01x25 - A Battle of Equals

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cyberchase". Aired: January 21, 2002 –; present.*
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Matt and his group of friends use gadgets and follow clues to mysteries and any other problem that comes their way.
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01x25 - A Battle of Equals

Post by bunniefuu »

Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

For all children

Thanks to pbs stations
and viewers like you.

Okay, there's this really
bad dude named hacker --

Hacker: the hacker, to you!

He wants to take over

The cyberworld
from motherboard.

[ Gasp ]
the three kids
are sucked into cyberspace,

And they use brain power
to help save everybody.

okay, here's the plan.

So they travel
all over and run into all these

Weird creatures...and have all
of these awesome adventures.

It's totally up to them
to save cyberspace.

Can three cool kids and a wacky
bird outsmart the hacker?

Hacker: never!
Matt: there's only one way
to find out!

Tune in
to "cyberchase"!

♪ Cyberchase!

♪ We're movin' we're beatin'
hacker at his game

♪ Don't tell me that he's trying
to hack the motherboard

♪ We'll get him every time

♪ Cosmic worlds, freaky places
that we've seen

♪ We got the power
of one two three four!

♪ Runnin' in a cyberchase
we'll meet him face to face

♪ We'll stick together,
all the time!

♪ Adventures in cyberspace

♪ The chase is on! Just wait
and c-y-b-e-r- chase!

roll it out, delete!

Let's go, let's go, let's go!!

You heard the boss. He wants
the grim wreaker cleaned now!

we just cleaned it this

You know the boss, everything
here neat and tidy -

Everywhere else:
chaos and confusion! Hit it!

I need a new plan to take over

But nothing's coming!
Nothing! Think... Think!

How can I think with all
that noise going on outside?!

Turn that thing off!

Ahhhh! You've pilfered
my peruke!

delete! Give him back his wig!

Which one is it? Whip... Stir...
Chop - blend,

Ah, here it is! Eject!

Get this garbage off me!

Wait! That's it! Garbage,
waste! Yes, my new plan,

Waste! As in a waste product
of cyberspace: cyberstatic!

ooooh, ooh ooh pretty, boss

yeah, pretty, blue cyberstatic!

More like pretty dangerous!

Cyberstatic used to fly all
overb cyberspace, scrambling

Zapping cybersites,
causing complete chaos.

I loved it!

But dr. Marbles created these

To clean up the cyberstatic,

Sucking it inside through
the satellite dish.

Through these pipes.

Then out into the cyberstatic

The results? Cyberspace became
crisp and clean,

No cyberstatic cling!
Motherboard was happy!

And I was miserable!

But motherboard won't be smiling
much longer!

I'm about to activate my most
ingenious plan yet!

When I reverse the process,
the satellite

Will sh**t years and years
of cyberstatic back into

Once again causing complete
and utter chaos!

run, san man, run!

Eww! It's johnny grunge!

The number of smelly bellies -

Plus three, equals five plus

Tell me how many smelly bellies

I buried or this place is going
stink to high heaven!

Oh man, not a number riddle!

jackie! Hacker alert!
No time to waste

Sorry, san man. Saving the
environment will have to wait!

Motherboard needs me!

fuel? Check. Brake fluid. Check.


hey, didge! Hi! What's up?

buckle up, earthlies,
we gotta move fast!

motherboard said hacker
is releasing cyberstatic

All through cyberspace!

He's made a real mess out here!

We gotta shut that stuff down
now! Hang on!

yesss! I have unleashed
the perfect plan

To pollute cyberspace!

Satellite one is contaminating
sensible flats!

Satellite two is shorting out
solaria's sunisphere!

You're a genius, boss!

And smart, too!

satellite three is destroying
the forest!

What about satellite
number four, boss?

Yeah! You said that has
the nastiest cyberstatic of all!

Where's that goin'?

That, my softheaded sidekicks,
is a surprise!

hey, it's digit and those

We gotta do somethin', boss!

Yeah, we gotta stop 'em.

Actually, I've been expecting
them. It's all part of the plan.

Uh...i'm little confused, boss.

You want those pesky kids
to stop satellite number one

From sending out cyberstatic?

And rest assured they will.

But it will take them time
to accomplish the feat

And time is on my side!

When the hand reaches zero -
cyberspace will be mine!


whoa, look at all that gunk!

that is so totally gross!

and it's destroying sensible

I thought pollution on earth
was bad, but this is terrible!

What do we have to do to stop
it, didge?

We gotta push this lever back
to suck the cyberstatic back in.

well, push it! What are you
waiting for?

If it was so easy, I woulda
pushed it already!

There's a number lock on
the lever.

It won't budge till we enter
the right code numbers.

Is that what hacker did to
release the cyberstatic?

He had to! It's the only way
the lock works.

Where do we get the numbers?

off these weighty things.
I watched the doc do it once.

He picked two weights, put one
on each side of this scale

and what?

And that's all I remember,
except that something has to

Does, uh, that help?

yeah, it helps!

A balance scale to shows when
two things weigh the same.

I knew that.

we'll show you. Maybe then
you'll remember more.

You and matt put one weight on
each side of the scale

And don't let me see the

The numbers aren't the same.

How'd she know that?

Because the scale doesn't

It tipped down this way, so the
weight on this side has to be

which means the numbers on this
weight is greater.

You're right! Eighteen is
definitely more than nine.

Even I know that!

So when doctor marbles said
the weights had to balance -

It was a clue! Now do you
remember what happened next?

Yes! I remember!

He wrote the numbers that
balanced in here!

two places for the numbers
and an equals sign between

Equals means that two numbers
have to have the same value

And that's just what the balance
tells us!

So we need two weights with
the same numbers.

here's a three! Is there another
three down there?

Uh-uh! No threes!

Here's a five? Anyone got
another five?

Lookin' for a five!

got it!

It balances! Five equals five!

That must be the number code!
I'll write it in.

hold it!

I just remembered! We can't use
just any old marker

To enter the code!
The doc used this special one!

hurry! Sensible flats is almost
static flats!

five on the left equals five
on the right.

security access permitted.

we did it!

the satellite is pulling
the cyberstatic back in!

Sensible flats is saved!

No more pollution!


Let's not get too happy here,

We still got three more
satellites to fix!

Three more?!

Hmm. Those earthbrats fixed
satellite one

A little quicker than
I expected.

Buzz, delete. Intercept those
grade school gremlins

And slow them down!

But boss, we just started lunch!


Gotcha, boss!

yeah, right away!

We're outta here!

Ahh, some day, when
cyberspace is mine,

I just know I'll be able to get
better help.

there are three other
satellites polluting

hacker reversed 'em all!

Well, if I come face to face
with that polluter hacker,

I'll tell it to buzz and delete!

Nothin', I mean nothin'
can stop us!

what about that?!!


look out!!!

The brakes! Hit the brakes!

Buzzy, stop this thing!

uh...let's try this one.

Next time I'm driving.

Oh no you're not.

Oh yes I am.

It's my turn, let go!

you let go!

no way buzzy!

This is awesome!

Inez, it's me! We can stop
the pollution faster

If we fix satellite two and you
guys take satellite three!

Great idea, jax!
See'ya at number four!

buzzy let go!

no way detey.

For now, you discommodious

I'll pretend that didn't happen.

Just stop those kids!

That's easy for him to say!


oh, man, look what the stuff's
doing to solaria!

C'mon, we know the drill!

Find the weights that balance
the scale,

Then plug those numbers in to
unlock the security code.

Hacker must have been in a hurry
when he was here.

He left a seven on the scale!

Well, that makes it easy, then.

All we need is another seven to
balance it!

a five, a two, a three...

A seven! Told you it'd be easy!

they balance! Let's put
the sevens in the boxes!

oh, no! There's three spaces
left for numbers, not one!

It can't be just a seven.

So much for easy.

Now we have to find three
weights that equal seven!

okay, okay, what do we have

Let's start with a two and build
up to seven.

Here's a five! Five and two
are seven, so, oh forget it,

We need three weights to balance
the seven - not two!


Let's try this three.

Almost. We just need to make
this side a little heavier.

How about another two weight?

it balances!

Let's put it in!

Two plus two plus three is the
same value as seven.

security access permitted!


Cyberstatic... You are history!

it's working! Sunny days
are here again!

It wasn't my fault we stalled

Oh, really? Was I driving? No!
You were driving!

Yeah, but you were telling me
what to do.

So don't listen to me next time!
C'mon, we gotta stop those kids!

those poor bunnies!

We have to save them, didge!
We have to!

Awright, awright, we will!


Look at all these places we
gotta fill in.

And look at all these weights!

If we have to find a balance
using all of them, it'll take

Well, we gotta start somewhere.

Here's a six.

Here's another six!

Bada bing bada balance!

Now we're cookin'!

Here's a two.

And another two!

hey, whadda you know?!

When you add the same weight
to each side, it still balances!

I think it's sinkin in!

We did it! We balanced the scale
using all the weights!

Let's put in the numbers and
save those bunnies!

Uh oh!

What uh oh? I don't like uh ohs!

there are only four places on
each side to put numbers,

And we have five weights on
each side!

One too many on each side of
the scale!

Don't tell me we have to start

Oh, and we're running out of

Those cute little bunnies can't
dodge the cyberstatic forever!

nezzie! Get a grip!

You're right, didge. Maybe we
don't have to start over!

do you really think better
that way?

Which way? Okay, what
do we know?

We know when we add the same
amount to each side

Of a balanced scale,
it still balances.

So maybe if we take away the
same amount from each side

It'll stay in balance too!

Of course! The new totals on
each side will still match each

We just have to figure out which
weights hacker didn't use,

And remove them.

No problemo!

The old beakeroo can smell
the hacker a mile away!

Yech! The hacker touched
this one for sure.

Phoof! This one too!

And this one.

But not this one!
The four weight is clean!

Let's see if you're right. We'll
take a four from each side.

Easy, easy, beauteeful!

We're still balanced.

That leaves us with a six,
a two, a five,

And a three on each side!
Let's hope that's right.

The special marker, milady!

security access permitted!

Get ready to be saved, bunnies!

no more cyberstatic! Wooo!
We saved the bunnies!

I'm so happy! You got a tissue?


Ah, yes! My pollution plan is
performing perfectly!

In a few more ticks, motherboard
will be shut down forever!

And all of cyberspace will be

satellite two is a-okay! We
saved solaria!

Satellite trhee is back to
normal, too! We saved the

And the bunnies! Don't forget
the bunnies!

It's on to satellite four,
the last one!

Once we stop that one we stop

(Loud clunk)

whoa! What happened?

what was that?!

they've got us!

it's buzz and delete!

We got 'em, now, deedee!

Yeah! The boss is gonna be real

this is not good! This is not
good at all!

Come on, didge, do something!

We've got to get to that fourth
satellite and shut it down!

Relax, guys, this baby's full
of surprises!

Who knew they could do that?

Ha ha ha bye-bye, motherboard!

hacker alert - find! Find!


Those kids have reached
satellite four already?!

I'll have to stop them myself!

no time find i-i-

motherboard! Oh no!

hacker alert! Find, find,

She's totally polluted!

not for another three minutes!


The hacker, to you!

The first three satellites were
merely decoys to keep you busy,

While motherboard received an
ultra high dose

Of cyberstatic from this one!

You listen to me, hacker!

No! You listen to me!
When the big hand reaches zero,

Motherboard will be beyond

And cyberspace will be mine!

I always knew you were mean,

But this is a new low-

Contaminating the air,
destroying the environment?

Don't you care about anyone
but yourself?!

In a word... No!

C'mon, guys, there's still time
find the number code.

You'll have to remove me first.
And nobody removes the hacker!

look out!



The scale!

ha ha ha! Oh! We caught the boss
insteada the kids!

Let 'im go, deedee - blow him

I'm tryin', I'm tryin'!

motherboard's almost
out of time!

We've got to stop
the cyberstatic!

But we don't have the scale!

We can't figure out the code
without the scale!

Look! All the numbers are filled
in but one!

It's a longshot, but I bet we
can figure out

The missing number without
the scale!

We need to find the number that
will make the total on this side

Equal the total on the other!

Time for the skwak pad!

if we combine the one and five,
the value's still six, right?

right! So something plus two
equals six.

And hey, remember that take away
thingie we did jackie?

We do that here and you've got
the number!

Hey, yeah! If we subtract the
same value from each side,

It won't change the balance.

So let's take away two from both

If we take two away from both

We're left with six minus two
equals four!

so the missing number is four!

Wait! Let me just double check
before we write it in!

We need to be sure.

Here's our code: four plus two
equals six!

And one plus five equals six!

Yup! Both sides are equal.

Hurry! Motherboard only has a
few seconds left!

security access permitted!

This is for you, motherboard!

we did it! Yeah!

get me out of here!

Whatever you do, don't push
the button.

this button?

Don't push the button!


What? You said not to listen
to you!

Come in motherboard!

Are you there?!
Are you okay?

fine... Fine... Fine...
I'm... I'm okay...

Thanks cyber mates!
You saved me

And cleaned up cyberspace!

This is easy. What plus three
equals five plus four? Six.

Six plus three equals five plus
four equals nine!

Yes! Go sanman!
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