04x05 - Escape from Pearl Bailey

Episode transcripts for the TV show "American Dad!". Aired: February 6, 2005 –; present.*
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Series focuses on the eccentric upper middle class Smith family in the fictional community of Langley Falls, Virginia and their four housemates.
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04x05 - Escape from Pearl Bailey

Post by bunniefuu »

# Good morning, U.S.A. #

# I got a feeling that it's
gonna be a wonderful day #

#The sun in the sky
has a smile on his face #

#And he's shining a salute
to the American race #

# Oh, boy
it's swell to say #

# Good morning, U.S.A. #

#Good morning, U.S.A. ##

Oh, Debbie, how I've missed your
juicy beanbag-chair lips.

Let's not ever break up again!

Never again!

Well, this would be awkward
if we had any semblance of social skills.

They're making puberty.

Gentlemen, you remember the Debster,
the D-Train, the Deba-leba-ding-dong.

Uh, Steve, we're here to debate which
futuristic sci-fi costumes we'll be wearing...

to mess with those losers
at the Renaissance Faire.

Oh, was that this period?
Sorry. Guess it slipped my mind.

It's cool. I need to get to Biology anyway.
See you guys.

We've narrowed our choices down
to viper pilots from Galactica...

pre-crime cops
from Minority Report or-


Debbie's really packing it on, huh?


Hang on.

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

The student council
bought a buffalo?

Look, everybody!
Steve Smith's got a buffalo too.

My girlfriend doesn't walk
on hooves, madam!

And as far as I know,
she's never been hunted near extinction!

That's right!
Say words!

Forget it, Steve.

- But-
- Don't stoop to their level.

I can't believe what this school
is coming to under Lisa's leadership.

Just last week I was
at a mandatory pep rally...

and they threatened to kick my ass
because I wouldn't give them an " O."

I mean, I just gave them a " G."
What am I, made of letters?

It's frustrating.
But what are you gonna do?

Debbie, the solution has been
right under my Keds this whole time.

You could run
for student council president!

Me? That's ridiculous.

You represent
the disenfranchised masses-

the nerds, the dweebs, the spazzes.

Together we're unstoppable!

Not the best-looking group,
but unstoppable!

Look, Steve,
politics just isn't my thing.

Come on, let's get to Biology.
It's fetal pig day.

No fetal pigs this year.

- Couldn't afford them.
- What?

Student council shifted money
from the science department...

so they could hire
a pricey Hollywood buffalo groomer.

So we've got a live buffalo
but no dead baby pigs?

That's it.
I'm running for president.

Has anybody seen that buffalo?

If I'm gonna get his highlights in by tomorrow,
I've got to get him in the chair now!

And so, fellow students...

when you cast your vote for class president
keep me in mind.

I may not understand your obsession
with a 30-year-old British TV show...

or the challenges
facing Christian weight lifters...


Or the goals of the League
of Red-headed Gentlemen...

but I do understand how it feels
to be a powerless outcast.

We all deserve a voice
in student government.

I hope you'll let me be that voice.

Thank you.

Okay, that was good.
Not great.

You forgot to pander
to the Eagle Scouts.

But we can plant a story in the school paper
saying you collect compasses.

I know a reporter over there.
Good guy. He owes me.

Hello, um, " competition. "

What are you trying to prove
running against me?

You should know that
you are opening yourself up to ridicule.

There are some mean people
at this school.

Is that a thr*at?
Are you gonna sling some mud?

Well, we can sling it
right back, sister!

You want to get nuts?
Come on! Let's get nuts.

No, Steve.

When we win, a fiscally sound marching band
will be our response.

Till then, enjoy this " Vote for Debbie"
windshield scraper.

Oh! We're gonna destroy you,
you fat cow!

Where is this fat cow?

I have some fresh new styles
that could get any bovine ready for summer.

Happy birthday, buddy.

- Steve.
- Steve!

I knew you wouldn't miss
my birthday party!

Birthday party?
Oh, right!

Hey, do you know who'll stand up
for birthday parties?

Debbie. And she sure could use your vote
tomorrow. Here. Take some literature.

Slow down. Barry was just
about to blow out his candles.

I've been practicing not spitting.

No time. I still have to go canvass
the chess team, the baggy-pants mafia...

and theJews
who run the A/V club.

I'm running on fumes, man!
Vote Debbie!

This is the worst Christmas ever.

School paper just called.

The boys' locker room for Lisa.
We expected that.

But the exit polls from the math department
are trending in our direction.

We did our best.
It's in the hands of the voters now.

Hey, Debbie.

Are you okay, Pandora?
You look a little down.

There's something in the computer lab
you need to see.

" Not only is Debbie Hyman
not fit to be president...

she isn't fit enough...
to wear people clothes. "

" Debbie is a big slut who makes fun
of the freaks she claims to represent. "

- Ooh!
- Ooh!

Shut up!
Shut up, I say!

Who did this?

Lisa Silver! The popular girls!
I knew it!

Turn off these computers!
No, not good enough!

Destroy the Internet!

What is this, mahogany?

Thank you all for electing me
to another term.

My first order of business-

doubling the number of pep rallies
for our awesome sports teams!

She lied and cheated to win!

- Aren't you pissed off?
- Sure.

But that doesn't mean
I need to stoop to their level.

I'm gonna go eat that chocolate crucifix
I've been saving.

- Hmm?
- I guess you guys heard Debbie lost.

Now Steve can play with us again!

- Ah!
- Hey! The man's lady was just publicly humiliated.

- You okay?
- I will be, Snot.

Debbie may not want to stoop to their level,
but I've been stooping my whole life.

I'm gonna destroy Lisa Silver and those b*tches
that helped her post that slam page!

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

This is my promotional lunch box
from that Cartoon Network show...

about the bundle of dynamite
who lives with a talking burrito.

Still, my revenge will be harsh.

Steve, you can't be seriously thinking
of going after Lisa Silver and her minions.

Don't try to talk me out of this.

None of you can understand
defending the honor of a woman...

because none of you have girlfriends.

Yes, Toshi, there is
a way you can help me.

So it begins.

Perfect! This is just enough cash
to bankroll my revenge schemes.

Oh, Daddy, it's perfect!

After that negative pregnancy test,
you've earned it.

That's the clutch.

You think Debbie's a buffalo?

I'll show you a buffalo.

Thanks for seeing me
on such short notice, Doc.

Last week I accidentally ate a cookie.

Well, any excuse to put you under
and chew on your feet.

Oh, you're funny.

Yes. I'm funny.

All right, I'm just gonna give you
a little anesthesia.

Doctor! Frankie Muniz
is on line one.

He says he needs a new face!

Oh, I gotta take this.
I'll be right back.

Hello, Janet.

You think Debbie's fat?
I'll show you fat.

I'm suing!
You hear me? Suing!

It's very simple, madam.

I'd like you to turn a trick,
to use the parlance of your profession...

- with my stuffed friend here.
- Hmm.

Whoa, whoa!

Just 'cause you do that in the woods...

does not mean you can
do that on my chest.


You think Debbie's a slut?
I'll show you a slut.

- Slut.
- Slut! Slut! Slut! Slut!

Slut! Slut! Slut! Slut!
Slut! Slut!

- Got my revenge!
- That's great, honey.

Well, it was nice of Steve
to acknowledge us this week...

even if it was only this once.


Well, you're in a good mood,
and I bet I can guess why.

I know! My insurance agreed to cover
my degenerative joint medicine!

No. I meant you must think it's pretty cool
what happened to Lisa Silver and her friends.

Oh, sure.
That's karma for you.

No! That's not karma!
That's me, your boyfriend!

I got revenge on them
and defended your honor!

That was... you?

Steve, after all I said about
not stooping to their level...

how could you possibly think
I'd want that?

" Because a woman's heart
is a deep ocean of secrets. "

James Cameron, 1997.

You know what?
You're no better than them.

- We're through!
- Wait!

This can't possibly end badly!
You're my first girlfriend!

It'll be okay, buddy.

You know what?
You're better off without her.

She's not fit enough to
recalibrate your tricorder!

Or fit enough to wear people clothes!

That's the same lame joke
from the web page.

I mean- I'm Barry.

Uh, hey, which would win in a battle?

The Death Star, or Carl Sagan's
spaceship of the imagination?

Did you guys have something to do
with that slam page?

- So you admit it!
- I'm Barry!

Fine! You got us!

Look, we never thought
it would go this far.

We just wanted you back
with our crew.

If Debbie was president, you'd be so busy
being first lady we'd never see you again.

Do you have any idea what you've done?

Because of you I destroyed
three innocent girls, lost Debbie...

and jammed laxatives
arm-deep into a buffalo!

Our friendship is over!

You should thank us!
We saved you from suffocating under her!

Is that a fat joke?


I guess it is.

I'll k*ll you!

You did this to us, Steve Smith.

What? No.

Justin's uncle owns the mask store.

According to his receipts,
only one person...

bought a Hopi Indian revenge mask
in the last 50 years.

L- I-

It was all their fault! They put up
the slam page and framed you!

I never would have done those things
if it weren't for them! I swear!

Fine. Then we'll just
b*at you all up.

I'm gonna kick the fat one's head in!

I'm gonna break the fat one's spine!

I'm popular.

Look, ladies,
I realize you must be angry...

but you can't just b*at us to death
on school property.

Principal Lewis!
Oh, thank God! We're saved!

Sorry, Smith. I've ordered my administration
to turn a blind eye to these proceedings.

- Thanks, Daddy.
- Janet's your daughter?

How come you never
mentioned this before?

Because I'm ashamed of her for more reasons
than you can imagine.

Still, that's my little girl, man!


Escape plan 10-Delta!

Damn it!

Easy, girl. They belong
to the bleachers now.

Steve! Help Barry!

You were gonna let Barry
get chopped up back there!

And I'd do the same to any of you!

Look, Steve, we don't like you
and you don't like us...

but if we want to survive this,
we need to work together.

Fine. But after that, we're through!

Okay, we're here.

At 3:15, my mom will be waiting for me
in her S.U.V. Here.

If we can get to her, we'll live.

Also, she'll have snacks.
Healthy snacks, but snacks.

But look at all these turfs
we need to pass through!

The Art Club, the Future Farmers,
the Young Auctioneers.

None of those gangs are affiliated
with the jocks or the cheerleaders.

They have no reason to bother us.

Hey there, big boys and girls.

Four dangerous nerds...

are trying to escape
school-sanctioned mob justice.

Whoever captures them gets the $500
I keep sticking out of my pocket...

to make you kids think I'm rich.

We're dead.

We need to get to that door. But how?
The stage is lousy with drama geeks!

Actors k*lled Lincoln!

I don't know, Steve. That's a long cross,
and we don't have any dialogue.

We don't need any dialogue.
All we need is some physical business.

Hey, somebody's stealing focus!

It's those nerds!
Seize them!

Remember your Galactica.

The best way
to destroy a Cylon fleet-

Is by taking out its base star.

Hey, Evan, I found your portrayal of Conrad Birdie
to be entirely too contrived.

You-You did?

Your method is flawed!

- Oh, what does he know?
- Yeah. You totally found every moment.

I never wanted to say
bye-bye to your Birdie.

Word is those nerds...

managed to put the slip
on the drama geeks.

Guess it's up to the stoners
to take them down now.

Lunch tomorrow
will be fish sticks...

and tartar sauce.

Uh, stop right there, dudes.

You're not getting past.

Hey, if people can get past,
can they also get...




Nice gambit, Barry.

- Where did you learn how to confuse stoners?
- My mom does bongs.

Where are we?
It smells like a Depeche Mode concert.

Oh, no!
We're in Goth territory.

Yeah? Well, no one's here.
Let's keep moving.

That reward money's ours.

But first, the ritual
of the rusty dagger...

I bought from a vampire on eBay.


Let the nerdy one go.

The scrawny, nerdy one.

The scrawny, nerdy one with glasses.


You're rescuing me?
I thought you never wanted to see me again.

That was before those cheerleaders
started hunting you.

It was easy for me to say " Don't stoop to
their level" when they were picking on me.

But when it's someone you care about, well,
I understand now why you went all nutter-butters.

Oh, Debbie, baby bear is coming home!

They're in the stairwell!

Let's get you out of here.

Not so fast.

We're still getting that reward money
for the rest of you.

- Steve, come on!
- I'm sorry, Debbie.

If running for my life with these guys
has taught me anything...

it's that they're my friends.

I need to find room in my life
for you and them.

So if you're gonna turn them over to that mob,
you can turn me over with them.

Let 'em all go.

But, Debbie, we were gonna use
the reward money to buy a real cat skeleton.

Give it up, Barney. We all know that
you went to tennis camp last summer.

I'll hold them off.

You shall not pass!

That's my mom's S.U. V!
We made it!

And all because we worked together.

As long as we stay friends,
there's nothing we can't-

Crap! We should have been running
instead of wrapping up.

Well, guys, we won't survive this...

but we might as well go out
in a blaze of glory.

Together as friends!

- Best friends.
- Best friends!

Okay, let's do this.

If we're lucky, we might
just take a few of them with us!

We're not taking any of them with us!

Have a beautiful time!
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