02x18 - Finishing

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Private Practice". Aired: September 26, 2007, to January 22, 2013.*
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Spin-off series from Grey's Anatomy; Neonatal surgeon Addison Montgomery leaves her friends and foes at Seattle Grace Hospital behind for a fresh start in Los Angeles, where she joins a trendy public clinic.
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02x18 - Finishing

Post by bunniefuu »

So surfing, huh ?
You're into surfing now ?

- You should see her room.
- She's got surf posters everywhere.

As soon as my heart is better,

I'm to have a birthday party on the beach,
and I'm going to learn how to surf.

I'm watching them from my window,
and it's totally cool.

That sounds totally awesome.

- So how's our patient doing ?
- Annie, this is Dr. Barnes.

Dr. Barnes is gonna remove the tumor
from your heart.

What happened to the other guy ?

Oh, this guy's much better
than the other guy.

Dr. Barnes is the best heart guy in L.A.

This is your last surgery,
that's how good he is.

And so I snagged him for you,
because I'm on your side. Right ? Right.

Well, it is a six-hour procedure,
so we should probably get going.

Right, Annie ?

- You'll be here when I come out ?
- I'll be here.

Don't look so scared. It's gonna be fine.

- Finishing or starting ?
- Finishing. You ?


I've got a myocardial resection on a kid.
Hate working on kids.

Feel like I'm holding my breath
the entire time.

Yeah, I know what you mean.
I work on babies sometimes.

Mm. So you come here often ?


Was that... ?
That actually sounded like a...

- Was that a pick-up line ?
- No.

- No.
- That... I apologize.


Besides, I would...

I would give a better pick-up line
than that.

- Hello, hello.
- I'm not into this.

The bug needs stimulation.
I'm the pediatrician.

It's my area. Hello, little one.


Hey, guys, I'm stimulating the bug.

- We've made a decision.
- Together ?

Paternity test. Now.

One of us gets out of your hair.
The other one has a right to know.

- Look, guys...
- You know what ?

You moved in, you pushed us out,

you've claimed your territory,
but one thing is clear:

This kid you're talking to is not your kid,
so stay out of it.

- Look, Pete...
- The answer is right there for us to know.

We know that you don't wanna face it,
but we do.

I've gotta go.

Well, I have no defining exit line.


JILL: They told me it was a carjacking.
- Told you ?

- You don't remember ?
- I remember leaving soccer practice.

Parked across campus
in student parking.

Got to my car,
there were people around.

Pulled out my keys,
I heard a noise behind me, and then...

And ?

That's all I remember.
Woke up in the ambulance.

I love that car.

I love school.

This guy came into my world, and...

Oh, I'm pissed.

I'd like you to see our psychiatrist,
Dr. Turner.

Really ? Because other than pissed,
I'm okay.

Just do me the favor,
so you stay that way.

You know what'll make me okay ?

When they catch this guy.

No, I just...

- I'm having an anxiety...
- It's like...

- I know, I know it's humiliating...
- I just wanna know what your...

Am I right ? I'm right, right ? It is...

Are you snooping ?

This is public space.
I'm just standing here.


- You wanna know what's going on or not ?
- I do.


Possible baby daddies
demanded paternity test.

- Said my name during sex with her.

Okay, wait a minute.

How do you know, just by watching ?
What, do you read lips now ?

Well, look,
Sam told me the whole name thing.

What ? We are friends.
He tells me stuff.

We're just friends.

And Violet was yelling so loud. Just...

Oh, God,
he called out your name during...

Oh, I'm the only person that the man
has had sex with in the last 15 years.

It was just habit, that's all.
We're just friends.

I wish someone would call out
another name when in bed with me.

I'd take not knowing
who the father of my baby was.

Either way, it would mean that I'd had
a man on top of me in recent history.

- You know what ? That's really sad.
- I know.

I thought somebody
was trying to pick me up,

and I felt my knees open just a little bit.


Hey, I don't wanna spoil the fun,
but I've got Betsey with me today

and Say My Name and Who's Your Daddy
are getting a little loud.

I don't wanna have to explain
what paternity test is to my 6 year old.

I'm not telling them to shut up.

Oh, no, no, me neither.

I will have a paternity test
when I wanna have a paternity test.

- You can't do one for a few weeks.
- Who do they think they are ?

- It's my body. It's my uterus.
- You can't do one for a few weeks.

I mean, yes, I was a little bit irresponsible
having unprotected sex with two men,

- but does that give them the right to... ?
- Violet.

You can't do a CVS paternity test
for a few weeks.

- The point is mute.
- Moot.

- The point is moot.
- Is it moot ?

- No, I'm sure it's mute.
- No, it's moot. The point is moot.

I can't have a paternity test for weeks.

I didn't come here to...

I need you to see a patient.

Is the point moot or is the point mute ?

Annie's out of surgery.

Where's the patient ?

You were in bed with me
and you called out another name.

I know, and it was wrong,
but I was not thinking about her.

It just slipped out, I promise.

- Sonya, please. What are you... ?
- Well, I have to go to work.

And you've explained yourself
as best you could, I guess.

Have a good day, Sonya.
See ? There, Sonya.

See, I said... I know it.
It's a beautiful name.

Sonya. Sonya's a wonder...


You're just in the doghouse, you know.
You're just gonna have to suffer.

Just for a little bit.

Maybe I should
make her dinner tonight.

You know, go all out,
candlelight, flowers, the works.

No, no, no, you need to take her out.

Take her out somewhere nice,
somewhere romantic.

The Blue Sea in Malibu.

The Blue Sea ?
The place we used to go ?

Yeah. The place with the great mimosas
that you drank too many of.

The Blue Sea.
Yeah, that sounds perfect.

The memory loss is not unusual
and it's not necessarily a bad thing.

You're protecting yourself.

I don't wanna protect myself.
I wanna remember.

The memory may come out naturally
when you're ready to deal with it.

I'm ready to deal with it.

I wanna help the police find this guy
and I can't unless I remember.

I don't wanna be a victim.

I wanna find this guy
and rip his throat out.


Close your eyes.



So I want you to think
about something you like.

Griffith Park.

I like riding horses.


So I want you to see it in your mind
like you're sitting in a movie theater

watching it on a screen.

Describe what you see.

The horse is chestnut with a white streak
down the side of his neck.

We're riding off the trail up a hill.

Then we cut through some trees,


So you're relaxed.

You're feeling that,

only the picture on the screen
is going to change.

Focus on the screen.

You see your car.

You see yourself.

- Okay.
- Now, don't bring everything into focus.

And you can look away
any time you need to.

But do you see anything
about the attacker ?

His arm.

His hand.

He was white. The guy was white.

I can remember this, can't I ?

- You can help me remember.
- I'll try.

It always starts with the cramping.

My husband and I
can't go through this again.

I didn't even tell him this time,
because we just can't take losing another.

Well, miscarrying once is hard enough,
but twice must be...

We're not even telling friends and family
about the baby this time.

I think I know why you're cramping.

The placenta is implanting low
on the uterine wall,

and that can cause bleeding
as the pregnancy progresses.

- Is that dangerous ?
- Well, it can be

unless we can do something about it,
and in this case, you can.

Sure, what ? Anything.

- No sex.
- No sex is the treatment ?

- Mm-hm.
- Really ?

- Yep.
- Oh. Wow, okay, so no sex.

Oh, we'll just spend our evenings
reading and talking and not having sex.

Well, if it makes you feel any better,
I'm not having any sex either.


Annie, your tumor was bigger
than we expected.

We weren't able to remove all of it,

but Dr. Barnes thinks that more chemo
will shrink this tumor,

and in another month,
he can take it out completely.

That's what you said last time
and the time before that.

And then this was supposed to help,
but none of it helps.

More hospitals, more medication,

staying inside all the time.

I don't want any more.

Don't talk like that.
It'll be okay, you'll see.

No, it won't.
I don't want any more surgery.


You promised you were on my side.

Tell them no more surgery.


Finishing or starting ?

Finishing. You ?

- Starting.
- Our timing.


My pick-up lines are usually just honesty.
I don't have any lines.


For instance ?

- Honesty ?
- Honesty.

You are breathtakingly beautiful.

That's what I'd say.

You know, if I was trying to pick you up.

How was that ?

That was good.


You missed the window.

For the CVS test.

- The risks of puncturing the placenta...
- Minimal.

- Yes, but it's there.
PETE: Violet.

- Oh, you too.
- She missed the window.

Paternity CVS window, it's gone.

- So amnio. You're far enough along.
- Well, there are risks to...

Uh... Okay, I will consider it.

And while you're at it,
will you consider backing off with Jill ?

She's in my office
and her body is a mess.

- Her muscle pain is unreal.
VIOLET: Well, she's injured.

She was injured before the att*ck.

For a rotator cuff tear,
she was getting better.

Her treatment was nearly done.

Since the att*ck,
her injuries are not muscular.

Pulling up memories,
that's what eating her.

If I can walk her through the att*ck,
then I can desensitize her.

But you run the risk
of re-traumatizing her,

which her body tells me
is what's happening.

You should be careful with a trauma
if she's internalizing.

I've seen people get really sick.

Okay, so now you're ganging up on me
about everything ?

I'm doing what's best for Jill.
Are there bumps along the way ? Yes.

But in the end,
it's best that she knows now.

She wants to get this guy
who did this to her, so she remembers,

she can put him away
and have her life back.

That's interesting.

Sometimes you think it's better to know,
and others, denial works for you.

Jill ?

- Jill, what is it ?
- The man who att*cked me.

They think they found him.
They want me to come in for a lineup.



- Your face is all scowly.
- Scowly ?

Well, you didn't light up
as soon as you saw me.

This is me, lit.

Okay, Charlotte, what's wrong ?

I mean, you've been kind of...

I mean,
we've been in a better place, right ?

We started fresh.

Yes, I slept with Archer
and you forgave me.

- Better place, fresh start.
- But ?

But nothing. Everything's fine.
We're in a good place, Coop, really.


- You're looking...
- Don't tell me I look good, Dr. Freedman,

because I don't.

All right, thanks.

Here's some good news,
I just looked over your labs,

and the chemo is doing
what it's supposed to.

- It's getting you ready.
- The chemo is making me sick.

I've tried to tell my parents I don't want
this surgery, but they won't listen to me.

I know this is hard,
but try to hang in there.

Hang in for what ? I know
what Dr. Barnes wants to do for me.

The surgery stinks. Only 20 percent
of the people who have it

- live for more than six months.
- And that can be you.

I know I'm sick.

That my heart is really bad,
and if I do nothing, I'm gonna die.

But this surgery ?

Chances are, it's not gonna work.

And if I was off this medication,
I could at least feel good for a little bit.

I could play with my friends again.

If I had this out of my arm,
I could go in the ocean.

I could be normal for a little bit.

I'd rather have one good day
than be sick for the rest of my life.

- The bleeding started this morning ?
MORGAN: Yes, in the shower.

I've been doing everything you told me.

No sex. Taking it easy.

I even cut back my hours at work.

- This shouldn't be happening.
- Placenta previa hasn't improved.

So I'm just gonna keep losing babies,
one after another, after another.

Morgan, Morgan, look at me.

You are stressed, and if you're stressed,
then the baby's stressed.

You are not going to lose this baby.

It means that we need to be
more aggressive, okay ?

I'm gonna you on total bed rest
for the remainder of your pregnancy,

and I'm gonna watch you very carefully.

I want an amnio.

If I'm gonna lay on my back
for five months,

I need to know
this baby's gonna be okay.

How that there aren't
any genetic defects.

An amnio is usually done at 17 weeks,
Morgan. We need to wait another month.

- What if... ?
- No "what ifs". We're gonna wait.

We're gonna do the amnio
at the right time.


Hi, honey.

Yes, I'm at the doctor's office.

She's putting me on bed rest.

She's not letting me into the bed.

There's no sex.

- And you need sex.
- Yeah.

I mean, hey, I'm grown.

Dinners are cool, restaurants are cool,
but she has me sleeping on the floor.

Oh, God, come on, Sam, be smart.

You gotta change the scenery.

You gotta make her forget what happened.
You gotta take her away to...

I don't know, take her
to the Grand Spa in Palm Springs.

I remember
we had a really good time there.

Exactly. The first weekend after Maya.

Just the two of us.
We certainly forgot about everything.

- That was great. That was fun.
- Mm-hm.

- I have Maya this weekend, though.
- Oh, I will take Maya.

You go. Go have fun.

Go whisk her away. Go.


We don't know what to do.

She's miserable and sick,
and she doesn't want this.

And she makes sense,
but she's only 12.

She still loves stuffed animals.

She giggles
when she has to talk to boys.

Any time there's thunder,
she comes to sleep between us.

I don't wanna lose her,

but I can't stand forcing her to do
something that she doesn't wanna do.

You really think you can help her ?

I know it's hard watching her,

but I think if I operate,
there's a chance she'll make it.

A chance.

You don't think
she should have the surgery.

I don't wanna...

- This is your decision.
- I'm asking you, please.

I think even in the best-case scenario,
it's months in a hospital,

constant drug therapies
and interventions.

And this is not about a cure.

However, considering the alternative...

Wait a minute. Go on, Dr. Cooper.
I wanna know what you think.

I think Annie has considered
the alternative.

And even though it terrifies us,

for her, the alternative means
having a life, a real life,

like other kids,
even if it's just for a little while.

You know, playing outside
and maybe going surfing, and...

Instead of spending her life
in that little room we have down the hall.

It means celebrating her birthday
somewhere other than here.

In the future, we will be able
to treat people with Annie's condition

much more effectively.

She doesn't have the perspective
to understand that,

because she's still a kid.

You can't put a decision like this
in her hands.

If the surgery works,
what will her quality of life be ?

Well, it's hard to know.
She'll be limited in her activities.

You'll need to keep her home mostly.

But with medications,
we can sustain her heart.

- She'll be alive.
- For how long ?

I wanna take her home.


WOMAN [OVER P.A.]: All third floor aides,
report to second floor nurses' station.



Wait, you're the one
from the scrub room.

- Ah-ha.
- I didn't realize because of the hair.

I had this image of it in my head,
you know, under the cap and...

Oh, you didn't recognize me.

- Okay.
- But red... Red is good.

Red becomes you.

Thank you.

Look, I'm sorry. I'm having a day.

I got some bad news,
and then I've got this patient,

another doctor has convinced her parents
to let her die,

which I think...
I know is the wrong decision.

Anyway, it's a day.

Do you ever do that ?
You ever worry over a patient ?

Oh, absolutely. I'm worrying
over this pregnant woman right now.

Um... Charlotte King.

- Is that your name ?
- Oh, no, no.

- No, she's the chief of staff here.
- Right, I knew that.

- Oh, yeah.
- You should talk to her.

If you believe your patient should live,
then you should fight for it.

And Charlotte,
I mean, well, she's Charlotte,

but she'll help you fight.

- Thank you.
- No problem.

Well, I should go.

- Oh.
- See Charlotte.

Right, of course.


If you see the man who assaulted you,
identify him

by stating aloud his reference number.

Take as much time as you need.

- Five.
- You've indicated Suspect Number 5.

- Are you sure that's the man ?
- Yes, I'm sure. Five.

All right, Miss Avery.

Thank you for your cooperation.

- You did it, Jill.
- The face.

- Seeing it again, it's...
- It's okay. He can't hurt you anymore.

I thought it would be good.

I thought it would help me remember
what he did to me, but it...

It's just...

I'm scared.

I'm really scared.


I can't believe it's coming out.

I'm gonna get to go in the water
for the first time in forever.

Dr. Freedman, can I see you for a sec ?

- What's going on ?
- Just give us a sec.

- Catheter's not coming out today.
- What ?

Dr. Barnes approached me.
He feels he can save Annie's life,

and you're letting a minor make
a decision about refusing treatment.

The family and I concur on this.

He has a valid claim.
Going for a court order.

- Why are you talking to me like that ?
- What ?

Like I'm some stranger.

I could've let him sandbag you. I didn't.
I'm giving you a heads up.

Okay, still like a stranger, Charlotte,
and you know me.

You know, I wouldn't be doing this for her
if I didn't think it was right. Come on.

I'm just doing my job.

That doesn't make it right.

There was definitely flirting

- with the surgeon.
- Uh-huh.

Cute surgeon

Cute surgeon

Felt good to feel like me again.

Hey, can I steal some
of those colored paperclips

on your desk

for an art project that Betsey's doing ?

She's in a trance.


- Oh, resort p*rn.
NAOMl: Look at this.

You can watch whales breach,
just right from your palapa.

Ooh. When are you going ?

No, no, no, this isn't for me.

This is for Sam and Sonya.

Hmm. You're planning a trip for
your ex-husband and his new girlfriend.

Do you realize how weird that sounds ?

Yeah, of course I do.

But look at this place, I mean,
somebody should be enjoying it.

Without the surgery, Annie dies.

Without the surgery, Annie has a life,
at least for a little while.

There are precedents that deal with the
denial of medical treatment to children,

but they primarily involve
the religious convictions of the parents.

This isn't a religious thing, judge.

It's about giving our little girl
what she really wants.

Look, this is as painful a decision
as anyone can face.

I understand why the Bishops
don't wanna make it,

but by giving in
to what their child wants...

And she is a child.

- They're abdicating
their parental responsibilities.

Do I get a say here ?

I'm sorry, Annie, but you don't.

- But it's my life.
- Yes,

but legally, your parents are responsible
for making decisions

about your medical care.

And you should know that state law
prohibits you from acting in any way

that endangers Annie's health.

You're going to force them
to make Annie undergo this surgery ?

That catheter stays in, and the surgery's
scheduled for the first available date.

That's not fair.

That's not fair.


- Hey, stranger.
- Hey.

I haven't seen you in a while.

Yeah, I lightened my surgical schedule.

Had some personal stuff.


- Finishing or starting ?
- Starting. You ?

- Me too.
- Ha.


I missed you.

I shouldn't say that, but I did miss you.

Why shouldn't you say that ?

I just...

I don't know.


I should go back in there
before the baby comes out without me

and I get sued.

- Okay.
- Okay.


Still nothing. Only his face.
I can't remember anything else.

How am I supposed
to testify against him

if I can't remember anything
about what happened ?

Well, the trial is a month away, Jill.

- You have time. You'll remember.
- And then what ?

I can see what he did to me
again and again ?

Because right now, all I see is his face,
and I see it everywhere.

At the store,
on the boy who packs my groceries,

at the gym, every guy in the corridor.

Every time I go anywhere, I see him.

And at night, in my dreams...

We can stop.

We can work on helping you cope
with where you are today.

No. I wanna put him away.


I need this fear to go away.

Okay, I'm gonna insert the needle now.

- You might feel a slight pinch.
- Wait.

Before you do it, I just need for you
to talk to me about anything

just to get my mind off this.


Let's see, we can talk about...

You know,
you said you weren't having sex.

- Why not ?

Oh, you're beautiful, successful.

Yeah, well, I'm kind of in-between guys
right now.

- Well, anybody you got your eye on ?
- There is this one guy.

- Cute ?
- Very.


I'm on bed rest and being denied sex,
I need some details.

Well, he's a good guy.

I don't know him that well or anything,
but you can just tell, you know.

He's a good guy and I need a good guy.

- Any dates ?
- I don't know. No, no.

I mean, he's...

It's like he wants to ask me out,

but I don't know, it's like
there's something holding him back or...

Well, go after him.

Get yours.

- And then tell me all about it.
- Okay.

If something happens,
you will be the first to know.


I heard the waves are 2 to 4 feet.
It's in great shape.

One of the guys in the office surfs.
He said it was great out there today.

Maybe. I don't know.

Can't see it from here.

I know. I'm sorry.

When I thought that one day,
I could be out there doing it myself,

it was fun to think about.

But now...

- Come on, Annie.
- We both know the truth.

I'm gonna die in this hospital.


You signed off on the injunction.

Now you want me to let her die ?

I was doing my job,
I was following the law...

- But ?
- Maybe Cooper's right.

Keeping her alive
isn't the same as saving her life.

Look, I am sorry
Annie can't go to school or go surfing,

but is the chance to do that
for a month or two,

is that worth giving up the chance
at living past 13 ?

She's got nothing left in her, Noah,
not even the will to fight you.

So maybe you should ask yourself.

Who are you doing this for ?

She still hasn't done the amnio.

Maybe you should just do that charm thing
you people do.

You're charming.

I'm thinking about it, okay ?

In psychological circles,
we call that a stall.

Hey, Jill had a
very tough session today.

I was wondering if you could do something
to help her relax.


Hey, Jill.

- Jill ?
- Don't touch me.

Jill, it's me. It's Pete.

Focus on me. Look at me, it's Pete.

Okay ?

Okay. Take a deep breath.

You're here. You're okay.

- Yeah.
- There you go.

She's resting.


Violet, you have to stop.

- She's traumatized...
- By the att*ck.

She's afraid that if she doesn't finish
what she started,

this thing will keep haunting her,
so I'm gonna support her.

Jill is a wreck.

- She's falling apart.
- She was happy.

She had a life.

He came in and took a piece of it away,
her contentment, her security.

And until she sees this guy locked up
and paying for what he did,

she's not gonna move past it.

I hope you're right.


- You're here late.
- Yeah, well,

you know, babies don't tell time.

Besides, you're here too.

Do you think we push ?

As doctors,
do you think we push too hard ?


I don't know, I mean...

I have this patient now, she's pregnant,

and just trying to get her through it
so she can have a healthy baby.

I push, yeah, for patients like her,
because she needs me to.

What about
when they don't need you to ?

Are you okay ?

I think I've been pushing too hard.

I don't know.



Just sit here with me ?


Do you realize that we don't even know
each other's names ?



You're right.

I'm Addison Montgomery.

I have to go. I have a patient.


Nice to meet you.


Hey, Betsey's sick,
her school just called.

Do you mind if I duck out for,
like, an hour ? Heather can't get her.

No, that's fine. Go ahead.

- What are you doing ?
- Doesn't this trip look perfect ?

For who ?
You do see what you're doing, right ?

- Yes, I am helping.
- You're avoiding.

Okay. Archer broke your heart.

And now you're throwing yourself
into Sam's life

so you don't have to pick up
and start yours.

Don't take this the wrong way, but when
was the last time you went on a date ?

Oh, ha-ha, come on.

Maybe if you spent
all this time and effort

you're spending on Sam and Sonya
on yourself,

it might be more rewarding.

You're here to force
another procedure on her or ?

I won't push the surgery anymore.

She doesn't want it. I won't push.

- What about the judge ?
- I told him I re-evaluated my position.

I just wanted to help her.

So once it's out ?

It's not easy to get back in.

If Annie were to have a problem ?

We might not be able to get medication
into her fast enough.

You do understand.

This is it.

- You're sure, Annie ?
- I'm sure.

It's all right, Mom. I promise it's all right.

Everything's gonna be okay.

You'll see.

- I'm gonna see the ocean.
- You're gonna see the ocean.

Good news, Morgan.
Amnio was normal.

There are no genetic abnormalities.
Baby's perfectly healthy.

- Thank God. Yay.
- Ha-ha-ha.

I can't wait to tell my husband.
He should be here any minute.

Oh, there he is. Hi, honey. Mm.

Oh, this is the wonderful doctor
I've been telling you so much about.

Addison Montgomery.

- Nice to meet you, Dr. Montgomery.
- Nice to meet you.

You're gonna do fine.

I don't know if I can do this.

I know that you're scared, but I also know
that this is something that you wanna do.

What if I can't ?


Look at him.

Look at him.

Tell me what he did to you.

I heard his voice telling me
not to turn around and...

- No, I can't.
- Keep breathing, like we worked on.


He had a g*n.

He grabbed me.

And the next thing I knew,
I felt a blow across my face.

And then he hit me with the g*n
over and over and over

until my head slammed
into the pavement.

That's right.

That's right. That's what he did to you.

Now, why are you here, Jill ?

That man robbed me.

He didn't just steal my car
and my money.

He stole my sense of security.

He stole my ability to sleep at night.

He stole my sense of self-control.

So I came here today to get them back.

I'd say you're ready.

- Hey.
- Hey.

You should've seen the smile
on her face when she got on that board.

It's her birthday.

And it just keeps creeping up on me
that it'll be her last.


- But it's a good one.
ANNIE: Look. And then, this wave...

It's what she wanted. She's living.

I was going over,
and I was freaking out, it was so scary.

And then my dad's like,
"Just hold onto the board."

I should've trusted you
to know what Jill could handle.

To know that she'd remember
when she was ready.

Thank you.

- You wanted to see me ?
- Yes. Both of you.

Wait. Wait, did you... ?


No, I didn't.

Right now, in my mind,
the baby is the bug.

And I've gotten used to the bug.

I'm actually liking the bug.

And I'm afraid if I start seeing it
with a Pete head or a Sheldon head or...

I know myself,
and I know that I'm not ready to do this.

- What about us ?
- If you wanna know anything, ask.

If you wanna be included, come.

Both of you, or neither of you.

I understand if you wanna walk away,
and I'm sorry,

but I know
that this is the best way to do it.

For you.

You're alone here.

You have Cooper and the baby.

But you're all alone.

And you don't have to be.

Cat got your tongue ?

I do not understand you.

- What, Cooper ?
- Annie Bishop.

I just bumped into Noah.
You went behind my back.

Why didn't you tell me
you helped him change his mind ?

Charlotte, you did a good thing.

A thing that makes me love you
even more. Why... ?

I don't need you to love me even more.

I slept with Archer and you forgive me.

You're good. You're the good one.

You do good things, you and...

It makes me sick, you loving me.

It makes me literally sick
to my stomach.

I slept with somebody else.

I screwed Archer's brains out
and you forgive it ?

Who does that ?

So see, you're the good one
and I'm the bad one.

And I don't want credit
for saving a little girl's life.

I don't want it.

You need to forgive yourself.

- Stop loving me.
- You need to forgive yourself.

- Stop loving me.
- No, no, I will not stop loving you. No.


Look, I'm sorry.

- Hey.
- Hi.

Look at this, Sonya and I
got to make our own private label.

Oh, well,
now, that's what I call a vacation.


So, what do you think
I should do next with Sonya ?

- All right, what's the plan ?
- Uh...

You know, there is no plan. Heh.

Yeah, travel agency's closed.
I'm finished.

What ? You were helping me out,
it was fun.

Yeah, that's the problem.

You shouldn't be having fun with me.

You should be having fun with her.

And I should be having some fun
of my own.


Annie's 13.


Good job.

The jury found him guilty.

Very good job.

Will you talk to the bug ?

I thought you hated that.

Just talk to the bug, Cooper.

Hello, bug. Hello.

This is your Uncle Cooper speaking,

and I look forward to seeing you
in a couple of months.

Hey, ready to go ?

I got us a 7:30 reservation...

What's wrong ?

You don't call out your ex-wife's name
out of habit.

Not if it's working.

Not if it's right.

Well, do you wanna be with her or... ?



What she and I had...

A best friend.

And you and I...


We're never gonna get there.

- I'm sorry.
- Yeah.

Me too.

- This is a mistake.
- Just be here.

All right. But still, it is a mistake.

I'll be over there.


- I wasn't going to come.
- But you did.

Thank you.

What do you want, Noah ?

I just wanted to say...

I just wanted to tell you
that the first time we talked,

I was just a flattered married guy.

And the second time,
I was playing with fire.

And then

I got attached.

I got attached in a way I didn't expect.

- I didn't mean to, I didn't plan...
- I've been where you are.

One step away
from doing something really stupid.

I've done really stupid.

Don't take the step.

What if I wanna take the step ?

What if the step is all I can think about ?

- She's my patient.
- You think I don't know that ?

Finishing or starting ?

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