02x23 - Rocket Jaw: Rescuer of the Reef

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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02x23 - Rocket Jaw: Rescuer of the Reef

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

We're here off the coast
of South America.

In the Caribbean Sea.

Hey, it's us, the Kratt
brothers. I'm Martin.

I'm Chris.

A healthy coral reef is full
of all sorts of creatures:

millions of colorful fishes--

Lots of corals and sponges--

All kinds of other creatures,
from sea turtles to dolphins.

And today, we're looking for
a certain kind

of very unusual coral reef fish.
And this one is a great hider.

But he's also one of the fastest
striking predators in the sea.

So look out.

Let's go!

The rocky-looking stuff
around us is coral.

Then there are sponges and--

Whoa, there's a hiding creature,

a moray eel, waiting in ambush.

But he's not the fish
we're looking for.

I wonder where he's hiding?

There's another
great hider right here.

Do you see him?

A flounder!

See his mouth opening?

He's almost invisible
against the sand.

But still no sign of him.

Wait, down there,

our mystery fish. See him?

We found one!

The creature we're looking for
is down there

resting amongst
all those sponges.

See if you can find him.

A frogfish!

Do you see it?

The frogfish camouflages himself

to look exactly like
his surroundings. Amazing.

This is one strange fish.

Imagine if we could get to know
this very strange reef creature.

And experience his incredible
creature powers

of stealth and speed.

What if?
What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

Uhh, are you sure you want to
go down there now?

Oh yeah.
Night time is the best time.

It's the only time to see them.

Yeah, well, who's "Them"?

I mean, maybe we don't really
want to see them.

They're only some of

the most important creatures
on the planet.

Who, us?

Aww. Thanks, guys.

Jimmy, the creatures we're
heading down there for

are very strange sea creatures
that built the coral reef.

A creature makes that?

I thought it
was rocks and stuff.

No way.

It all comes from an animal,

a special animal
that hides out during the day.

But at night, under the cover
of darkness, they come out.

And they build--

Bit by bit, higher and higher,
the reef rises,

so big it's the largest living
structure in the world.

But by dawn, when the sun rises,
they go back into hiding, gone,

like they were never here.

Okay, are you trying to freak me
out? 'Cause it's working.

It's exciting, Jimmy!

I'll say!

I thought we were going down
to do a check-up on reef health

for the World Reef Science Team.
But who are these creatures?

And how come no one ever
told me about them?

What are they called?




See you.
See you.

Huh, what a funny name.

This should be a good spot
to find them, Martin.

Oh yeah.

Oh, I hope we got here in time.

Yeah, they should be
coming out right about now.


No sign of them yet.

So now, we wait.

Look, they're coming out!

Whoa, ho! Polyps!

They're everywhere!

Wow! They're beautiful.

You mean these colorful things
are creatures?

They look like flowers.

Oh yeah,
they're animals all right.

Every one of them is a creature.

And check it out.

The hard rocky part
is their skeleton.

See, they build a skeleton
outside their bodies

and they can hide inside it,

until they're ready to come out.

You mean this whole reef is made

of the skeletons
of these little guys?

That's right:

polyp skeleton,
built on polyp skeleton,

built on more polyp skeletons
for millions of years.

And now millions of creatures
live here,

in and amongst the coral,

more different types
of sea creatures

than any other ocean habitat.

Yeah, but we know these reefs
are fragile habitats.

And if we're going to do
our annual reef check-up,

to make sure it's healthy,
we'd better get to it.

Okay, let's get in there
for a close look, guys.

On it. Ah!

Ah, wha... Ah, ooh, ah.

Close enough? Ooh!

Oh, bro, you just got harpooned.



You have to zoom in with
a microscope to see it,

but the polyp shot that
tiny needle-like harpoon

from his tentacle.

That's how they hunt for food.

Hey, what're you harpooning me
for? I'm not food.

Ah, here comes some stuff that's
probably tastier than you.

Ultra zoom on.

That's what they love to eat:

And see? There are the harpoons,
ready for launch.

Ooh, he did it.
He scored some lunch.

He reels it in with his harpoon

and the tentacles push
the little meal to his mouth,

right down there in the center.

Wow! I like these little guys.

And all this time, I thought
coral was just a bunch of rocks.


What are you doing?

Leave that coral alone!

Those fish
are destroying the reef!

So, that's why the coral reefs
are disappearing,

those reef-eating fish.

Whoa, not so fast.
They're parrotfish, Aviva.

And they're not why
the reefs are in trouble.

Check it out.

He's scraping algae
off the coral

with his hard beak
and eating it.

And he does k*ll and even eat
some polyps while he's at it.

But he's also keeping the algae
from taking over

and choking out the reef.



So, you see, it's all balanced.

Parrotfish are part of
a healthy reef.

Okay, that's good, because coral
reefs have enough problems

with pollution and stuff without
any new dangers popping up.

That's right.

After all, a lot of creatures
depend on these guys.

Without them,
the reef wouldn't even exist.




I told you it would work.

My robotic programming makes
this fish do whatever I want.

I send him out to fetch coral
and he brings it back to me.

Yes, good work, fish dog.

"Fish dog"?


Oh, yeah, that's right, him.

Now give me the coral.

Ah, yes.

If I dry this out
and polish it up,

I could make
a gorgeous necklace.

And sell it.

Or some earrings.

And sell them.

Or maybe a belt buckle.

And sell that too,
and I get rich!

You mean "We".
We both get rich, remember?

You collect the coral
with those robot fish,

I make the jewellery,
/ partners. Deal?

Ugh, don't you endangered animal
fashion designers trust anybody?

Fine. Deal.

Okay, Zach-bots,

our test run worked.

And with these fishies doing
our coral collecting for us,

no one will ever know
it's us that took it.


All these fish
are working for us now.

Fit them with my robotic vests
and brain caps.

Let's roll!

No, not literally.
I meant "Get going."

Move! Move!


Just a little glitch.

Soon, we will have coral,
Donita, lots of it.

Oh, but Zach, don't you mean--

All of it!
All of it!

Yes, all the coral in the sea
will be ours!


Okay, so last night,

we figured out that this area
of the reef is looking good:

healthy coral, water pollution
low, stable temperatures.

Now, all we have to do
is finish our fish survey.

And then we'll go
and do a check-up

on a different part of the reef.

I love being
a coral reef doctor.

All part of being
the Wild Kratts crew.

Hey, JZ,

did the guys start the survey?

Yeah, and I'm helping
lure in some fish.

Really? How?

With this!

Here, fishy, fishy,
fishy, fishy!

Don't be fooled
by that trick, buddy.

Things aren't always
what they seem.


Guys, you down there?

Roger that, Tortuga.
We're just finishing up.

Found a whopping different
species of sea creature

living in this
small area of reef.

Yeah, but I think we counted
all of them now.

They don't call me
"Fish Finder Marty" for nothing.

Who calls you that?

Oh, I do, sometimes.

We'll be topside in a--

Uhh, guys, coral doesn't walk,
does it?

No. It doesn't move at all.

You sure it doesn't walk?

Walking? Now that would be
a real trick.

Ha, walking coral, imagine that.

You don't have to imagine it.
Just turn around.


It's... It's impossible!

It's unbelievable!


A frogfish!
A frogfish!

What? A who?

A frogfish. It's not coral.

It's a fish
pretending to be coral.

Things aren't always
what they seem.

Aviva, make that plus
different creatures

on this part of the reef.

Oh, what a strange guy.

Hey, he actually walks
on his fins.

I got to film this guy.

But what's with
the camouflage anyway?

Why is he pretending
to be coral?

No, wait.
Don't poke around there.

It's not coral.
It's a giant mouth!

Whoa! Did you see that?

See what?

Did you blink?

Maybe. I might have.

Then you missed it.

Missed what?

Hey, where'd that snapper go?

Rocket Jaw over here--

Can I call you Rocket Jaw?

Well, he kind of, well,
made him disappear.

Oh, now he's a magician?

Yeah, sort of.
He swallowed him, whole!

That's impossible!

That snapper was huge.

Besides, he was here a second
ago. I blinked and he was gone.

Yeah, that's all it took.

Hey, my Creature Pod
was still on record.

Maybe it's captured here.

Up-linking video feed.

Hmm, a bunch of coral,
more coral.


There! Go back.


Rocket Jaw rocks!

You're not kidding.
That was six milliseconds!

Let's see that in slow motion.

Wow. The mouth is faster
than the eye.

I don't believe it.

That gape-and-suck trick is the
fastest attack of any animal.

I've got to match that speed.

Muscles can't even twitch
at six milliseconds.

By suddenly widening her mouth
twelve times bigger than usual,

she makes a suction that pulls
the water and fish towards her.

So, not only does she lunge her
jaws forward at lightning speed,

but also sucks the fish towards
her mouth at the same time!

And with that huge mouth

and giant stomach, she can even
swallow things twice her size.

Guess what, guys.

You got to make a Power Disc?

I gotta!

I thought so.


Ugh, your surroundings
are very uncomfortable

and, well, grey, Zach.

I'm glad I had Dabio drop me off
with my chaise longue.

Hey! I like grey.

It's very, uhh, grey. Huh?

Well, I want
the colorful corals:

pinks, yellows, reds.
I'll need lots of them, Zach.

My line of coral rings, earrings
and necklaces

will be the talk of the town,

not to mention
my coral encrusted shoes,

belts, gowns and swimwear.

Oh, what good
is coral in the sea

when it'll look
much better on me?

There, that's the last one.

My coral-collecting robotic fish
are complete!

Now, I simply activate the fetch
command and homing feature

and these nice little guppies
will bring me coral

until there is no coral
left to bring!

They're guppies?

Something like that,
guppies, goldfish, whatever.

Oh, who cares?
Let's get them going, Zach.

Guppies, fetch!

And now, for my greatest act
of all time,

I too will disappear
into the reef, frogfish style.

Huh? Whoa!

What? Martin?

Well, he did disappear.

Ta-da? Ooh.

Hey, what's with those fish?

They're breaking off
huge chunks of the reef!

I've never seen that kind
of parrotfish before!

At that rate,
they'll destroy the whole reef.

I mean, reefs only grow '
every years.

Once it's destroyed,

it may never have a chance
to grow back.

We need to get a closer look
at those guys.


Look, that one doesn't see
Rocket Jaw.




Well, that's one way
to protect the reef.



Is something wrong?

Hey, this fish has
a weird platinum vest.

Zach Varmitech!
Zach Varmitech!

He's controlling
these poor parrotfish,

having them destroy the reef!

But why?

I don't know.

But we've got to stop them,
and fast!


But how?

They're too quick!

Like the reefs aren't
in enough trouble already.

Now they have Zach
messing with them!

That may be true.

But we have Rocket Jaw and his
frogfish powers on our side.

Power Disc Actualizer on!

All set.

Guys, get ready to catch
robot fish, frogfish style!


Zap it!


Activate Frogfish Powers!
Activate Frogfish Powers!

Yes, the old frogfish color
change trick. Let's go camo.

Okay, now this is
my disappearing act.

Okay, parrotfish,
bet you can't see us.



Yeah! It's working, Chris!

And just like a real frogfish,

we can grab them so quickly
that the rest of the school

doesn't even notice
they're missing.

Let's fill 'er up.


Okay, Jimmy, bring 'em up.

Don't worry, little parrotfish.

We'll get you free in no time.

Coming down.

Nice work, JZ.



Six milliseconds!

Ha! This is so easy
with frogfish power.

Yeah, we'll have this
taken care of in no time.

Where are they, Zach?



Zach! Not now.


We're already hiding!

Oh yeah.

Like I said, I don't know why

they're not all coming back,

See, these ones
are working fine.


Let's see over here.

There are one, two,
three, four, five,

five fully functioning Varmitech
robots right here.

Uhh, Zach, that's four,
four fish, not five.


There were five!

Hey, something's fishy here.

Fish, Zach, fish are fishy.

Chris, Martin,
there's a problem.

We can't free the fish.

The robotic gear is locked on

and can only be deactivated
with Zach's controller.

We need that remote.
You have to get Zach's remote.

We'd have to sneak up
on him or something.

Hey, cut that out, Rocket Jaw.
We've got to think here.

Wait a second.
That's another trick!

Frogfish don't only
pretend to be coral.

He actively
lures his prey closer

with that make-believe shrimp.
He fishes for his prey!

Check it out.

Rocket Jaw wiggles that special
spine to make it seem alive.

The fish moves closer,
and closer.


What was that?



Oh, good little guppy.

Keep up the good work.

Aviva, a lure attachment,

we need a frogfish lure
attachment for our suits.

We're on it, guys, one that'll
lure in Zach and Donita,

coming up!

Eight, nine. No, wait. I counted
you. Uhh, nine, eleven.

Oh, forget it!

Zach-bots, listen up!

Make more of those robot
guppies, as many as you can.

And just keep them coming.

There, problem solved.

Now let's get back to making--

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!


Money, treasure!

Ooh, with my picture on it.


Zach, what is wrong with you?


Beautiful, sparkly

coral jewel, I must have it.

It's working, guys!

All you need is the right lure.

You sure are a master
of disguise, Rocket Jaw.

Varmitech gold.

One-of-a-kind Donita jewel.



My aquajet, where'd it go?
It disappeared.

Mine too,
vanished into thin air.

Water, Donita,
vanished into thin water.

Where are they? Why's everything
disappearing around here?

Hey, my remote!


Good one, Rocket Jaw!

The mouth is faster
than the eye.

Oh, those Wild Ratts!
Where are they?

And who's Rocket Jaw?

We're right here,

behind you.

Very funny. Is this some kind
of magic trick?

Give me back my remote!

Hey, Zach: ta-da!





No way. We need it to free
those parrotfish, Zach.

Then you can have it back.


That's right. It's not nice
what you're doing to them.

And, not only that,
the coral is a living creature.

You can't just bust it up
and destroy it.

You're not only hurting
the coral polyps,

but the millions of
sea creatures that live here.

Right, Rocket Jaw?

Who cares? We don't even know
what a polyp is.

Check it out. They're the
creatures all around you and--

I don't care.

Yeah, so give us the remote.

Okay, but not until those
parrotfish and polyps are free.


Stop! My guppies!


Ha! You're free!

Okay, Aviva,
control systems are shut down.

Great, guys,

just in time.

Freeing those polyps now!

They're still alive and well.
But we don't have much time.

Let's get you polyps home!

Now you can have
your remote back, Zach.


Oh, and we almost forgot:
your aquajets too.



We'll get you Wild Ratts!


That's Wild Kratts!
That's Wild Kratts!

With frogfish power!

That's the last one.

Okay, coral polyps,
you're back home.

This special coral polymer
adhesive you invented

really works great, Aviva.

There, all set!

Mission accomplished.

This part of the reef
is back and healthy again.

And we can move on
to do a check-up

on another part
of the coral reef.

Thanks, Rocket Jaw,

for showing us your awesome
powers of disguise and trickery.

Yeah, and a
six millisecond strike?

That's unmatched in
the creature world.

Remember, things aren't always
what they seem

when a frogfish is around.



Anybody hungry? Looks like
Jimmy's luring us up for dinner.

Oh, that one's mine!


No way! I got it!

Not before us!


So, frogfish are one of the
strange and special creatures

that make their home
on the coral reef.

So, let's get back down there

and check out
each amazing feature

that makes the frogfish
such an incredible fish hunter.

Ready, Chris?


First, we have to find him.

he's in the same spot.

Oh! Here's a piece of coral
with polyps out.

See, there are millions
of polyps,

little tentacled creatures
that make up the reef.

Ah, a parrotfish,
a princess parrotfish.

She's eating some algae
off the corals and sponges.

It's all part of a healthy reef.

And there he is,
still in the same spot.

The frogfish!

So, the first feature
is that camouflage skin.

He changes color to match that
little piece of sponge exactly.

It's almost impossible to tell.

Even his body shape
is kind of blobby.

He's also very patient and
will wait completely motionless

for an unsuspecting fish

to come close by.

If that doesn't work,
then there's the lure.

The frogfish can
make his prey come to him

with a built-in fishing pole,

at the end of which is a lure

that looks just like
a tasty shrimp.

The frogfish waves it around.

The fish comes closer,

closer. He waits.

Ooh, he gets it!

One of the fastest strikes
in the creature world.

How can a frogfish do that?
Well, it's all in the mouth.

That mouth opens
almost instantly,

creating the suction
he needs for the strike.

All right,
we'll see you later, buddy,

so we don't blow your cover.

From coral polyps
to parrotfish--

To frogfish and beyond,

coral reefs and the creatures
who live there are incredible.

Keep on creature adventuring.

We'll see you on
the creature trail.

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