let me leave.

They cornered me
and forced me into a duel.

Then they took the best
card in my whole deck.

I can't do
anything right.

Somehow, I managed
to let down the most
important person in my life

On the day that she
needed me the most.

I must be the worst
big brother in the history
of the world.

But you gotta
believe me, serenity.

I'd never do anything
to hurt ya.

You're more than
just my little sister.

You're my friend,

And there's nothing
in the world

That can break
the bond between us.

Now open dis door
and give your big brother
a hug, huh?


That's it.


Mother: ohh.

It's, uh,

Nice to see you, ma.

It's nice to see you.

Thanks, son.


Yugi: hey, joey.

Serenity's operation
went well?

Oh! Awesome!

She's in the recovery
room now.

Yugi: who were those guys
last night, joey?

You mean
those butt-ugly chumps
who forced me to duel?

Joey: all I know is,
I'm gonna find 'em
and win back my red eyes.

Well, I'll be there
to help you, joey.

I know
you will, pal.

Listen. I'll stop by
on my way home.

You got it. Bye.

I've got a feeling
whoever took his card

Is more dangerous
than joey thinks.

[Thinking] that rare hunter,
or whatever he calls himself,

Hasn't seen the last
of joey wheeler.

Dis battle ain't over

Till I get back
my red-eyes black dragon.

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