03x21 - Noah's Final Threat — Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x21 - Noah's Final Threat — Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on "yu-gi-oh..."

You only have
life points left!

It's only a matter of time
before you lose!

You can beat this guy
, , , yugi!

Since you're all
so confident

That yugi's
going to win,

I've decided to put
your fate in his hands!

With every turn that
yugi fails to defeat me,

Another of you
will be turned to stone!

[All screaming]

Duke! No!

You think you can
control us like pawns...

But I'm about to
end your game!

The time is finally here!

This duel
has come to an end!

My dragon will
wipe out your kuriboh
and your life points!

Yamata dragon...attack!


Victory is mine!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh
is in the game! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh
is in the game! ♪

It's time

To d-d-d-duel!

To d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

once your kuriboh's
destroyed, you lose!


This can't be!

I win the duel!

Now you and your friends
are trapped here forever!

I've finally
proven my point!

See, yugi?

No one's superior to me!

You wish!

He lost.

not quite, tea!


He didn't lose
any life points!


What's the matter?

You look shocked.

You should have lost
the rest of your life points!


Take a closer look,


You activated a trap!

That's right!

It's a card
known as nutrient z!

Since your attack
was strong enough

To wipe out
of my life points,

I was able to activate
my nutrient z trap card

To protect me!

So I received
an additional
, life points

Before your attack
did any damage!

You can't get rid of me
that easily, noah!

Thanks to my cards
and to my friends!


But not for long,


Did you forget!?

Every time
one of your turns
comes to an end...

I'll transform
another one
of your friends

Into stone!


Relax, yugi!

'Cause my turn
is far from done!

Next my deck master's
special ability kicks in!

Boosting up
my life points!

And then
I'll activate this!

The magic card
sebek's blessing!

This raises my strength

By the same number of points
you just lost!

Giving me a grand total
of , life points!

And now...

My yamata dragon
spirit monster

Will return to my hand!

I'm sure you remember
what that means,

Don't you, yugi?

Spring of rebirth

Strengthening me more!

He's got
, life points!

How's yugi
gonna get 'em
down to zero!?


Yugi, thinking:
noah's getting stronger!

And with every turn
that passes,

He transforms
someone else
into a statue!

I can't let
this insanity continue!

I hafta beat noah
and set us all free!

Before it's too late!

Alright then!

I play the mighty
alpha the magnet warrior

In attack mode!

noah's life points


I have so much power
that I barely felt a thing!


Fine! Your move!

Not just yet.

First I have to
keep my word!

By encasing one more
of your friends
in stone now!


Don't let him win, yugi!

No! Tristan!

I'll get you back,

Noah...this must stop!

It will stop
when I win!

But by then,
you'll all be trapped here.

Look! Yugi's gonna
shut dis place down!

Den we'll all be free,

So you can thr*aten
whoever you want, noah!

Whoever I want?

So I guess that includes
your sister serenity!


If yugi doesn't
win this turn,
she's next!

Enough, noah!

There's still a chance
to save them, yugi...

All you have to do
is beat me.

If not...then too bad!

Your friends will be
a bunch of stiffs forever!

Ha ha ha!

soon I'll prove

That no one's
better than me!

My move! Ha!

And I summon
the spirit monster,

Inaba white rabbit!

It has the ability
to hop over all your monsters

And go straight for
your life points!

Oh, no!

White rabbit,
attack him now!

Behind you.


White rabbit, return!

As you know,

Whenever a card
returns to my hand,

My two magic cards
give my life points
a major boost!

This is nuts!

Now what!?

Relax, serenity.

Yugi can handle
dis freak!

Alright, noah!


I place one card
facedown on the field.

Then I'll sacrifice
alpha the magnet

In order to summon
dark magician girl!

And since I have
a dark magician card

In my graveyard,

She gains an additional
attack points now!

Go, dark magician girl,

Attack noah's
life points directly!

That's your best shot?

If you want to
save joey's sister,

You'll have to do
better than that!

So why don't you
try again?!

I can't.

I have to end my turn now.

Oh, no!


Ha ha ha!

Very well, then!

Time to lose
another friend!

Good-bye, serenity!

Joey...get back!




Not you, sis!

Aah! Aah!

Serenity! No!

Joey...i'm so sorry.

If you really cared,

You wouldn't have
let that happen, yugi!

Now, time to bring back
an old friend!

You remember
my inaba white rabbit,
don't you!?

I do! And I'm glad
to see him again!

His arrival
has triggered
my trap card,

Dark renewal!

And what is that!?

Once you
summon a monster,

Dark renewal allows me
to bring a spell caster

Back from my graveyard!

But first
I must sacrifice

One of your creatures
and one of mine.

So why don't
you and I

Get down
to business, noah!

First, say good-bye
to your inaba
white rabbit!


Then I'll sacrifice
my big shield gardna.

And now I can
bring back a monster

That you destroyed
earlier in our duel!

Dark magician!

Now I have the power
of two dark magicians

On my side
of the field, noah!

And it looks to me
like you have
no monsters left!


I'll place one card

And I'll end my turn
for now.

Ha! You have nothing
to defend you!

So your life points
are wide open!

And it's about time
I turn this duel around!

So stand back, noah!

Yugi, thinking:
just what I needed!

All right.

Prepare to release
me and my friends

From your twisted game!

For I activate
dark magic ritual!

This magic card
allows me

To summon a dark
magical creature,

Once I make
a sacrifice!

Soooo, I'll
sacrifice this card!

My all-powerful
the magnet warrior.

Valkyrion, be gone!

Now I shall summon
my third magician!

The magician
of black chaos!

Oh, no!

Oh, yes!

This monster
completes my trio
of magical beasts

That will
combine forces
to take you down!

When added together,
dark magician,

Dark magician

And magician
of black chaos

Have over ,
attack points!

Almost enough
to wipe you out!

He's got
dark magicians?

That's right.

But he neva
had 'em all
on da field at once!

Dis is da break
yugi needed!

Noah! This is
for my friends!

Combine forces,
my magicians!

And strike
his life points

the combined strength
of my magicians

Will render you weak!

So you think!

Guess again!

Activate trap card!

You just triggered
my chaos barrier field!

Yugi, thinking:
oh, no.

He stopped my triple
dark magic attack!

My points are still safe!

However, yours
are in a great deal
of danger,

So watch closely
as my trap card
takes effect...

Pitting your strongest
and your weakest monster

Against one another!

dark magician girl...

Feel the wrath
of your friend
magician of black chaos!

I don't believe it!

It's true!

Your big plan to defeat me
just failed miserably!

And all the life points
you just lost

Go directly to me!

Now he's ahead
by , !

Noah: bravo, yugi!


You've put on
such a great show,

I see no need
to continue!

So I'll transform
your friends
back to normal,

And we can end this duel!

Don't toy with me.



I ask only
one little favor
in return, yugi--

That you
forfeit the duel

And admit that I
am superior to you.

It seems a small
price to pay

For your friends'
safe return, doesn't it?

Of course,
seto and mokuba

Will remain as they are
and stay with me!

You slime ball!

Wait! Watch what you say!

You'll be next!

He can't play
wit people's lives
like dis.

Yuge! You can beat
this little twerp
fair and square

And end
his sick game!

What if I'm defeated?

You won't lose,

I don't remember
asking for your opinion,
you fool!

So say good-bye!


No, joey!

Not you, too!

Noah! You think you're
really tough, don't you!

Why, yes!

Well, I think you're
just a spoiled brat

Who's got no guts!

If things aren't
going your way,

You just keep
changing all the rules

Until they are!

Ha ha ha!

Do you think
I really care

What you
think of me, tea!?

I've already proven
that there's
no one out there

Who's better than me!

Now it's up to yugi
to admit the same!

Then I'll gladly
reverse the damage
that's been done.

Well, it looks like
I've got some
disappointing news

For you, then.

I still plan to win!

What!? You do!?

Then suit yourself!

I tried to make things
easy for you!

But you chose
the hard way!

So...i play a monster
in defense mode!

And next I'll play
one card facedown!


Since I can't lose,

There's no harm
in showing you

The next card
I'm about to play, yugi.

So get ready!


When your turn starts,

I'll use ground breaking

To bring back one of
my spirit monsters!

A little critter known as
inaba white rabbit!

He possesses
attack points,

Which is more than enough
to wipe you out!

So once he
att*cks you directly,

You're finished!

Now make
your final move, yugi!

You haven't
won this yet, noah!

I activate my trap!

Go, ground breaking!

This brings
my inaba white rabbit

Right back to my hand.

But not for long!

I activate
card destruction!

Now you must discard
your entire hand,

your white rabbit.

Then draw
more cards!

It all stops here!

of black chaos...

Destroy his facedown

Sorry, yugi!

But you've just
activated otohime's
special ability!

So feast your eyes
on this!


Target yugi's
dark magician

And switch him
into defense mode!

It doesn't look like
you'll be attacking me
any more this turn, yugi!

But since you did
manage to destroy

One of my spirit monsters,

You've triggered
yet another trap card!

Vessel of illusion
allows me to
summon a monster!

So, otohime,
return now in defense mode!

Your turn's over,

And it looks to me

Like you've only got
one friend left down there!


Soon she'll be
nothing more

Than a statue
of her former self!

In your dreams!

You creep!

Yugi's gonna
crush you!

Then he'll
set us all free!

You got that!?


Ah! I'll spare you
for one more turn, tea,

So you can witness
yugi's defeat

And see just
how wrong you are
about your friend!

Speaking of your defeat...

I activate the magic card,
change of heart!

It allows me to control
one of your monsters!

Guess who is now mine!


My dark magician!

And now
your favorite monster

Stands by my side,

Next I shall
sacrifice him
along with my otohime!

This allows me
to summon the most
powerful spirit

In all of duel monsters!


Oh, no!


Noah: then I'll play
the magic card
flaming fist!

This adds
extra attack points
to my beast

For one turn!

The end
is just about here!


Destroy his magician
of black chaos now!

Destroy his magician
of black chaos now!

Noah: it looks like
my newest spirit monster

Has destroyed
all your monsters!

And thanks to
the special ability

Of my deck master,

An additional
life points

Are added to my total!

Now I'll play
spiritual energy
settle machine!

It lets me keep
a spirit monster
on the field

After I discard
one card from my hand.

You may as well
stay down, yugi!

It's all over!

Don't listen
to him yugi!

Get up!







Well, this should
quiet things down a bit!

If you could speak,

I'm sure
you'd admit now

That I'm
the better duelist!

You have no monsters
in play,

No cards in your hand,

And no friends
to cheer you on!

You're all alone
now, yugi!

There's no one left
to support you!

Yugi: that's not true!


As long as I'm here...

You can't be alone!

And I'm not the only one
who's here!

Come on!

All you hafta do

Is look inside your heart
and inside your mind,

And you'll see
that your friends
are never far!!

They're all right here!

But I don't
see anyone.

Just look in here.

I've never seen
this room before,

It holds your
recent memories!

Yami-yugi: joey! Tea!

And tristan!

Duke devlin
and serenity!

I think I
understand now.


As long as our friends
are in our thoughts,

They'll never be
too far away!

well put, pal!

We'll always be
right here in your mind,

No matter what!

Tea: that's right!

You may not remember
your ancient
past yet...

But you still
remember us!


That's true.

But I'm afraid I have
nothing left to fight with.

Kaiba: that's pathetic!

Are you telling me

My future's in the hands
of a quitter!?

Kaiba! Mokuba!

You can't let
that little punk noah
win this duel, yugi!

I know.

Then get back
in the game...

And face him
like a man!

Remember, you have
my cards, too.

And with the power
of my deck
in your hands,

You can't lose!

There may still
be a chance!

It lies in kaiba's deck!

Don't mess up!

You've only got
one shot left!


I... Will...


Just watch me.

Noah: you insist on
humiliating yourself,

Don't you?

I won't stop
until you're
defeated, noah!

Now I play...

Card of sanctity!

So we both have to
draw from our decks

Until each of us
is holding cards
in our hands!

Joey: yugi!

We're all here!

now draw cards.

One from
each of us!

Dat's right, pal!

take this.

Don't give up!

Here you go!

This is for you!

I hope it helps!

Now give that brat
a spanking!

Yugi, thinking:
the hearts of
all our friends

Are in these cards!

I feel sorry for you.

Thanks to the support
of my friends,

I'm about to
defeat you.

And that is something
you'll never understand.

I play monster reborn!

It can revive
any monster you sent
to the graveyard,

Including kaiba's
blue-eyes white dragon!

It can't be!

Oh, yes, it can!

Remember, noah,

This duel began as
you against kaiba!

And you destroyed
his blue-eyes
white dragon,

So I was able
to bring it back!

Now I activate
this card!


This allows me to
fuse my blue-eyes
on the field

With the two other
blue-eyes cards
in my hand!

Huh? Ohh.

Now behold the power
of my blue-eyes
ultimate dragon!

The strongest monster
in kaiba's deck!

I'm afraid there's more!

Next I'll activate
my quick attack
magic card!

This lets my dragon
attack right now!

is finished!


It's not over yet!

Noah! You're wrong!

Thanks to the next
magic card in my hand!



It separates
my beast

Back into
separate dragons,

Each with ,
attack points!

No! Wait!

There must be
something I can do!

You've been exposed
as the frightened child
you truly are!

For kaiba and mokuba...

And for all
my other friends
as well...

white dragons,


Wipe him out!

This madness is
finally over, noah!
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