09x13 - The Princess's Decision, the Sorrowful Bride

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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09x13 - The Princess's Decision, the Sorrowful Bride

Post by bunniefuu »

Ichigo agrees to become the bodyguard for

Princess Rurichiyo of the Kasumiohji Clan, a high ranking noble family.

And now he must battle the assassins sent

by Gyokaku Kumoi, who plots to take over.

Kumoi gives the assassins the Bakkouto,

which are made through secret Kasumiohji techniques,

and they attack Ichigo and his

comrades with their special powers.

In the face of their powerful Bakkouto,

one assassin's Spiritual Pressure is completely exhausted,

another is unable to unleash its full power,

and they are all ultimately defeated.

Oh, Lord Kannogi.

That certainly becomes you.

Tell me Is Ruricchi really coming?

I don't want to go through the wedding ceremony alone.

Please do not worry.

Princess Rurichiyo will most certainly return

before the ceremony.

Really? You seem confident about that.

I am. So do not worry.

Wedding ceremony?!


The wedding preparations are continuing in the Kasumiohji Clan

for Rurichiyo and Shu Kannogi.

Who is this Kannogi?

Sir Shu is Lady Rurichiyo's fiancé.

Fiancé? She has someone like that?

That's the aristocracy for you.

There is talk that Shu Kannogi

has already been installed as the head of the Kasumiohji Clan.

So now, they'll rush through the ceremony and make it official.

But Rurichiyo is with us. How can they get married?

A stand-in, perhaps.

After all, most people won't know the difference.

Prominent nobles of Soul Society will receive invitations.

On the day of the marriage,

the gates of the Kasumiohji Clan will open,

so that the common people can get a glimpse of the bride.

They're taking all the steps necessary to thwart our actions!

That Kumoi He resorted to such dirty tactics!

When is the ceremony scheduled?

The day after tomorrow.

So there's a little time.

Which means he may try to lure us into

a trap and take Princess Rurichiyo back.

That's a possibility.

He's controlling the situation and

minimizing the actions we can take,

driving us into a corner.

We can't make any move freely.

Inoue is doing her best with Ishida and Sado,

but the enemy's evil Spiritual Pressure

lingers around the wound openings.

It's taking time for her to reject it.

This sword Did you say it was called a Bakkouto?


It's a sword that eats up the wielder's

Spirit Energy and converts it to power.

Kisuke You aren't familiar with it either?

I hope you don't think I know everything.

What is it, Enryu?

No Lady Rurichiyo isn't here.

How can you tell from just that?

Lady Rurichiyo.

So here you are.

Don't worry.

Let's leave it to Orihime Inoue. They will recover fully.


We must not get in the way. Let us leave.

Lady Rurichiyo?

It's all right, Rurichiyo.

I know!

Rurichiyo, can you help me wring out the towels?


All right? Please?

Please use this.

Thank you, Rurichiyo.

I am sorry.


I am so helpless.

That's not true!

This wasn't your fault, Rurichiyo!

So here you are.

They say something and smoke like high places.

You were on the roof the last time too.

I had forgotten.

Ishida and Chad didn't get hurt because of you.

Don't worry.

You are wrong.

No, I'm not.

You are wrong!

If I were not here, they would not

-have gone through such suffering.

-You're wrong!

They didn't come after you.

After all, that Nukui guy came to fight me personally.

I know.


Even I know that they were not bandits!

Kumoi sent them!

Kumoi wants to take over the Kasumiohji Clan,

and he wants me dead!

Rurichiyo, you

I have known that Kumoi was after me for a long time.

I also know that you all kept quiet

so that I would not worry.

I am very grateful for that.

But But


We all made the decision on our own and chose to protect you.

None of us could ignore your dilemma.

Besides, I'm a Substitute Soul Reaper!

It's part of my job to keep people like you

from wandering around.


So don't cry!

I am not crying!

We'll be all right.

Ishida and Chad may take more time to recover,

but Inoue will do something.

So don't worry.

Thank you, Ichigo.

Huh? Hey!

What're you doing?!

Forgive me.




I am grateful for your effort.

However, I cannot trouble you all any further!

I will take action myself and take back the Kasumiohji Clan!


What's wrong, Ichigo?!

What happened?!


Lady Rurichiyo!

What's the meaning of this, Ichigo Kurosaki?!

I'll explain later! We're going after her!

What're you doing?! Hurry and open the Senkaimon!

I know that!




What's the matter?

The gate won't open.

What does that mean?

Lady Rurichiyo has locked it from the other side. I'm sure of it.

Isn't there a way to open it?!

Without a key, it's useless!

Damn it!


Think about the situation.

If you use that gate, you'll only fall into the enemy's trap!

Then what do you expect us to do?!

Calm down, Ichigo!

Why did Princess Rurichiyo decide to return to her clan?

She knew that Kumoi was targeting her.


And she blamed herself for everything that's happened.

Oh no!

So that's it, huh?

But what does she plan to do by returning all on her own?

Could it be?!

She intends to subdue Kumoi by proceeding with the marriage

and taking over as the head of the clan!

They're not that naïve!


Open your Senkaimon!




Be careful.

Inoue, look after Ishida and Chad!

Let's go!

So they're off.

Well, knowing Kurosaki, I expected that much.

However, the opponent is a high-ranking noble.

It won't be that easy.


The princess has returned!

What?! The princess?!

This is urgent!

We must go out to greet her!



“ Princess! “ Princess!

Welcome back.

This is a relief.

Welcome home, Lady Rurichiyo.

Hold it!

I am Rukia Kuchiki of Squad .

And the others?

He is Substitute Soul Reaper Ichigo Kurosaki.

The others are Sir Kenryu and Sir Enryu of the Kasumiohji Clan.

We don't have a request for passage.

Please wait while we verify this.

We don't have the time!

Hold on, Ichigo. We must comply.

Ruricchi, you're really back.

I became the lord in your absence.

I'm sorry.

It matters not.

I have no desire to become the head of the clan.

But we'll be together from now on!

What shall we do?

Maybe cards or fan toss?

Oh, you prefer handball, don't you?

How come it took so long to pass through the Senkaimon?!

We tried to go through without a pass, so it couldn't be helped.

Thank goodness we got through without a hitch.

The ceremony is tomorrow.

We're running out of time.

Damn it.

What will we do when we get to the mansion?

We can't create too much of a disturbance.

Leave that to us!

I will get Lady Rurichiyo out. I am the chief chamberlain, after all!

Is that important?

Certainly! I am the top retainer among the princess's aides.

So I'm able to enter freely!

Open the gate!

Chief Chamberlain of the Kasumiohji Clan,

Ryusei Kenzaki and Ruzaburo Enkougawa wish to enter!

Youhad names like that?!

What is the delay?! Open the gates!

What is the meaning of this?!

Silence! You two are suspected of abducting Princess Rurichiyo!

Submit to arrest!

Damnthat Kumoi!

We cannot allow ourselves to be arrested here!

Of course not!

Then what'll we do?!


We retreat for now!


“ Hold it! “ Hold it!

Hold on!

Hey, I thought you were a big shot!

Why run away?!

We're not running away! We're falling back to regroup!

Same thing!

“ Hold it! “ Hold it!

This way!

This way!

“ What's going on? “ Where are they?!

“ I don't see them! “ Where'd they go?

“ No way! “ Find them!

We gave them the slip.

I'm surprised you have a place like this prepared.

This is commonplace in a noble's mansion!

Is that so?

I don't know.

What will we do now?

We can use the secret passages to get ”

No, hold it.

What is it?

Judging from earlier, the entire mansion seems to be under heavy guard.

That's because it's the day before the wedding ceremony.

Then rather than search blindly, we should wait until tomorrow,

when we'll know exactly where Rurichiyo will be.

Wha ”?! If we did that, then ”


That's probably better.

It will be an official event.

For Lady Rurichiyo to openly order Kumoi as the head of the clan.

No one will be able to ignore her.

In our efforts to protect her, we treated her like a child,

and ended up pushing her into a corner.

She endured so much, and we couldn't protect her.

Rurichiyo made up her mind and came here.

She wanted to confront her destiny head on.

Well then, I say let's wager on her resolve!

All right.

Kenryu, you can show us the way inside the mansion, right?

You can count on me!

Wait for us, Rurichiyo.

The marriage ceremony of the th Lord of the Kasumiohji Clan,

Lord Shu Kannogi and Princess Rurichiyo has been completed.

Lord Shu, the new lord of the Kasumiohji Clan,

and his bride, Princess Rurichiyo, will arrive shortly!

Stand in your place and wait!

Look at that, Ruricchi!

They're all rejoicing over our marriage.


Let's go!

Wh-Who are you?!



Rurichiyo! Listen to me!

Huh?! What?!

Rurichiyo! Rurichiyo! It's me, Ichigo! Hey!

They've fallen into the trap.

“ Ruri ” “ That's as far as you go, Ichigo Kurosaki!

Captain Soi Fon?!



In the documents we filled out to pass through the Senkaimon,

there was a line for a sponsor.

Who did you name?

My brother.

If anything happens, he'll be put on the spot,

so be careful.

Anyway you look at it,

it's kind of obvious we're going to cause trouble for him this time.


There's nothing to do.

Jeez, I'm tired of just lying around doing nothing.

You guys!

You're too lax!

They can call us up anytime!

Hey, Red Pineapple.

Who you calling Red Pineapple?!

I'm ready to show off my secret w*apon anytime!

I can't wait!

“ Man, I wanna pee! “ Are you sure you guys are ready?
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