03x03 - Otaku Are Talkative

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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03x03 - Otaku Are Talkative

Post by bunniefuu »

[Toshiro Hijikata has become a hopeless otaku because of the curse from a demonic sword.


[What is Kamotaro Ito's ambition?! And what is Sogo Okita's true intent?]

The NEET problem, the hikikomori problem [NOTE: "NEET" is an acronym that stands for "Not currently engaged in employment, education, or training.

" In Japan, it refers to unmarried 15 to 30 year-olds who are unemployed, not in school, not training for a job, and not seeking work.

A growing problem in Japan.


The number of apathetic young people is steadily on the rise.

The people known as "Otaku" are said to be NEETs and hikikomori in the making.

Today we have gathered one hundred self-proclaimed otaku.

What do they think when they withdraw into their inner world? We will find out what they're really like!! Otaku Summit: A Live Debate Till Morning! [Otaku Summit - A Live Debate Till Morning]

[Note: Spoof of Japanese TV discussion program "Asa Made Nama TV.


As usual, we'll be going on until morning.

Oh no! It's started Huh? This is odd What are you doing? I've got to tape Shinpachi's gallantry.

Shinpachi? Come to think of it, he hasn't come over today.

First off I'd like to correct the notion that all otaku are hikikomori and NEETs in the making.

[53 Idol Otaku - Captain Shimura]

There are otaku amongst us who work and function in society.

What is he doing? Ah, I see Umm Number 31, what's your opinion? Well This show attempts to criticize and blame otaku for causing Japan's current problems All right, all right.

I just want to get other people's opinions, too What's this? He's become a really annoying guy! I'm sure the viewers definitely hate him! First off, it's weird to group all otaku into one category! Oh no, it's getting heated! Come on, where is that piece of junk?! Now, now A-Anyway, sit down, okay? We're supporting a pop idol, something that's real.

But what I don't understand is People who are in love with two-dimensional girls from anime and games.

Hey! What do you mean by that, Number 53?! A two-dimensional girl can never be attained even if you're in love with her.

It's a waste of time.

No way! Shiori-chan is alive in my heart! Oh, I have an objection.

May I speak? Go right ahead.

[7 Anime Otaku - Toshi]

Umm In short, Number that three-dimensional otaku are more realistic than us two-dimensional otaku.

But let me ask you this Do you think supporting a pop idol will help you get one to marry you? Well You can't, can you? In other words, us two-dimensional otaku and you three-dimensional otaku are both in love with something unattainable.

We're in the same boat.

No, no, you're wrong! Indeed, it's impossible to marry a pop idol.

But it's not 100 percent guaranteed.

It's 100 percent impossible for you.

No, it's definitely impossible for you.

No, it's not! That's because pop stars exist in real life.

No, thinking about things beyond your grasp like that is absolute proof that you're not being realistic.

Number 7 sure is annoying.

Go, Shinpachi!! How dare you talk to our captain like that?! What did you say?! Whoa! The two-dimensional fans and the three-dimensional fans have begun fighting each other.

It's done.

It's nicely melted!! You were toasting bread? Weren't you supposed to be taping this? Huh? That guy I've seen him somewhere ["Otaku Are Talkative"]

[Shinsengumi Headquarters]

Hey, did you hear what happened to Hijikata-san? He was placed under suspension indefinitely.

He broke one of the Kyukuchu Hatto.

Ito-san insisted that he commit seppuku.

But the Chief and everyone else persuaded him otherwise.

He's really being forced out, isn't he? He probably won't be coming back.

Ito won't forgive him.

Those two were always at each other's throats.

It's finally his time to shine, huh? According to rumors, Okita-san has sided with Ito's faction.

No one can oppose Ito anymore.

How unexpected.

Okita-kun, I never expected you to come over to my side.

I heard that you two knew each other before the Shinsengumi was formed.

I completely thought that you were part of Hijikata's faction.

Hijikata's faction? I wasn't aware that such a faction ever existed.

You're a smart man.

What do you want? Naturally the Vice-Chief position.

As long as you stick with me, I promise to grant you that wish.

Is that all right? It doesn't matter.

I'll give him the position of Vice-Chief.

But if you do that, it'll defeat the purpose of getting rid of Hijikata.

Shinohara-kun Do you think I've started this silly power struggle with that man just so I could become Vice-Chief? [Odd Jobs Gin]

Umm I'm sorry.

I never expected you to be there H-Hijikata-san.

No, it's all right.

I'm just glad my limited-edition figurine Tomoe 5000 is safe.

Th-Thank you very much.

Umm What? Are you really Hijikata-san? What are you saying, Mr.

Sakata? [Note: Otaku often call each other by their last names and the suffix "shi" (Mr.




Sakata"? As you can see I am the real Toshiro Hijikata de gozaru.

[Note: Ending sentences with "de gozaru," (archaic form of "desu") was common amongst samurai and is popular speech among otaku.


[Shogunate Special Armed Police, Shinsengumi Vice-Chief Toshiro Hijikata]

"Gozaru"? Oh, Miss Kagura That Chinese outfit! Are you dressed up as Magical Girl Chinese Papaya? [Note: Refers to "Maho Shojo Chukana Paipai.

" A live action girly series from the late 80's.


That's incredibly accurate.

Could I take your picture? Nice.

That's good.

One more.

Why are you bashful? Hey, what's the meaning of this? He's the real Hijikata-sanbut he's like a totally different person.

Anyway Hijikata-san What is it, Mr.

Shimura? Umm What happened to work? You're hanging around here in the middle of the day.

Work? Oh, the Shinsengumi fired me.

What? You quit the Shinsengumi?! Why?! Well, I started to hate trifling human relations.

The job was dangerous, too.

Besides, I'm not suited for it.

I originally wanted to become an anime voice actor.

Really?! Is that true?! Well, I guess, right now, I'm looking for a way to get by without working.

I think working is for losers.

He's a NEET!! He's thinking like a NEET!! Oh yeah! Come to think of it, you're like NEETs, too! Who are you calling a NEET? Don't group us with them.

How about it? Do you want to form a group with me? Right now, I'm writing a To Love-Ru dojinshi.


Sakata, you know a lot about JUMP, right? Want to make some money at the Summer Comiket? [Note: Summer Comiket is a Convention for dojinshi (amateur comics).


This won't sell!! This looks like a kid drew it!! I'm stumped.

I used up most of my savings on a figurine.

I guess I have to sell my sword.

He's really pathetic! He's trying to sell his samurai soul to get a figurine!! I've tried to sell it many times, but I can't seem to let go of it.

The guy at the store said that it was a cursed demonic sword, but that can't be Oh! Do you think that maybe I'll wake up in the morning to find this demonic sword has changed into a beautiful girl sleeping next to me? Oh! I'm beginning to love that idea [Swordsmith]

This blade pattern on the front and the back There's no mistake.

This is Muramasha.

[Note: Spoof of legendary evil sword "Muramasa.


Muramasha? [Note: Spoof of legendary swordsmith "Senko Muramasa.


It is a famous sword forged by Muramasha Senko, a swordsmith from the Muromachi Era.

It is said to cut incredibly well.

It is also known as a demonic sword that devours human souls.

A demonic sword? Is it really a demonic sword?! Will a beautiful girl come out of it?! Well Umm A demonic sword? What kind of demonic sword is it? It apparently harbors the grudge of a hikikomori boy who was slain by his mother with the Muramasha.

What kind of demonic sword is that?! According to legend, the son never went to school And always watched anime.

But he said he wanted to go on a school trip.

As expected, his mother snapped.

Muramasha is the sword she used.

What a realistic legend! That happened recently, didn't it?! That sounds like it was on the news, doesn't it?! Those who carry Muramasha at their sides will become possessed by the grudge of the hikikomori son.

Their interest in anime and two-dimensional media will increase, and their interest in work and fighting will decrease proportionately.

In other words, he'll become a hopeless otaku.

But there are many counterfeits of this sword.

Even if it is a real sword, there's an even lower chance that it's the sword of legend.

But If this is the real demon sword There may not be anything left of that man's original soul.

It's likely the demonic sword has devoured him and he's already become a different person.

He'll probably never return to his former self.

Do you understand me, Shinohara-kun? What do you think is the greatest misfortune for a warrior? It's the misfortune of not being understood.

No matter how much skill you have No matter how hard you try, you will never be judged properly.

You will never be given food that is suited for your stature.

There is no greater misfortune.

Like Li Mu of Zhao and Yue Fei of Southern Song There were many great generals who faded away along with their skills While serving stupid rulers.

I also never had someone who truly understood me.

Even when I was called a child prodigy at school, or when I mastered the distinguished Hokuto Itto, I went along with the times and even associated with Anti-Foreigner Faction members.

But wherever I went, nothing was satisfying enough.

I never thought that I would find it here.

That man understands me the most.

That man knows I'm too good for the Shinsengumi.

He knows that I will not end up serving the likes of Kondo.

He knows what I thirst for My greatest misfortune is that the person who understands me the most is my enemy.

Well, that's fine.

If there isn't anyone who understands me, I just have to make everyone recognize me.

The most dangerous man is gone.

All that's left is to k*ll Isao Kondo and make the Shinsengumi mine.

That man It's as the Vice-Chief said I need to tell the Vice-Chief I need to let the Vice-Chief know immediately.

You Could it be?! My, my, I came to smoke my last cigarette.

Of all the people to last see I've become a total degenerate.

Oh well This is it for me I'll cling onto anything, even straw [Note: From the proverb, "A drowning man will grasp at a straw.


Listen up.

This is my first and last request for you.

I never expected Ito to be allied with them.

I need to tell the Vice-Chief immediately The Vice-Chief Please The Shinsengumi My Our Shinsengumi Protect it Please Y-You're The Kiheitai Swordsman BansaiKawakami I-Ito You bastard You were secretly associating with the enemy.

Yamazaki-kun, the world won't change if we keep on sword fighting like you.

We must be smarter.

No matter how much we swing our swords, we cannot stamp out crime.

Furthermore, you mustn't forget that if they weren't around, there would be no use for us police.

I'm sure it would be better for us to work with each other.

We can become partners who work for each other's profit and maintain balance.

The Shinsengumi won't become any stronger if we continue to do things the way your superior does.

I will change the Shinsengumi.

It'll become stronger and bigger.

And I, Kamotaro Ito, will become the spear that shows our potential to take control of the country.

Do what you want But let me say this.

We may be uneducated and can't tell how skilled you are But no one will follow an empty vessel with no bushido or principles.

I'll follow them Until the end You'll continue on struggling to inform them of what you've discovered until the very end.

As their spy, are you saying that is part of your bushido? Bansai-dono, I leave the rest to you.

I'll give you the honor of dying in a battle against an Anti-Foreigner Faction member.

Aren't you glad? You can maintain that bushido you love so much.

I'll be sure to tell that to your superiors.

No I suppose there's no need for that.

They'll be headed to where you're going soon enough.

There's something going on within the Shinsengumi right now.

Is that it? Do you think Hijikata-san was fired from the Shinsengumi because of that? Who knows? Well, whatever happens, it's none of our business.

Let's avoid getting involved any further.

But Hijikata-san asked us of all people to help him.

Hijikata is very prideful.

For him to put aside his shame and self-respect, and ask someone to do something for him It must be pretty serious Umm Excuse me, Mr.

Sakata, but A rare limited-edition figurine is going on sale tomorrow.

It's limited to one per customer.

But I want to buy three: one to preserve, one to look at, and one to use.

So I order you to come with me You should get some shame and self-respect! "To use"? What are you planning to use it for?! I feel stupid for worrying about you!! [Shinsengumi]

Vice-Chief We finally found you.

Bad news, Vice-Chief! Come back to the squad immediately.

What happened? Yamazaki-san Yamazaki-san Someone k*lled him.

Y-Yamazaki-san?! We found him on the ground, covered in blood just outside the headquarters.

By that time We still haven't found the k*ller.

Anyway Come back with us to the headquarters.

Huh? But I was fired Now's not the time to be saying that.

Come on, quickly Vice-Chief Come join Yamazaki Damn! They got away! After them!! Ow,ow,ow,ow,ow,ow.


Sakata, the shoulder portion of my denim jacket is grinding into me!! My arms feel like they're going to rip off just like Guts from Berserk!! [Note: Guts is the main character of Berserk, a popular manga from Hakusensha.


Shut up!! You be quiet!! What was the meaning of that?! Why is the Shinsengumi after Hijikata?! Mr.

Sakata! Whoa, Miss Kagura.

That was amazing! This is like the return of Miss Arale from Dr.

Slump [Note: Dr.

Slump is a manga by Akira Toriyama, author of Dragon Ball.


Shut up!! Someone shut this guy up!! This is Third Squad.

This is Third Squad.

Come in.


Did you find Hijikata? We found him, but we were no match for his incredibly cute and strong ally.

Over, uh-huh.

"Uh-huh"? Do whatever it takes to k*ll him.

Even if we k*ll Kondo, it'll be meaningless if Hijikata's still around.

Get rid of all the dangerous elements before we assassinate Kondo.

Once Kondo and Hijikata are both gone, the entire Shinsengumi will become faithful to the Ito faction.

They're planning to assassinate Kondo-san and Hijikata-san?! Don't let any other squad members aside from us find out.

Make it look as if Anti-Foreigner Faction members did it.

If Ito-san's plan is exposed at this stage, the Shinsengumi will be split in two.

Kondo's assassination looks to be a success.

Right now, he's on a train heading to an expedition to recruit squad members, just as Ito-san planned.

All of the squad members with him are allied with us.

He's by himself Kondo is going to hell.

It's been a while since I've gone back to Bushu.

[Note: Also known as Musashi Province.

Today, it comprises of Tokyo, Saitama and part of Kanagawa.


That's where Toshi, Sogo and I grew up.

It was a rough place where there were always fights.

Come to think of it, it's no different from what we're doing now.

Sometimes I get anxious.

I could have been a better guy back then.

I could have advanced a little.

You're a wonderful samurai.

I've never met a person more honest than you.

I suppose I could call you immaculate.

You're like a white cloth.

You accept anything and are colored by all colors.

The Shinsengumi is a flag made of a white cloth onto which everyone may project his colors.

In comparison, my color is black.

I'm not colored by anything, and I turn everything black.

Only black remains, no matter where I go.

Everywhere I go becomes my color.

Kondo-san, I'm sorry.

Your flag has become pitch black.

As expected, Sensei.

You say interesting things.

We've become pitch black? I see.

That would be true if I were a white cloth.

But I'm a loincloth that's full of frizzy hair.

A white flag? I'm not that naïve.

I don't know about those around you, but they're different.

They can't be called a color.

If anything, they're grime.

They're stains that you can't remove, no matter how much you wash.

They're persistent and can't be removed by washing.

I ended up becoming attached to them.

It's a real bother.

But the stains began to gather, and as time passed, they became visible.

Before I knew it, they'd become a splendid flag.

They're uneducated and have no ideals.

They act according to emotion more than logic.

I don't often know what they're thinking.

They're mysterious guys.

Sensei, you can't control them.

They can't be colored or affected by anything.

Okita-kun, what are you doing? You're supposed to be keeping watch.

What are you doing? I'm asking you what you're doing, you piece of shit.

Okita-kun How dare you talk like that to Ito Sensei?! Let go.

I said, let go of him!! [To be continued]


Hijikata-san!! Get a hold of yourself, Hijikata-san!! It's none of my concern It's of no concern At this rate, you may lose all the people and things you hold dear!! ["There's a Thin Line Between Strengths and Weaknesses"]

[Ito has been in contact with the Kiheitai.

His plan is to assassinate Kondo, the Shinsengumi's Chief.


[Hijikata has become Toshi.

Gintoki and the others drag him along as they chase after the train!!]

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