01x01 - Lost My Marbles

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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01x01 - Lost My Marbles

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay, there's this really
bad dude named hacker --

Hacker: the hacker, to you!

He wants to take over

The cyberworld
from motherboard.

[ Gasp ]
the three kids
are sucked into cyberspace,

And they use brain power
to help save everybody.

okay, here's the plan.

So they travel
all over and run into all these

Weird creatures...and have all
of these awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a wacky
bird outsmart the hacker?

Hacker: never!
Matt: there's only one way
to find out!

Tune in
to "cyberchase"!

* Cyberchase!

* We're movin' we're beatin'
hacker at his game

* Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the motherboard

* We'll get him every time

* Cosmic worlds, freaky places
that we've seen

* We got the power
of one two three four!

* Runnin' in a cyberchase
we'll meet him face to face

* We'll stick together,
all the time!

* Adventures in cyberspace

* The chase is on! Just wait
and c-y-b-e-r- chase!

(Evil laughter)

At last, the moment I've been
waiting for!

It's absolutely perfect!

yeah you're right, boss.

Cyberspace is simply
enchanting. (Chomp!)

I'm not talking about

I'm talking about them!

Those earth kids are the key
to my plan!

oh yeah, you mean your master
plan for all-out domination

Of cyberspace that will allow
you to spread evil

And chaos from site to site?

of course that plan,
you robotic duncebucket!

I thought the only way to take
over cyberspace was to

Get rid of that cyberbrain who
runs it: motherboard!

And so we shall!

[Dr. Marbles]
upgrade nearly complete,

Standby for reboot.

hurry, dr. Marbles.

My fire wall's been down long
enough - it's not safe.

not safe? C'mon, what could
possibly happen?

hacker alert! Hacker alert!


[Dr. Marbles]

We drained his power grid
and exiled him eons ago!

Here's where the real fun

Ooh, tisk tisk, don't get
me dirty!

excuse me.

You two aren't the only ones
who require access to this map.

hang on, I'm just trying
to figure out

How to use it, okay?

alright. You're here, see?

Now, just find where you want
to go - and touch that spot.

okay. Mythology... Mythology...

but I need to go
to the research room! (Gasp!)

hey! What's up with that??

it looks like the icons
are going to crash

Into each other right...


[Dr. Marbles]
hacker's found a way to breach
the system!

quickly! Reload my firewall!

behold, my half-baked henchmen.

My concoction of computerized
chaos is about to... att*ck!

hacker has launched a virus!
It's coming this way!

hurry, doc, hurry! Close her

[Dr. Marbles]
fire wall loading! Forty
five... Fifty.

it's too late! The virus has
invaded my circuits!

It's... Shutting me...downnn...

[Dr. Marbles]
firewall up!

(Sigh) no further damage

she's in bad shape, huh, doc?

[Dr. Marbles]
her encryptor chip has been
destroyed. I can't retrieve it!

I've got to locate and install
a new one.

whatever you must do -
do it now!

[Dr. Marbles]
but...i can't leave you!

marbles! I order you, leave


b*at it, doc. I'll take care
of motherboard.

I hope, I hope.

[Dr. Marbles]

(Evil laughter)

[Dr. Marbles]
help! Help me!

hacker's got dr. Marbles!

I'm tracking him now.

what are we going to do?

you think we broke it?

I don't know!

there must be a way to reboot
this thing!

I am motherboard.

oh oh.

mother who?

we're in for it now -
she's probably fbi!

I am protector of all

right. And I'm xena, warrior

When the three of you touched
the map...

A breach in cyberspace allowed
a nasty computer virus

To reach me.

This can't be happening!

it is happening, jackie.

You know my name??!

jackie...matt...inez, I need
your help.

I need you here
in cyberspace... Now!

But cyberspace isn't a real
place! We can't actually go...


she's gone!

and so are we...!


where are we?

this is incredible!


welcome to cyberspace,

I'm digit. And this
is motherboard!

hacker has captured my chief
technician, dr. Marbles.

hacker? Who's hacker?

he prefers the hacker -
but that's another story.

Just know he's motherboard's
worst enemy!

my strength is limited. Find
marbles...bring him back.

the doc's the only one who can
fix motherboard.

This sounds totally terrible.

Without motherboard,

Everything and everyone
in cyberspace is doomed!

you guys, we can't let that
happen. We can't just stand by

And let this hacker guy destroy

We have to help. We just have

excuse me, I don't even know
you guys!

This is a major decision.
I need time to think about it.

there isn't time to think about

We've gotta act now! I'm in.

marbles has been taken
to an island

In the southern frontier.

The 'x' on this map
of the island...

...marks the location where
hacker has hidden him.



what are these?

skwak pads. Walkie-talkies
and drawing boards

Rolled into one.

and how do we get to this

one transportal, at your

beats taking the bus.

Be careful...and remember...

All of cyberspace is counting
on you.

game time!

you too, digit.

that was fast! Guess there's
no speed limit in cyberspace.

what was that??!


Sorry I'm late. Took a wrong
turn at mobius.

Let's find the doc.

only one problem. I don't have
a clue where we are

Or which direction to go in.

great! Would somebody please
vote me off this island?

come on, inez, we've got just
the tool we need to survive...

This map!

cool! It shows where things

if this 'x' is where marbles
is -

We just need to figure
out where we are.

yeah! Then we can plot a course
to take us

From where we are to marbles.

(All, panic scream)


That was close.

maybe this isn't the coolest
thing I've ever done.

uh, am I having a moment,
or is your backpack beeping?

it's motherboard!
Push the button.

Is everyone all right?


I forgot...every sunset,
there's a huge earthquake.


by nightfall...the island -
and everything on it -

Will turn completely inside

This is definitely not good

we've got to figure out where
we are so we can find marbles.


Oh, that hurt!

guys, if we don't do something
quick, we're gonna be history!

okay, listen. The island's
surrounded by water - right?

So it doesn't matter which way
we go - sooner or later

We'll reach the shore! Then
we can match up the map

With the shoreline and
determine where we are on it.

I hear waves! This way!

oh! We made it! We reached
the shoreline!

map check!

Hmm. These different pictures
must show the locations

Of real waterfalls and other
stuff that's easy to see.

Uh... The term you're looking
for is landmarks.

I can't help it - I know these
things. All right?

fine! Let's get organized.
We spot a real landmark -

Match it up to a picture
on the map -

And we'll know where we are.

anyone see a good landmark?


Yoikes! A skull!

and here's skull rock! That
should put us right about...

Here! Right by the water.

and just to be sure, if we're
on the beach here...

According to the map, there
should be a skinny inlet

Right about here!

let's check it out.

hey look, one skinny inlet -
just like on the map.

So, if we turn the map to match
what we see...

Here's where we are now...
And dr. Marbles is right here!

Now we know which way to go!

well we don't know how far away
the 'x' is.

It could take us years
to get there!

... ... ... ... !

It's exactly paces from
skull rock ...to the inlet.

I think inez is onto something.

This piece of twig reaches from
here to skull rock.

So, what we need
to do is measure

How many twigs from where
we are to the 'x' -

Then we can figure out roughly
how many paces it takes

To reach marbles...

, , , , , , , Twig

and since each twig stands
for paces,

Dr. Marbles is approximately
times paces away.

Then it's around sixteen
hundred paces to dr. Marbles.

we now know where we are -
where marbles is -

...which way to go to get him -

- and how far we have
to travel. Paces!

but not much time to get there!

let's go!

man, hacker sure picked a nasty
place to hide dr. Marbles.

nasty's nothin' new
for the hacker.

When I was part of his mob,
believe me,

I saw how evil he could be.

(gasp!) You worked
for hacker??!

I'm not proud of it, okay?
If mother b hadn't rescued me

And set me straight, I'd still
be wreaking havoc!

it's okay, didge.
We had no idea.

good! Let's go find the doc.

any landmarks around here?

why me?! I hate heights!!

yep, here's the geyser.

And there's a rock spire that
matches this one on the map.

Looks like we're headed
in the right direction.


come on!

pink?! I told you puce!

I wanted puce!

sorry, boss, pink's
all we got left.

Besides, what's the difference?

the difference is -
puce is my favorite color.

this fog is awful. We could
be lost here forever.

I'm not really good with rain,

But at least you can see
through rain.

where are those guys?

maybe we can reach them
on our skwak pad thingy.

Hello? Anybody out there?

yeah, I'm here with digit.

where's 'here'?

um, wait a sec.
We're by the waterfall.

we passed that already...
I think!

oh, man! (Sigh)

I hate to say this, but I think
we're lost!

a plan, a plan...we need
a plan.

I've got it!

I'll copy motherboard's map
onto my skwak pad

And send it to both of yours.

map comin' through! Now what?

look for a landmark.

that must be haystack mountain!

We know where we are again!

That mountain matches the shape
and position

Of the haystack mountain icon.

excellent! Meet you at the hill
with the flat top. You see it?

you mean the hill past haystack
or the one next to the geyser?

we'll never match up
the landmarks this way!

wait a minute! Inez, do you see
the grid on your map?

do you mean these lines that
sort of look like graph paper?

right. What if we mark
the vertical lines

With letters from left
to right?

you mean like
a...b...c...d...e... F...g...h?

yes, now mark the horizontal
lines with numbers

From bottom to top.

okay. ... ... ... ... ... ...
... .

I get it! Each landmark
is on the grid somewhere.

If we're at haystack mountain
here on the island,

Then we're at g on the map!

and if we're at the waterfall,
we're at e... !

okay, there's a bridge
on the way at d... .

Let's meet there.

excellent! Let's keep in touch.
See you at d !

bridge at d . We made it!


yikes! I owe you one, matt.

we're here!

let's jam!

okay, here they come!
Get ready.


those things are cutting
the bridge!

bon voya-gee!

quick! Back to the other side!


hang on! I'm comin'!

don't worry, digit, we weren't
going anywhere.


everyone in one piece?

I think so.

that was totally cool.
Uh-oh, the sun is setting.

We're running out of time!

quick! Let's check the map!

looks like we have about
paces to go!

dr. Marbles must be around here

[Dr. Marbles]
help! Help me!

it's the doc!


dr. Marbles?

[Dr. Marbles]
yes! And who are you?

they're with me, doc.

Motherboard brought 'em in from
the real world.

What about hacker?

You mean that pompous piece
of cyber trash?!

That green-faced bag of wind?!

why digit, I didn't know
you still cared.

H-h- hacker! I was just
reminding everyone

How brilliant and powerful
you are.

[All ]

listen closely, I alone decide
who comes and who goes.

you're the man, boss!

yeah, you're the one!

In your case, however,
you are about to be

Permanently -- deleted!
(An evil laugh, turns to cough)

Boss, we better get you back
to the wreaker.

You need to power up quick!



oh, no! They're all buried!

Motherboard was counting
on us to save dr. Marbles,

Instead we -

hey, hey...calm down! We're


[Dr. Marbles]
we must exit this program

Before the island completely

we'll never get out of here
in time!


it's the grim wreaker! Come on!
In here, quick!

[Dr. Marbles]
hacker's got it on safeguard.
Ignition impossible!

there's gotta be a way off this

there it is! The doc's

alright! Awesome! Whoa!

[Dr. Marbles]
but there's only room for one.

you're the only one who can fix
motherboard. You have to go!

hit the road, doc. I'll stay
with the kids.

can you hear me? Respond!

we're here, motherboard.
And we need help!

because of the quakes, I cannot
place a portal

At your present location.
I have been able to program

Three escape portals
on the island at random.

One is at h .

past jagged cliffs.

another at d .

the palm jungle.

and the last portal is at a .

square bay.
Got it, motherboard.

you must choose now. There
is not much time...good luck.

okay, we have to decide which
way to go.

Let's mark our position with
the red dot.

According to the map, past
jagged cliffs at h

Is the closest. Look, it's only
, , , squares away.

Wait! It may be the shortest
distance -

- But it's the steepest path.

We have to climb these

So how about palm forest at d ?
That doesn't look much farther.

don't forget that chasm we just
fell into!

The bridge is out, remember?

let's go for the portal
at square bay.

are you kidding?
A is the farthest away!

We have to cross squares
to get there!

trust me and the map on this
one. Let's go!

oh, no! We'll never reach
the portal before sunset, now!

we will if we sh**t these
rapids to the bay.

The river leads right to a !

but how?

achem. Raft, anyone?


hang on!

It's hacker!!!

I may have lost my marbles but
I'll get those blasted brats.

Motherboard will pay dearly
to get them back! Heh.


oh no! Whirlpool!

hey! That's no whirlpool!...

It's the portal!!!


aah! You miserable melonheads!
They got away!

It's all your fault!

you're right, boss, our fault.

nice sunset though!


Those kids will regret
the day...

...they ever heard
of the hacker!

hey, boss.


want a frozen donut?


wow! That was incredible.

and look, hardly any time

so how do we know it really

trust us on this one, inez.

Yikes! Then it wasn't a dream.

No. And hacker's still out

and the doc is still looking
for a way to fix motherboard.

we'll help you anyway we can.
Right, guys?

no problem.

I was hoping you'd say that.

stay tuned, earthlies.
You'll be hearing from us.

guess this means we stay
in touch.

that's what friends do, right?

right on! Yeah! You bet!
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