03x23 - Betty and the Jet Pilot

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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03x23 - Betty and the Jet Pilot

Post by bunniefuu »

[Classical music]

♪ ♪

- (Narrator) robert young...

And jane wyatt...

- [Laughter]

- With elinor donahue, billy
gray, and lauren chapin...

In father knows best.

[Comical music]

♪ ♪

[Canned laughter]

- How do you like it,
huh? Pretty neat, huh?

- What is it?

- It's a crash
helmet, air force.

- I found it in a vacant lot.
- You found it?

- [Muffled] I mean, yeah.

I was cutting across this lot
on my way home from school,

I saw it lying
there in the bushes.

- It's the real thing.
- Well! [Laughs]

- Lieutenant charles baron.
- Let me see it, daddy.

- What would it be
doing in a vacant lot?

- Wait a minute.

- What's going on?

- Oh, bud found this pilot's
helmet in a vacant lot.

- It was just lying there.

- Lieutenant charles baron.

Look, there's the
pilot's name right there.

- That's a brilliant deduction.

- Well, you have to solve
this mystery yourselves.

I've got dinner
o... On the stove.

- Come on, kathy.
- Oh, here is your answer, bud.

"Jet pilot has close call.

"Lieutenant charles baron
of the clearwater air base

"Narrowly escaped
death early yesterday

"When the canopy
of his plane blew off.

"Lieutenant baron
was flight testing

"A new type of cockpit canopy
when the accident occurred.

"The pilot was able
to land the plane

"And loss was confined
to the pilot's helmet,

"Which was torn off by the
violent blast of the slipstream,

According to a report
from air base headquarters."

There you are, bud!

- Well, how about that?
- [Laughs]

- Hey! Can I call the air base
and tell them we found it?

- Why, of course,
as a good citizen,

That's exactly
what you should do.

- Well, what do I say?

Can... Can I tell them
we'll bring it back?

- Tell them we'll be
happy to return it.

We'll drive out to
clearwater in the morning.

- Maybe I can even
meet the pilot

O... Or talk to him in person.

- Maybe I'll ride
out there with you.

- You interested in
airplanes all of a sudden?

- You never can
tell. I might be.

[Canned laughter]

[Theme music]

♪ ♪

- [Whistles]
- oh, boy! Look at that guy go.

Boy, would I like to
be driving in that thing.

- [Laughter]
- hello there.

Are you bud anderson?

- Y... Yeah. Y...
You must be, uh...

- I'm charles baron.

- Oh, this is my father.

- How do you do?
- Hello, lieutenant. [Laughs]

- And these are
my sisters, kathy...

- Well, I'm very pleased
to know you, kathy.

- How do you do? And thank you.

- [Chuckles]
- [whispers]

- A... And this is betty.

- Hello, betty.

- How do you do?

- Bud, when we spoke
in the telephone,

You didn't mention you
have a very attractive family.

- [Laughs]

- Oh, you ought
to see our mother.

She's even prettier than we are.

- [Laughter]

- [Chuckles]
- well, h... Here's your helmet.

Uh, I polished it up
with some floor wax.

- Well, this looks even better
than the day it was issued.

You know, I never expected
to see this helmet again.

Bud, you're an honest man.

I thank you, and the
air force thanks you.

[Plane engine roaring]
- man, look at that!

- Is that the kind
of plane you fly?

- Uh, yes. Yes, it is.
That's one of our crew.

Bud, uh, one good
turn deserves another.

I believe I heard you mentioned
you'd like to fly in a jet.

- Well, yeah, but...

- Well, I think I can
fix it up with the c.o.

That is if it's all right
with you, mr. Anderson.

- Well, let's see, i...
- Please, dad, please?

- Let him go.
- Let him go, dad.

- I'll take good
care of him, sir.

- Well, uh, your mother
will probably faint

When she hears about
it, but, uh, go ahead.

- Yehey!
- Oh, thanks, dad.

- At least you'll be
going first-class

United states air force.

- We'll take this jeep here.
- [Laughs]

- We'll drive over
to headquarters

And then down
to the flight line.

- All right.
- Yeah.

- Ah!

- There.

- Oops!
- [Laughter]

- Uh... Um,

In order to take civilians
up in military aircraft,

We have to first clear
with the top brass.

Bud, you're gonna meet
the commanding officer.

- Who, me?

[Comical music]

♪ ♪

- Lt. Baron to see you, sir.

- Send him in.

- Col. Shane.

This is bud anderson
from springfield, sir.

He found my helmet yesterday
after the canopy accident

And came back to the base
this morning to return it.

- So, this is the
young man, hmm.

- Yes, sir.

[Canned laughter]

- Glad to know you, bud.

You ought to be complimented.

That's the sort of cooperation
the air force likes to see.

- [Chuckles]

Thank you.

- I'd like to request
permission, sir,

To take him up in
one of the trainers.

- You interested in flying, bud?

- Oh, you bet, I am.

Well, yes, sir.

- Sergeant.

- Yes, sir?

- Clear lt. Baron for a
civilian passenger flight.

- Yes, sir.

- Bud, you're on your way.

Oh, but there is one thing I
want you to remember, bud.

When you finish school and
you're ready to learn to fly,

I don't wanna see
you going to the navy.

[Canned laughter]

[Comical music]

- Thank you, sir.

♪ ♪

[Military music]

♪ ♪

[Jet engine turns over]

♪ ♪

[Jet engine roars]

Eagle fox 77 to tower, request
permission to take off, over.

- Tower to eagle fox
77 clear for take off.

Wind south-southwest 5.

- Roger and out.

Ready, bud?

- Yeah, I'm...

[Jet engine rumbles]


- Here we go.

[Jet engine drones]

[Jet wooshes]o

Are you okay, bud?

- Yeah.

How high are we?

- Twelve thousand feet.

How do you like jet flying?

- Well, it's awful quiet.

Nothing happens.

- You want me to
liven things up a little?

- Sure.

Let her go.

[Jet wooshes]

- That's a pretty cute
sister you have, bud.

- Yeah.

[Jet wooshes]t

- How old is she?

- Eigh... Eighteen.

- Is she engaged or
going steady with anyone?

- Not that I know of.

[Jet wooshes]n

[Canned laughter]

- Lieutenant, sir.

- What is it, bud?

- I think I've blacked out.

[Canned laughter]

[Jet engine drones]


- I'm upstairs.

- mom!

- Mom, I flew in a jet!
- You what?

- With lieutenant
baron, he took me up.

I went 400 miles an hour,
maybe faster than that.

And we were at 12,000 feet.

- Jim, how could you let him?

- Oh, honey, he was
on an air force plane

With an experienced pilot.

There was no danger.

- Well, you had quite a morning.

- Well, wait till I
tell you about it.

I met the commanding officer

Of the whole air force
base and everything.

And you got to meet
lieutenant baron. What a guy.

He's young, 22, 21 maybe.

- The, uh, handsome type.

When betty saw him,

Her eyes lighted up like
a pair of traffic signals.

- Go signals.
- So, what happened?

So he's coming over
to see her tonight.

- He's not coming
over to see her.

He's coming over to
talk to me about flying.

I'm gonna join the air force
when I got out of school,

And he's gonna give
me all the dope on it.

- Mother, lieutenant baron
is coming over tonight.

Oh, wait till you meet
him. He's adorable.

- So I hear.
- We were at 12,000 feet.

I could see 100 miles easy.

I could see springfield
and hillsborough and...

- Oh, I have to get my blue
dress out of the cleaners,

And I can wear my white shoes.

- And he said, "you want
me to liven it up a little?"

I said, "sure. Go right a..."

- The blue dress came back
from the cleaners yesterday.

We'll have to take
the hem up a little

If you want to wear it tonight.

- So I said, "go right a..."
- Oh, excuse me, bud.

Just tell me the whole
story later on, sorry.

[Canned laughter]

- Where did the girls go?
- To find a blue dress.

- [Chuckles]

- Say, dad, I wanna
know something.

Where does betty get the
right to move in on my friends?

I found the helmet, she didn't.

It was my idea to go to
the air base, not hers.

And now she says charlie
baron is coming over to see her.

How come?

- Well, she says that
because it's probably true.

One of the unfortunate
facts of life, my boy,

You can't compete with a
pair of pretty brown eyes.

They'll whip you every time.

[Canned laughter]

"Look out, curly,"
says propwash,

"That storm ahead looks bad."

- Hey, here he comes.

- Hmm.
[Doorbell dings]

- Mother, will you
answer the door?

- No, I'll get it.

- Oh.

- Hi.

- Hello, bud.

- Well, come on in.

[Canned laughter]

How's things?

- Can't complain.

You, uh, recovered,

From that big
blackout this morning?

Next time, we'll have to
get you a smaller helmet.

- Hello, lieutenant.

- I'm margaret anderson.
- Oh, how do you do?

- Uh, mom, this is a
personal friend of mine,

Lieutenant baron.
[Canned laughter]

- [Chuckles] it was
very nice to meet you.

Won't you come in and sit down?

- Thank you.

- Ah, hello there, lieutenant.
It's good to see you again.

- Now, thank you, sir.
- [Chuckles]

- And how do you
do, miss kathleen?

- How do you do, mr. Sir?

- [Chuckles]

- I got some books
from the library today,

Uh, theory of flight and
the history of aviation.

And I wrote down
some questions i...

[Canned laughter]

- Well, hello.

- Hello, betty.

- I guess you've met my mother.

- Yes, yes, I have.

- What do you think of the
future of the rocket engine?

- Excuse me, bud.

But if you want me to help
you with your homework,

We better get
started right away.

- What homework?

- Oh, uh, time to get
ready for bed, kathy.

- Bed? We just finished dinner.

- Come on, bud.
- Look, I was...

- The sandwich is made, I left
some coffee on the stove.

- Oh, thanks, mother.

- Well, see you later.

- Sure.

You know, your
father can clear a room

Faster than any man
I ever saw. [Chuckles]

- He's simply the
greatest. So was mother.

- Well, they really
mouse-trapped poor old bud.

- Hmm.
- But that's too bad.

Because you see the only
reason I came over here

Was to talk to him about the,

Uh, aerodynamic effects
of sonic compressibility.

[Canned laughter]

- [Laughter]

- I just took a look downstairs

And the air force is
about ready to take off.

- Lieutenant is quite charming.

- Yes.

In about two minutes,

We'll go through the
familiar routine again.

Betty come running upstairs,
bursting in here gasping

That she has discovered
the most sensational man

In the entire, but
the entire world.

He's different.

Utterly and totally different
from anyone she's ever known.

He's gay, brilliant,
witty, handsome, wise,

Mature, considerate,

Elevating, stimulating,

And next week, she won't
even remember his first name.

- That was a
17-year-old routine.

All right, here she comes.

Baton down the hatches.

[Canned laughter]

I wonder what happened.

[Comical music]

♪ ♪

Now, how do you explain that?

- Don't you recognize
the symptoms, dear?

We have our first
real case of l-o-v-e.

[Canned laughter]

- If you're waitin up for betty,

- She's outside with charles.
- We know, bud.

- Why didn't she let the
poor guy get some sleep?

For two weeks now,

She's been keeping him up
late almost every night.

- Don't worry about it, bud.

- Darn girls, don't
have any sense at all.

- [Laughing]

[Romantic music]

♪ ♪

- Good night.

- Good night.

Tomorrow morning at 10:00?

- I'll be watching.

- You came in just in time.

Your brother was
about to turn you in

For sabotaging the air force.

- How was the evening?

- I have something to show you.

Charles' graduation wings.

He gave them to me tonight.

You know what it means when
a pilot gives a girl his wings?

- Well, it's, uh, kind of
like giving a fraternity pin.

- It's more than that
father. Much more than that.

- Hey, where did
you get the wings?

- Charles gave them to her.

- Well, you can't wear
them. You're not a pilot.

- You don't understand, bud.

You just don't
understand at all.

- Good night.
- Good night, dear.

- It's getting kind of
serious, don't you think?

- Taking the wings right
off the guy's uniform.

The next thing you know,
she'll be stripping his car.

[Canned laughter]

- Where's betty?

- Oh, she said she didn't
want any breakfast.

Not hungry.

[Jet wooshes]

- Here's a jet, I
bet it's charles.


[Jet wooshes]

- I could never guess
who that is up there.

Hey, what's all this business?

- That's charles' way
of letting me know

He's off duty tonight.

We can go to the
harvest moon dance.

- Oh, I guess that is quicker
than sending a telegram.

[Canned laughter]

Uh, your mother and I have been
wondering about you and charles.

This, um, isn't
anything serious, is it?

- Oh.

- Father?
- Hmm?

- Where's the picnic basket?

[Canned laughter]

- Picnic basket?
- Uh-hmm.

Uh, it's in the
basement, I suppose.

What's this got to do
with you and charles?

- We're going on a picnic
tomorrow, just the two of us.

Oh, well, now, don't
look so startled, father.

Didn't you and mother
ever go on a picnic together

Before you were married?

[Comical music]

♪ ♪

[Canned laughter]

- Hey, what goes?

- Betty is going on a
picnic with charles.

- Oh, for pete's sake.

What are you trying
to do, k*ll the poor guy?

You drag him around
that harvest moon dance

'Till 3 o'clock this morning

And now you're gonna take
him out and feed him to the ants.

I... [Canned laughter]

- Me, too.

[Canned laughter]

- Mother...

How did father act the night
before he proposed to you?

- The night before?

Well, its been some time
ago, but as I recall, he...

Betty, you think that charles...

Oh! [Canned laughter]

- Oh, mother, don't get excited.

After all, I'm 18 years old.

Besides, I can't stop him
from asking me now, can i?

- Oh, no, no, you can't.

Well, the important thing
is what will your answer be.

- I haven't decided.

Don't worry.

I have to dress. He'll
be here in a minute.

- But, betty.

- [Whistling]

- Jim?

- Oh, something wrong?

- Betty just told me
she thinks charles

Is gonna propose this afternoon.

- Oh, I had the feeling
this was coming.

Is she upstairs?

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪


- Yes?

- May I come in, princess?

- Oh, sure.

Come in, father.

- Oh, I guess mother told you.

There's nothing
to be upset about.

You and mother knew

That some time I was gonna
meet the right boy and fall in love.

- Well, that's the
question though, princess.

Are you in love with charles?

Are you sure?

- I'm sure.

It happened the moment we met.

I knew it and so did charles.

Oh, I know it sounds silly.

The giddy schoolgirl who
meets the handsome flyer.

But it's not that.

This is real.

For the first time in my life

I... I know what it
means to love someone.

For the first time,

I understand how... How
you feel toward mother

And... And she
feels towards you.

- I believe you, princess.

But... There's one thing.

You and charles are young
and sometimes when you're young,

You don't think about
what can happen tomorrow

Or next week or next month.

- I... I don't understand.

- Well, I mean you
have to realize

That time can change things.

Charles isn't going
to be here forever.

The united states air force

Is practically
everywhere in the world.

If you should marry charles,
you'd always be saying goodbye.

He could be sent to the
four corners of the globe,

So many places
that you couldn't go.

Think about this, princess.

- I have thought about it.

And I've reasoned
it out this way.

Why should we throw
away all happiness

That... That we
could have right now

For fear of what might
happen sometime in the future?

It's the present
that counts after all.

And if sometime
charles has to go away...

Then I'll accept it.

- I'll wait for him.

No tears, no broken heart.

I promise.

- [Sighs] all right.


- Charles is here.

You may come down now
out of your web, miss spider.

Your victim is in the park.

[Canned laughter]

[Comical music]

♪ ♪

- Any complaints about the food?

- Only that there
was too much of it.

You know, we could have
fed the whole squadron.

- Oh, you just didn't
eat anything, that's all.

- It's pretty obvious,
you don't like my cooking.


- Oh, lovely child.


Our days have been
filled with sunshine

And our nights with laughter,
and now we have come,

As the order say,

"To the hour of decision".

- What decision?

- Oh, right now,

In colonel shane's
office at the air base,

There's a meeting going on.

The big reshuffle is
about to take place.

Our unit is being broken up.

The... The brass is
deciding which of us

Will have to take off for
alaska tomorrow morning

And... And which will stay here.

My, uh... My fate is in
the lap of the gods.

- Is that you're telling me,
you don't wanna go to alaska?

- Hmm. Now, you know,
if this were possible,

There'd be a very
few pilots in alaska.

- But it's not definite
that you're going.

You may stay here.

- Yeah. I may.


I... If I stay, will
you marry me?

- Charles.

- No, no, no, I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have asked
you that way, um...

Betty, look, tomorrow
I'll know if I go or stay.

If I go, I'll fly
over your house

Tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock.

And if I stay...

I'll phone you tomorrow
morning at 9 and...

And I'll ask you again.

[Romantic music]

♪ ♪

[Theme music]

♪ ♪

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- Father, don't
pick up that phone!

- Why not?

- Well, i... I... I'm waiting
for a call from charles.

They're transferring
some of the pilots,

Sending them to
alaska this morning.

If charles is not transferred,
if he is going to stay,

He's going to call
at exactly 9 o'clock.

If he's going to go,
there'll be no call

Because he'll be flying over
our house on his way north.

[Clock ticking]

[Theme music]

♪ ♪


[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Good luck, charles.

♪ ♪

- Ms. Betty anderson?

- Yes?

- Lieutenant baron asked
me to deliver this to you.

[Puppy yelping]

- [Chuckles]
- oh, isn't he adorable?

- Is that a dog?
- Yes, sir.

- Oh, what's his name?

- Well, it's a kind of a
strange name for a dog,

But the lieutenant
gave it to him.

Can you imagine a
dog being named,

"I'll see you at christmas"?

[Canned laughter]


[Theme music]
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