02x22 - The Bus to Nowhere

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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02x22 - The Bus to Nowhere

Post by bunniefuu »

Male announcer: robert young...

And jane wyatt...

With elinor donahue, billy gray,

And lauren chapin...
In father knows best.

Hi, princess.

Ralph, I don't wanna
go. Oh, excuse me.

I don't care for dancing.

Now, I've heard everything.

Ralph, I wouldn't be any fun.

Ask someone else.
I don't know who.

There must be lots
of girls who are

Perfectly satisfied
with that sort of thing.

No, ralph, I'm not
going with anyone else.

There's just no sense of your
wasting an evening pushing around and...

An empty sack, a
nothing, a zero.

A name with no
identity behind it...

That's what I am.

Ralph, please, don't
try to cheer me up.

You're too immature to
understand these things.

Please... Please, I
don't want to talk now.

Yes, maybe next
week, but not now.

Yes, good-bye.

You were pretty rough
on old ralph, weren't you?

Oh, he's a child.

Uh-huh. You're an old lady, now?

Too old even for dancing?


What's that? What does it mean?

A little bunch
of tired musicians

Sitting around playing
sound old tunes,

And you walk around
the floor with this one,

And then you walk around
the floor with that one,

And then you go home.

Big deal.


What's this about being
a name with no identity?

I don't know.

I don't know anything anymore.

Oh, all right, I'll go to
the dance if you want me to.

Betty, I didn't ask you
to go to the dance.

Why not, father? Let's have it.

I'm young and pretty,

And young people
should have fun,

And dancing is fun.

These are the most glorious
years of your life... Have fun!

Run along, children, have fun!

What's fun?

Well, I'm not
going to the dance.

Betty, I didn't ask you...
Save your arguments, father.

I'm not going.

Look, I didn't ask you...
Daddy, don't force her

To go if she don't want to.

Force her? I didn't...

Women. Women.

Hey, mom? Do you know
how to spell "perspire"?

Oh, bud, you know
how to spell that.

Any third-grader
knows how to spell that.

Yeah, but I'm not in the
third grade, anymore.

Let's be fair... Do you realize
how long it's been since I've...

Bud, sound the word out.

Sound it out.

I'll change it to "sweating."

You want me to set the table?

Yes, I wish you would.

Oh, hello, dear.

Didn't know you were home.

Done. Dad, I just did it.

The greatest
composition I ever wrote.

You wanna hear it?

Sure... Has she had a
quarrel with ralph?

Not that I know of.

These moods of hers are cert...

You see, dad, we're
supposed to write

A dramatic, true life incident.

And brother, have I got one.

Get a load of this...

This is a true story
that actually happened.

Has anything gone
wrong at school?

She hasn't mentioned anything.

Dad? Huh?

You wanna hear this? Sure.

A friend of mine...
She isn't sick, is she?

Oh, no, no, no.

It's just a mood, a pose.

She's probably been reading
too many magazine stories.

I don't know, you should have
heard her in the other room.

I thought I knew all the
fads and fancies of teenagers,

But this? Hmmph.

This is a new one on me.

A friend of mine,
claude messner,

Has this uncle of
his, uncle smedley.

Many years ago, uncle smedley
was feeling depressed and washed up.

He was flat-broke, except
he had nine dollars left, only.

"I am done for," he said.

So, he went to the bus depot.

He said, "give me a ticket."

The man said, "where to?"

Claude's uncle said, "I
don't know where to."

And the man
thought he was crazy.

So claude's uncle smedley handed
him his nine dollars, which he had only,

And said, "give me a
ticket to wherever at

This amount will
buy me a ticket to."

To wherever at?

Bud, you can't hand in a
paper written like that.

Mom, you're spoiling
a very dramatic story.

So the man said,

"That nine bucks, sir, will buy you a
ticket to a town called 'whitcomb.'"

Of which uncle smedley
had never heard of,

So he said, "okay,
I'll go." And he went.

Good so far, huh?

Great, especially the grammar.

Betty: you know, that's
what I should do.

Get on a bus.

Where do you wanna
go... To whitcomb?

I wanna go to...
Somewhere, anywhere.


I wanna take a trip from
"what now" to "this is it."

From "fine and cozy" to
"bright, swift, and swirling."

I wanna arrive and hear
them say, "here she is."

"We know her."

"She's a person!"


I'm talkin' through
my silly hat.

Now, what kind
of rubbish is that?

She sounds like a
character in some fool play.

What is she... Chamille, or
bertha the sewing machine girl?

Dad, I'm to blame.
It's this. Huh?

Well, this true life stuff.

It's just too heady for these
impressionable young girls.

Man, I'll have to watch myself.

Margaret: betty, breakfast!
Come down to breakfast.

Yes, mother. I'll be down.

Where do you expect
me to go to breakfast...

Up in the attic?

Margaret: betty?

Yes, mother. I'll be
down, pretty soon.

Hey, princess... You'd better
get to rootin' and snootin',

You'll be late for school.

Yes, father.

It seems like we spend our
whole lives trying not to be late.

And what for?

We rush, rush, and
where are we going?

This is where I
came in last night...

Can't we have a different
movie for a change?

Look, if there's something
wrong here at home,

If you think we're
not running things...

Oh, I'm sorry, father.

I'll be down as soon
as I find a decent dress.

I have absolutely
nothing to wear.


What are these...
Corned beef sandwiches?

I don't look right
in those, anymore...

They do nothing for me.

Well, with that attitude
you're wearing on your face,

You don't do a whole
lot for them, either.

If I were you...

Kathy: daddy, will you fix my...

Oh, hi, daddy. Hello, kitten.

Daddy, will you fix my hair?

Kathy, I have enough
problems of my own.

Oh, gosh, all you do anymore
is think about yourself.

"Oh, dear. Oh, my!"

"Oh, I look awful!"

"Oh, I'm an empty sack!"

"What is a sack?
Where's life going?"

"Who am i?"

Don't you even
know what a sack is?

All right, kathy.

Hello! It's just me.

Oh, hello, dotty. Come on in.

Betty should be
down in a minute.

Oh, I have something perfectly
wonderful to tell her.

Guess what? We're getting
up an old-fashioned hay ride...

I mean, with horses
and all, you know?

Well, that should be fun.

Oh, I think it will be.

Oh, hi, bud. Hi.

Oh, I love old-fashioned
things like that.

You know, like old hay rides.

You should see the cute
bundles of plastic hay

We bought at gordmans.

And you should see
the quaint old jeep

That ray and lester
got to pull us.

They said a jeep would be
much faster than the horses.

Yak, yak, yak.

See you later, mom.

Be sure to correct
your composition

Before you hand it in, bud.

Mom, you can't tamper with life.

Mrs. Anderson, do you think
betty will go? On the hay ride, I mean.

You sound as though you
think there's some doubt.

Oh, gee, I don't know what's
come over her, lately, but, well...

She doesn't seem to get a
charge out of anything, anymore.

Is there anything wrong?

Psychologically, I
mean. And all that.

I was hoping you could tell me,

Because I don't know.

Well, what about
her early childhood?

Her early childhood?

Yes, you know, I mean...

Well, did she have any
emotional disturbances?

Or any traumatic experiences?

See, like, when
she was little...

She asked her father for
a doll buggy, and he said no.

So she burned up one
of his house slippers,

And now she has a guilt complex

And fears that
he'll get revenge.

So she hates him, but
she doesn't know it.

Just one thing wrong
in your diagnosis, dotty...

Oh, mr. Anderson.

She hates me, but she
knows it. How's the coffee?

It's a little slow this morning.

I think the percolator's having
a slight emotional disturbance.

I'll tell you, dotty, I think you've
given me a good idea, though.

If I ever find that slipper she
didn't burn up, I'll use it on her.

That's the kind of traumatic
experience that does some good.

Well, mr. Anderson...

In these cases,
parents have to be

Extra patient and understanding.

Well, I could understand better

If I understood what I'm
supposed to understand.

Hello, dotty. Oh, hi, betty.

Guess what? We're getting
up an old-fashioned hay ride.

We are?

I think it's a fine idea.

We had wonderful
times on hay rides.

You know who's
going to be there?

Lester and ray!

Ray and lester. Lester and ray.

Hooray for ray!

Betty, this has gone far enough.

Why should I go?

So I can laugh at
some boy's jokes

So he'll think I'm charming
and understanding,

So we'll get married
and have children,

So they'll grow up and
laugh at somebody's jokes,

And they'll get married and have
children, so their children will...

Well, surely, there must
be more to it than just that.

Oh, betty, betty, you're
taking this much too seriously.

Oh, am i?

You're all so happy living in
your near-sighted little vacuums,

You don't even know
what I'm talking about.

Betty, wait.

Maybe we're not as smart as you,

Maybe we don't know what you
or anyone else is talking about,

But your mother and I have been
pretty happy in our little vacuum,

And the sooner you get down off that
supercilious cloud you're floating on,

Get your feet on the ground,

And get some sense into
that little head of yours...

Dotty, when the night
of the hay ride arrives,

Bring your friends
around. She'll go.

All right. Bring 'em around.

But I won't be here.

Oh, where will you be?

I'll... I'll be on the bus.

On the bus with uncle smedley.

The nine dollar trip to nowhere.

Margaret: betty. Hmm?

Aren't you going to
set the table for dinner?

I can't.

I'm going to the bus depot.

Well, have a good time.

The salads are in the ice box.

The one without the
avocado goes to bud.

Oh, kathy, do you have
to strew these things

All over the floor?

I'm reading history, mommy.


Honest. It's about
julius caesar.

Woody woodpecker
dreams he's julius caesar.

Oh, fine.

Better put the
steak knives on, betty.

I'm afraid that roast they
sold me is buffalo meat.

But mother, you're
gonna be surprised

When you get a postcard from me.

Well, tell uncle
smedley to write, too.

Come on, kathy.

I'll need you to help
me out in the kitchen.

Hey, look what I got on my
beautiful composition... A crummy "d."

Look at this... Red
pencil marks all over it.

"Bus idea... Good,
but poorly handled."

"Needs better ending."

Well, why does she blame me?

Can I help it what
happened to uncle smedley?

I ask you, can i?

Why do you keep
looking out the window?

I am waiting for a taxi to
take me to the bus depot.

Okay, you don't
have to rub it in...

Just 'cause I got a "d"
on this crummy thing.

They want a true-life drama, so I
wrote true-life drama, and what happens?

Where's mom... In the kitchen?

Hey, mom... Guess
what happened to me?

Talk about your rank injustice.

About your

85, 90, 7 Dollars,
and 3 makes 10.

Well, now, when do they
hand out the pillows?

My sister took a bus trip to
hebbing five... Six years ago,

And she says to get a pillow
'fore they're all gave out, she says.

You can ask for a pillow
anytime you want it.

She says to get one right off.

Just ask the bus driver.

Uh, what's this bus
driver look like?

I don't know... You can
tell when you see him.

I'll never get one.

Attendant: yes?

I'd like a bus ticket.

A bus ticket to where?

I don't care. Just any place.

Where's a good place?

Oh, one place is about
as good as another.

Where do you want to go?


Here's nine dollars.

Just give me a ticket
to wherever at...

I mean...

To wherever this
will buy me a ticket to.

$8.75 will take you
to montgomery.

How's that?



Population 1,960.

Leading industry...
Two grain elevators.

Recreation... One drug
store, soda fountain,

And one snooker parlor.

Hope you enjoy your trip.

Thank you.

Intercom: last call for whitley,

Hillsborough, and carnie falls.

When do they pass
out the pillows, girlie?

I don't think I know.

Well, you'd think
they'd tell a body.

My sister rode clean to
hebbing without a pillow.

Like to bend her neck off
trying to get some sleep.


There was this
fat man on the bus.

He hogged two pillows.

Put his head on one and his...

He sat on the other.

But did my sister
get a pillow? Oh, no.

You tell the driver me
and you wants a pillow.

Intercom: bus now arriving from
mccallister and south platt.

And the next bus will
be the bus to nowhere.

The bus for betty.

For betty person.

Are you ready, betty?

Yes, yes I've... What'd you say?

Oh, nothing.

Did you hear anything?

What do you mean,
did I hear anything?

Oh, it's nothing.

Just my imagination.

Bus now arriving
from mccallister

And south empty sack.

And betty's taking
the nine dollar trip

To find... To find!

To find!

What are you
going to find, betty?

Population 1,000 and
200 grain elevators.

One snooker parlor.

Is this where you'll find it?

The bright, the swift?

The meaning? The reason?

The real hay ride to where?

To what? To what?

To what?

I don't see him.

He said he'd be here.

At the bus depot...
He said he'd be here.

What do I do now?

What a beautiful sight.

Mmm, what an aroma.

A good rolled roast.

The greatest invention
since the wheel.

I think it's tough enough so
you could use it for a wheel.

Kathy, didn't you call
betty down to dinner?

I called old empty sack,
but she didn't answer.

Maybe she really
don't know who she is.

I'll get it. It's probably
ol' claude messner for me.

Where is betty?

Giving another performance
of perils of pauline?

Bud: hey, betty!
Telephone for you.

Hey, ugly!

Hey, goofy! Noodle-head!


Don't shout... Go up and
tell her. Maybe she's asleep.

Who's calling?


Oh, hello, dotty.

Betty will be down in a minute.

Oh, the hay ride.

Oh, what time tonight?

Well, frankly, her
attitude isn't much better,

But I know it'll do her a
world of good if she goes.

Oh, certainly.

I can't find her upstairs.

Just a minute, dotty.

Can't find her?
Well, where is she?

Search me... She's not here.

What's this? Betty isn't here?

Well, she was here just a...

I know she was here
when I started dinner.

Dotty, I'll have
betty call you back.

Uh, she's, uh... Out right now.


She's probably at the bus depot.

I can't imagine where
she could have gone.

She went to the bus depot!

What do you mean, she
went to the bus depot?

Oh, betty's been
saying that all day.

Hey, she told that to me, too,
but I thought she was just kidding.

Oh, she wouldn't do
that... She couldn't.

Where would she go... A 17-year-old
girl? Where would she go?

I got it, dad.

To whitcomb, like uncle smedley.

Oh, bud, stop it.

Well, it's a hunch, and you
can't leave any stone unturned.

Look, uh, call the littles.

I'll go down to the bus depot.

Uh, just in case.
I know it's crazy,

But in her frame of mind, she's
liable to do something crazy.

Can I go? No, I've
got enough trouble.

What's the name of
that place? Whitcomb?

Carl... Carl... Do
you know carl?

Carl, my boy.

He works for this plumber...

A good-sized boy.

He's got this
boat... This ship...

Tattooed on his chest.

Black hair.

No, I don't know him.

Oh, mm... Little bald on top.

I don't know him.

Well, he had this letter.

Come for visit, he say.

You... You read it,
see if I make mistake.

Old fool.

These gl-glasses,
they ain't so good.

This... This big mama on
the bus, she sit on them.

What does he say?

He's gonna meet me here?

Yes, that's right.

Well, you read it.
What does it say?

Well, just that.

And "don't worry
about nothin', papa,

"Just get off the bus,
and I will meet you."


So, where is he?

Why ain't carl here?

Don't worry...

If he said he'd be
here, he'll be here.

I shouldn't have come.

I shouldn't have...
Now, look, don't worry.

If car...

Oh, wait a minute... Let
me see the envelope...

Intercom: bus now
loading for grandley,

Elk point, and montgomery.

Hey, carl doesn't live here.

He moved? No, he...

Why... Where did he move to?

Why didn't he tell
me? Look, he didn't.

He lives in another town.

The postmark on this
envelope says hepner.

Ya, ya, hepner.
That's where he live,

But where did he move to?

He didn't. Look, this is
springfield, not hepner.

You got off at the wrong stop.

Oh, I made mistake.

I never shoulda come.

You can still get there.
Where's your ticket?


Oh, it's on the bus.

Oh... Well, come on...

Intercom: last call, bus
for grandley, elk point,

And montgomery.

Hey, that's my bus.

Oh, I have to go, I
have to leave you, now.

Well, I have to.

I can't miss my bus.

You'll get along somehow.

Just ask... Ask
the ticket agent...

Oh, all right, come on.

Listen, this gentleman
got off here by mistake.

He intended to go to hepner.

Yeah, carl's waiting for me.

Can't you put him
on another bus?

Has he got a ticket?

No, he... He left it
on the other bus.

Yeah, in the little pocket.

But he paid his fare to hepner.

Well, he can't ride
without a ticket.

That'll cost, uh, two-eighty.

But he already paid his...
Oh, some bus company...

I'll guess you'll have to buy a
ticket... It'll cost two-eighty.

Intercom: bus now
loading for carter city.

Attendant: I can put him
on the carter city bus.

They'll let him off at hepner.

Is that all you've got?

Well, wait, maybe
we can still make it.

Here. No, no, please.

Now, we'll argue
about that later.

Intercom: bus loading
for carter city.

Come on, papa.

That's your bus.

Here, you might get hungry.

Coco... Nut... Dream.

Did a girl, a young girl,

Buy a ticket to... Whitcomb?


Where's that?

I don't really know.

In fact, I don't know
where she'd go.

A nice looking girl.

17, About this
tall... Dark hair.

Short box coat? Yes.

That is... I'm not sure
what she was wearing.

Did she... Was she here?

She just went out to the
carter city bus with some old man.

Okay, sir.

Now, everything
will be all right.

Just get off at hepner,
and carl will be waiting.

Oh, child.

Child... I think maybe
the angel sent you.

I wish I could give
you something.

Um, here.

Take it, please. Keep it.

Keep it for a rainy day.

When the rain comes down,

And this gives you shelter,

Then you... Attendant:
come on, dad.

All aboard. Yeah.

Bless you, child.

Ask for a pillow!


Why, father.

Betty, child, what
are you doing?

Oh, it's all right now.
Father, don't worry.

Everything's all right.

No, it isn't, or you
wouldn't be here.

Oh, come on home with me, honey.

I... I know if we talk this out,

We'll find solutions
to your problems.

You know, it's a funny thing...

I don't seem to have
any problems, anymore.

I feel whole again.

But I don't know why.

Well, honey...

Where'd you get that old thing?

We'll see this
sweet little old man

Got off the bus
here by mistake, and...

Oh, he was so lost and
frightened and broke.

So and I helped him get
straightened around...

That's the whole
answer right there.

This little old man,
maybe he was sent

To remind us that...

Real happiness comes from
doing things for others.

And forgetting...

Forgetting myself and my
own petty little problems.

You know, I sure have
been missing the bus, lately.

Like the one I missed tonight.

And this one cost
me nine dollars.

Well, don't worry
about it, honey.

If the company
won't refund it, I will.

Hey, it's beginning to sprinkle.

Well, let it rain. I
can handle it now.
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