11x08 - Stan-Dan Deliver

Episode transcripts for the TV show "American Dad!". Aired: February 6, 2005 –; present.*
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Series focuses on the eccentric upper middle class Smith family in the fictional community of Langley Falls, Virginia and their four housemates.
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11x08 - Stan-Dan Deliver

Post by bunniefuu »

You really take it seriously
selling chocolates for charity.

Well, the profits go directly
to putting inner-city kids

on the road to prosperity.

The old Hershey highway.

You can be my first customer.

Steve, maybe you don't realize,

I, uh...

I don't have any money.

Your father kind of controls the money.

I carry a brick in my purse so
I feel like I have something.

And I had to steal the brick.

Oh, God, I have nothing.

Welp, I got a long day
of sales ahead of me.

Why don't you just, uh, let yourself out

after you get a little nap-a-roo?

Now to turn chocolates into change...
not coins.

We're not feeding any
parking meters here.

No, we're change-ing people's lives.

My chocolates! Who ate my chocolates?!

I don't know, but I'm gonna find out.

Roger, stop right there!

We're losing valuable time.

When it comes to missing chocolate,

the first 24 hours are
the most important.

Roger, those were for charity!

Steve, don't yell.

Chocolate gives me migraines.

By the way, looking good in that suit.

Yeah? Thanks, man.

Wait, wait, wait. No!

Why am I even arguing with you?

You don't know anything about charity.

You don't have a good bone in your body.

Ha! I don't even have bones, you idiot.

All cartilage, baby.

I'm not talking about your
actual skeleton, Roger.

Steve, why are we even
talking about this?

Let's just kiss.

- Cut it out.
- What the heck, Steve?

You come down in your
best little boy's suit

and expect me not to get
a raging cartilager?

All you ever think about is yourself.

You've never lifted a finger
to help a person in your life.

You are selfish.

Lifted a fi...

Self... Ohh!

I've been called a lot
of things, Steve...

a loser, a knob, a turd burglar.

You know what a turd burglar is?

It's somebody who steals turds.

But I am not what you just...

What did you call me?

- Selfish.
- That's the one!

I'm the one who called him a
turd burglar, but it's true.

I saw him take one that wasn't his.

♪ Good morning, U.S.A. ♪

♪ I got a feelin' that it's
gonna be a wonderful day ♪

♪ The sun in the sky has
a smile on his face ♪

♪ And he's shinin' a salute
to the American race ♪

♪ Oh, boy, it's swell to say ♪

- ♪ Good... ♪
- ♪ Good morning, U.S.A. ♪


♪ Good morning, U.S.A. ♪

Let me get this straight.

You don't have the money,

and you don't have the chocolates.

That's, um... That... That...
That's right.

That... That... That's the...
the situation.

Oh, okay, then. Everything's cool.

We'll just chalk it up
as a misunderstanding.

If everything's cool, then...

Sit your ass down, Smith!

You stole from a charity.

You know who the charity benefits? Me!

Well, I thought it was for inner-city...

Where the hell do you think I live?

Smith, you're a bad apple.

And one bad apple spoils the barrel.

Good news is we have a whole
barrel of bad apples here.

Oh, God.

You're sending me to the at-risk class?!

That'll look terrible on
my college applications.

Oh, don't worry, Steve.

m*rder*d little boys
don't go to college.

Francine, where's the newspaper?

Oh, the paper hasn't come before noon

since that old man
started doing the route.

Oh, yeah, he's so old.

I mean, why's he doing a paper route?
He's so old.

It's terrible that he still
has to work at his age.

That's not gonna happen
to us, will it, Stan?

Nope, I've got our
retirement all planned out.

401s, Roth I.R.A.s,
even personalized canoes.

Why do we need canoes?

To send our dead bodies down the river.

We're having Viking funerals.

I'm sure we've discussed this.

Canoes, oil-soaked rags, Klaus.

I'm gonna burn you all.

Stan's ready. I'm... I'm almost ready.

It doesn't sound like
you're ready, Mr. "S."

You didn't even mention
you're retirement home.

They're all the same.

No, they're super-different.

I play bridge all over town,
and the quality varies widely.

We should look into this Stan.

I don't want to end up at some home

where I have to hide my brick.

Fine! We can look into it.


Burn in hell, Dilbert!

This is... This is weird.

I've never been up here before.

Th-things are different.

Yeah, this floor went to
hell after the mill closed.

and here's your new home.

Check me out right now.

Society's given up on these kids.

The school's given up on these kids.

Their own children have
given up on these kids.

They're looking. They're looking at us.

Y-Y-Y-You think they can read lips?

They can't read books!

They're a bunch of
dumbasses with no future.

There's no glass.

Fresh meat! Ha-ha!

Lewis gets away again!

Hey, where are my shoes?

Up there, fool.

Who put them up there?

You've got a lot to learn
about how it works in here,

little man.

But if there's one thing we
don't do in here, it's learn.

What? Don't you have a teacher?

Teacher? We got a new
teacher every week.

They come in here. We thr*aten them.

Then we go to their houses
and thr*aten their families.

Then they quit on us.

everybody quits on us.

Wow. Seems like you guys
need some real help.

Did someone say, "Lifting
a finger to help others"?

Oh, no.

Everyone, cheeks to the seats.

That means ass in the chairs.

My name is Mr. Deliver.

I know what you're thinking.

Teacher probably shouldn't
talk to his students this way,

but have any of your teachers
ever talked to you this way?

I am not going to quit
on you because I know

everyone in this class

has potential to achieve
something great.

And I know the game's
stacked against you.

Even the classroom floor appears
to be an uphill battle.

Oh, yeah, this class
is at risk, all right.

At risk of learning.

My ride's here.

Whoa, this is a different chair.

The theater has a long and
fabled history of educating...


- Hmm. Jay-Z?
- No.

You know who the original Jay-Z is?

- William Shakespeare.
- Pfft!

- Whitey, throw me a b*at.
- No.

♪ In fair Verona,
where we lay our scene ♪

♪ A guy named Romeo, a sexy teen ♪

♪ Remix ♪

♪ A sexy teen, a sexy teen ♪

♪ A s-s-s-s-s-s-s-sexy teen ♪

Nope. No. You and me. Outside now.

Anyway, Romeo's a super-hot
teen trying to bang a pre-teen.

Whitey, go ahead and rap them
through the rest of Act One.


Steve, I've noticed
you're falling behind

the other students.

I didn't want to embarrass you.

That's why I brought you
out in the hallway.

What?! I-I-I brought you out here!

Here comes the anger. Let it out.

I'll be your punching bag all day.

I see right through you.

You're just here to show me
that you're not selfish.

Wait, a-are you talking about
that conversation earlier

where you slaughtered my feelings?

Made me feel this big?

I'd forgotten about that.

You're not a real teacher.

This is just your Time Warner cable guy

re-purposed after he committed su1c1de.

Wrong. Mr. Deliver also has a
mole somewhere on his body.

Don't you dare try to find it.

I want you to leave.

You can't help these kids.
You don't even want to.

You just want to prove me wrong.

So we both agree.

This would prove you wrong.

It's not gonna matter.

I don't even need to do anything

because these poor, disadvantaged youths

are animals,

and they'll send you
running for the hills.

I'm not going anywhere.

Recess! I'm going to recess!

Ah, the lobby.

This'll be the edge of my universe.

I'll be able to sit right
here and watch Steve park

and sit in his car for a few minutes

as he works up the
courage to come inside.

Dad, what are you doing?

I'm checking it out.

If I'm gonna spend the
rest of my life here,

I'd better try one night first.

Ooh, I'll stay, too.

Remember what we have to do the
first night at a new home.

I wish, but I want to make
this as realistic as possible.

And when I get old enough to live here,

I won't even be able to get hard to pee.

You do that, Mr. "S"?

Damn right, I do.

Use it or lose it.

Yo, look, teach already quit.

He's not even trying.

He's just staring at
that pigeon coop carpet.

- Damn it!
- Why you trippin', teach?

Why ain't you trippin', Tiglet?

These fat-cat journalists
saying 9 out of 10 of you

will end up dead or in prison.

Well, here's what I think of this.

Dead, in prison, dead, dead,
dead, prison, prison, prison.

Guess you make it.

Looks like you're wrong, teach,

'cause I'm gonna k*ll him.

And that's why you go to prison.


You're dead, teach!

Whoa! What were you, teach?

Army? Marines?

Army? I wish.

I was in the sh*t.

Janet Jackson's "Rhythm Nation" tour.



So what if this guy used
to know how to dance.

He's a crummy teacher.

Used to know?


Give us a countdown!

Four, three, two, one.

Nice try, teach.

You're not gonna win us over
with this, right, guys?

Still not teaching them anything.

I taught them how to
count down from four.


Class dismissed.

It's 9:15!

Stop using numbers we
haven't got to yet.

You've got to fire Mr. Deliver!

Look who it is... Mr.
No Money, No Chocolate,

telling me how to run my business.

Oh, hey, Steve.

Principal Lewis, this is the boy

with anger issues I was
telling you about.

But don't expel him.

Give me a chance to give him a chance.

There's no way this guy's
qualified to teach those kids.

Well, he did go to Harvard.

No, he didn't.

Then how'd I get this sweatshirt?

How'd he get the sweatshirt, Steve?

Wha... are you really asking?

A sweatshirt doesn't mean anything!

You calling me a fraud?

Saying I didn't graduate from F.U.B.U.?

Oh, God, did I slip up?

Wait a minute.

Vodka? Whiskey?

These aren't mine. I'm a rum man.

But let's see who did slip up.


Ahh! Yeah!

Rum's the only thing that
gets my engine going!

Rum! Rum-rum-Rum-Rum-Rum-Rum-Rum!

Rum! Rum-rum-Rum-Rum-Rum-Rum-Rum!

Rum! Rum-rum-Rum-Rum-Rum!

Oh, this is bad.

Looks like Harvard's got a habit.



We can't have a drunk
teacher around here.

But a perfectly buzzed
principal's good for everybody.

So, how was it, last night?


We still have a lot of dogs to k*ll.

- What?
- I'm not gonna say it again.

They took my feet.

Oh, no. Oh, no.



I've seen this too many times.

When people are put in a home,
they just go downhill so fast.

Not this fast.

Dad, did they medicate you?

We didn't give him anything
he didn't ask for.

Which pills would you like today, Stan?

Red, green, blue?

Rainbow! Rainbow!

I don't know what you've
done to my husband,

but we're taking him home right now.

You can't take him anywhere
if he doesn't want to go.

And you don't want to leave
our happy wittle home,

do you, Stanny?

I love you, Nurse Jocelyn!

Baby dirty.

This is ridiculous.
He is coming with us.

I mean, after you... take care of...

You heard him. Baby dirty.


Don't worry, Dad.

We're gonna get you out of this.

We are gonna sic Legal Zoom on your ass!

They're the best.

They did our paperwork
when we got married.

Actually, babe, there was
a little hiccup there.

I'm not totally sure we're married,

but we're definitely licensed
to import rare birds.

All right, so the North is the Bloods

and the South is the Crips.

So that means Abe Lincoln is Huge Omar!

And Fort Sumter was
like when Kenny's mom

sh*t his stepdad in the d*ck.

Which would mean...?

That even if the w*r didn't
start out about sl*very,

Lincoln's emancipation proclamation

made it about sl*very.

Ricky, that sounds right to me.

- Whoo!
- Yeah! All right, Ricky!

Stop teaching this class!

I found your desk full of alcohol!

Then I dug deeper, found your DUls,

your drunk and disorderlies.

What?! That's impossible! I was framed!

Get out of my school!

Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo,
yo, you can't take him.

He the first person to
ever get through to us.

Kids, don't. You can't fight the system.

Remember that.

Let the teach teach!

I don't know why everybody's so upset.

Sounds like we dodged a
b*llet with this creep.

He quit on us! Teach quit on us!

From now on, the only one who
quits on Ricky is Ricky!

Ricky got sh*t!

Ricky joined a g*ng and got sh*t!

This is bull, man!

This would have never
happened if teach was here!

He was only 24!


We've heard a lot about Ricky.

But I don't think you
could talk about Ricky

without talking about Mr. Deliver.

He was helping Ricky with
his college applications.

He was helping all of us.

Whitey... He drove you to
your mom's parole hearings.

Yoyo, he paid your tab
at planned parenthood.

And, Sara, he was always
rubbing your shoulders.

Like, a lot.

Maybe he did care.

Ricky will live on on his Facebook page

and is survived by his
low-riding bicycle

and his stolen Xbox.

Stop right there!

I've got our paralegal, Rajeet,

live-chatting with us from Hyderabad.

Technically, I am not a full paralegal.

And perhaps an unnecessary

Look, I don't have time for this.

You can take him.

He just needs to sign
his release papers.

Mr. Smith, do you think you
can write your full name

with this big marker-oo?

There. All set.

You can have your father,

and I'll just keep all of his assets.

Boom! Big money Jocelyn!

All his assets?

Then we're just left with... my brick!


I need some help, Jeff!

Got it, babe!

The key to the drug locker!

We did it!


If only you could see
yourselves right now.

Dad, I thought you were
all zonked out on pills.

They tried, but I had my C.I.A.
cheek pocket in.

Yep, this was one of my famous tests.

Oh, of course.

He loves those.

Always has.

And you all failed.

I'm not the one who has to
be ready for retirement.

I'll be senile.

You're the chicken heads who need
to be ready. And you're not.

You're the chicken head 'cause
these documents are real.

Everything's mine...

the 401s, the Roth
I.R.A.s, the canoes.

Please, nurse, you must...

you must tell me this is
one of your famous tests!

Not even.

Bull's-eye! Ha-ha!

Or should I say fish-eye?

Okay, bull's-eye!

It was clearly the crowd favorite.

Mr. Deliver?

Come on, Steve. I'm not
a teacher anymore.

You want a cup of noodles?

Hot Pocket?

I got all the sad foods.

Look, I'm here to say I'm sorry.

I was so focused on getting you fired

I didn't realize how
much you were helping.

Actually, I was just
trying to prove you wrong.

I didn't care about those kids.

Yes, you did. I saw you at the funeral.

So I went to the funeral. Big deal.

I was their teacher, and
I walked out on them.

I took all their field trip
money and bought Hot Pockets.

They're better off without me.

I brought some people
who might disagree.

♪ We are a part of the rhythm nation ♪

♪ Let me teach
y'all about the number pi ♪

♪ 3.14125 ♪

♪ I changed the numbers
so it would rhyme ♪

what in the hot-and-holy
hell is going on in here?!

No, no, no, it's cool. It's cool.

They had a vigil. They asked me back.

I said yes.

It doesn't matter if your
students want you back.

I fired you.

You're a drunk with a criminal record.

Stop it! Mr. Deliver isn't a bad guy.

I am.

I...framed him.

Planted the alcohol,
hacked the state records.

The only thing I know he's done
for sure is turd-burgling.

And that should be treated
as an illness, not a crime.

Wait a minute.

You added DUls to this man's record?

Can you, by any chance, remove
them from a person's record?

I guess.

Congratulations, Smith!

You're back in the smart class.

After we stop by the
computer lab for a sec.

And, you... I don't care what you do.

I'm going to teach!

Like I said, don't care.

But I do.

You're so tense.

Wh-What are you doing?

Just loading up on school property.

But w-where's Whitey and
Yoyo and everybody?

I got them to join the Army.

What? b-but they're not all 18.

They don't have to be
for the Chinese Army.

My friend Chuen-Wei pays
me for every recruit

in "World of Warcraft" gold.

And one of these days, I'm
gonna get into that game.

Sounds super-cool.

God, I'd love to escape
to a fantasy world.

The real world's so dark.

Did you hear about that guy

who sold his students
to the Chinese Army?

It's like I can't even
turn on the news anymore.

I can't believe you, Roger.

I can't believe how
helpful you were, Steve.

I didn't think it was gonna work,

but then you got me
fired, got Ricky k*lled,

and got all my students
to beg me to come back.

After that, they were putty in my hands.

Oh, my God. I helped you do this.

What? You got them out
of the inner city.

And you got the boot off
principal Lewis' car.

So you've done a lot of good.

Smith! Meet me in the computer lab!
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