02x01 - Diamonds 'n Dust

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The A-Team". Aired: January 23, 1983 – March 8, 1987.*
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Four former members of a fictitious United States Army Special Forces team were tried by court martial for a crime they had not committed.
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02x01 - Diamonds 'n Dust

Post by bunniefuu »

In 1972, a crack commando unit
was sent to prison by a military court...

for a crime they didn't commit.

These men promptly escaped
from a maximum security stockade...

to the Los Angeles underground.

Today, still wanted by the government,
they survive as soldiers of fortune.

If you have a problem,
if no one else can help...

and if you can find them,
maybe you can hire the A-Team.

That crazy old buzzard
just won't give it up, will he?

We've got Griffin, and he's loaded
with supplies on his way to the mine.

- Is he alone?
- He sure is, Mr. Fletcher.

See to it that he doesn't make it.

Another winner! Good sh**ting, mister.

Give the little lady anything she likes
on the side shelf.

There you go, lady.

Step right up and test your skill.

Three sh*ts for $1. Everybody's a winner.

Three ducks,
pick anything on the side shelf.

That's it, lady, step right up.
Another winner!

Three ducks and take home
a teddy for Freddie.

Lovely sweater, my dear.
sh**t a little low and to the left.

I'm on a cold streak, here. Another winner!

Anything you like on the side shelf.

I was told I might find
a gentleman here named Louie.

Doesn't sound familiar.
What's his last name?

I was supposed to meet him here at 10:00.

What's your business?

Carnival's a small place.
Maybe I can ask around.

It's not that sort of business.
Sorry I bothered you.

Just a minute, lady.

Everybody's a winner.

Step right up and test your skill.

Three sh*ts for $1.
Everybody's a winner.

I'm not sure I understand this.


Come in, my dear.
You're looking for Louie?

Look, mister,
I don't know who you are...

but for two weeks,
I've been waiting in empty warehouses...

cheap hotels, and taking taxicabs
to meet someone in the middle of nowhere.

Are we just going to stare
at each other?

If you're looking for the A-Team,
Miss Griffin...

you've found them.






Bogey the Bear Show.

♪ I'm Bogey the Bear ♪
♪ I'm covered with hair ♪

♪ And I've been sent here-- ♪

Get out of there, man.

Now, Miss Griffin, why don't you tell us
what this is all about?

Maybe I can help you out.

You're the daughter
of an Australian national.

Your father was a dreamer,
with a very colorful past.

He was a lifer with the Bushnell Cavaliers.

When he retired,
he went to South Africa...

where he spent all of his time
prospecting diamond mines.

Everybody thought he was nuts.

Nuts! Now we're cooking!

But you think he found one.
You think he was m*rder*d.

Right after he staked a claim.

How do you know all that?

Let's just say if we didn't,
you wouldn't have gotten this far.

He had a dream.
All his life, he wanted his own mine.

It wasn't even the money.
It was the romance of it.

My father was like a big kid
when it came to that place.

Who'd want to k*ll a big kid?

Jonathan Fletcher.

He owns a piece
of every mine in South Africa.

He wasn't about to let my father
have one little mine he could call his own.

Now Fletcher can claim that mine
after 30 days, unless I can get it working.

We don't work mines.

I don't see how we can help you.

With transport. Fletcher controls the
only road that leads to my father's mine...

and I can't get any dynamite in
because he won't allow anyone through.

Unless you can help me, I'm gonna
lose everything my father worked for.

What do you want with dynamite?

Wouldn't that
blow the diamonds everywhere?

It's not for the diamonds.
We have other equipment for that.

It's to blow out an airshaft
so we can work the lower levels of the mine.

But like I said,
I need somebody to get it up that road.

That's what my father was trying to do
when Fletcher had him k*lled.

I couldn't save his life,
but I can save his dream.

I need your help.

Give the lady an estimate, Face.

With the cost overrides, perks,
per diems, light armaments...

mileage bonus, $210,000.

You've got to be kidding!

South Africa's out of the zone.
We had to add 20%.

If you pay peanuts, lady,
you wind up hiring monkeys.

It's all I have. My father sent it to me
before he was m*rder*d.

Keep it as collateral,
and if you pull this off...

I'll give you 10% of the mine's find
in the first year.

- What do you say, Face?
- Has a center flaw, but it will cut up nicely.

Give it back.

Miss Griffin, you just hired the A-Team.

Pay us when we finish the job.

Meet me at this address
the day after tomorrow.

Bulawayo, Zulabwe...

Bulawayo, Zulabwe?
Man, I ain't flying there!

Of course you're not, B.A.

Nurse, I want BP readings every six minutes.
Continue monitoring adrenalin levels.

Slow down here a minute. What's going on?

You must be Mr. Bellar.

I don't know a Mr. Bellar.

What are you doing?

What's going on?
Bellar's supposed to expedite this.

I can't let you board, I'm sorry.
I need to see some kind of paperwork.

Paperwork, sir.

Chief Babaracas must be on an operating
table in Johannesburg in 12 hours...

or he will die.

- Die?
- Yes, and on your airplane. Sign here.

Sir, in a small way,
you have served medical science.

The AMA thanks you,
the Chief thanks you, his tribe thanks you.

Come on, Murdock,
you're scaring the animals.

You're also waking up B.A.

I said I wasn't flying to Africa,
but I'm here.

I said I wasn't flying to no Borneo,
and I was there.

The same with Mexico, Latin America...

and anywhere else
you guys want to hustle me into.

B.A., life's roads have many twists.

I'm getting tired of all these tricks
you keep playing on me.

This is the last time!

There's the place.


You hang around out here. You see any
governmental types, let us know.

Take care of Bogey for me, will you?
He ain't old enough to drink yet.

The man's nuts!

Bartender, give us a round of beers.

There's nothing like a clandestine meeting.

We could meet anywhere in Zulabwe
and Fletcher would know about it.

He owns the whole country.

Anyway, I'm hiring people
who can handle themselves, right?

But you're not paying us to be stupid.
Now, did you get the truck and supplies?

Everything but the dynamite.

The owner of the supply store
wouldn't sell it to me.


I'm a little light on wardrobe,
but maybe I can work something out.

Shall we see what we can do?

- You got it, Face-guy.
- Pleasure.

Mr. Fletcher, this is Jake
down at the Come Lucky.

Old man Griffin's kid
is talking some business.

I don't know if this is gonna work.

What country did you say
this uniform's from?

Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Watch
and Parent Patrol.

- What rank?
- Chief Crossing Guard.

- Terrific.
- Murdock, it's the singer, not the song.

This'll work.

- You think you can do it?
- Surely you must be jesting, old chap.

After I saw Bridge on the River Kwai...

it took me six months to realise
I wasn't Peter O'Toole.

You mean Alec Guinness.
Peter O'Toole wasn't in that picture.

He was, if you saw him through these eyes.

Good afternoon, gents.
What can I do for you this afternoon?

- Morey Moran?
- Yes.

Then I can assume that these are
your initials on this purchase order.

- M.M.?
- Yes.

What are you doing?

Calling Headquarters to tell them
we're questioning the suspect.

Suspect? Wait a minute...

You have already conceded, sir,
that your initials are on the document.

Please do not complicate matters
by perjuring yourself.

Look, I don't have to stand here
and take this from a...

Who are you guys, anyway?

That's Colonel Bradley Lexington,
Salisbury expl*sives and Arms Control.

I'm Edmund Morris,
United Nations attaché to Zulabwe.

I ain't done nothing wrong.

Why don't you go put
somebody else's knickers in a twist?

We are not amused.

On 16 December, 1982,
this establishment sold...

10 cases of dynamite
to the Parker Construction Company.

Do you concur?

So what? I'm a supply store. But...

To continue, said dynamite was defective...

and a premature expl*si*n...

caused the untidy demise
of 22 workers employed...

to renovate the bridge at Breaker Pass.
How do you respond to that?

By saying that's bloody impossible...

'cause there ain't no bridge
over Breaker Pass, that's why.

Idiot! There is no need
to brutalize the Queen's English...

along with your other crimes,
which now include...

impugning a loyal subject
of Her Royal Majesty!

Come on, you guys must be kidding.

I sell good stuff here,
and everyone knows it.

Don't make me laugh.

No kippers, no English herringbone tweeds,
no meat pies...

no Rolls-Royce petrol caps...

no original pressings of Hey Jude.

You, sir, are a miserable excuse
for a shop keep.

And I don't see any state seals
or shipping dates on any of these.

Mr. Moran, you're not buying this
on the black market, are you?

I bought this stuff all legal,
and you can bank that at Barclays.

Then where are the state seals?

We're gonna have to
confiscate this as contraband.

Colonel Lexington,
could you give me a hand, please?

- Delighted.
- No, look...

Ever see him before?

Probably came down
from the high country for supplies.

Can you show me on the map
a way through Solomon's Pass?

Our route would be through this
passage here. Solomon's Pass.

The roads may be a bit rough,
but monsoon season is over...

so there's not much of a danger of slides.

If we start at first light and
we're lucky, we should make it by nightfall.

You're gonna need more than luck, darling.
You've been warned about this, Miss Griffin.

You know this piece of cheese?

Take a little healthy advice, mister.
Don't work for that lady.

It's rough country out there, you might get
bitten in the middle of the night.


Since I gave up golf,
my life has been real boring.

The mine was my father's, Scheckter.

The claim was properly filed in Salisbury.
And I'm going to work it.

Otherwise, he died for nothing.

You try to work that mine...

and you might have
the same kind of accident that k*lled him.

They say bad luck runs in families.

I've heard it's the same
with stupidity. Or was it ugliness?

Thanks, B.A.

Nice, B.A.

You're gonna die for this, mister.

Come on, ladies.

Come on, B.A.


I'm at the Come Lucky.

Scheckter, yes?

I'm sorry, Mr. Fletcher,
we messed up.

You're not paid to mess up!

You k*ll them if you have to!
No one opens that mine but me!

You understand?

I'm warning you, Murdock.
I got enough trouble with these roads...

without you making all that stupid noise.

Take it easy, B.A. How's this thing doing?

This thing is running terrible.

Seems like it's come from
one of Face's scams.

Let's not get personal
when we have company.

- How much further is it?
- About 20 miles.

That is if Scheckter and his men
don't try to k*ll us first.

They'll try. The question is where.

You take Jaspers and Baker over
to Solomon's Pass just west of the ravine.

Ambush them.

No problem.
Just like we do with old man Griffin.

We'll go back to the mine,
clean out the rest of those workers.

We'll see you back at Fletcher's.
Turn them inside out.

Keep driving like that,
and you'll get us there in a big ball of fire.

Don't tell me how to drive, man.

Is this what I get for $210,000?

Come on, this is the way it's done
in all the Tarzan movies!

- That's right.
- Sure.

First, the pretty lady hires a safari to help
her find the legendary elephant graveyard.

Then one of the jungle party goes mad
from drinking swamp water.

Ten days later, they're hopelessly lost!

The porters abandon them as
they've crossed into the land of bad magic.

Things are bad.

Just as they are about to fall prey
to the savage natives...

Some dude in a loincloth and a $40 haircut
swings in and saves the day.

- How's it going back there, Face?
- Not good, Colonel.

Gets real unstable when it's wet,
and it's sweating pretty good.

I'm an expert on unstable.
This stuff is not unstable!

This stuff won't even go off
without a blasting cap.

Fraidy cats...


Brilliant, Murdock.

We give this stuff one more good bounce...

and Murdock'll be telling his jokes
to St. Peter.

He's already heard them.

Hang tight, B.A.

Go back up to the jeep and call Scheckter.
Tell him we've got these guys pinned down.

- Right.
- Go!

Face, take the left.
Murdock, you take the right.

Get up the hill and flank them.
We'll keep them busy.

B.A., cover us.
I'll get the women away from the dynamite.

Ready, go!

- My g*n is jammed, Hannibal.
- Here, take this.

Stand by to heat it up. I'm going.

Hannibal, where are you going?

- The front door. Where else?
- Stupid question.

It's Bogey the Bear time.
Freeze it!

Bogey the Bear said, "Freeze it!"

Make a move
and I'll turn you into fruit salad.

On your feet, pal.

You guys throw a heck of a party.
Looks like I got the door prize.

- You all right, Murdock?
- Yes.

I don't think Bogey
is gonna make it, Lieutenant.

- Too bad.
- Hannibal!

We lost this wheel and half the axle.

We ain't going nowhere, unless we walk.

- How far is it to the mine, Miss Griffin?
- Too far.

An abandoned truck?
You're putting me on.

Right up over the ridge. I almost fell
over it while I was chasing those guys.

Face, you're turning luck
into an art form.

Art form's a bit much. I prefer to think of it
as talent for the remarkable.

This truck, was it an old blue pickup?

Yeah. Rusted-out paint job,
some kind of artwork on the door.

- Bird, gargoyle, something like that.
- A griffin.

He painted that stupid thing
on the door by himself.

Thought it protected him.

Man, the parts we need
could still be on her daddy's truck.

- I can get them and fix this thing.
- It's a great idea, B.A. Give it a try.

Come on, Face.

What are you guys gonna do with us?

We thought maybe we'd tie you to a tree
and leave you for the lions.

They like a little snack at night.

They get the munchies, right after Carson.

Could try the old Indian trick.

- Stake them out over an anthill?
- I've always liked it.

I don't know. I'm not sure
how I'd get the ants to go for these two.

It's easy. Just stick an ice-cream cone
right in their pocket.

You guys are crazy.

He is crazy. We are just bad-tempered.
Okay, start walking.

- What, you're letting us go?
- For now.

- We'll never make it back on foot.
- Try it on your hands and knees. Move it.

Give Fletcher my regards.

Move it!

The damage is on the top.
We can still get what we need.

He never had a chance, did he?


You okay, Toby?

You can get the parts.
Is that what you said?

You know,
once three men beat up my father.

They hurt him real bad. He almost died.

It ain't the same, I realise that.
I know you're so mad you want to bust.

But don't worry. Them guys
that got your father, they're gonna pay.

You got my word on that.

Hurry up, you fool!

You ready, B.A.?

It won't win no Indy 500,
but it'll get us there.

Let's go, Miss Griffin.

You know, B.A., with a pair of pliers
and a little time...

you could fix anything but dinner.

You know, Toby...

we don't have to maintain
this client-employee relationship forever.

I mean, after you work the mine for a couple
of months, get it going good, we could...

meet in Hawaii.

I have access to a real nice condo
on the Big Island.

We could study volcanic eruptions together.

On the other hand, we could just have
a quick drink in Johannesburg.

Guys, without the risk of sounding
melodramatic, goodbye forever!

Pull up here.

The air's beginning to feel a little richer.

Like those diamonds know we're coming.

They're very intelligent, you know.
They have many facets.

When you get to know them,
most of them are absolute gems.

Why do you want to stop here?
It's only another few minutes.

That stretch of road up there.

Now, that isn't where I'd like to see
the A-Team memorial plaque erected.

That's Solomon's Pass.
My father's mine's not far beyond.

The road winds through the pass
and ends up there, at the top of the cliff.

We have to go all the way there
in order to get back up here?

It's the only way.

Didn't anybody consider
putting in an escalator? Come on.

- Do I have to think of everything?
- Believe me, it's the only way.

I've been here hundreds of times
with my father.

I'm sure you have.

When I jump into
that sleazy Fletcher's mind...

I'd find the first place
I'd put an ambush is in Solomon's Pass.

Wait. We're talking
about vertical here, Hannibal.



how do you feel
about a little mountain climbing?

Ain't no big thing. All it is,
is a whole lot of chin-ups.

- Just don't put me in no flying machine.
- Wouldn't think of it.

I want you to get up there
as soon as you can and drop me a rope.

I want to pack that dynamite up the cliff.

That's su1c1de.
This stuff's sweating like it's got a fever.

If we don't get the dynamite to the mine,
there's no sense going.

- Face, give B.A. that rope.
- Right.

You're crazier than Murdock.

I'd pull it up with a block and tackle,
but we can't.

One bad bounce and the lights go out.
It's going up on my back.

Don't touch that.

You get on the jazz
with a pack of dynamite on your back...

it'll blow a hole big enough
to bury an elephant.

I'll get the dynamite. You stay away from it.

Now somebody got to help me with this.
I can't do it by myself.

All right, I'll take the rope up.

- And you need a volunteer, right?
- Right.


Don't you smile at me like that.
That's not even a real smile.

Just a bunch of teeth playing with my mind!

Why didn't you come back for us?
We could have died!

Enough! Where are they now?

They fixed the truck.
Passed us when we were walking back.

They are going northeast.
Probably heading for the mine.

Before they get there,
we'll stop them in the pass.

They've had a very long drive
in a jerry-rigged truck...

and we have the helicopter.
Care to make any wagers?

It may not be that easy.
They get through that pass...

they can pick up reinforcements at the mine.

We'll fly there first,
and scatter those workers for good.

Tell Scheckter we'll back them up
at the mine.

- You two all right?
- Yeah.

Murdock, are you okay?
I thought I heard some buzzing.

What else do you expect from the...

human fly?

The climber of walls, source of annoyance...

ruiner of picnics, sticky of foot!

B.A., Face, okay.

I hope the packs hold.

- What if...
- If they don't hold...

that's about it. Just about where we're at.

Look out, Face!

B.A., your pack's coming open!

They're all right.

That blast came from the cliff area.
Give me the glasses.

Try and raise Fletcher.

All right, nail down exactly where they are
and zero me in.

Will do. We're opening up on them now.

We'll have to run for the mines,
Toby, can you get us there?

All right. Face, stick with her.
You got the point?

Murdock and I'll give coverage fire.
B.A., I'll bring up the rear.

- You ready?
- Ready.

Murdock, go!

They're headed straight for the main shaft
of the mine.

Pick them up, we'll follow them.

Got you.

- What are we going to do now?
- The thing is, what are they gonna do?

Probably blow the mine.
We end up under a pile of rocks...

and they go home. Nice and neat.

- Is there another exit out of here?
- No.

We sure could use that air shaft
you wanted, right now.

Fletcher wouldn't blow this mine.
He wants to work it.

That's why he hired Alan Scheckter
to k*ll my father.

- Yeah, and now us.
- Hannibal, can we go home now?

Sorry, Mr. Fletcher.
Griffin's kid hired some real muscle.

These guys are good.

They probably have
enough a*mo to hold us off all night.

We'll attack them in the morning.

Scheckter, you take Landers
and get some tear gas.

We'll stand guard here until you do.

We'll flush them out in the morning.

Where're all the workers
that were supposed to be here?

This lantern was lit when we ran in here.

Fletcher probably ran them off.
Just like he tried to run off my dad.

- Terrific.
- We better get started.

If this thing goes by the numbers, those
g*ons will be storming this place at sunrise.

Hannibal, we got
a regular hardware store here.

My dad was moving equipment in here
for months.

Hey B.A.

Remember that two-man patrol
we did in Cambodia?


I think I can rig something up. It'll be nice.

Face, give us
that acetylene torch.

- You men in there, can you hear me?
- Can't hear a word.

Come on out in one minute
or we'll blow the mine.

You're bluffing.
You want this hole in the dirt left open.

- You won't blow it. Try again.
- You can't stay in there forever.

There's only one way out,
and it's target practice for us.

Give it up or you'll starve.

Don't worry about us.
We'll send out to the corner deli.

You guys ready?

You bet I am. I'm gonna pay those guys
back for what they did to Bogey.

- The fool's crazy!
- Now, Murdock...

when we drop the hammer,
head for the chopper.

I've got a hunch when things get hot,
Fletcher's gonna split.

- You ready, B.A.?
- Ready.

Tear gas!

Keep that g*n on them. These guys
will admit Fletcher hired them.

We'll indict him.

- If he doesn't get away first.
- He won't.


Are you crazy?

It's the ball game, Coach.
Got the whole team.

How we getting home?

Somebody better give me an answer quick,
before I get mad.

I told you, that's not my end of the rope.
I run my department, Hannibal runs his.

- Ask him.
- How'd it go?

Scheckter and his grizzle are gonna testify
that Fletcher hired them.

They'll put him away for a long time.

Maybe now some of the people in this town
won't be afraid to work for me.

Hannibal, how are we gonna get home?

That's Murdock's end of the operation.
I'm just a single man...

working against insurmountable odds.

I said, "How?"
Tell me or I'll break your head!

It's already broken.


Tried to get me.

Excuse us.

Murdock, give us a hand.

Thanks. Really.
You guys might be a little unique...

but you're great.

Just one more thing.

- What's that?
- The diamond.

You don't get your collateral back
until we get our 10% of the mine.

Business is business.
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