01x33 - Caracal-minton

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x33 - Caracal-minton

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

I'm telling you, Chris,
it's the caracal.

No way.
The serval can leap the highest.

Come on,
the caracal's the best jumper.



Hey, I'm Chris.

And, I'm Martin.
We're the Kratt Brothers.

And, we're talking about
which mid-sized wild cat

can jump the highest.

The caracal: loves desert-y
areas of Africa.

She's famous for her
long black ear tuffs

and her ability to jump so high

and catch birds
right out of the air.

The serval loves
the grasslands of Africa.

She's famous for her
long legs and neck,

and for her ability
to jump so high

and catch birds
right out of the air.

Let's see if these wildcats
will show us

how high they can jump.

That basketball net
is ' off the ground.

These cats are only about
½' at the shoulder.

So, that means they have to jump
over times their height.

Let's go see what happens.

First up, the caracal.

Uhh, maybe not in the mood
for jumping right now.

How about the serval?
Come on over!

Here she comes, here she comes!


She's jumping over your head,
Chris. Easy. Whoa!

You got to give it to her.

You got to give it to her.
She won that.

And a caracal can
jump that high too,

when she feels like it.

Imagine if we had
the leaping power

of the serval and the caracal.

What if?
What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪



(Badminton swatting)

Aviva, . Jimmy Z, Z-ro.

I'll put you out of your misery,
Jimmy Z.

Ready for a comeback.


I'm going to make
a badminton video game.

That's the only way
I'll ever beat Aviva.

We're up!

Yeah, you're going down.

Ha! Bring it, bro.


Oh boy.

Aviva, you've destroyed
another birdie!

I'll get anoth...

There are no more birdies!


Our badminton tournament
is over.

And we were
just getting started.

Bad birdie basher.

(Nervous laughing)

Sorry, I...

Oh, I have on more birdie.

All right. Where did I put it?

Must be in here somewhere.
That's not it. Found it!

This is a family heirloom
passed down

from my great-great-Abuela
Evita Corcovado,

who was World Badminton champion
in .

It has been handed down
from generation to generation,

and now entrusted to me.

It's the precious
Corcovado Birdie.

It's so beautiful.

Made from the real bird feathers
of the resplendent quetzal.

It's over years old.

Whoa. It should be in a museum.
We can't play with that.

Oh, don't worry.
It's indestructible.

It looks like
it could fly by itself.

As long as it never flies away.
I can never ever lose it.

And remember, I get winner.

Okay, let's see
who serves first.

Yes, it's pointing at me.
My serve!

Oh, you're going to need
all the help you can get.

I'll help you take the birdie
out of your ear, after this!


Chris has him running
like a wild chicken!


(Muffled speaking)

Well, Martin got a hole in one,

Wrong sport, Martin!

In a warthog hole.


Oh, you're going to
want to watch this!




Why do they call it badminton?
Why not awesome-minton?

Woo-hoo! Got you now!


Sorry, guineafowl. You're not
the birdie I was aiming for.

A lucky shot, bro.
See if you can handle this.

Whoa. That was a secretive,
hardly-ever-seen caracal.

With an ' vertical leap.

I want to jump like that.

What a pretty kitty.

It took my birdie!

She's gone!

With my birdie!

The Caracal can completely
disappear into the grass.

I want my birdie back!

That birdie was handed down
through my family for years

until it got to me.

And now I lost it.

It's not lost,
just temporarily borrowed

by a secretive,
well-camouflaged wildcat.

More like totally cat-napped.


Don't worry, Aviva. Martin and
Chris are going to find it.

Yeah, okay, Aviva.
We'll find it.

Only catch is a caracal
happens to be

the hardest-to-find wildcat
in all of Africa!

Yeah, and if a caracal
doesn't want you to find her,

you don't find her.

So, we'll just round up
that desert kitty

and bring your birdie back.

Everything's going to
turn out purr-fect.

Martin, a caracal isn't even
one of the purring cats.

I know. I was just trying
to cheer her up.

I just hope we're not making
a promise we can't keep.


How are we going to find
a small tan cat

in a sea of tall tan grasses?
This is a cat-astrophe.

A cat-aclysm.

A total disaster!
A total disaster!

All we ever see are guineafowl.


Guineafowl, guineafowl,

Well, I like their blue faces.

You know, not enough animals
are blue.


Chris! What makes a gaggle
of guineafowl nervous?

A high-flying,
bird-eating wildcat?

Yeah, a caracal!
Yeah, a caracal!


Can't lose her.

Fan out.

At ground zero. Only feathers
here. She's on the move.

Got her at :.

Oh, this is our chance.
Stay with her.

Lost her, again? Why would she
take off with the bird so fast?

Usually, a caracal
will eat where she catches.

Unless she has kittens.

Unless she has kittens!

Then she'll bring it
back to the den.

But where?



Aviva's really sad about this
and we cannot cheer her up.

Any luck?

Well, we spotted her once

and then she disappeared again.

Caracal's don't leave
many tracks either.

You know, I think the only way
to find a caracal

is to be a caracal.
We need Caracal Powers.

Hey, and if Aviva
gets working on a solution,

that might help cheer her up.
I'm on it.


Went down the wrong pipe, eh?


It's her.
Oh, well that's a nice surprise.

Half the secret to finding
animals is just being outside.

All right,
this is our chance now.

No sudden movements,
no loud sounds, no surprises.

Whoa, look at
her huge hind legs.

That's where the caracal's

extreme jumping power
comes from.



Told you caracal's were
the hiss-iest of all the cats.

You did? No, you didn't.

Oh, I meant too.

Anyway, you're right. She's even
out-hissing the crocodile.

She's got one tough attitude.

Make that one tough cat-ittude.

And what a jump!
We got to see that again.

Check out those
lightning-fast reflexes.

And her powerful leg muscles

sh**t her straight up
into the air.

Just out of the reach
of the croc's jaws.

Only the caracal-- Oh no.

We lost her again!

We've kept up with cheetahs--

And lions--

And leopards, but we can't
catch up to a caracal.

So, why don't we let
the caracal catch us?

Huh? Oh, a bird lure!

We can activate our suits
with guineafowl powers

and let the caracal catch us!

Uh no, did you see those claws?

I'll activate the Creature Power
Suits anytime I can,

but as a birdie,
in caracal country? No way.

I was thinking more of
a bird-mobile.

Hmm, a bird-mobile! Nice.

Aviva, come in. Change in plans.

We know a sure-fire way to find
your birdie and get it back.

I'll try anything.

How about a miniaturized

in a guineafowl disguise?
A guineafowl flapper!

I'm on it!

Get back here as fast
as you can. It'll be ready.


Okay, here's a creature quiz
for you.

One guineafowl, really nervous,

times equals?

One hunting caracal!



Two guineafowl in one leap?

That cat has
some quick paws too!


Ooh, a cheetah wants in
on the action.

Hey, that's cheating.

Cheetahs rarely steal food.

But competition is fierce out
here between the wildcats.

This isn't cheating.

It's cheetah-ing.


Oh no! We lost her again.

At least we got
a fast ride home.

Race you.

Activate Cheetah Powers.
Activate Cheetah Powers.

First one to the Tortuga wins!

I'll be waiting for you.

Oh no.


What are you guys doing?

Aviva said get here fast.

But not like
a destructive meteor.


I won though.

No way. I had you by a whisker.

Any luck finding my birdie?

Not yet. But that's why
we need a bird-mobile,

to lure in that crafty caracal.

It's finished.

The Guineafowl Flapper!
The Guineafowl Flapper!

It's perfect.

Don't worry, Aviva.
We'll get your birdie back.

That's what you said last time.

But now we have a bird-mobile.

That birdie is really, really
important to me, please--

We'll find it.

Continue Mission:
Bring Back Badminton Birdie.

Let's go, Guineafowl Flapper!

Nice flying action, Chris.

Thanks, bro. But how long
are we going to have to do this?

How about another
guineafowl alarm?


Nice. Would've fooled me. Uh oh.

It got a spotted eagle owl's
attention. Evasive maneuvers!

Nice turn, Martin.

But don't accidentally
get away from the caracal!

Don't think I could. Look!

Hello, hang time!

It worked. Our plan worked!

Woo-hoo. Now the caracal
will just take us back

to where she stashed
Aviva's birdie.

What could go wrong now?



We did it!

They can be so weird sometimes.

That's okay with me. They found
the caracal who took my birdie.

And they're hanging with it.

More like hanging
from the jaws of death.

Why is Hang Time holding us
over an aardvark hole?

Because she wants to drop us in?


Emergency light on!

Any sign of the birdie?

Not yet. Let's have a look.

Scanning with Bird Beam.

Aviva's birdie!

Yes! We found it!

Oh, let's get it!

Wait a sec.
The only reason a caracal

would bring a bird back
to the den, would be to feed--

Caracal kittens!

We're in an aardvark hole--

Which is a caracal den.

We've been miniaturized
to mouse size--

With two cute--

But hungry--

Caracal kittens between us
and Aviva's birdie.

Now what?

Aviva, come in!
We're in trouble.

I think your Guineafowl Flapper
worked a little too well.

Oh, did you see my birdie?

We need caracal powers.

There's no way I can
make them fast enough.

I don't even feel inspired.
I'm so worried about my birdie.

Well, good news.
We found your birdie.

But we'll have
a really hard time

bringing it back to you,
if we're--

Cat food!
Cat food!

Hang on.

Come on, Aviva.
We know you can do it.


Huh? You're right.
I can do this.

I just need to focus on

the caracal's amazing
creature powers.

We got to get out of here

before the kittens break open
the Guineafowl Flapper

and start playing with
the mouse brothers!

Mouse brothers?
Who're the mouse brothers?



Too late!


Hey, retractable claws
are pretty interesting.

Claws out when they need them,
in when they don't.

Tell me how interesting they are
when they hook you!

Aviva, if you have
that caracal disc ready,

now would be a great time.

Almost there.

Send it, Jimmy! Send it!




Activate Caracal Powers!
Activate Caracal Powers!

Keep them busy, Chris.

I'm making a break
for the birdie.


They're onto you, bro.


Thanks, bro. I'm clear.


Pounce More!


We're too heavy.
He can't carry all three of us.

Caracal powers to the rescue.


That was a close call,
Pounce More.

Let's get you back home
before that owl comes back.

Uhh, Chris? Which way is home?

The owl couldn't have
carried us that far.

But the grass is too tall here.
I can't see the way back.

Dude, tall grass is no problem
when you have caracal powers!

Over there, the aardvark hole,

that way!

Come in, Martin.
Chris? Chris, can you hear me?

Come in, Kratt Bros.
Calling all Kratt Brothers.

This is the Wild Kratts crew.
Please respond.

Oh, it's no use.
I just can't find them.

First, I lost my birdie and now
I've lost the Kratt Brothers!

I have an idea. Aviva, did you
install GPS trackers

in the caracal
Creature Power Suits?

Well, yeah.
But they aren't working.

That's okay. Maybe we can't
find out where they are now.

But if we use the data
from when they called us earlier

and combined it with Jimmy Z's
last teleporter co-ordinates--

We can triangulate
the last known position!

Oh, yeah!


Koki, you're a genius!

Wow, caracal night vision
is awesome.

Yeah, their eyes are specially
adapted for hunting in the dark.

What is it, buddy?
Do you see something?

More like hear something.
Check out his ears!


Good things caracals
are really fast too!

Yeah, a full grown caracal can
run as fast as a young cheetah.


I think we lost him.

Woo. I'm starting to understand
why Hang Time

chose an aardvark hole
to hide her kittens in.

Wow, life as a caracal kitten
is dangerous.

I think we should
be getting close now.


The hyena found us!

Pounce More, no!

Stay back!
Stay back!

Hang Time!
Hang Time!

The birdie!

See you.

Looks like another successful
creature rescue.

And Pounce More's back home,
safe with his little sister.

Time to head home.

But which way is that?


I don't believe it.

The caracal den
was right here the whole time.


Well, the caracal is one
secretive, hard-to-find cat

who could be right nearby
and you'd just never know it.

Let's get this birdie
back to Aviva.

Aviva, Aviva!

You made it back!
You found my birdie!

(Speaking Spanish)

Do you guys want to deactivate
your caracal powers

before returning to normal size?

Just bring us back to real size.

We're playing badminton
with caracal powers.

Let's play Caracal-minton!

Your serve, bro.


Even caracal powers aren't going
to save you when I get winner!


Hey, Martin, how about a game
of Caracal-minton?

I am in.

All right.

Here you go, Chris.

Medium sized wildcats are
awesome. You got the serval.

The caracal.

They're fast and they're tough.

Caracals and servals are so hard
to find in the wild.

Oh, but one time
we got so lucky,

we found a Caracal
hunting at night.

Yeah, we spotted him
in the grass and watched

as he snuck up on something,

a roost of guineafowl
in the dark.

He crept closer and closer

and leaped!


He got one! That was some
incredible creature find.

Whoa, she's back.

Want to play?

Okay, this is how it works.

Chris and I each try
to score a point.

But if the birdie drops
and the serval gets it,

the serval wins the point.

So, the serval wins if
the serval gets birdies.

What about you, caracal?
Are you in?

We named this game after you.
I got a birdie.

Nope, guess not.

But the serval's ready to play.
Here we go.

Oh, score for the serval.

I think when the serval wins,
we lose a birdie.

All right, Chris, let's see if
we can get some points

before the serval gets back.

Let's do it!


You are into it, huh?

She's got another one.

Net ball, victory serval.

Serval, two.
Kratt Brothers, nothing.

We got to pick it up, Chris.

All right.

Oh, another point, serval.

Okay, serval, you win.

Three points to nothing.

Game over.

You are definitely the champion
of Caracal-minton.

Well played, serval.
Well played.

See you on the creature trail.

We'll see you there!
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