02x23 - King Ten Pin/Runaway Angelica

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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02x23 - King Ten Pin/Runaway Angelica

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Snoring]

[ Gasps]

[ Kids laughing]

[ Gurgling]


Where's that ball?

I might as well forfeit
right here and now

If I don't find my lucky ball.

There it is.

Thanks, scout.

Now, where did I put
my bowling shoes?

Ah, there you are.

I've never seen
pop so worked up

About a bowling

Deed, this is
the championship.

I don't think
all this excitement is good

For a man his age.

Man my age?

I'm just a pup next
to "strike" maxwell.

He's been senior champ
since I was a kid.

How old can
this guy be?

I almost beat him once.

It was years ago.

Strike was leading
by six pins and i...

You don't have
time to reminisce

If you want
to get there
on time.

Wow, I haven't been
in a bowling alley

Since I was second

In the junior high

You could've
come in first.

I told you--

I don't believe
in chanting mantras.

Zen bowling--

It would've worked then

And it's going to work now.

Where is this
place, tommy?

I don't know.

I think
it's a garage.

I think
it's a cave.

I think it's a
earthquake factory.

A earthquake

Oh, brother.

You babies
are so dumb.

I'm surprised you know
which end of the bottle to suck.

It's a bowling alley.

What's that?

A bowling alley is where
old people put on clown shoes

And throw big boulders
at milk bottles

So they can get a champion chip.

Champion chip?

What's a champion chip?

A champion chip is a giant
chocolate chip only bigger.

It's the biggest, chocolatiest,
bestest chocolate chip

In the whole world.


Brother, these babies
don't know anything.

The biggest
chocolate chip

In the whole world.

Let's get it.


Okay, kids, off
to the nursery.

Bye-bye, tommy.

Bye kids.

Be good for the nice
baby-sitter, okay?

Don't worry--
I've been trained

In all the
latest high-tech

Child care strategies.

That is so reassuring.

Bye-bye, kids.

Bye, aunt didi.

See you soon.

Let's get a couple
of things straight.

Number one, I'm not a baby.

Number two, you're not my mommy!

And number three...

[ Fanfare and circus music]

Hello, boys and girls.

My name is jelly bear
and I'm happy.

Are you happy, too?

I'm happy, jelly bear.

I'm the happiest bear
in all of dummi land.

Happy, happy, happy!

happy, happy, happy.

♪ Sing a happy, happy, happy,
happy, happy, happy song ♪

♪ Sing a happy, happy, happy,
happy, happy, happy song... ♪
Now's our chance.

Let's get out
of here

And find that
chocolate chip.

Must be happy.

Happy, happy, happy.

Oh, no, chuckie, we got to get
phil and lil out of here fast.



[ Slowly]:
must stay here.

Must watch bears.

Fight it, guys

Or you'll
be hypnotized.

[ Groaning]

[ Rattling]

Thanks, tommy.

It almost got me.

Come on, we got
to go find that chip.

♪ Sing a happy, happy, happy,
happy, happy, happy song ♪

♪ Sing a happy, happy,
happy, happy... ♪

[ Slowly]:
sing a happy, happy song.

Let the ball be an
extension of your arm.

Let it flow off
your fingertips

Like drops
of rainwater.

Hey, pop, where's
the other guy?

Looks like old strike maxwell
knew he didn't have a chance.

[ Chortling]

Well, if it ain't
"gutterball" pickles.

Are you the
best challenger

This burg
can cough up?

Why, I'd have thought
you'd have learned

Your lesson
years ago.

You remember
years ago

Don't you, pickles?

I try not to live
in the past, maxwell.

Let's bowl.


This isn't
a chocolate chip.

Okay, pop.

You're first.

Be one with the ball.

[ Cheering]

Been practicing,
eh, pickles?

look, clown shoes.

maybe they'll send
in the clowns.

Don't bother.

They're here.

[ Muttering:]
you are one
lucky guy.

Wow, a giant candy dish.

That must be where they keep it.



[ Gasps]

Aw, too bad,

Them's the breaks.

We didn't
find it.

We looked

It's no use, tommy.

We might as well go back.

fools, cowards!

Do you have what it takes
to win the championship?

A chip-- he's talking
about the champion chip.

Who's talking?


Win the championship.

Defeat the terrifying
cave monster.

Cave monster?

Only the brave dare enter
the cave of mystery.

The cave of misery?

What cave of misery?

That cave of misery.

Come on.

Okay, pop.

You're neck in neck.

You just got
to hang in there.

Let's have a deep
cleansing breath--

In and out.

I can't hold out much longer.

Pickles is playing better
than I thought.

Signal ed to go ahead
with plan "b."

The signal.

I just hope they get
this game over with soon.

I'm getting the creeps
back here.

got to put a little muscle
behind that ball, pickles.

[ Machines rumbling
and squealing]

[ Screaming]

[ Groaning]

See, chuckie.

No monsters.

Oh, yeah?

Who's that?

[ All gasp]

a cave monster.

We got to
get past him

So we can get
the champion chip.

But, but...

[ Sadly]:
♪ sing a happy,
happy, happy song. ♪

Well, looks like
this game is mine.


I have not yet
begun to bowl.

See, chuckie, nothing
to be afraid of.

[ Screams]

[ All gasp]

There's something up there,
I tell you.


I didn't do it.

I was a patsy.

Suddenly, it all
makes sense.

All these years
you've been cheating.

Those final frames,
years ago.

Pop, can we finish
this game soon?

Undefeated for
years, huh?

Well, now I'm
going to beat you

Fair and square.

I'm happy.

Are you happy?

♪ Sing a happy, happy, happy,
happy, happy, happy song... ♪

I can't believe it.

We crawl halfway
around the world

Nearly get eaten by
a giant cave monster

And don't even
get back in time

To see the end
of the movie.

What's wrong,

Why do you
look so sad?

I just really wanted
to get that chip.

That's all.

pickles, pickles, pickles!

Party at my house.

party, party, party!


Pop, wait a second.

I can't believe that man
would stoop to cheating

Just to win a match.

Pop, what happened
between you two?

Oh, no.

I've been only trying to tell
you folks all night

But you wouldn't listen.

Tell us now, pop.

I'm all ears.

You know, I don't feel
like telling you now.

Pop, we want
to hear.

All I have left
are my memories--

Them and this trophy.

That was the bestest
chocolate-chip cake I ever had.

Happy, happy, happy.

Must watch bears.

Must watch bears.

[ Humming]


[ Gasps]

Oh, hello, daddy.

Angelica, what
did daddy say

About playing
in his study?


Daddy told you

Not to play in here!

Didn't daddy
explain to you

About times
how important his papers are?

Yes, daddy.

I'm so sorry.

I'll never do it again.

I promise.

Angelica, it's not
going to work this time.

[ Sighs]

Okay, I'm really,
really sorry, daddy, dear

And I promise
I'll never, ever...

You're not being
sincere, young lady.

This time you're in big trouble.

Oh, daddy,
you're silly.

I can't be in trouble.

I'm angelica,
your only daughter--

Your princess,
your cupcake.

Your little
tax shelter.

And you're going to
stay in your room!

But daddy...

Stay here and think about
what you've done.

Well, I did it.

I actually did it.

I disciplined

I hope you weren't
too hard on her.

Oh, no-- our daughter's
a fairly mature girl.

I think she'll
take it well.

[ Breaking glass]

It's nor fair!

It's not fair!!
[ Gasping for air]

Wait a minute.

I know.

I'll run away.

Yeah, that's it.

Then they'll be sorry
they punished me.

Charlotte, something's wrong
with the fax machine!

use the one
in the bedroom!

If it were
my decision

You know what
I would say.

I am telling you

The junk bond market
is coming back

And I for one intend to be
in a position

To take advantage of it.

[ Car alarm beeps]

Ah, the open road.

We made it, cynthia.

Sweet freedom.

can I have your next position
after hurley?

Uh-oh, the cops.

Act natural.

Phew, that was close.

[ Brakes screeching]

Hi, kid.

Whatcha doing?

Running away.


Where did you...

Don't touch the car.


I ran away once.

Why don't you
go to the park?

That's where most
of the kids go.

I would, only I'm not
allowed to cross the street.

I wonder what tommy and his
little baby friends are doing.

I'm hungry.

Come on, cynthia,
let's get some chow.

It's really getting late.

I must've been runned away
for minutes by now.

I bet mommy and daddy
are real worried.

[ Laughs spitefully]

[ Car alarm beeps]

What do you
want to do?

I don't know.

Want to
play reptar?


I'm reptar.

No, I'm reptar.

You always get to
be reptar, lillian.


You were reptar
last time, phillip.

One of you
can be reptar

And one of you
can be baby reptar.


I'm reptar.

No, I'm reptar.

you're baby reptar.

no, you're baby reptar.

[ Rustling]

What was that?

Something in the bushes.

Might be a monster.

I'm scared, tommy.

Somebody better
go and see.

Go see
what it is.

You go,
you're reptar.

no, you're reptar.

You are, lillian.

Come on, we'll all go.

It better not be
a monster, tommy.

Uh... Hello.

Is somebody in there?

[ Screams]

It's worse
than a monster!

It's angelica!

You babies are so dumb.

There's no such thing
as monsters.

What are you doing here,

And how come you're
hiding in a bush?

Shh, not so loud.

I'm running away from home.

Running away?

Won't your mommy and daddy
be worried about you?

Of course they'll
be worried about me.

That's the whole reason
I ran away.

Now they'll learn
to appreciate me

And they'll never, ever
punish me again.


If you ran away

Are you going to
live here forever?


If you babies let
any grown-ups see me

I'll do something

Really, really bad to you.

I'll do
something so bad...

So bad...
So bad--

I don't know what it is.

Uh, okay,

We won't.

we promise.

Good, now go in the kitchen
and get me some cookies.


Just do it!

Oh, okay.

Forget it, tommy.

It's too high.

You're right, chuckie.

I guess we can't bring angelica
any cookies.

wait, tommy.


Where are they?

Here, angelica.



Say, tommy, these
cookies are very good.

Your mother make these?

No, they're from a box.

A box, huh?

What kind of box, tommy?

That box with
a picture of a
doggie on it.

The one by spike's bowl?


You dumb babies!

What's wrong,

These aren't cookies.

They're dog biscuits!

What do you think
I am, a dog?!

Spike likes them.

Of course spike likes them.

Spike's a dog!

I like them, too.

We eat them
all the time.

What do
you know?

You're babies!

Get back in there
and get me some real cookies!

And some tato chips, too!

And some fried
pork rinds!

Stupid babies.

Snookums, I'm going over
to stu's for a few minutes.


Is angelica
still upstairs?

Uh-huh, I haven't heard
a peep out of her.

I'll go up and
check on her.

And drew?

Don't call
me snookums.



[ Phone ringing]


What do you mean
the albanian deal fell through?

[ Crunching]



Can I have
a tato chip?


Not even one?

Get your own!

Why don't you eat some of those
dog biscuits you like so much?

You ate them all.

Hey, you guys.

It's raining.

We better go inside

Or we'll
get all wet.

I'm already wet.

Me, too.

[ Both giggling]

Aren't you coming, angelica?

I can't come
with you, tommy.

If I go in the house
your parents will see me

And the whole thing
will be ruined.

Okay, bye.

Hope you don't get wet.

Yeah, yeah, real funny...
Little bald idiot.

[ Thunder]

Now what am I going to do?

Oh, spike.

[ Laughter from tv]

Oh, that gilligan.

[ Tv buzzes]

Hey, what's wrong
with that thing?

Oh, well.

[ Owl hooting]

I bet they're real worried
about me now.

They're probably crying
and everything.


That's my daddy.

And he's laughing.

What's going on?

What's he
so happy about?

[ No sound]

[ Laughter]

It is so nice
to get away

From the
of parenthood.

I runned away from home and...

And he's happy.

Oh, no, what have I done?

It's so nice...

[ Sobbing]:
daddy, daddy.

Angelica, what are
you doing here?

Oh, daddy

I heard you.

I heard it all.

[ Crying]

I'm sorry I was bad
and runned away from home.

I'm sorry I cut
up your papers

And broke your
fax machine.

I'm sorry

Rand I promise I'll
never be bad again.

Only please
take me back.

Take you back?

Honey, I didn't even
know you were gone.

You didn't?

No, I thought you were still
in your room safe and sound.

You mean you didn't' even know
I runned away?

I had no idea.

Oh, but sweetheart

You know you'll
always be my princess

No matter what you do.

You're my baby
and I love you.

[ Sniffling]

I better get in touch
with charlotte.

She might be worried.

Can I use your fax?

Of course.

[ Sniffling]

hi, angelica.

We heard it all.



Does this mean
you're going to change

And you'll never be bad
or do naughty things ever again?

Get real.

[ Laughter from tv]

♪ Sing a happy, happy, happy,
happy, happy, happy song ♪

[Captioned by
the caption center
wgbh educational foundation]

♪ Sing a happy, happy, happy,
happy, happy, happy song ♪

♪ Sing a happy, happy, happy,
happy, happy, happy song ♪

♪ Sing a happy, happy, happy,
happy, happy, happy song ♪

♪ Sing a happy, happy, happy,
happy, happy, happy song ♪

♪ Sing a happy, happy, happy,
happy, happy, happy song ♪

♪ Sing a happy, happy,
happy, happy, song! ♪
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