06x10 - Opposites Attract/The Art Museum

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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06x10 - Opposites Attract/The Art Museum

Post by bunniefuu »

( Snoring )

( Gasps )

( Kids laughing )

( Birds singing... )

( Toots bicycle horn )

So what do you
want to do at
the park, buddy?

I don't know.

What do you want to do,

I don't know. There's lots of
neat stuff to do at the park

When you're with
your bestest friend.

We could play...

'Splorers? Oh,
that's just what

I was thinking, too!


We could, uh,
baldly go

Where no baby's
ever gone before!

And maybe even climb
on some rocks.

Um, that sounds kind of scary.

No, it's just
aventure, chuckie.

Aventure? That's what
you called it yesterday

When you got me

To play rolly coaster

By hanging on
to spike's tail

While he ran
across the yard!

You didn't like that?


So, I was thinking
today maybe

We could pick
some dampylions.

And then find
a nice bug to talk to.

Gee, chuckie

That doesn't sound
like much fun

When we gots the whole
wide world to play in.

Well, I just, I want
to have a nice day at the park

And I can't if I'm being
all ascared of stuff!

Well, I want to have
a fun day at the park

And I can't if I'm
just sitting around

Picking dampylions!


I think somebody's got
their dipeys in a bunch.







Come on, you guys.

You gots to help us

Play on the rocks?

Or pick dampylions?

I know, let's spit
on the dirt!

Then we can play
with the ants

When they come out
and get a drink.

Yeah. ( Giggles )

Hmm, well...

Maybe we just shouldn't
play together today.

Maybe you're right,


I guess this
is good-bye-bye.

Yup, I guess so.

( Sneakers squeaking )

Bye... Tommy.

Bye, chuckie.

( Cooing )

Hey, I just happen
to have brought

My souvenir deck
from our vegas trip.

How about a little game of
five-card stud there, hotshot?

Well, why not?

Oh, can I shuffle?

Ah, knock yourself

( Humming merrily )

( Laughs ) oh!

( Sighs )


This is exactly
what I wanted to do.

I don't need tommy to have fun.

I can walk on the nice,
safe grass...

And then I can, I can smell
the nice, safe flowers...

And I can look up
at the nice, safe sky...


Nothing scary anywheres.

( Both scream )

( Sighs with relief )

I thought you was
a monster or something.

That's what I thought, too.

I'm freddie.

Hi, freddie.

I'm chuckie.

I-i gots a nice spot
here by the tree.

You want to sit with me?

Well, i, I was going
to pick some dampylions.

We could do that!

As long as we're careful

Not to get any
stuck up our nose.

Ooh, I never thought
of that.


( Chuckles )

( Grunting )

I guess it's a good thing
chuckie didn't come with me

Or else I'd probably
never be on this rock.

Oh... Just wish I had someone
to 'splore with, though.

hey. You going
to jump or what?


Hi. I'm samantha

But everyone calls me "sam."

Are you going to jump?

Um... Sure!

( Grunting )

( Yelps )

( Yelps again )

( Gasps )

Wow, that was
some good jumping!

Oh, anybody can jump off
a baby rock.

I know where there's
even bigger ones

And tree branches to swing from

And even a cave!

You mean you're not too ascared?

Me? I'm not
scared of nothing.

Come on, let's go!

( Spitting and sputtering )

I don't know if I
gots any more spit.

I know! Let's go to
the water fountain.

We can get a drink
and spit it in the bucket.

Yeah! Good
thinking, lillian.

A-and how about

The monsters that
live under the bed?

Oh, oh, yeah.

I'm ascared of those!

How about the dentist
and the hair-cutter man?


A-and falling down
the drain?

Uh-huh, uh-huh!

And clowns, and the guy
on the oatmeal box.


And your oatmeal

Coming up
and eating you?!

Uh... Huh?

It could suck you
right into the bowl!

You got to be real careful
around oatmeal.

You do?

( Gulps )

Oh, great.

You mean now
I even got to

Be ascared
of breakfast?

( Laughing, yelling )

hey, ho!

'Splorer sam

That was the bestest cave
I ever 'splored.

I went in one yesterday

That was bigger
and darker.

That's where I got,
oh, this boo-boo.

Oh, you sure gots
lots of boo-boos.

Yup. I got this one
when mommy told me

Not to pull on the lampshade,
and I did it, anyway

And this one's when daddy said
not to climb on the table...

Um, one time, I told
angelica to go away.

Hey, look at that mud puddle!

I know, let's pretend

That's an ocean
and we're pirates!

Pretending is for 'fraidy cats.

Let's jump in and see
how deep it is!




Hey, we can see
the whole park

From that rock.

Come on!

Oh, I don't know.

It's looks
pretty high up.

Don't worry, tommy.

I got these.

( Grunting )


Some anties
came for a drink.

This ought to get us
a bazillion of them.

( Both laughing )

( Laughing )


Look at all
the hearts, dil.

Aren't they pretty?
( Laughing )

S-s-s-ssand lizards?!

( Gasps, gulps )

They go in your pockets
to eat that linty stuff.

Then, when you reach
your hand in...

I don't want to know!
( Yells )

Maybe the safest thing to do
is just sit here.

Wait a minute.

First you tell me

My oatmeal's going to eat me

And I believed you, 'cause,
well, that could happen.

But sand lizards?

I've been in
a bazillion sand boxes

And except for that one time
when angelica's little fluffy

Thought it was a big poop box

I never been ascared of
a sandbox in my whole life!

I mean, you can't
be afraid of
everything, fred!

I mean, you got
to do something!


( Catching breath )

Phil, lil:
hi, chuckie.

Look, we gotted
our ants all wet.

( Screams )

You can't put water on ants!

It makes them

( Twins gasp )


Phillip, our anties
is getting away!

Well, just put
them back in.

Hurry, get 'em.

Um, sam, uh, you're
going kind of high.

Not high enough!

I'm going over!

You could get another boo-boo

And I think you're
running out of room!

( Screams )

Hey, that kid's in trouble!

What should I do?

Well, we gots to help him, sam.

That could be fun!

( Yelps )

( Gasps )

( Gasps )

The ants are pulling my hair!



What happened?

That's my new friend

And he's stuck
in the rope ladder.

Oh. That's my new friend, sam,
making it worse.

Well, don't
you think, um

We better do
something, tommy?

You mean together?


( Twins laughing )

Hi, chuckie!

Hey, I got a idea.

Phil and lil,
you get on the

And tommy could climb up
the other end.

Great idea, chuckie!

( Laughing )

Chuckie, you gots to get on,

( Laughing )

( Gasps, screams )

( Screaming )

( Stammering )

( Gasps )

Sam, let go!

I'm saving him!

No, you're not, sam.

You're just making
everything scarier.

Oh, okay.

Hey, kid, try it this way.


D-d-do I have to do it

Th-th-that way?

No, you're okay now,

( Sniffling )


( Stammering )

Ooh, ah, ooh! Quit it!

Are you okay, sam?

Yeah! Saving
kids is fun.

You want to play
some more?

No thanks, sam.

I think I've had enough
aventures for today.

Well, I want to
play with somebody.

Hey, kid, did

You ever jump
in a mud puddle?

B-b-but what about

The mud people?

( Laughing )

Oh, look, betty,
another full home.

What the...? Doh!

Didi, that's ten games
in a row.

Aw, give me the baby.

You play solitaire.

( Muttering ):
crying out loud.

You know, chuckie

I guess bestest friends

Don't have to always
like the same stuff.

I think me being me

And you being you
is just perfect.

Wow, tommy, that's just
what I was thinking, too.

( Gasps )
one more ant.

Hey, that's one
of my ants.

Is not, phillip.

is too, lillian!

aunt didi...

Why do we have to go

To a boring
old art museum?

Oh, it won't be boring,

They're putting up the new
alexander caldwell mobile today.

You'll love it,

It's just like the
one in your crib

Except it's lots bigger.

( Burp )

We're not going just for dil.

According to my
latest newsletter

A trip to the art museum helps

To broaden children's
multicultural perspective

By teaching them to see
themselves in the art.


Can we go to
a toy store?

Did my mommy
say we was going

To see ourselves
in some art?

I think so.

Who's art?

My mommy says our
drawings is art.

And then she puts them
on the frige-a-dator.

I never seen myself on
the frige-a-dator.

I saw myself
in a mirror
one time

Or maybe that
was lillian.

No, that was you.

Why was I
wearing a bow?

Maybe you wanted to look
prettiful that day.

Oh, yeah.

I had a great
idea, grandpa.

Let's go back to that
army circus store

You always take us to

And buy more stuff
for your falling shelter.

Not today, angelica.

I've been looking forward
to this little outing.

Always been partial
to art museums.

At least, ever since a certain
parisienne named fifi helped me

Hide out in the
louvre for 15 days

When I was working for
the french underground.

Now, that was
back in 1947...

I don't see myself

In this picture.

Well, they'll be
raising the mobile
in just half an hour.

Pop, want
to hang out

In modern art
till it goes up?

Actually, I was
thinking of taking
an audio tour.

Okay, pop.

Just be back
in half an hour.

Come on, angelica.

This will be very

I don't see myself
in this picture neither.

I saw a bug that
looked like that

After I felled
on him.

Stu, can you keep
an eye on the kids?

I'm going to have
to keep dil busy.

Sure, deed.

( Groans )

Excuse me.

My friend and I
are debating

About the meaning
of that piece.

This? I think it means
somebody forgot their lunch.

Somebody forgot their....

Yes, yes, that's it, exactly!

Forgive me, sir.

You must be an
art connoisseur.


Would you give us
a few pointers?

Well, i, I don't really know
anything about the... Sure.

Why not?


I thought she was
going to take us

On the audio tour.

Two bits
down the drain.

Well, where shall we start?

Looks like a good spot.

Here we go.

"As far back as 3500 b.c.

The ancient sumerians mastered
irrigation and flood control."

Oh, boy.

"A fertile
oasis among

"An otherwise parched,
parched land.

The water..."

( Snores )

"The water..."

( Snoring )

There must be something fun

To do around here.

okay, people.

I need to have
everybody's complete

And undivided

Before we begin
the tour.

That's better.

Now follow me.


( Snores )

Okay, babies!

I need to have everybody's

Complete and
un-provided detention

Before we can get started!

Started on what,

I'm taking you
lucky babies

On the angelica pickles
world of art tour.

Now, let's go.

Come on, guys.

Maybe we can find

In a picture
in those other rooms.

I'll bet I'm in more pictures
than you, lillian.

Uh-uh, philip.

I was thinking

That maybe I'd just
stay here and...

Are you babies coming or not?

...or maybe I'll go, too.

Who the heck are you?

We thought
you told us

To follow you, mrs.
Nice older person.

I could get used
to this place.

All right,
everybody listen up.

( Man talking on tape... )

This is the bust of queen
nepher... Nepher

Queen angelica, wife
of so on and so forth

And she was really,
really beautiful.

So beautiful

They couldn't stop

Making pictures and
statues of her and...

That statue doesn't look
like angelica to me.

I guess she
seen herself

In there

They both gots
big mouths.


hey, guys,
over here!

I think I finded myself
in this story.

What story?

The one on this
big flower pot.

Um, once upon a time, there was
a king with a funny hat.

look, it's
king tommy.

and one day

Two friends came
to see him

And they went to see
their other friend

Who was part people
and part doggie.

Arf, arf.

Part doggie?

Uh... Get me out of here!

I was just trying
to see us in the art.

Well, I don't want
to see myself in there

Especially if I
can't be all people.

I do.

I want to be
part reptar!

I want to be part reptar, too!

You could be
reptar's butt.


hey, you babies

Are slowing
down the tour.

Let's go!

Hey, angelica

What's this one called?

You babies will
never learn

Anything if you
keep asking questions.

This picture is called "the
garden of earthworm delights."

It's not a very good picture,
'cause I'm not in it.

Now, if you'll
go to my left

We have some nice pictures
of me wearing hats.

Lillian, look, there we are!



And look,
there's chuckie.


Which I think
unequivocally sums up

The anti post-modern

Of this so-called
"blank wall."


This place
is great.

You don't need to
know anything

About art to be an expert.

I'm glad you're
enjoying it, honey.

Where are the kids?

The mobile's going up
in ten minutes.

Uh, the kids?

Oh, I'm sure
they're right...

I'll be right back.

( Sighs )

( Babbles, giggles )

( Snoring, murmuring drowsily )

Ah, fifi...

Chuckie, that guy
in the picture
looked like you.

Oh, great.

First tommy thinks
I'm part doggie

And then you guys say
a goat's eating me!

Well, I don't
want to see myself

In any of these
dumb old pictures.

Hey, that statue
reminds me

Of when chuckie got
potty trained.

Can you see

In this, chuckie?


I don't like to go potty
when I'm nakey.

And I sure wouldn't
want to do it out here

Where everybody can see me.

Hey, hurry up

You snow pokes.

I got a lot of art
to talk about.

Okay, people.

Now follow me.

There they are.



Sorry, sir.

I have 22 more centuries

To cover before closing time.

Let's go, people.

And this is a pinkcasso called

♪ Ta-da! ♪

"Portrait of angelica."

That's supposed
to be a person?

I think she's
going to throw up.

I think she
already throwed up.

Hey, guys!

Guys, I did it!

I found a picture of me!

You like... This picture?


This is exactly how I felt

That time I got my head
stuck in that sock.

And then, when I saw
that mean, old bluebird

On the way to tommy's house

And then, when, um,
I got att*cked

By that giant dust bunny.

You're right,

This is the perfect
picture of you.

( Beeping )

Okay, frank.

It's time to raise that mobile.

Start the winch.

( Grunts )

( Whirring... )

And this colludes

The angelica pickles
world of art tour.

Thank you and come again.

Young lady, did you lead

All these children
away from their parents?


Don't worry, deed,
I found them.


( Machine whirring )


Are you all right?

( Babbling )

That was
just brilliant.

Totally avant garde, man.

That's my boy.

( Chuckling )

Ooh, ooh, ooh, whoa.

Hey. Whoa!

Look, guys, I can
see my dad in that art.

Wow, I see it, too.

( Shouting ):

I think it looks
more like spike.

Hey, anybody want
to play art museum
over there?

Hey, yeah, come on, let's go.

( All laughing... )

you could be reptar's butt.

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