01x10 - Give a Little, Take a Little

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Miami Vice". Aired: September 16, 1984 – January 25, 1990.*
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Sonny & Rico, two Metro-Dade Police Department detectives working undercover in Miami.
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01x10 - Give a Little, Take a Little

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ A prisoner of your love ♪

♪ Entangled in your web ♪

♪ Hot whispers in the night ♪

♪ I'm captured by your spell ♪

♪ Captured ♪

♪ Oh, yes, I'm touched by
this show of emotion ♪

♪ Should I be fractured by
your lack of devotion ♪

♪ Should I ♪

♪ Should I ♪

♪ Oh, you better be good to me ♪

♪ That's how it's gotta be now ♪

♪ 'Cause I don't have no use
for what you loosely call the truth ♪

♪ And you better be good to me ♪

♪ Yeah, you better be good ♪

Oh, God. Is this a move...
You know what?

I think I need a night off.

Come on. You kidding?
We gotta make something happen.

Hey, man. Isn't there ever a time
when you're not in the mood...

Hey, I haven't seen you
in a long time. Welcome back.

Ever a time when you're not
in the mood for business?

Are you kidding?
I love this. This is fun.

Come on. We'll go see Noogie.
It'll be fun.

♪ Baby, you know I love you
You know I love you ♪

♪ Yeah, baby, baby, baby ♪

Hey, Noogie. What's happening?
♪ Whoo, baby ♪

♪ I love you, I... ♪ What's up,
Sonny? My main man, Tubbs? Noogie.

How ya doin'? How you doin',
rascal? What's goin' on with you?

What's up?

What's with
the underwater phones, man?

Hey, man. I'm on vacation, relaxing from
the stress and strain of "urbal" existence.

You know,
easin' up on the action. What action, man?

You've practically been
the invisible man.

You poppin' again, Noogie?
- Poppin'? Man, I'm break dancing.

See, I'm the jewel of the jungle
and you know that. Yeah, right.

You so high right now,
you need clearance to land.

Let me tell you, man. I got to mingle
with the people, you understand?

Ain't nothing happenin'
down at the library. Right?

Then it like, I need a little something... to get my
head together every now and then, you understand?

But it ain't like I ain't got nothing. This week,
let me tell ya. I got a special on Jordache jeans.

I got ballpoint pens.
I got watches from Trinidad, right?

And if you fellas do the right thing,
I'll put you down on a discount.

- Wh-What's up, man? What you want, some jewelry?

How about a bank bounce?
I know y'all want something, man...

Cut the crap, man.

Stop jivin' us with all of this bank bounces
and other con. Noogie, what's the action, pal?

We know you're connected with about 90% of everything
that moves in this town, you got a line on it.

See, I told you fellas.
The Noogman's on vacation, man.

A businessman like me got to get
some kind of relaxation sometimes, man.

♪ Baby, I love you
and you know that I ♪

♪ You know I-I ♪♪

You're gonna need help, pal.

You turn us away with zero, one good
turn deserves another. You get my drift?

Come on, man.
You wouldn't do that to the Noog, man.

I told you...What's wrong,
you don't believe me, man?

I told you if I had some info I would
lay it on you. See, now you're dissin' me.

My man.

I see you know how to deal with the
Noogman, you understand what I'm saying?

That 50, man? I know this dude named Trick Baby
that hangs downtown, man, you know what I'm sayin'?

He gave me some info last week that may be
helpful to you. You know what I mean, man?

For a couple more of these, man,
I get you all the info you need.

I'm gonna duke ya
to a warehouse full of speed, pal.

I mean amphetamines, uppers,
downers, black beauties.

You want some... No, thanks.

Ooh, can I have the next dance?

Hey, there, love cheeks.

Whoa, great outfits, girls. Got you walking
the streets again or is it Halloween?

Funny, Crockett.
Yeah, I got your trick or treat.

I think they look pretty good. I gotta make this
fast. Crockett, Tubbs, where you at right now?

Well, the Noogman gave us a line
on a load of amphetamines.

He says it's stashed in a warehouse
on 22nd Street. We're gonna check it out.

Need any backup?
- Uh-uh. Strictly small-time.

All right. Zito, Switek,
I want you to back up Trudy and Gina.

Finally got a picture on Ramirez.
Master pimp.

Everything from streetwalkers to your
thousand dollar-a-night call girls.

On call to visiting conventioneers and
politicians, the works. Where you guys at?

The streets, bottom rung.

We connected with this minor sleaze,
Cinco, who works for Ramirez.

We haven't even met the main man yet.
- That's him.

You're moving up the ladder to get him.

He personally puts you out on call,
we got a bust. A major coup.

Cover 'em. I don't want anything to go wrong. I'd
rather blow the investigation than lose somebody.

Two girls, very well
carved on female bodies,

floated up in the beach
in Broward.

They were former Ramirez girls.

They were starting
their own out-call service.

Don't get yourself compromised.

Don't worry about us, Lieutenant. They haven't
invented a tricky situation we can't handle.

That's pretty good, Gina.
"Tricky situation."

Thank you.
You oughta put that in your routine.

Puns? That's for some cheap lounge act.
I do inventive comedy.

Excuse me all to hell.
What time is it? Let's go.

Hey, you.
You in the blue dress.

So you wanna party, honey? Sure,
I took a shower and everything. Get in.

You're so romantic.

Drive off.

Oh, hi. Wanna party?

How much? $250,
cowboy. Can you handle it?

I told you
this was some good information.

You did not.
You said there was nothing here.

I said that?

Let's go check it out.

Well, I don't know what we got.

Hey, pal. Miami Vice.
Come here.

What's your name?
Rickert. Bob Rickert.

What's going on, Bob?

What's in the boxes?
Um, just storing some stuff.

What's your name?

Bob Rickert.
Mind if we take a look?

Well, there's nothing, uh,
a look? Uh...

Oh, you should've locked that, Bob.
Uh, do you have a warrant?


We can have one here in about five minutes,
pal, if you wanna go that route.

No, I didn't think so.

Well, go ahead,
but it ain't what it looks like.

Well, well, well.

You got a regular smorgasbord
here of dope, eh, pal?

Tell me about it.

I can't.
- Empty your pockets out on the floor.

Spread 'em.

Step back.
He's clean.

Look, um, isn't there something
we could, uh...we could do?

What are you doing?

Hey, what are you doing?

You have the right to remain silent.
If you choose not to remain silent,

anything you say may be
used against you in court.

You have the right to an attorney. If you can't
afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.

You understand these rights?

You understand?

You're big time, aren't you, Bob?
You push junk, don't you, Bob, huh?

Don't you talk bribes with me, pal.
You're in enough trouble as it is.

Here. Set up here until I get some help.
I'll take him in. Get out there.

Where are you taking me?
You've never been to jail, huh, kid?

Come here.

Look at the bottom.
That's jail. That's where you're going.

They got guys up there
that are gonna love you.

You gay?
I got a wife.

Gee, that's too bad, 'cause we're talking five
years before you see her again. What's she gonna do?

I'm just helping some friends,
that's all. From college.

I don't sell this stuff,
and I sure don't use it.

Keep talking.
I can't.

How do you feel about
not seeing your wife again till '89?

I rent a place.
They drop the stuff off.

It's picked up and delivered.
That's all I do.

When's the pickup?

You know what
you're asking me to do?

Hey, pal, you made this choice.

Tomorrow morning.

Where's this load going?

Some guy's house in North Miami.

His name is Alvarado.
125 Riverside.

Will I, uh...
Will I have to go to court?

You do nothing. Let them
make their pickup just as usual.

Just relax, like nothing's changed.

Go home and be with your wife.
Go home, kid.

Ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome to the Club Ocho...
The myth of Miami.

Wanna date?

Weirdo boss man's right there
behind you. Take it easy.

Uh, so, I don't know. Maybe... What? I'm a
lady. I don't take pictures with nobodies.

What is she doing?
Why isn't she with him?

Why don't you quit
breathing down our backs?
- I don't like this guy.

Turn around.

Turn around.

I'm gonna...
- Don't!

You always have to mess up
the merchandise, don't you?

You better lay some bread on me,
baby. Or what?

Because you're no good
to me otherwise.

Not bad.

That's nothing compared to what
you'll see when you get me off the streets.

When the man thinks
the time is right.

Of course, we might make it
sooner if you, uh, lighten up.

I don't wanna catch nothing.

You're a hot one.

That's the one.
That's the address the kid gave us.

This guy's serious.

Get outta there!

It's time. Let's go.

Mmm. Sit down.

Let's go.

Get outta here.

Here. Cristal '75.

You have some business
to talk over with me?

Do I look like somebody who
should be working on the streets?

Yeah, why not?

Ah. You're a very beautiful girl.

What's your name?

Paula. You want
to get off the street?

What do you got to offer me?

In exchange for what?

You're the one who provides it.

I'm from Chicago. This place has
great action, but no competition.

A lot of my book travels out here
anyway, so it's convenient.

Why'd you leave Chicago? Small problems,
a little heat.

It was time to move on.
What's your game?

Strictly call-outs.

Conventions. Vacationers.

High rollers from the islands.
A thousand a throw.

Sheesh, expensive.

I'm worth it.
Yeah. My end?

Perhaps some personal favor?

As long as I pay,
it's just business.

You know, uh, I think I can do this.

Show business, you know?

I think I've been bitten
by the bug.

What'd he call us in for anyway?

I don't know.
That's what we're gonna find out.

Hello, d*ck.

Sonny. What's shakin'? This is my partner,
Rico Tubbs.

You two know each other? Yeah, we
bumped into each other a couple of times...

before, uh, d*ck here
became big-time.

So what are we here for? I
wanted to talk to you face-to-face.

What's on your mind?

I represent Sally Alvarado.

As you know, a heavy bond
was posted as soon as he was eligible.

That should show you
this case involves people of means.

Big time.

He's a punk... worse.

What I'm wondering is, why is a big-time
lawyer like yourself handling his case?

What'd we step in?
- More than you can handle.

Your warrant is based on information
from a confidential source.

I'll need to know the identity
of your informant for my client's defense.

I'm doing you a favor
by telling you now instead of in court.

My informants are mine, pal,
and they stay that way.

It'll be an issue in my pretrial motion
to b*at the warrant.

Existing case law's on my side.

Why not make it easier for everybody?

You guys are out of your league.

No, we're not gonna make it easy on you,
d*ck. You're gonna have to do your job.

What happened out there this morning
doesn't count for nothing, does it?

I mean, your client could've sh*t me
and my partner and that'd be okay too.

Let's get out of here, man.

My informant's name is 39.

I did a really stupid thing.

I got involved selling dr*gs with
these guys from school.

- I got arrested.

This cop let me off,
but I told him what I know.

And, uh, I'm scared.

I don't know what to do.
But it's over.

These guys I told him about...
They're dangerous.

What will happen, Bobby?
I'm so worried.

We gotta get away from here.

See you guys in the room.

Yeah, right. All right, look, if he contacts you,
I wanna hear from you right away, you got it?

No. Don't call me from
your home phone.

Okay. O-Okay.
Just relax.

All right.

What'd you find out?
- Nothing in the intelligence files
on Rickert.

- Alvarado.

Some sheet. Investigation of m*rder
three times, attempted m*rder twice.

And the Bronco, it wasn't stolen.


That was Rickert.
He's coming apart at the seams.

He's scared to death.
You blame him?

You wanna hide him?

We got to.

Let's go see the boss.


Where are you with this case?

We're nowhere.

We put three charges on this guy,
Alvarado. The guy we busted?

Before we finished our report,
he's out on bond.

I don't know who it is, but somebody spent
a lot of money to get this guy off the hook.

Where'd you get the case?
- Informants.

Well, you rang somebody's bell.


Richard Cain has subpoenaed all your
informant warrants and your affidavits.

D.A. doesn't wanna brush this one off.
They wanna prosecute.

They will force you to name,
uh, your informant.

We blow the case if we
identify the informant.

They'll att*ck the affidavit for warrants.
Plus, I'll have a canary out on a limb.

They get a judge who wants to
push the issue,

you can go to jail on a contempt citation
if you don't name that informant.

You got a decision to make, Sonny.

I've taken under advisement
the arguments of counsel...

regarding the procurement and
issuance of Mr. Crockett's search warrant.

It looks good to me.

On motion of the defense,

Mr. Cain has brought up
an interesting point of law.

His client has the right to know
his accuser for purposes of questioning.

So on that motion,
I hold for the defense.

Mr. Crockett, I order you to
stand before this court...

and identify your informant.

I'm sorry, Your Honor.
I can't do that.

You understand the consequences
of your decision?

Yes, Your Honor. I do.

Mr. Crockett, I feel more strongly
than other judges on this issue.

I ask you again.
Who is your informant?

I order you here and now
to comply with this court.

I'm sorry, Your Honor,
but I cannot do that.

Then I have no alternative but to
hold you in contempt of court...

and instruct the bailiff to
take you into custody for 30 days...

or until this court is satisfied.

You know as well I do that
it's my job to deal with informants.

If I give you one, I may as well give you all of 'em,
because nobody on the streets is ever gonna trust me again.

You have disobeyed a direct order
from this court...

- I'm a police officer.
- I will not stand for this disrespect...

I'm a police officer.
Will the court entertain...

a bond hearing
on the contempt charge?
- Court is adjourned.

You know that cop I told you about?

He's in jail.

He wouldn't identify me in court.

Please, sit down.

Happy that you could come.
Have something to drink.

No, thank you.

Everything's been good since you've made
our arrangement. I hope you're pleased.

I have no complaints.

Cinco says you've been doing
very well since you're with us.

We should've got you
out of that bar sooner.

I'm sorry to have to say that.

But now, I plan to expose you to
an elite clientele.

You'll make lots of money,

and you're to accompany me
on certain special business trips.

I'm flattered.
I'm sure I'll live up to your expectations.

Tonight I'm having some friends
over for dinner.

I wish you to be here.
Say 9:00?

I'll look forward to it.
A party.

What are you doing here? I
have business with your boss.

I need to talk to you
about some possible problems.

What problems?

It seems there's a van parked in
Little Havana. We found some equipment.

There may be a wiretap.
Somebody taking pictures.

Wiretap who?
There's wire stretched all over this town.

On you? The clubs? What?
- I don't know.

What is it? Cops? Feds? What?

I don't know, sir.
- What do I pay you for?

To protect me, not to sit there
and say you don't know. "I don't know."

Where there's a wiretap,
there's an informant.

How long has that girl Paula
been around?

Couple of months.

Everything's been very smooth.

Now there's more arrests.
Revenue drops off.

She has to leave Chicago for some trouble.

Suddenly a wiretap.

I say she left Chicago because
she was somebody's informant.

Get rid of her. Now. Fast.

Whoa, not too fast.

I gotta see her tonight.


Where the hell have you been?

I hit.
- What?

He wants me to meet new people.
The big money.

Go with him on business deals.

He wants me to have dinner
with him tonight.

- Yeah. Business.

He's having other people come... top
people. Well, you can't go without backup.

Then take me as your friend.

I can't. I can't.

He wants me to go there alone.

He's got other people coming.
He wants to talk.

What are you gonna do
if he wants more than just talk?

What is with you?
I can handle this.

All right. How about this one.
- Come on. Come on. Let's go.

Get some chicken, some pizza
and some nutty buddies.

What do you think?
You know, for the movie?

When is he gonna stop this? Try it again,
Stan. It's not funny yet.


Hey. All right.
- This guy looks familiar.

How you feel?

Well, you must've pulled in some
pretty heavy markers to get me out.


I don't use markers, Sonny.

Rickert went into Cain's office
and identified himself as your informant.

While you were sitting, he called here.
Heard about it in the newspaper.

He was real upset.

Everything I tried to do to calm him
down, nothing would work, man.

Damn it.

There was no way to know, man.
No way to stop him.

Yeah, great.
Tell that to his widow.

Now what?
The case is blown.

Cain got Rickert to agree not to
testify in a new pretrial on the warrant.

He withdrew his motion
in front of Judge Cohen, and...

Alvarado walks.


Wonderful. That's just wonderful.

We got a pusher, a suspected mob
hit man and God knows what else,

and he does less time in this case
than I did.

♪ Love ♪

♪ Is such a precious thing ♪

♪ All of the joy it brings ♪

You look great.
♪ To your heart ♪

When are the others coming?
They aren't.

It's me. I'm the party.
♪ Is a mystery ♪

♪ People have everything ♪

What about our business deals?

What about 'em?

As long as I pay... Yeah?

Let's just be friends, all right?

Are you a hooker or what?
Or something else?

Yeah. I'm a hooker.

To the bedroom.

♪ And why ♪

♪ Why, why is your heart so cold ♪

♪ How could you be so bold ♪

♪ Only thinking of yourself ♪

These guys are stand-up dudes.

I mean, my man Crockett did time
rather than give up his informants.

Come on, homeboy. That's how
stand-up dude this guy is.

Thanks for coming, fellas.
Noogie, why this place?

I thought we needed to be alone.
Like I said the other day, man.

You can't be too careful with the eyes and
the ears of the world constantly upon you.

Huh. Huh. Don't be bashful.
Meet my friends.

Yo, fellas. This is Trick Baby. A no-good,
lowlife, thief, hustler, junkie pimp.

And that's all there is
good to say about my man.

Go ahead, tell 'em
what you know about Alvarado.

Well, don't stand there lookin'
dumb. Tell 'em what you laid on me.

You know Sally Alvarado?

Everybody on the streets
knows Sally Alvarado.

Nobody'll talk about him, man, 'cause
it's like talking about the black death.

I mean, Alvarado's a bad dude. He's the enforcer
for the man who runs everything in this town.

Gambling, junk, girls.
Won't anybody even talk about the dude.

Who is this "dude"?
Who are you talking about?

Lupo Ramirez.
He runs all the rackets in South Miami.

Well, go ahead, tell 'em
what you know about Ramirez.

There's gonna be another body
floatin' around soon.

Go on, tell 'em what you know, man.
You dissin' me.

There's this broad in his organization
he's got figured for a snitch,

so he gonna have her hit...
probably tonight.

You know where?

Who's gonna do the job?

Ramirez got two or three
different guys who can handle it.

You know the broad?

The only thing I know
about the broad is her name is Paula.

That's Gina.
We gotta roll, Noogie. Thanks.

Hey, Crockett.
I like the way you held up, man.

How'd you hear about it?
Yo, Crockett, my man.

Word like that spreads like wildfire.
Get out the way.

Gina? Open up.

Gina, it's Trudy.

You all right?

What's wrong?
You got your phone off the hook.

I don't feel like
talking to anybody.

Take that out and burn it.

Cover the outside.
All right.

Trudy, call an ambulance.

You okay?
Yeah, I'm okay.

I don't know about
this guy though.

Get me to a hospital.
I'm dying.

Who do you work for?

Alvarado and Ramirez.

I can't say anything about Ramirez.
He's too powerful.

What about Alvarado?

Ramirez's right-hand man.

I handle the broads.
He takes care of the junk.

Look... you take care of me,

I'll do anything you want with Alvarado.

Alvarado just b*at a junk bust.
What do you know about it?

He's gonna k*ll the guy
who set him up.

He knows who it is. The cops got him
stashed, but he'll find him, believe me.

Come on. Come on, pal.
I need more.

I've been with Alvarado
when he's k*lled,

I'm dying. You take care of me...

I'll help you.

Where do we find Alvarado?
- Club Ocho.

All right. You're gonna be all right.

Take care of this guy. Don't let
him die. You're gonna be okay, pal.

Here's Stan.

Hi. How's everybody doing?
Well, it's good to be here tonight.

My name is Stan,
and I'm Mr. Comedy.

Hi. How are you?
Where are you from?

Ooh, Colombia.
Hey, nice town.

Huh? Ring a bell?

Oh, good. My agent's here tonight.
Too bad you didn't bring some more people.

Well, I'd like to do a couple of
impressions for you tonight.

Kind of get the show going.

I think the first one, we don't need any
introduction at all. I think you know who it is.

Red, Sonny and Dr. Nick.

Let's get Mama and get the Cadillac,
get some chicken and some pizza.

Thank you.

Uh, let's see.
Who else do I know?

Here's one I think a lot of you people here
will know, since you're all from out of town.

Just kidding.

Here's one, uh, it's kind of a famous one,
and I think you'll get this one.

You're under arrest, Alvarado.

That's very funny.

You oughta take
your act up there on the stage.

I think the people
would enjoy it.

You got nothing on me.
Nobody's gonna snitch.

Cinco did.

Six murders. Prostitution. dr*gs.

You are lost.

You can come along nice-like,
or you don't have to come along at all.

Hi. What are you doing
after the show?

Oh, I see we're having a problem with
someone not being able to pay their bill.

Now let that be a lesson to you,
ladies and gentlemen.

You can't pay your bill,
you get a little police escort.

See ya, fellas.
Don't go away mad, huh?

What's this, the Girl Scouts?

Miami Vice.
You're under arrest.

You're kidding.
- Alvarado told us plenty.

Get up.

I'm not going no place with you.

Put it down.
Put it down.

Ha. You wouldn't sh**t me.

We meant so much to each other.

♪ You're standing alone now ♪

♪ You try to make sense ♪

♪ Of all of the pressure
you've come up against ♪

♪ There's no turning back now
The choice has been made ♪

♪ There's no backing down
and no running away ♪

♪ Today's a beginning ♪

♪ So far away from
my yesterday’s dreaming ♪

♪ Today's a beginning ♪

♪ Looking ahead to
the light of tomorrow ♪

♪ Today♪♪
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