02x20 - Do the Right Thing

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Private Practice". Aired: September 26, 2007, to January 22, 2013.*
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Spin-off series from Grey's Anatomy; Neonatal surgeon Addison Montgomery leaves her friends and foes at Seattle Grace Hospital behind for a fresh start in Los Angeles, where she joins a trendy public clinic.
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02x20 - Do the Right Thing

Post by bunniefuu »

NAOMl: Morning.
- Morning.

- Hospital rounds ?
- Uh...


- House call.
- Since when do you make house calls ?

Hmm ?

- Addie ? Who are you going to see ?
- Hmm ?


Who's home on bed rest.

Oh, come on, it's... Nai, it's easier for me
to go see Morgan Gellman at home

than it is for her to come in here.

The less that she moves, the better
chance she has of keeping the baby.

There is nothing going on
with me and the husband.

Okay ? This is a professional visit
for serious medical reasons.

Well, as long as it's a professional visit
for serious medical reasons.

I'm responsible for saving
that baby's life, Nai. I'm a lifesaver.

I'm a doctor.

She seems okay now.

She paged me on my way in,
said she'd already called you.


Yeah. I'm glad that, um...
That... That she called.

Yeah, well, we're trying to be careful.

This is a beautiful home.

- Thanks. Morgan decorated it herself.
- Oh.

Well, her taste is exquisite.



So we should go on up, yeah,
and see Morgan.

- Up there.
- Okay.


Height, a thrilling 5 feet even.

a perfectly appropriate 84 pounds.

And overall health,
as the kids would say,

ab fab.

- Dr. Cooper, the kids don't say that.
- Rea... ? They don't ?

They should.


Mom, it's Gretchen.
She just got her braces off. Can I take it ?

Twelve. Wow.

Wasn't it like a year ago

she was carrying around
that stuffed unicorn ?

Now she's got pierced ears
and a cell phone.

Well, given what passes for kids TV,
the Internet, what can you do ?

Speaking of which,

I think Sarah needs to see
a female doctor.

Oh. Are you uncomfortable with me
examining Sarah ? Or is she ?

No, it's not that. It's, I need someone
to prescribe her birth control.

Just tell me it isn't happening again.

- If I lose another baby, I swear to God...
- Don't. You always jump there.

- Because I've lost every baby I've carried.
- Honey.

- I'm sorry.
NOAH: You're scared.

But there's no reason to be. Right ?

Her cervix is open.
The amniotic sac is protruding.

- Can you stop it ?
ADDISON: With cervical cerclage, yeah.

Okay, can you just stop talking doctor
to each other and just talk to me ?

I'm gonna sew your cervix shut
to keep the baby in.

- Noah ?
- I want her to be transported

by ambulance. I'll ride along to monitor.

I'll call ahead. I'll meet you there.
Hey, it'll be fine.

So I should be scared now, right ?

Duncan ?

- Hey.
- Hi.

- Is Sam running late ? Yeah.
- Um... Sh...

One of the great things about practicing
law, Nai, is that court starts late.

Oh, yeah. And you get to dress up.
You look good.

Wow. Damned by faint praise.

Oh, no. No, no, no.
Handsome, handsome. Winning.

DUNCAN: A little better.
- All right, let's do this.

Now, that's what I like to see in
my expert witness, a little fire in the belly.

Yeah, but probably not bits
of Red Delicious in the teeth.

Let me see.

No, you're good. You're good.

- Ready to save a man's life ?
SAM: Yes, sir.

Good luck.

All right, Big Ben,
how you feeling this week ?

Subpar. The second I walk outside,
I start wheezing like a goat.

You taking that milk thistle
before every meal ?

Choking that down helps for a little.

But I feel like my allergies
are getting worse.

Soon you're gonna have
to put me in a bubble.

- I'll make sure it's a cool bubble. Hop up.
- I hate this part.

How are the ladies treating you ?

Same as last week,
and the week before that.

- Hard to find a keeper.
- Well, doesn't get any easier at my age.

My mom hasn't dated anyone
since she and my dad got divorced.

Well, sometimes people
need a little time to...

She's ready.

She just doesn't meet guys who are,
you know, smart and funny. Cool, like you.


Hi. Sorry. Just wanted to see
how things were going in here.

- Come in, Mom. Meet Dr. Pete.
- Hi.

- How are you ?
- Nice to meet you.

I'm sorry, his dad usually takes him,
so I wasn't sure if I should stay in or out.

You can stay in. Right, Dr. Pete ?

As long as you don't mind me
sticking needles in his face.

Oh, I don't know. How long are we
gonna have to keep them in ?

- See ? She's funny, right ? And pretty.
- Ben.

She does Pilates like every day.
Makes awesome meat loaf.

- Okay, goof nut. Thank you.
- No. It's okay. I like meat loaf.

- Hmm.
- Yeah.

I don't like how Sheldon
was looking at me.

He had on that critical face
like, "Oh, you're gonna eat all that ?"

- Don't mind him.
- I do mind him. I mind everyone.

Everyone who thinks
that I choose to eat like a walrus,

- much less look like one.
- Babies need to be fed.

It's only temporary. Breast-feeding alone
will burn a million calories.

Though you're not breast-feeding yet.



I thought you were over Pete.

I am. I am. Entirely.

Dell. You know what time it is ?

Ten forty-two.

Yeah. Around here, we normally consider
9 to be the beginning of the workday.

- Did I miss anything ?
- That's not the point.

Dell, hey.

Listen. I know that you're having
a hard time with Betsey gone.

I'm not gonna make an issue of this.
But the next time you're late,

- can you just please call ?
- Sure.

Hey. Can you give me some help ?

Addison's gone, and I have a 12-year-old
who wants birth control.

We need this baby.

Not that I think a baby can
or should save a marriage.

I'm not stupid, but right now,
this baby is holding us together.

Before I got pregnant,

Noah and I were gonna try things apart.

Oh, I'm... I'm sorry.

The second baby,
I lost at seven months.

God, we've been through hell together.

Hell is holding a dead baby
in your arms.

Our marriage,
there were cracks, you know ?

And then they got bigger
and they got huge.

Whatever happened between us,
this baby, you have to save it.

Because this baby's
our second chance.

Naomi's great. Don't worry.


The whole, you know, the-kids-grow-up-
so-fast thing, I obviously... I get that.

And I assume you're being clear
with Sarah that it's too early for sex.

Oh, Dr. Freedman,
she's already having it.

She has a boyfriend,
another eighth-grader.

They both have hormones raging,

and, frankly, I don't trust him
to use a condom.

I'm trying to be proactive.

But you're condoning this.

This is gonna happen
whether I like it or not.

I'm just trying to keep as much of it
as I can on my terms.

The kids are only allowed to have sex
in my house when I'm there.

Wait. I'm... I'm sorry. What ?

Would it be better if I forced them
to sneak around ?

Scrambling for privacy God knows where
with no supervision ?

- Wouldn't it be better if you told them no ?
- And enforce it how ?

It's just me,
and I work 50 hours a week.

I can only try to steer her
in the right direction.

Help her avoid getting hurt.

She's 12 years old
and she's having sexual intercourse.

- She's already being hurt.
- All due respect, you are out of line.

- Mom, what's wrong ?
YVONNE: We're leaving.

Thank you.

What did you say to her ?


DUNCAN: So you believe
Dr. Allen's diagnosis and treatment

were appropriate
under the circumstances ?

More than appropriate. Extraordinary.

Martin Weiser came into the ER
with crushing chest pains, hypoxic,

barely responsive.

When the patient progressed
to full cardiopulmonary arrest,

Dr. Allen did CPR and defibrillation,
exactly as indicated.

Exactly as any doctor would do.

So in your expert opinion, Dr. Bennett,
were there mistakes made here ?

Even when we do everything right...
And I believe Dr. Allen did.

- There are some patients
we just can't save.

Now, that's not malpractice, that's...

- That's just life.
DUNCAN: Thank you, doctor.


I'm sorry.
Dr. Bennett, I am Corinne Lee.

I'm counsel for Mr. Weiser's widow
and his son.

"Every person is unique.
A good doctor needs to know them,

to evaluate them individually,
not by the book.

- The book can be wrong."
DUNCAN: Excuse me.

But is there a question
somewhere here ?

Are you familiar with that quote,
Dr. Bennett ?

Yes, that is a quote from my book.

But doesn't it contradict

what you were just saying
about Mr. Weiser's care ?

You quoted textbook cases
and standard protocols.

But you weren't there. You didn't actually
see him. Isn't that correct ?

Well, I stand behind everything I said
about Dr. Allen's care.

So you didn't mean what you wrote ?

I did. I spend a lot of time
researching and writing...

Does that leave you much time
for seeing actual patients ?

Well, I have
a very active medical practice.


Oceanside Wellness Group.

There was a measles outbreak there.
Did you follow the book on that one ?

Objection. Argumentative.

Dr. Bennett is holding himself up
as an expert.

- I'm entitled to question him on that claim.
- Overruled.

So a measles outbreak.

- A child d*ed.
- Again, argumentative.

Withdrawn. Was the noted cyclist,
Ray Daniels, a patient under your care ?

- Yes.
- He had serious heart-muscle disorder,

but you let him compete
in a hundred-mile bike race.

- And he d*ed as well, didn't he ?
- I told him not to race.

But you treated him for a sports injury
so that he could race.

See, Ray was pigheaded.

Pigheaded ? Do you always talk
about your patients like that ?

- No. No.
- Or only the dead ones ?

- Wait a minute.
- This family lost a husband.

A father.

He walked in the door and did not get
the treatment that he needed.

Now, it may be okay with you
that patients just die.

It's not okay with them.

So let's talk about your nickname.

Dr. Feelgood.

NAOMl: I just spent time
with a happy, healthy girl

that she has raised. Yvonne
is obviously doing something right.

I don't think that excuses
letting her daughter have sex

in the room next to hers.
Violet, could you back me up here ?

Well, it's not that simple.

I mean, adolescent sexuality
is not something you can just say no to.

You have to address the nuances
of a particular situation.

NAOMl: Yeah. So a mother
who acknowledges her daughter's desires

and tries to channel them safely is...

- Probably doing the right thing.
- Yeah.

NAOMl: Wait. What are you doing ?

- Hello, Hopscotchers.
- Violet.

The mother is allowing her 12-year-old
daughter to have sex in her house.

If you're not there, it's really hard to know
what's right for her and her daughter.

Right. Why would a man get a say ?

Mother knows best.
That's how the world works.

See... Okay. Like with Dell, right ?
Mother does not always know best.

- But it's apples and oranges.
COOPER: No, it is not.

And how can you,
as the mother of a little girl,

how can you not have a problem
with what Yvonne's doing here ?

With Maya, this would be zero chance
of happening. I would k*ll her.

I am talking about
Yvonne's right as a parent

to decide what is best for her child.

Fine. But motherhood is not a Tr*mp card.
Wrong is wrong.

Parents get to decide that, Cooper.

NAOMl: Yes.
- Not doctors.

I hope that when Betsey's 12,
there's someone like Cooper there

to say that it's not okay to be sleeping
around, no matter what the mother thinks.


Hey, I got Brody from Anesthesia
to come in for Morgan.

I booked the OR for 4:00.

Okay, well, what about the 26 weeks ?
Is that okay ?

It's late. I'm not gonna lie to you.
But it's the best choice.

She loves you, you know.

- I know.
- She needs you.

I know.

PETE: All right, pal. I'll see you tomorrow.
You're gonna be fine.

- Thanks for coming in. Nice to meet you.
LISA: Thank you so much, really. Bye.

How can you even think about sleeping
with a patient's mother ?

- What ?
- The flirty smile, leading to unnecessary

- but gentle physical contact.
- Come on. You know what, Violet ?

You have no right

- to comment on my love life.
- It's an ethical issue.

What ? I'm treating her son, not her.

You are taking advantage
of a young, vulnerable mother

who can't help but respond
to someone in a position of authority.

You think that's the only reason
she might be interested in me ?


PETE: Ethically speaking...
- Wrong person to talk to right now.

Problem ?

Never mind. What's your question ?

Dating a patient's mother.
That's not a problem, right ?

- Violet thinks it's a problem.
- I don't know, Pete.


I'm about to operate on Noah's wife.
And I like her. I really like her.

And their marriage is on the rocks.

And the only thing holding it together
is this baby, and I'm supposed to save it.

Well, you'll save the baby.
That's what you do.

Of course I'm gonna save the baby.
That's not the issue.


I don't know. Mm.

Addison, their marriage,
it's not in your hands.

- What if it is ?
- Then it's already gone south.

I'm not a cheater, Pete.

I'm not. I mean, maybe that one time I did,
but not now... I'm...

It's not who I am. I am not a cheater.

- I know.
- Then why do I feel like I am ?



- What happened ?
- He just lost it on the stand, Nai.

The other side came after him,
the practice, his credibility, and he just...

- He just let her shred him up there.
- It was that bad ?

I know that I was the one that talked him
into doing this, but I just thought...

He's Sam.
All that experience in front of the camera.

He's a doctor.
He's not a spokesperson.

If there's any chance
of turning this around,

I need to put Sam back up there
on that stand.

But only if he can do it.


- What happened ?
- Shortness of breath. Chest pain.

Sats are dropping. D-dimer's positive.
Probably threw a PE.

Is the baby okay ?


There's no signs
of fetal distress, Morgan.


- V-fib. She's coding.
NOAH: Get the crash cart, stat.

WOMAN: Let's go. Get the cart over here.
ADDISON: Give me the bag.

NURSE: Get ready to charge.
- I'll do it. I'm gonna do it.

- Noah...
- No, look, she's my wife. I'll do it.

Charge to 200.

NURSE: Charged.
NOAH: Okay. Clear.


Charge to 300.

NURSE: Charged.
- All right. Clear.

I got a pulse.
Okay, pressure's coming up.

Baby's heartbeat is normal.
Start her on lidocaine.

Call ICU.
Tell them we need a room now.

Bolus 75 milligrams
and start a 2-milligram-per-minute drip.

- Noah. Noah.
- She almost d*ed.

But she didn't. She didn't. There's no way
you could've known about the PEs.

- I'm a heart surgeon. I should've.
- There's no way.

I live with her. I wasn't paying attention.

- I wasn't paying attention.
- This isn't your fault.

It is. It is my fault. I don't see her anymore.
I don't look at her. I don't think about her.

Not like I should.
I mean, I care about the baby.

- But I don't think about her.
- Yes, but... But you just saved her life.

Would you stop trying
to make me feel better ?

I don't think about her.
All I think about is you.

All I think about is you,
and she could've d*ed.

She could've d*ed.

Feeling better ?

I looked like an idiot in there, Nai.
I'm a good doctor. I'm a great doctor.

Yes, you are a great doctor,
but you're not a professional witness.

That's no excuse.

Sam, I have seen you convince
an entire auditorium of people

to do what you wrote in your book.

Now, I know that you can convince
12 people that you're not a blithering idiot.

He wants to put you back on the stand.


- Really ?
- Yeah.

That means I gotta go back
over all the medicine from that case

and memorize it.
That way, no matter what I'm asked,

I'll be able to bring it back
to what happened, what matters.

I will not be thrown.



I can't help it.
All I wanna do is eat and sleep and bark.

I barked at Pete this morning.
He deserved it.

He wants to date a patient's mother.

- What ?
- A message from some kid

about the naked pictures
of my 12-year-old patient

that are now apparently floating around.
You still think Mother knows best ?

- Who are you calling ?
COOPER: I'm calling DCFS.

About Sarah ?
No, Cooper, you cannot do that.

- Somebody needs to protect this girl.
- You cannot call Family Services.

I just got her blood work back.
Sarah's pregnant.



Maybe you should've dropped me
as a patient. I seem to be trouble.

- You're doing fine now.
- Yeah. Noah told me.


He was here till I woke up.

Did you talk to him ?

- What ?
- He wouldn't look at me.

I mean, he was here with me,
but he wasn't with me.

He wouldn't look at me.

Did you talk to him ?

- I think he just got a little scared.
- We should be scared together.

He should be able to look at me.

Would you try to get some rest ?

We'll do the procedure tomorrow.

- Can I help you ?
- I'm waiting for Dr. Parker.

- Dell ?
- Dr... Dr. Parker. Yeah.

Of course you are.

- Do you think he'll be long ?
- I don't think so.

No, Dr. Parker, he's just finishing up
some very important medical stuff.

- Stuff. Yeah.
- Cool.

- Dell Parker, American hero.
- She's waiting for Dr. Parker.

We need to talk about Dell.
He's late. He's playing doctor.


I gotta go.

So I was going back over the records,

trying to anticipate every question
that they might ask me.

And, well, two years ago,
your patient had a hernia patched up.

It was just a quick 20-minute procedure.
They gave him morphine for the pain.

- He wasn't my patient two years ago.
- I know. But morphine was overkill.

They would've just given him
a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory,

unless he was allergic to aspirin.

Now, the aspirin sensitivity
would've been flagged on the chart.

- But it's not.
- Right.

I know it's not,
because, see, the page is blank.

Now, every other page
is filled out meticulously.

This page is blank. You...

You changed out the page.

See, that would explain
why you couldn't revive him.

You gave him aspirin, and he was...
It wasn't just a heart att*ck.

I had a barely responsive patient
with severe chest pains.

I was racing against the clock.

By the time that file came down,
I was losing him.

I couldn't afford to wade through
his whole medical history.

- No doctor would've had time.
- Probably not.

But you could've testified to that.

- I would've backed you up.
- And I would've lost everything.

Juries don't care
that we see aspirin sensitivity in what,

one out of every thousand patients ?

They just hear the word "mistake,"
and nothing else would get by.

Does Duncan know about this ?

No. He wouldn't have been able
to put me on the stand

to say something he knows isn't true.

Dr. Bennett, please.

- You want me to lie for you.
- I want you to speak fully and honestly

about how I handled that code.

Now, I had to make a series
of judgment calls,

and I did what any good doctor
would have. What you would have.


- You want me to lie ?
- They're not gonna ask about that file.

I'm good at what I do. I save lives.



I'm coming.

- I was supposed...
- Cooper's not back yet.

You gonna tell me the problem ?

You were right. I'm jealous.

I'm not jealous
like I wanna be with him,

I'm just jealous like I don't wanna
see him with anybody else.

Which is crazy and unfair.

Crazy, but makes sense.

- Given what you two had. May have.
- I know, but it's Pete.

It's like, "Sleep with the temp" Pete.
"Sleep with anything" Pete.

"I'm bad in a relationship" Pete.

- Good people do bad things.
- Bad people do bad things.

I would k*ll for some whipped cream.


People change.

When they're with the right person,
they can change.

I slept with Archer Montgomery.

When things were rocky
with Cooper and me.

- Archer ?
- Coop knows. He forgave me.

Well, of course he's gonna forgive you.
He has a neurotic desire to rescue,

which makes him susceptible
to hostile dependency.

I confided in you
to make a point about Pete.

Yeah, and maybe you want
a little catharsis ?

You want a professional to tell you
that it's okay ?

- Well, it's not okay.
- You think if I needed absolution...

Which I don't... . I'd seek out someone
who slept with two men, one floor apart,

and didn't have the courage
or decency to figure out,

let alone tell them,
whose baby she's carrying ?

Everybody's having sex. Everybody.

Governors, they get call girls.
Girls sell their virginity on the Internet.

Not a celebrity in this town goes out
with their underpants on.

But it's my 12-year-old patient
who pays the price. How's that fair ?

I'm going to bed.

I'm keeping this.

You savoring the end of a good day
or drowning out a bad one ?

The doctor that I'm the expert witness for
did something wrong.

So you have to testify to that.

Well, the thing that he did,
the other side doesn't know about.

That's the irony.
They know that there's something wrong,

but they're wrong about what it is.

And if they don't ask me anything,
and I don't say anything...

Then they'll never know.

Yeah, hi.

I know how you feel.

- Uh... Ahem. Wanna talk about it ?
- No.

Yes. No, l...


You can't tell Nai.

- Okay.
- And you can't say anything back.

Or make any faces.

- Okay.
- Okay ?



The husband of one of my patients,
there's something

happening between me and him.

And I don't know
if I'm strong enough to stop it,

or if I wanna stop it.


I don't know.

What ?

I'm not saying anything
or making a face.

Thank you.

Having a conscience is brutal.

My boobs hurt. Did you get sore ?

- I mean, like really, really sore ?
- Yeah, well...

You know, and I'm exhausted,
and then I lay down, and it's nothing.

And food tastes different too.

Do you know what I had for breakfast
this morning ? I had tuna fish

and whipped cream.
No, it tasted amazing. I don't know.

Maybe I'm just looking at things differently
right now.

There's just this amazing joy
to this thing that's just amazing.

But then the baby's head
starts grinding against my pelvis, and...

- Oh, what ?
- Once you pop this baby out,

- it's all gonna be worth it.
- Look at you, all smiley.

What ?

If you had sex last night,

- I do not wanna hear about it.
- Oh, no, no, no. No sex. No.

Sexy dream.

- Duncan.
- The suit guy ?

- Oh, nice.
- Yeah, well, nice in a dream.

But, you know, he's one of Sam's
oldest friends. He's working with Sam.

It just might be
a little too close to home.

Well, you and Sam work together.
Your lives are intertwined.

How are you ever gonna meet anyone
who's not too close to home ?


How are any of us ever gonna meet
anyone who's not too close to home ?

BEN: I think we should amputate.
PETE: Okay.

- All right, you ready for another round ?
- Sure, but can I use the bathroom first ?

What ? You just went.

Hey, the guy's got needles in here,
and I have a nervous bladder.

- I don't know what's gotten into him.
- Well, I do have needles in here.


I... I know why Ben likes you.

But the real test... The real test is... Um...

Do you have anything for stress
and exhaustion ?

Hmm. Um...

How about a nice long dinner
at Casa del Mar ?

- Is that a prescription or an invitation ?
- Both.

She's pregnant ?

Oh, my God.

You're gonna be okay, Sarah.

How soon can we take care of it ?

- Mom.
- I'm so sorry.

I should've never let this happen.
But I will fix it.

Let's all just take a breath, okay ?

This is new and it's hard
and it's very scary,

but there are a lot of factors to consider
before we get to that point, okay ?

You okay ?

Hey, Sarah,

I know this is scary, and you shouldn't
have to go through this at your age...

We've heard your point of view,

and of course she shouldn't
have to go through it.

She's having an abortion.

- This is where you put your foot down ?
- She's 12 years old.

- And where did you think it was leading ?
NAOMl: Cooper.

- Excuse me.
NAOMl: Thank you.

I wanna keep the baby.



Hey, Violet, I asked Lisa out.
Ben's mom.

It's not wrong. I'm doing it openly. I don't
wanna fight about it, so I'm telling you.

I understand.

I'm trying to do the right thing here,
whatever that is.

And... But I also need to have a life.

You should.



- You need to back off in there.
- Okay, how are we su... ?

Forget it.

- Good morning.
- I went out pretty hard last night.

- I felt like crap this morning, so...
- What, so you just decided to sleep in ?

Actually, I was up early,
but I had bed spins.

But then I saw it was 3 to 5 and glassy,
figured I'd get an hour in the water.

- Dell, this is not you.
- Maybe this is me.

Okay ? Maybe, since I'm only 24,
I should go out and have a little fun.

No one is saying you can't,
but you have responsibilities here.

I'm sick of trying to work so hard
to do the right thing all the time.

Work full time, get licensed,
act like an adult. Who cares ? Who cares ?

Your sats look good. I'll have the nurse
come and prep you for the cerclage,

and I will meet you in the OR.

Have you seen Noah ?

- He's not here yet ?
- He hasn't come.

Or answered the phone.

Well, I'll page him.
Maybe he's in surgery.

I already tried. He's not.

- I can't do this without him.
- Morgan.

We can't wait on this.
We have to do it now.

Then find him for me.

Please. Just find him.


What was so important I had
to run up here in the middle of my day ?

I want to throttle someone.

- You gotta be kidding.
- I'm serious. I'm serious. I just had to...

I had to walk out of a consult
so I didn't explode

at the mother of my 12-year-old patient,
my pregnant 12-year-old patient,

whose mother's decided, all of a sudden,
she's interested in parenting again.

- I should've called DCFS.
- Coop, isn't this what you wanted ?

- For her to step up and parent ?
- Parent, yes.

She's dictating an abortion
to a 12-year-old.

Is she wrong ?


Probably not.

I see what it is doing to that girl
and what it's going to be doing to her,

and I find that hard to forgive.

You forgave me.

For worse.


LISA: Dr. Wilder. It's okay, baby.
- What happened ?

He called me from a friend's,
said he was having trouble swallowing.

And then in the car,
he said he was feeling dizzy.

Maybe I should've brought him
to the hospital.

PETE: It's okay.
We'll take care of him right here.

He never had a problem with food.
It's only been environmental.

Problems can start at any age,
and Ben's a highly allergic kid.

Ben ?

- Something's wrong.
- You're having an acute allergic att*ck.

You're gonna be okay. I'll take care of you.
Just have to grab a couple things.

He's gonna get some medicine.
You're gonna feel better. Okay ?

I'm right here. I'm right here.
It's gonna be okay.

You're gonna feel better
in just a couple more...

I'm gonna give you some adrenaline.
It's gonna open up your airway.



Your throat opening ?
You getting some air ?



It's working.

- Thank you.
PETE: You're gonna be okay.

Thank you.

So based on your years of experience,

the dozens of cardiac patients
that you have personally attended to,

in your professional opinion,
Dr. Bennett,

did Dr. Allen do everything that he
reasonably could do to save the patient ?

Yes, he did.

Is there anything
that you would've done differently ?

Dr. Bennett ?

Uh... Given what Dr. Allen knew
at the time,


No further questions.

Re-cross ?

What do you mean,
given what Dr. Allen knew at the time ?

Objection. Calls for speculation.

You may answer the question.

Dr. Allen was working so fast,

and he was under so much pressure,

that he didn't stop to look
at the patient's full medical history.

So he was not aware that Martin Weiser
had an aspirin allergy.

That's not in any of our discovery.

That's because Dr. Allen swapped out
one of the pages from the file.

He lied.




You should've told me what you found.

That would've put you
in an impossible position.

- You thought this would be better ?
- You wanted me here as an expert.

A doctor. That means I'm asking people
to trust me with their lives every day.

Now, part of that trust
means telling the truth.

Even when it's hard,
I have to tell the truth.

You should've come to me.


- You wanna tell me what you're doing ?
- I can't look at her.

- She'll see it in my eyes.
- It's time for her surgery, Noah.

- Look, I'm cheating on her.
- No.

In my soul, I am... I'm cheating on her.
She deserves more.

- What kind of man... ?
- No, no, no. Listen to me.

Your wife is about to have a procedure
that scares her.

She's upstairs, she's alone,
and she needs you.

What kind of man are you ?

You're the kind of man who puts his own
feelings aside, as hard as that might be,

and goes into that OR
and holds his wife's hand.

That's the kind of man you are.


Well, I screwed up.

I had my chance to be a parent,
and I screwed up.

Now she doesn't care
what I have to say.

You know what she told me ?

That she's the baby's mother,
so she gets to decide.

She's right.
You can't force her to have an abortion.

But you're still her mother.

And if she's gonna be a parent,
she's gonna need you even more.

Sarah is still a child,
and she has a lot to learn from you.

You think she'll listen to me ?

I think you have to keep trying.




MORGAN: I didn't think you were coming.
NOAH: I'm here.

- Tell me it's gonna be okay.
NOAH: It is.

Everything's gonna be okay.

- Hey.
- Hey.

- How'd the testimony go ?
- Well, it was complicated.

Complicated good or complicated bad ?

You wanna come down by the water
with me, have a drink, I'll tell you ?

- You know, I have plans, so...
- Oh, okay.

I'm going out with Duncan.

Really ? Oh, okay.

- So tomorrow ?
- Sure.

- Sure.
- Okay.

All right.

NAOMl: Hi.
DUNCAN: Hi, Nai.

- You look fantastic.
- Yeah ?

- Yes, you do. You look great.
- Thank you. Okay.

- Women.
- Ha-ha-ha.



- What do you think you're doing ?
- Spare me the sermon, okay ?

Naomi's already preached to me twice.

This isn't a sermon,
and I'm not preaching.

I'm telling you to cut the crap.

Now, I know that Heather took Betsey,
and you're hurting.

But that does not give you carte blanche
to blow this job off

or treat this place with any disrespect.

This is a topnotch
private medical practice,

and everybody around here
is gonna act like it at all times,

no matter what's going on
in their private lives, including you.

Pete is on a date
with a patient's mother,

which follows
him sleeping with a co-worker or three.

Violet got knocked up,

probably in this exact same office
where you and Naomi...

You better stop it right there.
This ends here.

You're gonna take your ass home,
get some sleep,

come back first thing tomorrow morning
with a better attitude.

Ou've got a family
who needs you here, Dell.

Give me pizza. Give me pizza.

- Give me pizza. Need some pizza.
PETE: Okay. All right. Here.

All right, margaritas, chimichangas.
You ready, amiga ?

What ?

Violet's crazy and hostile and needy,
and she drives me up a wall.

But she needs you, Coop.

Go home.


I don't know why I'm here. I just...

I couldn't...


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