02x07 - Tale of the Goat

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Miami Vice". Aired: September 16, 1984 – January 25, 1990.*
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Sonny & Rico, two Metro-Dade Police Department detectives working undercover in Miami.
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02x07 - Tale of the Goat

Post by bunniefuu »

His hitters were
so-called Zobops.


Yeah, man,
I'm not kidding you.

They're gangs that roam
the boonies out in Haiti.

Basically just hoods that
claim to be sorcerers,
possessed by voodoo gods.

Go ahead, laugh, man.
They scare the hell
out of people...

then rip them off.
k*ll you for a pack of smokes.

Well, Legba
brought Zobops to Miami.
Yeah, I'm not kidding you.

His contribution
to our way of life...

about drove me crazy
for three-and-a-half years.

Where'd the Zobops go
after Legba blew town?

They chilled out,
went back to being
regular-type bums they were...

before Legba showed up.

That's a hell
of a story, Sonny.
Yeah, wish I was making it up.

Follow me.
Now I get to see
the end of it.

I've been waiting
a long time for this one.

This what you came for?
You got it.

"Maximilian Ildefonse."
A.k.a. Legba.

"Born in Haiti.
Naturalized American citizen."

To be buried here.

What do you say
we open her up?

Be my guest, pal.

What's that for?


Say cheese, pal.

Guest of honor
finally made it.

Maybe that's why
they call them "late."

We're being awful
thorough here, man.

Not many crimes
a dead man can break.

It ain't Legba we're here for,
Rico. It's all his friends.

I figure with him gone,
we got a chance now to
shake his whole operation.

See what falls out.

What a lovely lady.

Easy there, Romeo.
Easy does it.

That's Marie Sansaricq,
Legba's former sweetie.

She's gorgeous.

Easy does it.

Turn around. Don't let
this guy make you.

Sylvio Romulus.

Right-hand man to Mr. Legba.

Voted "Most Likely
to Take Over the Business."

It appears he's been
taking care of more than
Papa's business.

What's your hurry, Sylvio?



They found this
in the coffin?

Yeah, connected
to an air vent.

Is it possible that a
man's body could have
been removed...

somewhere between
the hearse and customs?

I think your man's alive.

Let me tell you
something, pal.

When I took that picture,
he wasn't exactly
the life of the party.

Depends on the party.

Ever been to some of
our little get-togethers
at the lab?

No, there's a poison.

It's found in certain
Caribbean fish. It causes
death by paralysis...

but if you survive the first
48 hours, you're usually okay.

Now, wait.

You're telling me that if
someone wanted to appear
as if they were dead...

they could take some
of this toxin, and....

And revive in two days.
It's possible.

Trouble is, some kind
of brain damage usually
goes along with it.

Let's face it, anyone
who uses this stuff
for salad dressing...

ain't exactly starting out
Nobel Prize material.

Some of your more
courageous voodoo priests...

use this in
their ceremonies.

And mixed with some
home-grown psychedelics...

produces something you
might call their version
of a zombie.

I've heard this
once too often.

Look, I gotta run,
Lieutenant. Let me know
if you grab the guy...

and don't let him
bite you on the neck.

All right, there was
one guy, who used to
be Legba's right arm.

Now he's a numbers runner.
His name is Romulus.

He might be able
to lead us to him.

Keep me posted.

Aye, aye,
Captain Zombie! Sir.


Well, well, well.
Signs of a little activity.

Looks like Romulus is nervous.

I'll bet you he's the one
who put the hit on
old Legba's coffin.

Maybe some of
Papa's business

has been sticking
to Romulus' paws.

So what?
A dead man's business.

Dead man's voodoo.

I can't believe people buy
into that kind of weirdness.

The main squeeze
seems to think so.

This scene is not serene.

Legba left me
in charge of things.

Yes. To run the business,
not to take it away.

I thought he was dead.

You lied to him,
you stole from him.

Just stay with me.
Get in the car.

Legba sees
out the back of his head!

Hear that?

She's leaving
the sinking ship.

She don't want to be around
when Legba's boys show up.

Where does she think
she can hide?

Right now that's
not our concern, pal.

Ever see anything like these
honeys? They can be yours.

'Cause I mean what I say.
That's right.

Anything on this lot,
new or used...

RV, compact, it could
be yours for $200 down.

"What did he say? $200 down?"
That's right, $200 down.

You come down with
more than that figure,
and I will match it.

You come down
with $200 or more,
I will match that figure.

So you come on down
and you see Bobby Profile.
Bobby cares.

Cut. That's a wrap, people.
Bobby, you were rocking.

Good. Got me
a live wire over here.

Romulus, my man, let's talk.

Bobby Profile.
Mr. All-Night Movie.

The man who would buy time
in your dreams if he could.

I don't think Romulus
is buying a car.

Maybe Mr. Bobby P.
washes dirty money
for lowlifes like him.

Yeah, Romulus is in a hurry
for a quick wash-and-dry
on his way out of town.

Keeping the faith?

Papa Legba.
They said you were dead.

I remove the barrier.

I walk with the living
and the dead...

as I see fit.

You insult the loa
that lives within you.

You welcome home...

and live like a rich man.

Welcome, Baron Samedi...

master of the graveyard.

Sylvio Romulus...

got bad loas inside him.

I cast a death spell.

So you think Romulus is
making some last-minute

and then he's gonna
blow town.

That's all we've
been watching him
do all day, isn't it?

and meet with his people.

Come on, Crockett.

We just saw Legba
in cold storage.

Maybe somebody misplaced
his corpse so they could
run around town...

selling voodoo equipment
to chumps like Sylvio Romulus.

I think it's just
another scam.

Yeah, well, you just keep
right on thinking, pal.

Someday you'll get
good at it.

Yo, Auguste.

No, Legba!

Romulus must've racked up
some games in there.

Wait a minute.

I recognize those guys.

Those are Legba's boys.




This guy Legba
isn't funny anymore.

So, Romulus is
packing to leave...

making last-minute
collections, going to see
his launderer, Bobby P.

So I figure, after we
chased Legba out of town...

Romulus probably decided
that the business was his.

And now you think Legba's
come back to prove otherwise?

Man, nobody's gonna
risk brain damage...

for a handful of cashola
and a bad girlfriend.

Come on, Rico, we've seen
people k*lled for a nickel bag
every day.

It's the voodoo part, Sonny.
I just don't believe it.

Neither do I. It's gotta
be something, though.

There's a lot of other people
that do believe it.

So why don't you just
go bust him?
For what?

Impersonating a dead man?

Besides, where we
gonna find him?

You were there. Now you
see him, now you don't.

You're talking voodoo, man.
Why don't you just give it up?

Where do we stand?

Legba one, Romulus zip.

I'm gonna put a 24-hour
surveillance on Profile's
car lot dealership.

He's holding Legba's
money now.

I want the two of you to
get close to the girl, Marie.

If Legba's come to take
a hold of his possessions...

she's gonna be
at the top of the list.

I'll bet it all
looks good on you.

You following me around?
More like waiting to
see who shows up.

You need a place to stay?
Why, want to adopt me?

Where's Legba?

He's dead.

Now, come on. Marie,
we know better than that.

Romulus is dead.

Legba caught up
with him last night.

Yeah, looks like the g*ng's
all here. All of Legba's
people are working again.

Baron Samedi with his pickaxe,
Ogu with the saber.

What are you gonna do
when they come after you?

Legba won't hurt me.

Without his help, I wouldn't
even be in this country.

Yeah, I know the story. That's
how Legba got his start...

by bringing Haitians
into the country on boats
that he owned.

And weren't you lucky
that he liked your looks?

Because if he hadn't,
the group you were with...

wouldn't have made it
here in one piece.

Do you have any idea
how many Haitians bought
passage from Legba...

and ended up washed up
on our beaches around here
with their throats cut?

Or how many mindless
zombies he made out of
people that he let live?

m*rder? Zombies?

I don't know anything
about any of that.

Because you don't
want to know?

If you want to catch him,
you better do it quick.
He's leaving for Haiti.

He only came back
to get money
Romulus owed him.

He told you that?
Romulus told me.

So what are you gonna do?

My friends will
look after me.
Your friends?

Your friends are
dropping fast.

Here's a number where
you can reach us day or night.

Use it.

Going somewhere?

You did Romulus wrong.

He was most disloyal,
mon petite.

I will be returning soon
to our native land.

You will be coming with me.

You never possessed me,
I won't be a part of this.

Pepe, come here a second.

You believe in all this stuff?

All this voodoo
and zombies and....

Do you believe in the ocean?

No matter if you do or you
don't, if you step in it...

for sure, you gonna get wet.

I want to be safe.

Legba says he's taking me back
to Haiti on the Blackbird.

I won't go. Please!
All right, take it easy.

I'll come and get you.
Just tell me where you are.

Okay, I'm at the phone booth
at Biscayne and 52nd.

Now I don't know if it'll take
you back to the future,
but what I do know is that...

it can be yours, like
anything else on this lot.

Bobby Profile thinks about
the poor man. The man who
doesn't have money...

the man who needs a car.
Car to go to work....

You got a call, Bobby.
Says it's very important.

Come on. Get that trace.

Did you get my message?

Yeah, I saw the graffiti.

Lovely. Very nice!
Cost me a brand-new
paint job.

That's not all.

Sylvio Romulus is dead.

The dead speak out my mouth.
Romulus is crying.

He wants you to save
his soul from hell.

What do you think,
I'm some kind of pope?

The only thing that
would be necessary...

is the $500,000
Romulus owes me.

Unless you would like
to join him where he is.

I ain't got that kind
of money just lying around.

I mean, I got it,
you know, invested.

I did a bunch of things
for Sylvio, you know...

money markets and offshore
banks, things like that....

You know...

I paid him off nice and clean
in dividends, and I didn't
give it to him all at once.

Tell you what I'll do.

You show me the title
of Sylvio's assets...

then I'll turn over
the portfolio. Then all I
need is your signature.

You want my signature?

I wrote it on your vehicle.

I wrote it on Romulus.

Would you like...

me to write it on you?

Guys like that, I don't need.

Voodoo garbage, I don't need.

Ritual killings, I don't
need that, either.

And I don't need the heat
coming around here, either.

You heard about what
happened to Sylvio?

Got the pickaxe.

You think I want that?
No, thanks.

I got too much volume
coming in and out of here.

Tell you what we're gonna do.

When that man calls back,
and he's certainly
gonna call back...

we're gonna make
a nice deal with him.

We're gonna set up a meeting
tomorrow night at I-91, north
of the construction site.

You're gonna be there
and whack him.

That should be enough, guys.
Let's get out of here.

What the--

I've come to collect
Legba's money.

What are you doing here?
I've got till tomorrow.

All of it.

Let's do business.

What the hell's
happening here?

You're having a fire sale.

It's kind of you to let me
stay here and to protect me.

No problem.
It's all part of the job.

Tell me more about
Legba's voodoo scam.

It is anything but a scam.
They call themselves
the Grand Sanctuary.

They are Bokors.
Their voodoo is
like black magic.

They meet at a different
place every time...

always out of the city.

People come from
far away, Boston even...

to go to the rituals.

Legba is the high priest.
He loves it.

He loves the power.

Suppose somebody
wanted to join this cult.

If you want
to be initiated...

you have to go at
an intersection at
5:00 in the evening.

At First and Main.

You have betrayed him.

I don't know why
I didn't see it coming.

With Legba,
you don't see it coming.

At least you got a line
on this voodoo hoodoo...

maybe we can
find her there.

Lieutenant, Marie's gone.
I checked Romulus's house...

talked to friends,

Are you sure it's
Legba's people?
Couldn't be anybody else.

Legba's whole operation
has dropped out of sight.
I think he's ready to roll.

What about this voodoo
ceremony that Marie's been
talking to Gina about?

What about it?

As far as I can see, this
guy Legba, he can't resist
at least one more gig...

before he splits.

Marie did say
Legba was a high priest.

What are you saying, man?
You want to crash
the ceremony?

Why not?
You won't be
able to touch him.

Maybe I can
get to Marie.

If we can get to Marie,
that means that Legba's
not leaving.

Man, you're taking this
whole thing way too light.

This isn't like sneaking
into the drive-in.

This is a sacred religious
ceremony for these people...

and if they make you
for an outsider, you don't
know what they're gonna do.

What are they gonna do,
cast a spell on me?

You don't get it,
do you, Rico?

You cannot dissect this
with your intellect, now...

it isn't rational.
It isn't logical.

If you go in there
thinking you got
all the angles, man...

you are underestimating
the situation.

Yeah? Yeah, voodoo, right.

Voodoo is only effective
to the oppressed...

the poor
and uneducated folks...

who can't get past
the hocus-pocus.

You know that
we're all on loan-out
for burglary tomorrow.

There wouldn't be
any backup.

You'd be on your own.
I can handle it.

I can handle it.

Now, you've been chasing this
guy for three years, right?

You want him or not?

When you locate the girl,
I want you to call me.
I want to be there.

Let's play it.

Stay close to him.

I'll do my best.

Couple of minutes
before 5:00.

I'd feel a lot better
about this thing
if there was more backup.

Relax. There'll be
plenty of backup...

once we pinpoint the location
of this Haitian hullabaloo.

Don't worry about it.

I always worry, especially
when it's my mind at stake.

You want to be possessed
by the loa, monsieur?

You think you like that?

I have a slight problem
with my hands.

Everything seems to
slip through them.

The loa will improve
your fortunes, fellow.

You gonna feel power tonight.

Can't you give me some idea?

Hell, Gina, I don't know.

Try.... Maybe a warehouse...

or a school...

or maybe a vacant house.

Narrow it down, Sonny.

Anything with walls.

Maybe isolated.

It's gotta have walls
to be called a sanctuary.

Want to try
the Multiple Listing Service?
This could take about a year.

What about the chopper?

It's already up.
Sonny, hold on.

Sonny, Highway Patrol thinks
somebody made the truck...

headed out toward
Kendall Estates.

I'm on my way.

You do not believe...

the loas live within you.

They do!
You just forgot them.

Remove his jacket.

The dose may k*ll you.

Don't be stupid.
You gotta stop!

I too was with the police.
In Haiti.

When I pay the bribes...

in American money...

I will be...

a policeman again.

Not you!

Your nerves will
be too fragile.

Your courage will
shiver like glass.

Even if you survive...

the only law
you will serve...

is the law of
the walking dead.

Mon petite...

you do not wish
to return...

with me to Haiti.

You are a good...

American now.

Stay here.

Stay here.

Stay here.

Stay here.

Stay here...

for eternity.

You see the vision.

You can't touch it.
You got no hand.

You got no legs.

You got no will!

Your world...

is made of glass.

No more real than the image...

in a mirror.

I want you to canvas
this whole area.

Spread out and check
everything. Turn over
every leaf, every twig.


Get an ambulance!!!

Hold on, buddy.

Blackbird, she floats.

Blackbird. Blackbird,
she floats.




Easy, man. Take it easy,
buddy. Take it easy.

It's okay, buddy,
take it easy.

Take it easy.

Sonny, I'm okay.

Sonny, Legba, he k*lled her,
man. He k*lled Marie.

He's going back to Haiti, man.
We gotta get outta here,
'cause he k*lled Marie.

Take it easy.
What's a blackbird?

It's a Haitian freighter.

Hit the freighter.
Zito and Switek are there.

What about Tubbs?

He'll be okay.

Seeing Legba k*ll Marie
right in front of him...

and not being able to do
anything about it rattled
his cage a little.

It's understandable.

I don't want him out there
if you can't rely on him.

He'll be okay.

Sure you're up to this?

There's only one
way to find out.

And if I'm not, I want
to know about it now.

What do you suppose
is in the RV, Lar?
I don't know.

Dirty money
and dirty goats.

Unless Legba's learned how
to make himself invisible,
he's gotta be in that RV.

Crockett, I hit him.


Papa Legba...

remove the barriers.

Voodoo Legba!



Walk inside me.

Papa Legba!

Voodoo Legba!

He had his back
to me all the time.

He didn't k*ll her.

You're safe now,
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