02x06 - Regarding Stuie/Garage Sale

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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02x06 - Regarding Stuie/Garage Sale

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Gasps]

what do you say, scout?

Maybe just one of these.


Leave those
carob-tofu clusters alone.

They're for
after dinner.

After dinner?

Why, in my day

We were lucky if we haddinner.

Maybe I'll just head
out in the woods

And jack me a deer--

Cook me up some venison
before I pass out from hun...

What in the name
of sassafras is that?

Presenting the stu pickles


The quack-o-matic--

A fully automated
weather vane.

This gives the temperature,
a weather forecast

And predicts earthquakes,
floods, and meteor showers.

Does it say which way
the wind's blowin'?

I'm working on it.

[ Snorts]

[ Telephone ringing]


A duck that can
tell you everything.

Your dad's fighting

With the duck.

the duck's winning.
How come they're fighting?

maybe the duck doesn't want
to tell him stuff.


Maybe you got
to fight with it first.

Louise wants me to come over
for some boccie ball.

Could you look after the sprats

For the afternoon?

Sure. Whatever you say.

See you later, son.


There. I can hardly wait
to try her out.

[ Quacking]


[ Screaming]

what happened
to your dad, tommy?

Maybe he's
taking a nap.


[ Gasping]

what's he doing?

I don't know.

I never blowed
a bubble

That big before.

You guys

I think my dad
growed down.

You don't mean...

Yeah, I do.

You guys, I think

My dad's turned
into a baby.


He's the biggest baby
I ever sawed.

Think he's friendly?

Yeah. Let's
go play with him.

I don't know.

It's kind of weird
having your dad be a baby.


I'm stuie.

Who are you?

Uh, hi, stuie.

Um, I'm tommy.

Hi, tommy.
Want to play?



This is phil and lil
and chuckie.

Hi, mr. Stuie.

[ Giggling]

You're funny, chuckie.
He talks like a baby

But he sure
doesn't look like one.

You're right, chuckie.

He needs a diaper.

But where we ever going
to find a diaper that big?

Over there.

Okay, stuie.

Hold still.

[ Grunting]


That's better.

Yeah. That's better.

Hey, stuie, let's go inside.

I'll show you my toys.

[ Grunting]

Wow. That was pretty neat.

Hey, I bet my dad... Um, stuie

Can do lots
of other neat stuff too.

What do you mean, tommy?

Well, maybe he can get us
all the things we want

But can't ever get
'cause we're too small.

Like what?

Like, um,
the christmas presents

My mom keeps
high up in the closet.

You mean stuie can
get us christmas presents?

Remember to bring down

All the presents, stuie.


All of them.

Wow. Sure is a lot of neat toys.

Oh... Whoa.


These are even better

Than the presents
I got last year.

Without stuie we would have had
to wait and wait and wait

Till christmas for these.

We're lucky to have
such a big baby around.


He can reach
all kinds of stuff.

Can he reach the cookies?


It doesn't get
any better than this.



Now what, tommy?

Stuie can look
for more cookies.

Oh, I'm kind of full.

[ Burping]

There must be
something else

Real high up
that only stuie can reach.

I know.

Okay, stuie, go!
[ Laughing]

Tommy, I'm
getting wet.

Why are we doing this?

'Cause it's fun, chuckie.


Stu? Is that you in there?


I guess you really
worked up a sweat

With that weather vane.

It looks great.

Are the kids

Still with grandpa?

[ Gurgling]

Good. Well, I just came home
to get the checkbook.

I've changed my mind.

I'm going to buy
that crystal vase.

[ Crying]

You don't want
to spend the money

But it's too good a bargain
to pass up.


Oh, you're such a doll

And I just know
you won't regret this.

Got to run!

She's gone.

Time to play.
[ Growling]

Want to play

With my doll, stuie?

Looks like trouble.

Wow. He can
really cry.
What's wrong, stuie?

Toy broke.

Don't worry. When daddy
gets home, he'll fix...


He's never coming home.

Who's never coming home?

My daddy. He's
never coming home.

He turned into stuie

And now he'll never
be daddy again.

But now you got
stuie to play with.

Yeah. Now you got
a great big baby

To help you get
christmas presents

And eat cookies
and get in trouble.

It's not the same
as having my daddy.

When you were my dad,
you'd build toys for me

And read me stories

And tuck me in at night and...

I miss my daddy!

[ Bawling]

Stuie, you got
to go back

To being a big person.

You got to be tommy's daddy.

You got to get
grown up again.

But I don't want to.

Can you blame him?

Who'd want to be grown up

If you could stay
little forever?

Not me.

Hey, tommy...

Where are
you going?
[ Sobbing]

You miss your daddy,
huh, tommy?


Chuckie said
I should be your daddy.

Aw, stuie, I couldn't
ask you to do that.

I'll try.

Ready to be a grown-up?

Here, stuie.

You use it to talk to yourself.

Here, stuie.

You carry

Your grown-up toys in it.

Here, stuie.

Take it in the bathroom

And don't come out
till practically forever.

Face it, tommy.

He just doesn't know
how to be growed-up.

What about if we made him eat
lots of spinach?

Or having him watch
boring grown-up shows on tv?

What about the duck?

The duck?

What's the duck?

Yeah. He lives
on top of the garage.

The duck knows everything.

He'll tell you
how to be a grown-up.

Come on.

Hello, mr. Duck!

Not like that.

You have to fight the duck
or he won't tell you anything.



But I'm scared.

Sure you're scared, stuie.

Everyone gets scared sometimes

But you can't be scared
all the time.

Well, okay. I'll try.

He's the bravest baby
I ever sawed.

[ Quacks]

Fight him, stuie!

You can do it!

knock him on the head!

make him quack
for mercy!

[ Screaming]

Are you okay, stuie?

What? Huh? Oh...

Nice-looking weather vane.

That quack-o-matic's
the wave of the fut... Huh?

Come on, kids.

Everybody in the house.

Want a ride, kiddo?

I'm back, dear.

Be right there.

Boy, it sure is great
to have things back to normal.

Stu! What are you doing
wearing that sheet?

[ Quacking]


Deed, here it is--

Our ad for the garage sale.

It will be
the best ever.

We can finally get rid of
the junk we've collected.

Yeah, and make room
for my new stereo.

Yo, pickles!

Hi, betty.
What's all this?

Got some goodies for your
little garage sale here.

You got your fondue set

Your basic
lava lamp

And that old standby,
the pet rock.

We could use a lava lamp
in the bedroom, deed.

Stu, we're getting rid
of things, remember?

Oh, yeah.

You know, I used to be
in sales back in the ' s.

I was pretty good too.

"Top-dollar pickles"
they called me.

No kidding?

I could sell

A six-slice toaster
to a one-man family.

What is
a garage sale?

You think they'll sail
on the garage?

Maybe it means we're going to be
living outside from now on.

Maybe they're going to put
the chairs and stuff

On the grass

And water them
so they'll grow.

Or not.

So, you don't know
what a garage sale is.

I'm in a good mood,
so I'll tell you.

A garage sale is where you
put your stuff on the lawn

And try to talk people
into taking it

Off your hands.

Never mind.

You won't understand
till your brains get bigger.

Hey, stu, how about this?

Oh, no!

Not the whirly mover!

That was
my first invention--

A breakthrough in children's
riding devices.

But it didn't work.

It's got
sentimental value.

Take it back.

Oh, all right.


That ought to do it.

Aw, conflab it!

Look at all these
old records, betty.

Who would want to listen
to those things?



"Seasons in the sun"--

I can't bear to sell these.

They're classics.


Didi, that's my favorite suit.

Stu, you haven't worn that thing
since .

Hey, disco's coming back.

Aunt didi.

What's disco?

Nothing, sweetheart.

It's something
that happened a long time ago

And it's never coming back,
so don't you worry.

[ Gulps]

Well, that's the whole
kit and caboodle.

Everything we could bear
to part with

Is out here on the lawn.

Any minute now
the bargain hunters

Will be swarming all over.

Yes, sir.
Any minute now.

Here comes a customer!

[ Everyone talking at once]



[ Tires screeching]

I think
we scared him off.

Here comes a hot one.

Hi there.

Oh, nice to see you too.

I still don't understand.

What did angelica mean by
"take it off your hands"?

Do you have to take your hands
off to have a garage sale?

No, no, no, tommy.

A garage sale is
when the grown-ups

Take everything out of the house
and put it on the front lawn.

Then other grown-ups come
and take it away.

But why?

That's the thing: nobody knows.

But after our garage sale

We got a whole bunch of new
stuff to put in the house.


But wait a sec.

Your mom and dad
didn't do a very good job.

Look at all this stuff
they left in the house.

Maybe they need us to help.

Help them?

How, tommy?

Get the stuff they forgot

And put it outside
so people can take it away.

Wait a minute, tommy.

We can't do that.

We're too little.

Too little, chuckie?

Remember when we went
over the fence

To get my ball
from the other yard?

Were we too little then?


Or when we put mud

In my daddy's shoe so he'd make
squishy noises when he walked?

Were we too little then?


Or when we filled
the potty with jell-o

So the fish
wouldn't get hungry?

Were we too little then?

No, but all those times,
we got in trouble.

We're babies.

We're supposed
to get in trouble.

That's our job.

Now who's with me?

Me, me, me!me, me, me!

What about you, chuckie?

Aw, okay. Me.

Stu, this doesn't seem
to be going very well.

buying anything.

Just a matter of time, deed,
just a matter of time.

[ "Mission impossible"
theme playing]

Look what I found.

Mine's better.

good job. Let's go.

Hey, look, kirsten.

Here's something neat.

Can I help you ladies?

Uh, how much is this?

Hmm. I didn't think
didi wanted to sell that thing.

Well, I guess
she changed her mind.

You see, girls,
this here's an antique.

I couldn't let it go
for less than $ .

Well, that seems
like a fair price.

In that case how about $ ?

Okay, we'll take it
for .

Oh, well,
you've got me over a barrel.

Five dollars.

[ Giggling]

Come on, guys.

Let's get some more.

[ Grunting]

Wow! Look at this!

[ Grunts]

Hey, lady, how much
for the joke suit?

Gee, I thought
stu wanted this.

Oh, well. I guess
he came around.

Five dollars?

Look at them all.

They're really taking it
off our hands.

We got to get more stuff.

Everybody split up

And get the biggest,
bestest stuff you can find.

that's funny.

We've got a lot more junk
than I realized.

[ Panting]

What's this thing?

I don't know.

Throw it on top.

Only one problem, tommy.

How are we going to get
all this stuff outside?

I know.

We'll use my wagon.

[ Grunting]

Come on! Push!

I got a idea, tommy.

Let's just give up.

No. There's got
to be a way.

If only we had a big kid
who could help us.

What are you babies
doing now?


That's my name.

Don't wear it out.

Want to help?

That depends.

What's in it for me?

We're helping garage sale.

We're taking the wagon inside

To load it up with stuff
the grown-ups forgot.


No! You're not supposed
to do that.

You're only supposed to...

Sure. I'll help you.

that's all of it.

Your mom and dad will be
so proud of you little kids

Helping them
with the garage sale and all.

Just promise me one thing,
cousin tommy.

Sure, angelica.

Don't tell them I helped you.

I don't want any
of the credit for your idea.

Hmm. Okay.

Well, let's
move it out.
[ Grunting]

This isn't working.


Somebody better
steer it, tommy.

Good idea, chuckie.

We'll help you up.

Me? Why me?

Because it was your idea.

[ Grunting]

Boy, you're
heavy, chuckie.

Push harder!

Push harder!
We're trying!

We're trying!

Maybe if I could get
ahold up here.

[ Motor revving]


[ Screaming]

[ Gasps]

Five, ten, .

Radical price
on the stereo, dude.

Thanks, lady.

Thank you.

It's good we helped out.

'Cause the grown-ups
couldn't do it alone.

We did a great job.


Babies. What a crack-up.

[ All gasping]

[ Panting]

[ Screaming]

$ .

We made out pretty good

Considering we only sold
a lot of junk.

Yes, sir, you folks got to see

Top-dollar pickles
back in his old form.

Oh, it will be nice to have
all that extra space again.

[ Gasping]

[ Stu screaming]

♪ Kumbaya, my lord

♪ Kumbaya

♪ Kumbaya, my lord...

My disco suit, my -tracks

My stereo...

You know, stu, maybe this
isn't such a bad thing.

I mean, all we lost
were material possessions.

What we've rediscovered
are the important things

Like family, love,
and real human values.

♪ Kumbaya, my lord...

Put a sock in it, deed.

♪ Kumbaya...♪

sing it.

♪ Oh, lord, kumbaya.♪
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