03x35 - Clash in the Coliseum — Part 4

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x35 - Clash in the Coliseum — Part 4

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on "yu-gi-oh"...

Yugi, the egyptian gods
are about to clash,

But only one monster
will remain standing!

Seto and yugi both have
egyptian god cards
on the field!

This is nuts!

Wipe out his life points!

you're about to lose
this duel, kaiba!

Yugi, thinking:
what's going on?

kaiba corp holograms

Aren't supposed
to do this!

the true power of ancient egypt

Is beginning
to reveal itself!!

And I fear for us all!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time

To d-d-d-duel!

To d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

The power
of our egyptian god
monsters is equal!

But neither one will
give up this fight!

You're right!

It must be a holographic


Are you ok!?

it's the ultimate
power struggle.

These two egyptian gods
have been pushed
to their limits!


what's going on!?

That light is stronger
than anything my machinery
can produce!



Tristan: whoa!
This is nuts, man!

That light
is intense!

What do you think's
goin' on out there,

Who knows...

But whatever
it is...

It's not good!



my millennium rod
is activating!

Its powers are beyond
my control!

This is exactly
what happened during
kaiba's last duel!

Uhh! The light...
It's too strong!





Yugi, thinking:
what's up with
my millennium puzzle?

The struggle between
obelisk and slifer

Must have sparked
something inside!

But where is it taking us!?


this can't be real!



It looks like some sort
of ancient city.

It's completely
destroyed! Oh!

Yugi, thinking:
something about
this place

Seems really
familiar to me.

But I'm
not sure why!

Ah! Yugi!

This looks like egypt!

But that doesn't
make any sense!

We're on my duel tower!


We've been transported
to another place...

Perhaps another time!


Yugi, thinking:
maybe this is
just a vision

Created by
my puzzle.

But then how can
kaiba see it, too?

He doesn't have
a millennium item!


Yami-yugi: that
looks like obelisk
the tormentor

And slifer the sky


But they're made
of stone!

What's going on!?

These are statues
of the egyptian gods!


The detail
is incredible!

It looks exactly like
slifer and obelisk!

Yugi, thinking:
maybe that's because
it is them!

But how were they
turned to stone?!

look at this dump!

I'm guessing that
no one's lived here
for ages!

Yami-yugi: yes...
And the entire city

Is shrouded
in a dark cloud.

Look, kaiba!

The darkness seems
to be coming from
that palace!

But what lies within?



Seto: look at the almighty
pharaoh now.

It appears your
once prosperous kingdom
has crumbled under your feet

And is now
in the merciless grip
of the dark one.

How does it feel
to be virtually powerless?!


These are the two
ancient figures we saw
on the stone carving!

don't be ridiculous!

Look, kaiba!
It's my puzzle!

Why have you chosen
his side over mine!?

That's where you're
wrong, my pharaoh.

My minions and I
have no allegiance
to the dark one,

But we have no allegiance
to you either!

I am here to finish
our battle

And prove no one
can overpower
my millennium rod!

The millennium rod!?

Pharaoh: even
in my darkest hour,

I shall defeat you!

Seto: then let our duel
begin, pharaoh!

The moment I've been
waiting for is here!

I will finally
take you down!


I shall be forever

As "he who defeated
the pharaoh."

Now prepare yourself!

For it's time to meet
my ultimate beast!

It will show you
no mercy!

Both: let's duel!

Behold...my dragon!

Blue-eyes white dragon!


You shall meet
my loyal servant!

Show yourself!

That's the dark magician!

Yami-yugi: this is
the ancient conflict
that ishizu spoke of!

Yugi, thinking:
and according to ishizu,

These are ancient versions
of ourselves!!

this whole thing
must be one of marik's

Hocus-pocus mind tricks!


Seto: I'm afraid
you don't stand
a chance, pharaoh!

Yugi, thinking:
it's the ancient tablet!

now I know this
isn't real!

Yugi, thinking:
kaiba and I were
destined to battle!

I've seen enough!!!!!


who invoked the power
of my millennium rod!?

Look, guys!

Tristan: yeah!
That light is
getting dimmer!

But why?


Are you all right?

I'm fine...


What just happened?

We were shown...

The origins
of our destiny.

Hey, seto! Huh?

What happened
to the egyptian god cards?

Now do you believe...

In your connection
to the past?

What's going on here?

I fear that kaiba's past

Intersects with that
of the millennium rod!

But he'll never get
his hands on my birthright!

I know who I am!

I'm seto kaiba--

President of the world's
largest gaming corporation!

But I can't seem
to get those images
out of my head!

It seems that no matter
what I do,

This ancient fairy tale
keeps coming back
to haunt me!

It all started when ishizu
tried to brainwash me

With her lies
in the museum!

Ever since then,
my mind's been playing
tricks on me!

It happened during
my duel with ishizu...

And again when I was able
to read the ancient text

On the winged dragon
of ra!

But today's visions were
the most intense so far!

I felt as though my body
was transported

To another place and time!

But that doesn't make
any sense!

I will not lose my grip
on reality!!

Do you understand
the significance
of this duel?

I understand that
I need to win, yugi!

You can't deny
what we both saw!



Don't be a fool!

That was nothing more
than an illusion!

Kaiba! Acknowledge
the truth!

This is fate!

You and I have been
destined to duel
each other

For , years!

Let's just end this now!

Yami-yugi: I'm dueling
for so much more

Than a mere
tournament victory.

Is that clear!?

I joined this
to help save mankind,

And nothing
will stand in my way!

That includes you,

Believe whatever
you want, yugi.

This will all be over soon!

Yami-marik: yes,
everything will soon be over.

I just need to insure
that kaiba's link

To my millennium rod doesn't
interfere with my plans!

I must win this tournament
in order to gain infinite power!

Last I checked,
it was still
your move, kaiba!

Now you're starting
to make some sense!

Let's move on
so I can end this

And claim the victory
I deserve!

I hope you're ready!


All right!

I'll place one card
facedown on the field!

I don't need an egyptian
god card to defeat you!

I have a more reliable card
in my hand now!

My blue eyes!

It's my move now!

Yugi, thinking:
oh, no! Not gazelle!

I can't wipe out
kaiba's life points
with this!

It's too weak!

ha ha ha ha!

kaiba has no monsters
on the field

To protect himself.

His life points
are wide open

For the pharaoh to attack.

All right!

I summon gazelle,

The king of
mythical beasts
in defense mode!



If that's all you've got,
you're done!

Behold my trap!


Yami-yugi: what!?

But that's...

Yes, my cloning trap card
has made an exact duplicate

Of your king of
mythical beasts, yugi!

Too bad!

Looks like
we're tied again!

Then I shall place
one card facedown now.

That ends my turn.

Sorry, yugi,

But you've just made
your final move!


For the monster that
I now hold in my hand

Is the key to your
ultimate demise.


All I need to do

Is sacrifice the gazelle
I got from you,

And I can summon it
to the field!


So prepare to feel
the wrath

Of my blue-eyes
white dragon!

Blue eyes!?
But how!?

You need to sacrifice
two monsters for that!

Is that so?

You should know
that things aren't
always what they seem!

Enough talk, kaiba.

Just make your move
so we can end
this duel!

Yes, ending this duel
is exactly what
I'm about to do!

Thanks to this magic card!

Yugi! You were correct.

Summoning blue eyes usually
requires two sacrifices.

However, thanks
to my magic card,

That rule no longer
holds true now!

This card is the key
to unlocking my great beast

And wiping you out!


My cost down magic card!


Now my blue-eyes white dragon
is instantly reduced

From an -star monster
to a -star monster!

Yugi, thinking: oh, no!

That means kaiba
only needs to sacrifice
one monster

To summon it!

The time has come!

And mark my words...

This is no illusion,
you fool!

First, I sacrifice
my gazelle clone!


And now...

I summon blue-eyes
white dragon!


[Crowd cheering]

Yeah! Take it
to the hoop, seto!

Nothing can stop you now!

Yami-marik, thinking:
well, perhaps
I'll be facing kaiba

In the next round
after all.

All right!

It's time for me
to finally put an end

To this feud right now!

Blue-eyes, attack
his gazelle with
white lightning!


Ha ha ha!

You may as well throw in
the towel, yugi!

Your only monster's gone!

And unless you can
summon something

With over ,
attack points...

This duel's over!

Yugi, thinking:
I've only got one chance

To defeat kaiba's
white dragon...

But it's a long shot!

If the images
of the past we saw
are true,

And history is
repeating itself...

Then in order to take
down kaiba's blue-eyes,

I hafta summon
my dark magician!

And this is
my last chance!

If I don't draw
the card I need now,

Kaiba wins the duel,
and I'm out
of the finals!

[As yami-yugi]
stand back, kaiba!

Behold the truth!

I know you saw
the same visions
that I did!

And I'm about
to prove it, kaiba!

That's right...

You and I
battled each other
, years ago!

And now destiny
has brought us together
once again!

It's true! Look!

I use monster reborn
to bring back a monster

From my graveyard!

The servant of
the ancient pharaoh--

The dark magician!


Now, dark magician,
come forth!

when I played
my life shaver trap,

I forced yugi
to discard two cards.

One of them must have been
his dark magician!

And now that
he's brought it back,

He expects me to believe
this ancient egyptian
fairy tale!?

Yugi! Your move
doesn't prove a thing!

Kaiba! How can you
continue to deny

Your ancient past!?

Just look
at the field!

Blue-eyes white dragon
faces the dark magician!

The time has come
to accept your destiny,

Fate has led us
to battle again!


Yugi, thinking:
there's so much about
this ancient feud

That's still
a mystery...

Like what
were we fighting over
in the first place?

And who eventually won?

it's time for yugi
to learn the hard way

That real duelists
make their own destiny!

Now then...

I shall place
one card facedown.

Yugi, thinking:
I hope this works!

'Cause if it doesn't,
kaiba's monster
will crush mine!

His blue eyes
has , points!

And my dark magician
only has , !

That means one attack
by kaiba,

And my magician's
a goner!

So it's all up
to my facedown cards
to save me!

Luckily, I have
a magic formula card,

Which can raise
my dark magician's
attack points by .

Then it'll be equal
in strength to kaiba's

So my monster
would also be destroyed!

I guess it's all up
to destiny now!


[As yami-yugi]
go, kaiba.

You disappoint me,

You're willing to put
all your faith

In some old folk story.

How pathetic!

Who knew you'd take it
this far?

Someone shows you
some chicken scratch
on an old rock,

And you use it
to dictate your life!?

I expected more
from you!

Trust me,
you're no pharaoh!

Ha ha ha!

So stop playing
"make-believe! "

You're caught up
in the past

When you should be
concentrating on what's
happening right now!

And that will be
your downfall!

We shall see.

Yes, as soon
as you're knocked out
of the tournament!

Then I'll move ahead
to the final round

And reclaim my number-one
dueling status!

Now let's move on!

First, I'll place
one card facedown!

Then I'll activate
my card of demise!

This magic card
allows me to draw

Until I'm holding

As long as I discard
my entire hand

After turns
have passed!

Is that all you've got?

I've observed yugi's
past duels very carefully,

And I know what
he's up to!

One of his facedown cards

Will make his
dark magician stronger...

And he'll use
the other one to stop
my blue-eye's attack!!

Sorry, yugi, but this
little strategy of yours

Is no secret to me,

So I'm afraid
it's not going to work!

You're planning
to take me down

With your two
facedown cards!

Well, guess what...?

I've got a plan, too!

Behold this!

A monster
that will seal your fate.

oh, no!

I summon
lord of dragons!

As long as it's on
the field,

My blue eyes is safe
from all magic
and trap cards!

That may be so,

But my dark magician
is more powerful

Than your lord
of dragons!

Then go ahead
and attack it, yugi!

Yugi, thinking:
kaiba may have a plan
to stop my attack,

But in order to win,
I'll have to try!

[As yami-yugi]
all right! My move!

I summon beta
the magnet warrior
in defense mode!

come on, yugi...

Attack me with
your dark magician!

Dark magician,
attack his lord
of dragons now!

Ha ha ha!

Too bad, yugi!

I reveal my trap card!


Magical trick mirror!

Now I can take
one magic card
from your graveyard

And use it as my own
for one turn!

And I know exactly
which one of your old cards

I need to get
my hands on!

Monster reborn!

And why's that!?


Now I can bring back
an old friend!


The rebirth
of my egyptian god card!

It's obelisk!

Very observant, yugi!

But egyptian god cards
can only be revived
for one turn!


But one turn
is all I need

To block your
dark magician's attack!

Hold on!!

Too late!

It's time for obelisk
to absorb your attack!

This can't be!

Say good-bye
to , life points!


It looks to me like
you're out of options!

It's over!

Ha ha ha!
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