02x07 - High Flyer

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CHiPs". Aired: September 15, 1977 - May 1, 1983.*
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Series follows the lives of two motorcycle officers of the California Highway Patrol.
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02x07 - High Flyer

Post by bunniefuu »

7 Mary 3 and 4, helicopter 5.

You guys'd be better off if
you had wings on those bikes.

Who's the hot sh*t?

It's Patterson. I wonder
who's flying with him today.

Fritz. My turn tomorrow.

I thought you hated flying.

Me? The open sky?
The beautiful view?

If I could be anything
else but what I am...

I'd be a bird.

Yeah? An ostrich or a turkey?

An eagle, man.

A regal eagle.

- She quit on you?
- It's dead as a doornail.

Oh, gee.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Hi. Hi. I don't know
what's the matter with it.

- Are you sure you got some gas?
- The t*nk's full.

The battery has a full charge. The oil
pressure is fine. The temperature's fine.

The stupid thing just won't run.

Ah, let's have a look.

Come on, you guys.

All right, here's your problem.

Ha-ha. Terrific. What is it?

- Well, it's a rotor.
- Oh.

Now, there's a callbox
about a hundred yards back.

Now, you gotta call a tow truck. Give
them the year and make of your car.

Tell them you need a
rotor for your distributor.

Thanks a lot. Certainly would
never have thought of that.

- Well...
- Really, thanks very much.

- It's okay.
- Have a good one.

Good luck.

Good luck.

See you.

Come on. Let's move.

Move it.

- Lower the cable.
- Hook it to that exhaust manifold.

All right, lower.

I got it.

All right, man. - Okay.

Okay, I'm just, um... I'm not
too far away from this box.

You'll see me. It's a red...
It's a red Trans Am, okay?

Thanks very much. Bye-bye.

- That's it?
- Let's move.

Hi. I don't... I wasn't gone five minutes.
All I did is go down to the call box.

- And... I came back and...
- Ma'am. Ma'am, ma'am...

please, slow down.
Start at the beginning.

I just did. Look, come and
look. Would you come and look?

All right.



Hey, it was three guys in... In a
blue van. They just left. They just left.

You stay here, we'll call
for someone, all right?

Okay, it was... It was... It was two...
It was a white guy and two black guys.

They were young.
About early 20s.

- I didn't get the license plate.
- Okay. All right.

- All right.
- Unbelievable. Woo-hoo!

- Let's go.
- Let's go, baby.

Oh, man, the CHP is behind us.

Guys, hold on. Hold
on. I'm gonna hang a left.

Come on, drive.

I got them. I got them.

Wanna do a pattern search?

I wish we had the helicopter.

Yeah, or a regal eagle.

I'll help you carry them home.

No, no, no. No. I feel guilty about letting
you help me shop in the first place.

Hey, for my partner's
neighbor, it's a pleasure, Carol.

You came to work on your
car, and I'm keeping you from it.

No problem, I'm always
working on that car.

Hey, Ponch...

- you wanna hand me the elbow wrench?
- Here. I will.

Thank you.

There we go. That should do it.

- Okay, you wanna start it up?
- Can I, please? I know how.

All right.

Here you go, Kim.

Hey, wait a minute. You don't start
a car up without checking it out first.

What gear is it in?

Uh, park.

How about the emergency break?

- Yeah, it's set.
- Okay. Fire it up.

Okay, honey,
you can shut it off.

Hey, why don't you have
dinner with us? I've got plenty.

Okay, as soon as I get
cleaned up, all right?

All right. Hey, come on. I'm pretty
handy in the kitchen, you know?


Kimmy, coming?

In a minute, Mother.

Here we go.

Okay, who cleaned
up all my tools?

Oh, a little green man.

Kim, you know...

you're little, but you're not
a man and you're not green.

Thanks, Kim.

Thanks a lot for
all your help, okay?

You know, um, I didn't know
what an elbow wrench was...

but, right when you said it, I knew what
you wanted because I saw a little elbow.

And I went like, "Wow,
that's it." So I handed it to you.

Well, maybe we're on
the same wavelength.

I think it's so neat. It's almost like
you know what the other one's thinking.

Yeah, Kim, uh...

maybe you should help
your mother with dinner.

That's okay, Ponch is helping.

See, I wanna bring some dessert,
and I got ice cream upstairs...

so, why don't you tell her that,
and I'll be there in 10 minutes.

- Okay?
- Okay.

I'm tired. Time to shut it down.
- Hey. Hey.

Heads up. Heads up. - All right.

Paul, Tony, Sammy. SAMMY: Yo.

Got an order for some wheels!

- Yeah.
- All right!

- Well, I wanna get some mags...
- Okay.

- Some wires and some radios.
- Right.

Man, that's gonna
take us all day long.

Well, that's all right!

Even if it takes all night
long! If that need be.

Hey, hey. Wait a minute. We're
not ready. The van's still not painted.

- That's right.
- You got a couple of hours to paint the van.

- What?
- A couple hours?

- Are you outta your mind?
- You heard what I said!

You had all morning
to do what I asked!

I want the van
painted in two hours...

and I don't want you to come
back until it's full. Understand?

Yeah, we understand.

- Oh, no.
- The most.

We hip.

Come on. Let's go.

Okay. That's it.

You gotta get along
without me today.

This is the big one. The
day I've been waiting for.

- Ponch, you don't sound so good.
- Me? I'm fine.

Frank, you fly observer with
Patterson today, you know.

That's the last of the checkout
flight. The rest of the roster's been up.

I've really been looking
forward to this. Open sky...

- no crazy drivers.
- What's the matter with your voice?

- Nothing. My voice is fine.
- You got a cold, Frank?

Oh, it's nothing. I feel great.

I don't want you to send
Grossman or some substitute.

Ponch, I can't take
you up in this condition.

- You might pass out on me.
- But it's my turn.

Not with the cold in your
head. You're up tomorrow.

Bob, take Grossman.

Ponch, I hope you
don't think I'm butting in.

No. No.

Okay. Let's go.

Beautiful day for flying.

Hey, what happened to
that cold you said you had?

Hey, I didn't say I have a
cold. Getraer said I had a cold.

I said I feel fine.

I see.

Doesn't it bother you
always being misunderstood?

It hurts...

but I can take it.

All units in the vicinity
of 5150 Ballantrae...

report of a car-stripping.
Units responding, identif y.

L.A. 15, 7 Mary 3
and 4 responding.

Oh, no. Are you ready for this?
I think it's the same two guys.

Man. Well, you did it before, you can
do it again. Burn some rubber, Sammy.

Let's go.

- Come on.
- Here we go.

Hey, Ponch, that's the same
van, only it's painted brown...

and they're using the
same escape route.

Yeah, well, I'm starting
to get mad at those guys.

Yeah, well, could've been
up in the wild blue yonder.

Yeah, well, I'm
not that mad yet.

Ohh. See you guys later.


Hey, Frank. How's the cold?

I told you it wasn't a
cold, I was just stuffed up.

We fly tomorrow, right?

Don't you worry about
tomorrow, I'll be ready.

- Hi, Mom.
- Hi.

- Sorry I'm late.
- That's okay.

Come here. Did you
have something to eat?

Um, yeah. A turkey
pie and a tomato.

Kim, I've gotta talk to you.

Well, I can't, Mom. I'm going
skating with Garry. He's waiting for me.

- No, dear.
- Mom, just until dark.

No. I got a call at work today
from your counselor at school.

- Mr. Rimby?
- Yeah, Mr. Rimby.

And he thinks you're a very
bright and capable young lady...

but that you're
neglecting your studies.

- Mom, I study.
- When?

Now, I let you enjoy your evenings because
you told me that you get your work done.

Apparently, that's not the case.

Well, maybe I just
missed an assignment or...

You've missed more than half. If you
don't make them up, they won't promote you.

- Is that what you want?
- Mom, I'll do better. I promise.

You bet you will. You're gonna start
right now by taking off those skates.

Mom, Garry's waiting!

You're gonna take your skates off.
You're gonna get started this afternoon.

Then you're gonna work
tomorrow and Sunday.

I'm gonna help you
as much as I can.

All weekend? That's not fair.

Nevertheless, that's
exactly how it's gonna be!

Now, get in that bedroom
and get started now!

Move it!

Yeah. Just a minute.

- Who is it? MAN:
Carter, building custodian.

All right.

Hi, Mr. Carter...

This girl rang my bell
looking for your apartment.

- Kim.
- Well, you know her, huh?

Yes. She lives in the
building across the street.

One o' clock in the morning?

What's the problem, honey?

Well, I have something
to see you about.

Well, all right, why
don't you come in?

Wanna have a seat here?

Uh, I'll get some other clothes
on, all right? Excuse me.

There's nothing wrong.

Okay, uh...

what seems to be the problem?

Well, it's about not being able to
meet you when you get home from work.

See, I usually tell my mom
that I'm skating with Garry.

And then it's really easy,
but, tonight, she grounded me.

Kim, for what?
Not telling the truth?

No. It was something at school.

I guess I haven't been
doing my homework.

See, she doesn't
really know about us.

Well, I mean, that I like
to meet you after work.

So? There's nothing
wrong with that.

Yeah, well...

Uh, let's have a
cup of hot chocolate.

- Oh, great.
- All right.

Daddy used to
make hot chocolate.

Why don't you have a seat
here and we'll fix some up?

I guess Daddy being
k*lled in Vietnam was...

well, you know, real. And...

well, I think it made
me grow up faster.

Do I seem older to you?

Uh, yeah, you
seem very grown-up.

Listen, uh, Kim, I want you to
make me a promise, all right?

To catch up on my
homework. I promise.

And to always tell your mother the
truth about where you're going because...

if there's trouble, there's no way
she can help you unless she knows.


Okay. One of us is gonna call your mother,
then we'll drink the hot chocolate...

and I'll walk you home.

But she's asleep...

and I don't want her to know.

That's not very grown-up.

Now, we've traced stolen car
parts as far away as St. Louis.

They seem to only
steal what they need.

They're very well-organized.

Poncherello and Baker have ID'd a van
the g*ng may be using. Check your sheets.

Be suspicious of any high-priced
high-performance automobile.

That seems to be what
they're ripping off. Okay, that's it.

Poncherello, front and center.
The rest of you, hit your beats.

- Your day as UFO, right?
- UFO?

Yeah, unwilling flying observer.

Jon, I'm not unwilling.
Believe me, I'm ready.

- Frank, about your flight with Bob...
- Fight? With Bob?

- Me? No!
- No, no, no, no.

Flight. "Flight," not "fight."

Good, because we
wouldn't fight. We're friends.

- I often wonder.
- Off and running, huh?

Frank, uh...

- what's wrong with your hearing?
- Nothing. Now come on.

Please don't make a federal
case about a little earache.

A little earache?

- I have to keep you out of the air.
- You gotta be kidding.

Frank, it's all academic. That's
what I was trying to tell you.

You can't fly today.
The weather report's bad.

All routine flights
have been canceled.

The chopper's grounded.

- Grounded?
- Grounded.


What are you doing here?
I thought you'd be gone.

Without my partner? Never.

Did you know the
chopper was grounded?

Well, I knew you'd
come up with something.

All right, but I don't
control the weather.

- Yeah, but, how about the earache?
- Say what?

Come on, Kimmy. Eat your
breakfast and get to work.

- Work?
- That's the word.

Mom, you said
Saturday afternoon.

No, I said I'd help you Saturday
afternoon, and I will. I promise.

Why can't you just let
me sleep a little bit longer?

Because I want you to
finish your math homework...

do your book report and get that
history paper done by the time I get home.

I might as well be in jail.

Young lady, it just so happens I lost
a good deal of sleep myself last night.

And it wasn't from
traipsing around...

the neighborhood making
a nuisance of myself.

Jon doesn't think
I'm a nuisance.

Whatever Jon says doesn't
cut any ice around here.

This is my home, and you're
gonna abide by my rules...

- until you're old enough to get out.
- All right, I'll get out!

Kimmy. Here.

Don't be silly.


Do your work and eat your
breakfast. I gotta go, Kimmy.

Units in the vicinity
of 5150 Ballantrae...

report of a possible car-stripping.
Units responding identif y.

L.A. 15, 7 Mary 3 and 4...

responding from
Armato and Davey.

10-4, 7 Mary 3 and 4.

- Man, I wish we had the big van.
- I wish we had Sammy here.

We should've waited. His help,
we would've been long gone.

Come on, move it!

Watch out!

Hey, you guys all right?
Come on, give me your hand.

Get up, I'll help you out.

You didn't have to come all the
way with me just to get my shoes.

No, I called us in on a 10-7-8.

Lunch? I mean, you're
gonna eat my cooking?

Why not, if it's free.

- Kim, uh...
- My mother threw me out.

- No, come on. We both know...
- She did.

And if you try to take me back,
I'm going to scream all the way...

and then I'll leave again,
and then you'll never find me.

All right. Come on.

Well, she took her
favorite dress and...

she took some books
and a few personal things.

So, if you... If you see her,
could you please call me? Yeah.

And kind of look around, okay?

Yeah. Thank you.


- Is it Kimmy?
- Everything's cool.

Yeah, she's fine.
She's at my place.

Oh. Thank God.

Come on in.

The way she sees
it, she ran away.

She's supposed to be
here, doing her homework.

I just got in, so I've been calling
everybody that I could think of.

I don't know what to do.

I thought you had everything
under control last night...

when I brought Kimmy home.

I did. I really did.

I thought I did, anyway.
I mean, I was Lady Cool.

I was charming and calm,
and then I went to sleep and...

I couldn't sleep, so I got madder
and madder, and then, this morning...

I woke up and I said the
most hideous things to her.

Yeah, that's understandable.

Yeah, maybe to
you, but not to her.

Anyway, she had a
good lunch with us.

Jon can heat soup like
you wouldn't believe.

Carol, listen, I want you to
give me an honest answer.


Can you trust me to deal
with her without your help?

You mean, my not interfering.
That's what you mean?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, well, I trust you.

I really do. I do trust you.

You stay here, and
leave her alone...

and this time be ready for
her when she comes home.

Thanks a lot.

- I appreciate it.
- All right.

- I appreciate it.
- Thanks. Yeah.

- Okay.
- Thank you.

What are you gonna do?

Shatter some
illusions. That's for sure.

You're the knight
in shining armor.

At Kimmy's age, it's
pretty heavy, you know?

Yeah, but, I mean, how do I live up to
it and let her down without hurting her?

Sometimes I wish I had some of
that Poncherello School of Charm.

Hey, you do pretty good
when you try. Come on, let's go.

I'll try, but in case I
need reinforcement...

maybe you can
drop by this evening?

You got it.

Pull over.

Pull over!

- My wife is gonna k*ll me.
- It will be okay.

No. You don't know. My wife is
really gonna be upset about this.

I shouldn't have picked you up. She
told me never to pick up hitchhikers.

Wait, now settle down.
- It's okay.

- No, I'm really...
- It'll be okay. Don't worry.

This is Mr. Affelrod.
He's the nicest man.

Our bus broke down,
and he just stopped to help.

Driver's license, please.
- Rams.

You're the cheerleaders
for the L.A. Rams, huh?

- Yeah.
- Right.

We're doing a
benefit this afternoon.

We just have to get there.
They're absolutely counting on us.

Your vehicle is overloaded. I'm gonna
let you go with a warning and 12 girls.

No! You can't have 12 girls!

- You can't! Really! BAKER:
Wait a minute. Hold it!

Hey! Please! Quiet!

You can only take 12 because more
than that can interfere with your driving.

All right. Uh,
it's not my fault.

All right, you girls decide
who's gonna go in the car...

and I'll get in
the car and wait.

- Get in the car.
- How many?

Twenty. CHEERLEADER 2: Twenty.

- Twenty.
- Twenty.

Two cruisers should do it, Jon. Why
don't you call in for transportation?

- Me call?
- Yeah, man.

It's my turn for
traffic control.

All right. All right. Ladies, please.
Twelve of you now in the bus, please.

- All right.
- All right.


10-4, 7 Mary 3.
PONCH: Keep going.

Girls, please. You're
creating a hazard here.

Hey, Ponch, I thought it
was your turn at traffic control.

You control your kind
of traffic, I'll control mine.


- Hi.
- Hm.

Man, you look terrific
today, you know that?


What do you want?

Want? I don't want anything.
That was a compliment.

Then why do I feel like
you want something, Ponch?

Oh, you feel that way
because you don't know me.

- I know you, Ponch.
- Not well enough.

Well enough.

Sindy, I got a
problem. I need you.

- Only one?
- Look, it's serious.

We all know you don't date cops.

But couldn't you be a nice
cop's lady just for tonight?

I'm sorry. I guess I'm not
that good of an actress, Ponch.

Come on, Sindy. It's
not for me, it's for Jon.

Well, it's not even for Jon.

We're trying to help
this little girl. Please?

I'll fix you anything you want for
supper. Just tell me when you're hungry.

Hey, this is really great, Kim. You must've
been doing your homework all afternoon.

Are you glad I'm here?

Uh, yeah, well, I think you've made
the best of yourself today, and...

you know, I'd be happy
about that wherever you were.

You know, you don't
have any slippers?

- Slippers?
- Yeah.

It'd be so neat
if I could have...

your slippers waiting by your
chair when you got home from work.

Like... Like... Well, you know.

- Like a storybook, Kim.
- Right. It's so fun.

That's probably
Ponch. Excuse me.



The cleaner lost
your silk shirt...

and I know how you love
it, so I made them find it.

- That's why we're late.
- Kim, you look terrific today.

- He says that to all the girls.
- Oh, uh...

Kim, this is Sindy.

Hi, I've heard the nicest
things about you from Ponch.

But if Jon says you're
neat, then you're neat.

The table. Jon,
you are such a doll.

- But you didn't think of candles.
- I did.

Figures, it's a lady's touch. Why
don't we see what's for dinner, okay?

I better go.

Kim, wait a minute. I... I
wanna talk to you, all right?

Listen, Kim wanted to fix dinner. Would
you guys mind putting that in my bedroom?

- Sure.
- Sure.

Listen. I know you and your mother said
a lot of things that you're both sorry for.

Listen, I know she is.

Why'd you have to
talk to her about me?

Well, I had to tell her
where you are and...

- that you're safe.
- A lot she cares. She hasn't even called.

You know, wait a minute.
I told her not to call.

Just, I felt that you needed
the time to be alone, and...

I wanted to make sure that
everything was cool between us.

Well, is it?

I don't know. Is it?

What I'm trying to say is, I guess is,
if you need a guy... A guy to rap to...

I'm your guy, all right?

You get your mother's permission,
and you can use this apartment...

and make yourself welcome
just like it's your own home.

You mean, I can... I
can, like, cook here?

Do the housework? And
then just go home and sleep?

You mean you... You'd rather do
the housework than roller-skating?


You should enjoy your
youth while you can, all right?

Okay. Thanks a lot.

Well, Ponch is here. And
Sindy. That's Jon's girlfriend.

And Jon says I can do all the
cooking, and that Sindy can help.

And then Jon will walk me home.

Eleven o' clock?

Okay. Ten o' clock.

Okay. Bye, Mom.

I love you.

- I can stay.
- Great.

Hey, what's for dinner?

Let's eat. SINDY: Spaghetti?

Yeah, spaghetti. SINDY: Okay.

Spaghetti. Okay.

Ponch, about your cold and
congestion, try rose-hip tea.

Natural ascorbic acid
does wonders. Believe me.

Grossie, I have no cold. I have no
congestion. I'm in perfect physical health.

- Poncherello.
- Except for the pain in my stomach.

- I'm glad to hear...
- You know?

You're in great
physical condition.

Didn't you hear the last part?


This really the first time
you've been up in a helicopter?

No. Just this type.

Please! Watch
where you're going!

- Ha-ha-ha! So it isn't me you hate, after all?
- I don't hate anyone.

I have no hate in my body. I go to
church. I love my country and my mother.

But you're terrified of flying.

I am not. Get it through
your head, Bob. I love flying.

- There's one thing I'm terrified of.
- And what's that?


Hey, can we go lower? There's
a van down there I recognize.

Helicopter 5 to any unit in the
vicinity of Magnum and Laurel.

H-5, this is 7 Mary 3
westbound on Sepulveda.

15, 7 Mary 3,
this is helicopter 5.

We've got a possible
GTA, two vehicles involved.

On Magnum east of Laurel.
Number one is a light blue Mercedes.

Number two, a
brown '76 Chevy van.

The same van, Jon. The same van.

He's heading into the hills.
Can we get lower? We'll lose him.

Hold on.

Get closer. Can't you?

Bob, if he gets into the canyons,
we're gonna lose him for sure.

Can't you put this in front
of him? He'd have to stop.

Or hit us. No, thanks.

Maybe just above his head. It might
scare him enough to slow him down.

I can't without
clearance, Ponch.

They wouldn't give me
clearance for a stunt like that.

You wouldn't
know it if you got it.

- Hey, are you crazy?
- Report me if you want to.

But that guy tried to k*ll
me and Jon. I want that guy!

I thought you were
terrified of crashing.

So don't crash.

We're not gonna lose him.

Right on top of it.

We got him.

All right. All right!

Hold tight. That's all right.

I got it now.

But, really, for someone who doesn't
like flying and doesn't want to admit it...

hey, I think Ponch
did a heck of a job.

- I second that.
- Couldn't agree more.

Yeah, he really toughed it
out. I gotta hand it to him.

But don't quote
me. I'll deny it.

Hey, Ponch. BARICZA: Yeah.

- Don't go.
- Hey, we got the...

Hey. We're running out of
daylight, right? See you later.

- Listen, what I wanna tell you...
- No. No, no, no. Honest.

We gotta put our chopper
away, and then off to the airport.

- Goodbye.
- Ponch, come on.

- Hold it, Frank. Hold it.
- But, Ponch?

Frank, hold it. - Frank.

- Frank, hold it.
- What? What?

To the airport? For what?

My flying lesson, what else?
Bob's gonna teach me to fly.

- To fly?
- You're kidding.

- Listen, Ponch, what I wanted to say was...
- Hey, Jon, tomorrow, okay? I got no time.

See you later.

Come on, girls.

Hi. BARICZA: Hello.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- Hi.
- Hi.

- How are you?
- Listen, sarge...

we got an extra ticket,
an extra girl. You free?

I don't think my
wife would think so.

I'm what you'd
call a "caged bird."

But, you know, I think
our regal eagle out there...

turned out to be a dumb cluck.
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