02x11 - Day 2: 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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02x11 - Day 2: 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

Mr President, the soldiers that att*cked us at the crash site, they were Americans.

Their commander is a Colonel Samuels.

Whoever att*cked us had access to our flight plan.

The only way they could have gotten that information was from the inside.

Roger, tell me everything you know about Colonel Ron Samuels from Fort Benning.

I don't know anything about him.

I just spoke to Roger Stanton.

He's hiding something from me.

I'm going to arrest him.

I wanted to warn you.

They know about OPCOM.

- How? - I told them.

This way I get him trusting me again.

If she would have known anything, she would have told us.

k*ll her.

(Kate) You don't have to k*ll me.

Can you identify any words that they said? Salat.

It means "prayer".

I want a list of every mosque in a 15-mile radius.

I don't know what Syed Ali looks like.

I need you to identify him for me.

- Start a fire.

- (Kim) You're crazy.

(Miguel) Crazier than going to LA where a nuclear b*mb might go off any minute? There's been an accident.

We need an ambulance.

- Somebody hacked in.

- (Richards) Who else had access to it? - Marie? - I didn't expectyou to find anything.

(phone rings) - Hello.

- Marie, we have a problem.

What is it? Basheer and Marko are dead.

Omar has the van now.

- What do you need me to do? - They were supposed to pick up the trigger.

- Where is it? - At the place where Marko worked.

In his locker.

R & J Lumber in Burbank.

- Is there a combination? - No.

It requires a key.

You must do whatever you can to gain access to this locker and bring the trigger to Omar.

You want me to do this? Marie, our mission depends on you now.

I'm counting on you.

I'll take care of it.

- I know you will.

- I'll see you there.

Marie, you should change your appearance.


(muezzin calls to prayer) (greetings in Arabic) At the mosque, all we need you to do is identify Syed Ali.

Then we'll transfer you backto CTU.

- You OK? - Yeah.

I know how difficult this must be for you.

Do you? It would really help me out a lot if you could tell me what's going on.

I'm not at liberty to tell you any more than I already have.

Your people tookthe liberty of arresting my father.

Syed Ali tookthe liberty of kidnapping me and k*lling Paul Koplin in front of me.

I think I've earned the right to know what's going on.

We believe Syed Ali is at the centre of a t*rror1st attack that's gonna take place in Los Angeles today.

What kind of t*rror1st attack? A nuclear b*mb.

You're the only person we know of that's ever seen him.

We need you to identify him for us.

The reason why I'm taking you with me now is because we're running out of time.

(phone rings) - Jack Bauer.

- It's George.

Baker should be on site any minute.

I got a hard perimeter set up around the mosque.

I'll get backto you as soon as we get there, George.

Jack, there's something I gotta talkto you about.

The Sheriffs Department at Newhall were transporting Kim and they got into an accident.

- What kind of accident? - Don't worry.

She didn't get hurt.

What the hell was she doing with them? Your people were supposed to pick her up.

By the time our guys got to the station, they'd already moved her.

I guess some local deputy was trying to be a big shot, claiming jurisdiction for a m*rder charge.

Where is she now? She ran off after the accident.

Maybe she was trying to avoid the local police or trying not to get brought backto LA.

Dammit, George.

You told me you would take care of this.

You gave me your word.

Please, please find my daughter.

Jack, if it's any consolation, she is outside the projected blast radius.

Just find her, George.

What was that about? My daughter.

- Is she involved in this somehow? - No.

She's in some kind of trouble, though.

I don't know yet.

I hope not.

Yes, I'll tell him.

The consensus at Justice is that the evidence against Stanton isn't actionable.

How much more do they need? We've established a direct link between him and the mercenaries that shot down Bauer's plane.

That connection is still circumstantial.

He's been sabotaging our efforts to find the b*mb all day.

I cannot and I will not allow him to continue heading up NSA.

I'm only saying it's going to take time to get a judge to issue a warrant.

- We don't have time, Mike.

- Then don't worry about a pretext.

Take him out of play now and we'll deal with the legal ramifications tomorrow.

Sherry was right.

My own people working against me.

Stanton won't be easy to break.

Not in the time we have.

We may need to expand the limits of howfar you've been willing to go in the past.

What are you saying, Mike? Thatyou do whatever it takes to find out what Stanton knows about this b*mb.

I'm sorry.

I can't disturb them right now.

David only found out about Stanton because of me, and it makes no sense that he's keeping me out of the loop.

I'm not sure whatyou think I can do about that.

Why don'tyou just tell me what he's doing about Stanton? He hasn't let me in on ityet, so I don't know what's been decided.

Can'tyou find out? Mrs Palmer, if the president wanted input from either of us, I'm sure he'd let us know.

Lynne, you took credit for my work on David's speech, and that was OK, I was fine with that.

But right now my only interest is to help David get through this day.

I assume that's your priority as well? I'll see what I can do.

- Miss Warner.

- She stays with me.

We're good to go.

I've got 30 men ready to move on your order.

- How many people in the mosque? - 100 to 125, divided into target groups of 10.

- We're not going in, notyet.

- Sir? We go in hot and it'll give Syed Ali time to take his own life before Kate can identify him.

- What's the alternative? - We wait for the prayer service to end.

He comes out, Kate identifies him, then we'll take him out surgically.

- Fast and alive.

He's no good to us dead.

- What if someone spots us first? They phone Ali, we lose our surprise.

Assuming he's even inside.

We're working on a weak hunch.

He might be at some other mosque.

We're gonna have to take that chance.

We're waiting this out.

I could go in.

See if he's inside.

I'll wear a hijab, hide my face.

He wouldn't see me.

I don't feel comfortable putting you in that kind of a position.

From whatyou've told me, we're all in a pretty bad position.

If I could help, I'd really like the chance.

- You really think you can do this? - Yeah.

Get me the schematics to the mosque.

I'll look at the floor plan.

- Everything's in place, Mr President.

- Do it.

Let's move.

What's going on, Mike? Mr Stanton, by order of the president, I'm placing you under arrest for conspiracy to commit treason against the United States of America.

What the hell are you talking about? Hands off.

I demand to speakto the president.

I'm sure you'll getyour chance, sir.

Let's go.

Come in.

Sir, Mrs Palmer's been trying to reach you for the last half-hour.

Yes, I know.

She's on line seven waiting right now.

- I can put her off if you'd like.

- No, I'll take it.

- Thank you.

- Yes, sir.

- Yes, Sherry.

What is it? - David, thank God.

I was just wondering whatyou'd decided to do about Roger.

I'm having him questioned.

Has he admitted to ordering Jack Bauer's plane shot down? Notyet.

Then we don't know any more than we did an hour ago.

What is your point, Sherry? My point is I think you should have waited for something more concrete.

I don't run my decisions pastyou, Sherry, not any more.

A large part of the intelligence you're basing your decisions on came from me.

I think I've earned a seat at the table here.

You're not a member of my staff.

You're not a government employee.

- And you're not my wife.

- That was your decision, not mine.

Sherry, whatever role you're playing here today is on my terms, my timetable.

Continue doing whatyou're doing.

I'll speakto you soon.

But (Michelle) We need one person that we can coordinate with, not three.

(man) Yeah, we got that sorted out.

You have him contact Jack Bauer.

He's running point for us.



They want a representative at the mosque, but they've got their wires crossed.

Listen, what we were talking about before Yeah, I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have putyou on the spot like that.

No, actually, I'm glad you did.

- You are? - Yeah.

There's been something hanging between us since you started here.


Yeah, there has.

I made a decision a while ago to try to keep personal and professional stuff separate.

But now I (phone rings) Michelle Dessler.

- Tell Almeida Warner's getting agitated.

- OK, I'll tell him.

- There's a problem in room seven.

- Bob Warner? Yeah, he's getting violent.

(Warner) Getyour hands off of me! You can't keep me here! - What's going on? - He asked for water.

- He bolted out the door.

- Why can't I see my lawyer? Sit him down.

Calm down, Mr Warner! I won't calm down.

I want someone to start listening to me.

I need you to calm down! Whatever Reza told you, he's lying.

You are not helping your case here.

You understand me? You wanna have a conversation, or do you want me to lock you up for the night? Where are my daughters? Marie left here five minutes after Reza was taken to your office.

What about Kate? What? Has something happened to Kate? She's with one of our agents.

One of your agents? Why? You're gonna have to trust us, Mr Warner.

She's gonna be fine, all right? Trust? This is where the men pray, in front, closest to the entrance.

You walk by them as you pass through here down to the women's prayer area in the back.

You've got one shot.

Once you pass them, their backs'll be to you.

Get a clean look at the whole room.

If you spotAli, go past the women's prayer area here, up here to this fire-exit door.

We'll disable the alarm while you're inside.

We'll be waiting for you in the alley.

- Are you clear? - Yeah.

- Are your men in place? - Yeah.


Let's go.

Kate, you sure about this? Yeah.


Take this.

If Ali sees you, or you feel like you're in danger, press that.

It'll send a distress signal to my walkie-talkie and we'll be in immediately.

Be careful.

She's in.

(greetings in Arabic) - The prayers have already begun.

- I'm sorry I'm late.

There was traffic.

- Have you prayed with us before? - Yes.

It's been a while, though.

I've been away.

(prayers in progress) (signal device drops) It's Jack.

You're all right.

He's in there.

Syed Ali.

He's in there.

Stanton's last call was to Virginia.

He wasn't on long enough to get a complete number, but we know it's a Langley prefix.



Sit down.

We have it all, Roger.

You reactivated OPCOM with an eyes-only order.

You used it to communicate with Colonel Samuels as recently as two hours ago.

And we've connected Samuels directly to the mercenaries that tried to k*ll Jack Bauer.

I don't know, Roger.

It almost seems as if you wantthis b*mb to go off today.

But I'll tell you this: if people die, Roger, you'll be ex*cuted.

And even if we find the b*mb in time, you'll still get life without the possibility of parole.

But all I want is to find the b*mb in time.

That's why I have a deal for you.

You tell me everything - I mean everything - and I'll bury this.

You resign, due to health reasons.

You'll collectyour pension.

You'll retire in a nice house, somewhere in the country.

You'll be given a written grant of immunity.

And nobody will ever know anything about this.

Do we have a deal? I don't know what you're talking about, Mr President.

I've done nothing wrong.

I don't know any more about the b*mb than you do.

(president leaves the room) I wantyou to cover these two back exits from the alley.

We're looking for a Middle Eastern man, late 30s.

Black shirt, silver buttons, black pants.

Miss Warner and I will cover the main entrance.

As soon as the crowd starts to leave the building, she'll identify Ali.

I'll inform Agent Baker.

He will give the go.

No one moves before that happens.

If you fire your w*apon, sh**t to wound only.

We're looking at 19 minutes before the service is over.

Is everybody clear? We cannot afford any mistakes here.


Let's go.

- There you are, sir.

- Thank you.

Control the focus with the centre dial here.

Whatyou did for us in the mosque, I thought it was really courageous.

Thank you.

You're kidding me.

I'm still shaking.

You did great.

The prayer service lets out in 17 minutes.

(low growl) - You wanted to see me, sir? - Thanks for keeping this discreet.

Of course.

Ted, how long have you been with the Secret Service? Five and a half years, sir.

I understand you have a background in Special Ops.

Green Berets, sir.

Unit seven out of Fort Myers, '87.

- Ever putyour training to use? - The Gulf, sir.

Anywhere else? There were some other covert ops.

Under the directorate at the CIA? It's all right, Ted.

I'm not on a witch-hunt here.

But I do need you to answer the question.

Yes, sir.

For the CIA.


You understand the gravity of today's situation? Of course, sir.

I guess you've heard that Roger Stanton's no longer functioning as the head of NSA.

- I heard he was arrested.

- He was, under my authority.

What I'm about to ask you to do falls outside the parameters of your Secret Service charge.

You won't be able to tell anyone about this without my direct consent.

Are you still with me, Ted? What would you like me to do, sir? Extract information from Roger Stanton.

I see.

If he resists, howfar am I permitted to go? Whatever you need to do.

Yes, sir.


Richards and Maccabee were shot.

So was Reza Naiyeer.

They're all dead.

- What? - A janitor found their bodies.

I just got off the phone with the LAPD.

Are there any suspects? Last time I talked to Maccabee, she said that Marie Warner had just got there.

She wanted to talkto Reza.

Marie Warner? She was there during the sh**t? Security cameras show she was the only one to leave the building in the last 40 minutes.

(phone rings) - Bauer.

- It's Tony.

- How's it going over there? - We got about 10 minutes.

- Are you still with Kate Warner? - Yes, I am.

I got some information, butyou need to keep this conversation one-sided.

- Can you do that? - Yes.

Richards and Maccabee have been shot and k*lled.

So was Reza Naiyeer.


We have strong evidence that Marie Warner was the sh**t.

Yeah, I understand.

Has Kate Warner been contacted by anybody in the last half-hour? No, she's been with me the entire time.

Jack, I think you have to treat her as an unknown.

For all we know, she's working with her sister.

I don't think so.

Ali's men would've k*lled her if we hadn't shown up.

If Kate's sister's part of this, or if she's one of the t*rrorists, I really don't think Kate knows about it.

Jack, that's your call.

I just wanted to give you the information.

OK, thanks.

Was thatyour office? Yeah.

- Are they still holding my dad? - Yes, your dad's safe.

What about my sister? Is she OK? Has anyone heard from her? I don't think so.

Excuse me.

Bill told me you're the guy in charge.

I'm the foreman.

I need a favour.

I need to get something out of my boyfriend's locker.

- Your boyfriend? - Marko Ashami.

- You go out with Marko? - I did.

We got into a fight last night.

It's a long story, but the point of it is we're not going out any more.

- That why he didn't show up for worktoday? - I guess.

It was a pretty bad fight.

And he's got something in his locker that belongs to me.

I can't go opening people's lockers.

You'll have to work it out with Marko.

I don't know how well you know Marko, but if I could've worked it out, I wouldn't be asking.


It's really important.

I'm sorry.

I can't.

Can't or won't? I'd really show my appreciation.

And I'd show it to you first.

What do you mean? - Is this your office? - Yeah.

Does it have a lock? Time is of the essence, Mr Stanton.

Intensity and duration of the electrical current will increase substantially each time I repeat a question.

Yes, I knowthe drill, Agent Simmons.

What is your agenda, Mr Stanton, and who else is involved? Who else knew about the b*mb, Mr Stanton? Who have you been working with? I don't know anything about the b*mb.

Who are you working with, Mr Stanton? Please, Mr Almeida, just tell me what is going on with my daughter Kate.

- I already told you, Mr Warner.

She's fine.

- What is she doing with one of your agents? Reza Naiyeer is dead.

Oh, God.

We just found out.

He and two of our agents were shot and k*lled atyour office.

What about Marie? Is she OK? Please tell me Marie is OK.

Look I'm sorry to have to tell you this, Mr Warner, but we believe Marie committed the murders.

It's a trick.

I know it's a trick.

You're trying to trick me.

(Jack) Here they come.

All teams, be alert.

They're coming out now.

- Can you see him yet? - No.

- Wait a minute.

- Is that him? It could be the one behind those three men.

Just take your time, Kate.

Be sure.

I can't see his face.

No, it's not him.

I don't see him.

I don't see him! Keep looking.

He's gotta be in the crowd.

There's the greeter.

Normally he'd be the last one out.


Anything on the back exits? - Negative.

No one's gone in or out.

- Dammit! Kate, you would tell me if you saw him, right? Of course I would.

What do you mean? Why are you looking at me like that, as if I'm suspicious? I didn't see him! Just relax.

He must have made you when you were inside the mosque.

Agent Baker, he didn't come outside.

Give the word to go.

Secure the building.

Open the gate.

Go! Go! - What's going on? - Federal agent.

I've got a warrant.

- I am the imam here.

What's going on? - Calm down, sir.

We're federal agents.

We received positive identification of an international t*rror1st here.

- We need to find him now.

- Do you have a search warrant? Yes, I do, sir.

Get back here.

Keep her against the wall.

- Can you see anything? - Clear.

Dammit! (Jack) Put the blanket on him! The clothes match the description.

Teams A and B maintain positions.

We've gotAli.

- He's dead, Jack.

- Son of a bitch! Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

- CTU.

- This is Jack Bauer.

Get Mason on the line.

Ali has k*lled himself.

I'm gonna have to get backto you.

These clothes don't belong to this man.

Look at the pants.

They're three inches too short.

Maintain secure exits.

Ali is still in the building.

Repeat: Ali is still in the building.
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