02x12 - Definitely Miami

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Miami Vice". Aired: September 16, 1984 – January 25, 1990.*
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Sonny & Rico, two Metro-Dade Police Department detectives working undercover in Miami.
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02x12 - Definitely Miami

Post by bunniefuu »


Come on, baby, it's safe.
It's just me.


Another round.

I can dig tropical
but this is out of bounds.

Clemente picks
the hottest day in the year
to come in out of the cold.

Yeah, if he comes.
Oh, he'll come.

Word gets around
he's dogging his people out...

the only safe place to be,
will be with us.

Yeah, it's just the waiting.
I hate the waiting.

I feel like a character
in a Beckett play.

Since when do you know

Charlie Beckett
down on the corner,
the shoeshine.

He writes plays
on the side.

Check it out.

She's too conservative
for you.

I get these occasional urges
for stability in my life.

You need to see
someone about that.

Hey, you better
quit the eye rap, man,
before you strain something.

A strain in the right place
never hurt anybody.

As long as
it's just a strain.

Well, personally,
I'd have her come back
after it cools off...

so she wouldn't confuse
the humidity with my sweat.

Well, you just got to learn
to go with the heat, Rico.

It's just like life.

You just got to keep
telling yourself,
no matter how hot it gets...

sooner or later
there's a cool breeze
coming in.

Should I write that down?

Used to be
I couldn't quite tell
what was coming in on it.

What took you so long?

Hi, I'm Callie.

I'll give you your drink
if you tell me your name.

Sonny. Sonny Burnett.

How was it down by the pool,

Lonely, Sonny. Very lonely.

I hope you don't mind.
I'm burning up.

Is he asleep?

Tell your friend Sonny
to come and get me
when he wakes up. Okay?

Don't worry.

I'm immune.

I wish I wasn't.

I guess I better register
an update with the Lieutenant.

Give him my love.

Yeah, if he looked like that
I'd give him mine.

Got a message
from Se?or Clemente.

I waited all day here
for a gofer?
Don't be a wise guy!

Se?or Clemente is concerned
about your security.

What does he want, a note
from my mother? We're not
exactly new at this, pal.

Se?or Clemente wants
Maria Rojas there
when he comes in.

- Comprende?
Maria Rojas? I don't get it.

He wants her there.
I must have missed
the main event. Hey!

Easy! Hold it, hold it, pal.
Chill out. He's with me.

He's with me, man.
Okay, just don't
move it, man.

Let's go!

Hot enough for you?

Yeah. It's gonna be
a real k*ller.

Ask if they fixed
the air conditioning.

"Maria Roias.
Wife of the late Tony Rojas.

"Accessory to bribery.
Accessory to disbursal
of illegal funds.

"Accessory to tax fraud."
Nice resume.

Are those arrests
or convictions?

Neither, anymore.

She did a stand-up
for a grand jury
about two years ago...

bought herself a new life.

Maria's a federally protected
witness, guys. I don't think
we can touch her.

Organized Crime Task Force
in Washington
is sending down a consultant.

They're gonna cooperate?

Messenger's g*n?

Nada on the prints.

Put the word out on him.

Might give us a fix
on what Clemente's thinking.

The feds are gonna
give up somebody
they promised to protect?


Nice bunch of guys.

Oh, man, it's so hot you could
fry an egg on my face.

I hope I never
get that hungry.

Wait a minute. That's him.
Excuse me, bartender.

Weren't you the guy
at the pool bar yesterday?
Oh, yeah, the Hardy Boys.

What's your pleasure?

Give me water on the rocks.

So you guys ever catch
that guy you were chasing
around the pool yesterday?

No, we thought you might
help us scare him up.

What's it worth to you,
Excuse me.

Look, maybe you guys
would be better off
with a new connection.

I know this dude you might
want to talk to--
There's only one issue.

Do you know this dude
we saw yesterday?

Hey, do I look like the kind
of guy that hangs with that
kind of maggot low-life?

Remember me?

Please, just leave me alone.

Maybe I can help.
If he sees me
talking to you...

it will just
make things worse.

Husband? Boyfriend?
Look, I told you
to leave it alone.

You also told me to come
and get you when I woke up.

I say a lot of things.
Write it off to the heat.

Sounds thin, Callie.
Real thin.

What's your game?
This is no game, Sonny.

C'est ma vie.
I've got a bad husband.
I've got a bad marriage.

If it wasn't so boring
I'll tell it to you.
You got legs.

You could walk.

Yes, I could walk.
But walk where?
Where would I go?

You don't have family
or friends?
No, I have nothing here.

You know how bad
it feels when you wake up
and realize you have nothing?

You feel so lost.

Oh, God.
We all get into...

free-fall, Callie.
You just got to ride it out.

First thing to do
is get away.

I've tried that before.
He won't ever let me go.

I'll help.


Do I have a choice?

You own this place?

Some people I work with
own it. They let me
use it when I want.

I could make you
that kind of deal.

I didn't bring you here
to make a play, Callie.


What did you bring me
here for, Sonny?

To get you away
from a bad husband.

You really believe that?

You brought me back here
for the same reason I came.

I never loved my husband,
if that's what
you're wondering about.

I married him because he said
he would take care of me.

This is America, sweetheart.
Cut yourself free.

Find a new town. Get a job.

You have heard of jobs,
haven't you?

Men are my job.

Well, not really men. One man.

One man who will give me
what I need.
I'll do anything for him.

Whatever he wants.
Whatever he needs.

Whatever he needs to want.


You build your life
around a man?

Does it matter which one?

But of course it matters,
Sonny. It matters a lot.

Does it matter enough
to look before you leap?

You don't know me.
You don't know
anything about me.

You don't know
what you're dealing with.
But of course I know you.

I knew you from the very
first minute I saw you.

You're restless.
You're hungry.

You're lonely.
You have dreams.

Hold me tight.

This may never happen again.

Ricardo Tubbs, this is--
Joe Dalva...

Assistant Director,
Organized Crime Task Force.

Pleased to meet you.
A pleasure, Ric.

I understand
you made the contact
with Clemente's messenger.

I was explaining
to Agent Dalva...

our reluctance to compromise
a protected witness.

And I was explaining
to your Lieutenant here...

that this is a lock.

Sergio Clemente
is one of the biggest
crime lords in the Southeast.

He wants to turn
state's evidence
in exchange for immunity.

This is a major-league
defection, guys.

Clemente could tumble
the whole house of cards,
Atlantic City to Puerto Rico.

Be a nice feather
in your cap, huh?

Exposing a protected witness
could jeopardize
the entire program, Dalva.

We promised witnesses
a new identity,
safety for life.

It's a lock.

It's a one-time deal.
And nobody's gonna
hear about it.

We show him Maria
and we reel this guy in.

How can you be so sure?
Maria Rojas?

Why, she's Sergio Clemente's
little sister.

Say, where would you guys
like to go for supper
this evening?

My treat. Courtesy of
my old Uncle Sammy.

So that's it. She went back
to her husband, I guess.

Man, there's something weird
with this lady.

Can't figure out
what the hell it is.

Maybe she's playing
a competition game.

And the prize goes
to the highest bidder.

Is she in love with you?

With Burnett.
I see.

There's more to it
than that.

Something's up.

So what's going on
with Dalva?

The chump's a fed.
A hungry fed.

He thinks Clemente's testimony
is going to wipe out
all organized crime at once.

Man, it's all getting
too damned predictable.

Ten years ago I would have
believed in the feds.
I would've trusted them.

Ten years ago I would've
bought this lady's whole act.

Yeah, you've been riding
on the Funway too long.

"E" ticket's all used up.
Rides are getting dull.

Ain't that the trap, Rico?

The better you get
at this job, the more
dangerous it becomes.

Lose your edge
and you're a dead cop.

You gonna see Callie again?

You guys have really
got it easy down here.

Tropical climate.
Beautiful scenery.

Laid-back place.

I could really
get used to this.

Joe Dalva? Alfred Clark.
I'm Mrs. Rojas' attorney.

Where is she?
Home. My client's
declining to cooperate.

Come again?
My client declines
to cooperate.

She feels it might
greatly shorten
her lifespan.

That's all folks.

Wait a minute.
Does she realize
what she's doing?

Her brother wants to come in
out of the cold just to
see her after two long years.

Look, she's scared enough
already before
all this happened.

Let me talk with her.

She'll call you as soon as
you get back to D.C.

She's in the car, isn't she?
Now don't open that door.

In the car. Stay.
Back, back.

She's very protective.


Callie, why did you
come back here?

I had to.

My husband knows it all.
He will follow me.

He will hunt me down
wherever I go.
Listen to me. Listen to me.

I can protect you,
but you've got to be honest
with me right now.

How could I lie to you?

I just can't ask you
to get involved in this.

You're probably the best
chance I'll ever have,
but I just can't.

I just can't ask you
to get involved in this.

Oh, I'm already involved.

Let's make love now.
We have time.

He won't be back till late.

Callie, we--
Please come.

Listen to me.
Yes, now.

Who the hell are you?
No, Charlie! Don't!

Charlie, don't hurt him!
No! Don't!

Come on. Come on, tough--
Charlie, don't hurt him!

Was she good?


Don't! Charlie, don't!
Stop it!
Get the hell out of here.

This is one of the things
I really like about you,

You're like a magnet.

You attract some
of the weirdest women
in the Western Hemisphere.

Why don't you just
pull your badge
and take that chump down?

They're running
a game on me, Rico.

Setting me up.

I mean, they're setting
Burnett up.

I gotta see this thing through
to the end.

Right. Of course,
if this is just a sad lady...

with a bad husband
and a big heart, who falls
in love with a cop's cover...

you could be making things
worse for her.

Even the breeze is hot today.

This will never work.
Clemente's gonna know
that she's a decoy.

I understand what you're
trying to do...

but when you get this close
to something this big,
the end justifies the means.

I won't jeopardize
the integrity
of a federal witness.

I'm telling you, Clemente's
gonna know this is a decoy
from a 100 yards away.


Lieutenant, we got
a black stretch
coming your way.

Let him go.

I told you.
He's not going for it.

This is Joe Dalva.
Let Clemente go!
I repeat. Let him go!

We have nothing
to hold him with. I don't want
a bust in a court battle.

I want a cooperative witness
for the prosecution.

That's an order,

Let him go.

What'd you think...

I don't know my own sister?

Clemente, do you
really want us to crash
Maria's protection?

Unless I know she's alive,
I don't know this protection
program is for real.

You made Tony Assante
a deal...

and five months later
he starts appearing
in pieces outside Newark--

Assante blew his own cover.
No sister, no deal.

What would that tell you
if you can force us
to get your sister out?

What would it tell you
about the program?

I wanna know
she's still alive.

She loved to dance.

She used to stand on my feet,
she was so small.
Light, light as rain.

When she came home
from lessons
she would dance just for me.

Show me my sister.
You got one more chance.

I never thought it would work,
but I wanted to give
your people their best sh*t.

He's right here.

Your boss.


I understand.

We'll give Agent Dalva
our complete cooperation.



Do your stuff.

You're losing it,
Sonny, man.

Remember what you told me
about edges and dead cops?

I say a lot of things.
I talk too much.




Hi, there!

The sliding door was open.

I didn't mean to startle you.
I'm sorry.

Maria, it's not a lot to ask.

Give your brother a kiss
on the cheek and disappear
back into the suburbs.

Why do you think
he's so anxious to see me?

He just wants--
He just wants to know that...

you're okay.
So he can k*ll me himself.

He m*rder*d my husband.
What do you think
he wants with me?

I testified against him
in court. I betrayed him.

Just because he's my brother
doesn't mean he can't hate me.

There'll be a 100 cops there.
I promise.

I am not going!

Look, you are making me
very tired.

We have had two years
of good cooperation.

You don't want to change that,
do you?

What are you saying?

If you want us
to look out for you,
you've got to look out for us.

But I know
he's gonna k*ll me.


It's like a sauna in here.



What happened?

After you left,
he went crazy.

He kept on hitting me
and yelling at me.

He said he will k*ll me.

I'm sorry I came back here.

I didn't know
anywhere else to go.

Where's Basset now?

I'm sorry, I told him a lie.
I had to.

You know, Charlie has
this coke, two kilos.

I think he stole it.
So I told him
that you want to buy.

That I was working you
so you would buy that coke...

and that explained
what we were doing
on the room the other day.

How much?


Is it good quality?

Yes, it's very pure.

Charlie's desperate
because he owes some money.

What if it goes down wrong?

Do you want me to k*ll him?


Definitely Miami.

How's the eye?
It hardly shows now.

Did you make it with him?

No, he wouldn't.

He's kind of old fashioned.

Don't sh**t him in the face,


Wait a minute. Too much tape.

I'd like to have
a little skin left
when I pull this thing off.

Yo, Crockett.


Wish I was
going with you, man.

Yeah, me, too.

Some kind of symmetry...

both things going down today.

Nice to know there's
still a little poetry
left in the world.

Be careful.
You haven't seen everything.

Maybe we just see
what we want to see.

Be careful.
The head and the heart, Rico.

I'd sure like to
get them together just once.

Hey, Zito.
Hi, Rico.

Half-inch, chrome-alloy steel.
Both sides, like you wanted.

Very nice. Hope it works.

The Clemente meet
with his sister is set.

Gina's got a line
on Clemente's messenger.


I'll see you tonight.
Count on it.

Freeze! Miami Vice!

What does Clemente want
with Maria Rojas?

What does he want?

I don't know,
but I'm very sorry
about the hotel.

I am a refugee.
I am an engineer
from Nicaragua.

I wouldn't have fired the g*n.
I never held a g*n
in my hands.

Come here. Come here.
Sit down.

Forget the hotel
and tell me about Clemente.

I know so little.
I'm afraid I cannot
help you very much.

I'm only a messenger.
I never seen the guy.

You don't know what you know.
Think very carefully.

What you think is unimportant
could be very vital to us.

I only heard him once
say one thing.

But it doesn't make any sense.

He says he only wants to see
Maria Rojas dance again.

Here he comes.

Hold it, hold it!
Leave her alone!

I had to do it! I told you
he was going to k*ll me!

I had to do it!
I had no choice!

He was gonna k*ll me.
I had no choice.

I didn't want to do it!

He was my brother!
I didn't mean to....


So we meet again.

You got something for me?

Hey, I think I've got one
over here!

Lieutenant, I've got
another one over here!

Thank God, you're all right.

Sonny, there are beaches
whiter than this.

So white they hurt your eyes.
So clean, so pure...

so empty.
I'll take you there.

I'll take you to places
you never dreamed....

You have the right
to remain silent.

If you give up the right, we will use lies
and deception to trick you into saying something...

#CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You don't know!#

#You don't even know how to--#

#You don't even know how to say good-bye!#

#You make me wanna cry!!!!#
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