02x12 - The Master of Magicians, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x12 - The Master of Magicians, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Yami yugi:
previously on yu-gi-oh...

Ha ha ha!

Welcome, yugi moto.

I am the illusionist

It's time for us
to duel, arkana.

The winner will
take the loser's
dark magician!

Get ready!
The show

Is about to begin!


Brace yourself...

What's that?

It's a dark energy disc.

One touch and your
mind's banished
to the shadow realm!!

Dark magician...

Show him
some realmagic!

Arkana: that was just
the opening act, yugi!

Before this show's over
yourmind will be trapped

In the shadow realm

Ha ha ha!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time

To d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Why don't you
set us both free

And end this
madness, arkana!?

My dark magician
has already
taken out

More than half
of your life points!

One more attack

And that
dark energy disc

Will send
your mind right
to the shadow realm!

Ha ha ha!



Listen, yugi,
I promised you
a spectacle...

And I never disappoint.

Not only will I win,
I'll take your

Precious dark magician
from you

And send you
to mental oblivion!

yugi obviously
doesn't know

A master magician's
first rule:

the best trick
for the finale!

You should stop
worrying about me

And take care
of yourself, yugi!

It's myshow,

I can'tlose.

I gave you a chance
to save yourself,

But you've left me
with no choice...

Prepare to lose
it all, arkana!

Tea: I just
don't understand

What happened to yugi?!


He must have fallen
into a trap door.

Yeah, but what
I'm worried about

Is where that trap door
may have led him!

We've just gotta
find him!

Yes and we'll check
every square inch

Of battle city
until we do!

No one will ever
find us here,

So you'll be alone
when you lose it all!

hmmm. I've got to
defend myself

From another direct attack
by yugi's dark magician

Or it'll be
curtains for me.

This'll do.

Mystic tomato

In defense mode!

And I'll place
one card facedown.

Let's get on
with the show!

Yugi, thinking:
arkana's mystic tomato
is a weak defense.

If I summon
another monster
and destroy it,

I can mount
an attack
on his life points

And win this duel!

take the bait, yugi!

I knowyou want to summon
another monster,

And when you do,

I'll have
a surprise waiting!

Here's where
it ends!

I summon beta
the magnet warrior!

Attack now!

Not so fast, yugi!

What are you up to!?


You've activated my trap!

Dark renewal.

It takes a monster
from each player

And sends them
to the graveyard.

But in return,
it brings back
one monster

That's been lost
by the cardholder.

In this case,
that means me!

Ha ha ha!

You want your
dark magician back!

Very perceptive!

That will give me
a second chance

To annihilate you!
Ha ha ha!

Welcome back,
my dark magician!

You have your wish.

It's dark magician
versus dark magician.

Let's find out who
the realmaster is.

Our monsters' points
are identical.

So merely attacking
won't be enough.

You'll have to think
more strategically.

And only a true
illusionist like myself

Can master the power
of a dark magician!

Prepare to lose your card,
and your mind!

Think again...

Now I'll place
these two cards
on the field...


And end my turn.

this show will have
more twists

Than yugi expects.

I'll match him
move for move!

Two can play that game.

...i'll alsoplace
two cards facedown.

So what's next?

I'll show you.

I'll place one more
card facedown.

Brilliant move, yugi.

So I'llplace
one more card
facedown as well.

I will place
my last.

And so will i.

Ha! We each have
four cards facedown
and one dark magician.

And now, let's see
who picked the best
dueling strategy!

I'll play a magic card...

The mystical guillotine.

Say good-bye to
your dark magician, yugi!

I won't let you
destroy him!

Ha ha ha!

As if you had a choice!?

My dark magician!

I'm afraid it's true.

Your dark magician's
about to be cut
from the show,

And your mindwill be
trapped in the shadow realm!

Ha ha ha!

Arkana: it's time
for the grand finale!

Not yet, arkana!!

Sorry but
the show's over

And the curtain
must now fall!

Right on your
dark magician!

I'm afraid that
you'll have to
findhim first...

Go, magical hats!


Now you'll
have to guess

Which hat he's under
to attack him!

Don't be so sure
of that.

A thousand knives!!

These magic daggers

Will detect and destroy
your dark magician!

It's all over!

Hold on, arkana!

I'll rescue him
with cursebreaker!

It cancels out all
other magic cards!

Destroying my
dark magician

Won't be easy,

Well we'll just see
about that!

dark magician...

with dark magic now!

They'll destroy
each other!

And now my dark magician
will return!

Monster reborn!

Looks like, we're back
to where we started.

Yes, a stalemate.

Why don't
you unlock us
from these shackles

And finish this duel
with honor.

With honor!?

And ruin all the fun?

Have it your way.

But answer this...

Why did you lead me
down here, arkana?...

And why did you
force me into a duel

In which
the loser's mind

Gets sent into
the shadow realm?

I'm just following
the orders of my master.

Enough secrets,

What's going on!?

Look at my face.


Once, I was the greatest
illusionist and magician

Since harry houdini

Man: ladies and gentlemen,
the great arkana!

Arkana, voice-over:
my act was the envy
of the entire magic world,

And I loved
every minute of it.

I had it all.


But most importantly
I had her...

My sweet catherine.

We were going to be married
until that fateful day.

It was a routine
escape trick...

I'd done it
a million times.

But as catherine
looked on,

Something went
horribly wrong.


I lost my career
and my movie star
good looks that day...

Then I lost
catherine's love.


I drove her away, yugi...

I was a broken man...

...i didn't want her
to see me ruined.

She stood by me,
and I hurt her!

By the time
I figured that out,

It was too late...

She was gone.

My life was over
until I met him...marik.


He made me an offer...

If I could eliminate
yugi moto for good,

He'dhelp me
win back catherine

With the help
of his millennium rod.

Working for marik
will only lead you

To more pain
and suffering,

Marik cares
about no one
except himself!

He'll say
and do anything

To get
what he wants!

It's a cruel,
cruel world, yugi.

You'll find that out
soon enough.

There are very few things
you can count on.

And even fewer people.

But I amcounting on marik
to bring my catherine
back into my arms.


There she is...

Waiting for me,
just like
marik promised.

He's a man
of honor, yugi.

You shouldn't be
so quick to judge people.

Gimme a minute, darling.

I have to destroy yugi,

Then we can be
together forever.

So you see, yugi...

...it's nothing personal.

Ha ha ha!

You're a fool
to trust in him!

Instead you
should be
placing your trust

In yourselfand in
your cards,arkana!


You rely on tricks
and illusions to win

Instead of believing
in your deck.

And that will be
your downfall!

They're just cards, yugi,
and nothing more!

your problem!

not justcards.

My heart is
in my deck

And that's
something you'll
never understand.

You talk about your
faith in the cards, yugi,

But thatwill be

I knew you'd depend
on your dark magician
to bail you out,

So I built
my dueling deck
with one purpose:

To take your dark magician
away from you!

and that dark energy disc
will take something

Even more precious
from you...

Your mind!!

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

[Grandpa grunting]


Grandpa: yugi must be
around here somewhere!

Kaiba: yugi still
hasn't reappeared

On our duelist
tracking screen.

His duel disc
won't operate

Unless it has
a connection

To kaiba corporation's
tournament computer

Or another
compatible system.

So, mokuba, if yugi
is dueling someone

Who doesn't want
me watching,

They must be battling
in a secret location

That has its own
internal computer
dueling system.

Search for every
computer network
in battle city

That is compatible
with kaiba corporation's
dueling system...

And make it snappy!right!

Isolate any systems
that refuse

To identify
to our network.

I'll hit the streets!


Just radio me
when you find him!


Set us free, arkana!

It's not too late
to stop this!

Not until I win
your dark magician!

Then make a move!

With great pleasure!


I place one card

Ready for
the shadow realm?

I won't lose.


I place twocards

Time to spice up
this show!

Ha! Ready, yugi?

I reveal a magic card!

Beckon to the dark!

My dark magician!

Ha ha ha!

That's right, yugi,
you should be scared.

With its gruesome claw,
thismagic card

Snatches up
any opponent's monster

And transports it
directly to the graveyard!

So you can say good-bye
to your dark magician.

Oh really...

Afraid not...

You didn't count
on this!

Mystical ref-panel.

This trap card
will counter

The darkness
of your magic card

And spare
my monster!

Ha! But not for long.

We'll see!

We will!
Beckon to the dark

Was a decoy to get you
to waste your trap card!

Ha ha ha!

I knew that you would
fall for that trick!

Now it's myturn to play
a trap card, yugi.

Nightmare's chains!

These chains will
bind your dark magician,

Putting him out of play
and leaving youopen
to a direct attack!

My dark magician
is trapped!

With your monster hung up
for the moment,

All he can do is
look on helplessly

While I destroy
his master!

Ha ha ha!


Of course, you won't
be his master
for much longer,

So it doesn't
really matter, I suppose.

Soon he will belong
to marik...

And now!
Prepare yourself!


Dark magician,

Attack yugi's
life points directly!



Ha ha!

This is turning into
quite the performance!

And now! Watch!
My friends...

As the energy disc
sends yugi's mind

To the shadow realm!

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

One touch of that
dark energy disc

And your mind's banished

To the shadow realm!

I'm almost ready
for my grand finale, yugi,

And it's worth
sticking around for...

I don't want to ruin
the surprise for you,

But let's just say marik
will be extremely pleased.

You, on the other hand,
probably won't.

But why spoil it?

Now, it's time for you
to make your finalmove!


Yugi, thinking:
if I can't free
my dark magician,

Arkana's got me!

[Crowd talking
all at once]

We've been over
every square inch
of battle city,

And we haven't
found a trace
of yugi anywhere!

We've just gotta
keep looking for him. Huh?

Look mr. Moto,
it's mokuba!


You've got to help us!

Yugi walked
into a tent,

And he disappeared!

We've looked everywhere!

We're afraid
that he might have
been kidnapped!

I know.

Kaiba just found out
where he is.

I'm heading there
right now!

What timing!

You lead the way,
and we'll follow you!

We have to hurry.

Now, I'll summon
my big shield gardna

In defense mode.

Yugi, thinking:
I've got to protect
my life points!

Look at you, cowering
behind your monster,

Desperately trying
to put off

Your inevitable defeat

At the hands
of mymighty
dark magician.

I'm afraid that defense
won't help you.

After my next turn,
you life points
will be zero...

...i promise you.


Now, if you are done
with your turn...

It's time
for mynext move.


I will...
Also summon a monster...

Say hello...

....to the doll
of demise!

Ha ha ha!

And now, yugi,
behold the magic card

That will annihilate you!

I play ectoplasmer!

Confused, yugi?

Allow me to
explain it for you.

Ectoplasmer is
a magic card

That drains
the very soul

Of one of my monsters

Creating a pure
form of energy

Known as ectoplasm...

Which is then fired
directly at you!

What? If you turn
your own monsters
into hollow shells,

They'll be
of no use!

Ha ha ha!
Maybe so...

But once I've
destroyed you,

I'll have no more use
for them anyway.

Then my task
will be complete,

And I'll be reunited
with my sweet catherine!

Did you hear that,
catherine, my darling?

Just a few more minutes,
then we're off to hawaii

Or tahiti or wherever
you'd like...

Say good-bye, yugi...

I'm about to drain
your life points

By draining one
of my monster's
souls away!


Extract ectoplasm!

Attack now!




Yugi, thinking:
one more hit
and my life points

Will go
down to zero!

You played well, yugi,
I'll give you that.

But do you know why
you and your beloved
dark magician

Couldn't beat me?

You're too soft.

In battle, monsters
respond best to fear...

You have to make certain
that they are afraid of you.

You will never
command their respect
with kindness and trust.

Just look what happened
to your favorite card,
the dark magician.

Youare the master.

Theyare the servants,

And they should ensure
victory for you

Even if it means you
have to destroy them
to get there!

You're a sick man!

Hmm. It's myshow,

And mydark magician
knows that I am his master.

He is nothing
but my pawn.

Now, the grand finale!

Activate ectoplasmer!

Extract the soul
of my dark magician!

Stop now! This duel
has already gone
way too far.

Not when I'm
about to win!

Fire the ectoplasm!!


Good-bye, yugi!


What's happening!?

But that's impossible!

My dark magician!



The soul of yugi's
dark magician

Was also drained

And seems to be
blocking my attack!

They'll both
be destroyed!


It looks
like your plan

To destroy me

You're so busy
your cards, arkana,

That you
fail to learn

How to use them

While it
is true that
your ectoplasmer

your monster's soul

And fires
that energy
at your opponent,

What you obviously
didn't realize

Is that when there's
more than one

Of the same monster
on the field,

They're all affected
in the same way.

So my dark magician
was drained

Of his soul also.

Canceling out
your attack, arkana!

You may have
avoided that one,

But you're still
one attack away

From being banished
to the shadow realm forever!

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