02x25 - Driving Miss Angelica/Susie vs. Angelica

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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02x25 - Driving Miss Angelica/Susie vs. Angelica

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Snoring]

[ Gasps]

[ Kids laughing]

[ Child blowing]

[ Laughing]

[ Blows out again]

[ Giggles]

[ Puffing out]

[ Giggling]

[ Laughing]

Okay, now, listen, harvey

I want those portfolios
taken care of right away.

No, I can't come
into the office.

I'm home

That's not important.

Harvey, those are my reasons.

Hey, angelica?


Why is the sky blue?

What are you talking about?

The sky--
it's blue.

Well, what color do
you expect it to be?

I don't know.

Reebs ]o@, ycu dqmb[ gaias"een?

Wow, a candy!

[ Panting]


[ Chuckie grunts]

Boy, that was close.

I'll say.

They almost
crushed the candy.


I saw it first

And it's mibe!

[ Gulps]

[ Hawks and spits]


I hate coconut!

Ere, you @aj hare it.

Angelica, you
saved my life.

All that trouble
for a lousy coco...

I did what?

You saved my life.

If it wasn't for you

I'd have been mushed
by those big wheels.

Yeah, angelica,
you're a hero.

Yeah, I guess
I am, aren't i?

Gosh, I wish I could do
something nice for you.

Oh, don't
be silly.

You don't have to
do anything for me.

All you have to do

Is say thank you.

Oh, yeah, and be my sl*ve
for the rest of your life.


For the rest of my life?

That's the rule.

What rule?

The rule says

That if you save
someone's life

They have to be
your sl*ve forever.


Sure, everyone knows

The rule.

So what do I
got to do, angelica?

That's missangelica to you.

Chuckie, bring me
my crown.

Yes, miss angelica.

Here you go, miss angelica.

Put it on
my head, stupid!

Now bring me some toys.

[ Toy squeaks]

[ Gasping for breath]

Chuckie, bring me
the rest of my crayons.

Right away,
miss angelica.

I thought I told you

Tk pup phesa
crayi did[ iiss ajgalica.

Thap re@-krance gkes
nkw[ plaaseáe]radákjoss

This time try to be
a little more careful.

[ Sighs!

Hey, cupcake, daddy...


This room is a mess.

But... But...
The babies did it!

Angelica, put all the
puzzle pieces back in the box

Stack up all
the games

And put all
the toys

In the toy chest
right away.

[ Sweetly]:
okay, daddy, this
room will sparkle

Like my wonderful smile.

That's my cupcake.

You're such a good girl.

Oh, chuckie...

[ Groans]

good job
cleaning up.

Time to take me
to the park.

Come on, tommy, want
to go for a ride?


Course you do.

Chuckie, open
the door for tommy.

Chuckie, you
don't have to.

Tommy, you're my guest.

We have servants

To open our
doors for us.

Now, let's not be silly.

Climb in!

Charles, to the park.

Take a left,

Now right.

Turn left here.

Chuckie, right!

Watch out for the bus!

[ Crash]

Chuckie, where are you going?

I'm trying to drive
you to the park.

[ Sighs]

It's so hard to find
good help these days.

[ Doorbell chimes]

Everything going
okay, kids?

[ Sweetly]:
yes, daddy.

[ Snarls]:

[ Chuckie grunts]

Drew pickles?

That's me.

These are for you.

They're from a pathetic,
groveling employee.

Oh, isn't that nice?

Oh, wow!


Did you hear that?

Pull over, chuckie.

I got a new job for you.

[ Hinge creaks]

What are we
doing, angelica?

[ Whistling]

[ Sighs]

What are we doing,

Me@@@ea#beab @@@ @"@@@i@@

A bttch
[ yelping]d them.

[ Snarls]

[ Chuckie screams]

[ Utensils clatter]

[ Grunts]

[ Purring]

Oh, fluffy-wuffy, good kitty.

[ Panting]:
I'm getting too old
for this kind of stuff.

[ Yelps]

[ Muffled]:
here, tommy.

Uh, thanks, angelica.

[ Gulping]

Eww... Oh,
and chuckie...

Good work--
it's coconut.

Mmm, amaretto cream.

What are you doing?


Give me that.

Oh, this?

Want a chocolate,

You know those are
for after dinner.

But I want them now.

You can't always get

What you want.

He'd better be kidding.

This really burps me up.

Get something good
and they take it away from you.

Now my daddy will
hide the chocolates

Where I'll never,
ever find them.

Guess we'll have to find
something else to do.

What do you mean?

Chuckie will get me
those chocolates.

But you just said...

You dumb babies!

Don't you know that whenever
grown-ups hide things

They always hide them
in the exact same place?

Birthday presents, toys,
candies, you name it.

Where's that?

The upstairs closet.

The upstairs closet?

That's all the
way upstairs.

No duh, chuckie.

But it's way up high and,
and I don't want to go.

Well, that's too bad

Because you're
my servant

And you have to go.

No, angelica, this time

I just got to put
my foot on.

You can't tell chuckie
what to do anymore.

Right, chuckie?

Yeah! All you ever say
is "chuckie do this"

Or "chuckie do that."

I'm not doing
this or that

And I'm not going
up to that closet!

I don't know what to say.

I'm not mad, I'm just...



I saved chuckie's life.

I almost got
runned over

So chuckie
wouldn't get hurt.

So I asked for a
few little favors--

A chocolate
here or there

A little trip to the closet.

Is that so much to ask?

Maybe she's
right, tommy.

Well, you guys can go

But I'm staying here.

Okay, tommy.

No chocolates
for you.

Let's go,

[ Sighs]



Up there is where
daddy hides everything.

Go get them.

But I'm scared, angelica.

Here, this is what real
mountain climbers do.

I'll hold on to this end

So if you fall,
I can catch you.



[ Grunting]

[ Strains]

[ Crying out]

[ Panting]:
whew! Sheesh.

[ Hinge creaks]

Keep climbing!

[ Straining]

[ Gasps]:
they're here!


[ Screaming]

[ Grunts]

[ Sighs]

Good work.

Now, let's go get
some... Uh-oh.

Get some uh-oh?

We're locked in! Trapped!

Help, help, let me out!


[ Music playing on headphones]

Daddy! Daddy!

I knew this was
a bad idea!

We never should
have come up here.

It's all your
fault, chuckie!

But you ordered me
to come up here.

Did you have to follow?

If I told you to jump off
a bridge, would you?


We're stuck forever!

Are you sure
we're locked in?

Be quiet!
We're running out of air.

Chuckie, stop breathing.

We've got to save
all the air for me!

But maybe we're
not trapped.

Hold your breath!

What are we going to do?

Poor cynthia, she's
going to be orphaned.

Fluffy's going
to need me.

I'm losing my mind.

Yoo-hoo, miss
angelica, we can go.

You were turning
the doorknob

The wrong way.

We're free!

We're free, we're free!

Tommy, we're free!

Chuckie, you're
the best servant ever.

You saved my life.

Duh, thanks,
miss angelica.

Angelica, you just said

That chuckie
saved your life.

So what's it to you?

You know
the rule.

No, no, that's not what I meant.

You see, rules are meant
to be broken and...

[ Clanking]

Turn here,

mr. Chuckie.

Faster, angelica.

Right away,
mr. Chuckie.

Chocolate, mr. Tommy?

Why, thank you,
mr. Chuckie.

Oh, brother.

[ Babies laughing]

Wow, this is a fun ball.

Yeah, it's great to roll.

And great to catch.

[ All gasp]

And great to kick, too.

Angelica, no!

Oh, there goes
another ball.


A real pretty one, too.


Why'd you have
to do that?

Because I'm a big kid,
that's why

And I can do
anything I want.

If I want a doll,
I can just take one.


If I want some
juice, it's mine.

If I want to kick
dirt on your feet

I do it!

If I want to pull
your hair, okay!

If I want to...

Leave them
little kids alone!

Oh, yeah?

Who's going to make me?


You and what army?

Me and thisarmy!

Oh, yeah?


Oh, yeah?


You guys, don't fight.

Yeah, use your words.

What's that supposed to mean?

I don't know.

[ Sighs]

You guys are right.

Fighting never
fixes nothing.

Come on, let's go inside.

My dad can
make us

Some peanut butter
and marshmallow

Susie's a chicken!

Am not!

[ Clucks like a chicken]

I am rubber
and you are glue.

Whatever you say
bounces over me

And sticks to you.

Ooh, good one, susie.

I don't get it.

It's a grown-up joke.

You don't want to fight me
because you know I'll win.

No way.

Yes, way!

You know I'm the biggest,
bestest kid

And I can beat you at anything.

What? That's not true.

I can do anything
better than you.

No, you can't.

Yes, I can.
No, you can't!



[ Both snarl]

Who cares who's bigger?

And who cares
who's better?

Chuckie:in a way

Isn't every kid as good
as every other kid?

No, you can't!

Yes, I can!

No, you can't!

Yes, I can!


Isn't there
a way

You guys can
settle this?

Like what?
Like what?


Chute, chute.

Ladders, ladders,
ladders-- I win.

What? You must have cheated.


No way.

I won nine games
in a row-- I win.

So what if you won
"chutes and ladders"?

Big deal.

That doesn't
mean nothing.

It's a baby game anyway.

But angelica, you said...

If we really want to see
who's bigger and better

We got to go two out of...
Out of three.

What do you
mean, angelica?

We got to do...

Something else, that's what.

[ Groans]

[ Moans]

[ Both straining]

Make them
stop, tommy

Make them stop.

Hey, maybe that's enough
"holding breath."

Let's say you both win.

I can't watch.

[ Straining]

Hey, angelica looks
like a big balloon.

Maybe she'll fly away.

Maybe we can pop her.


[ Both straining]

[ Exhales, pants]

[ Both panting]

[ Exhales]

Guess that
settles it-- I win.

Let's go get
some snacks.

[ Panting]:
oh, no, you don't.

You can't
just walk

Away from me.

We got to go two out of four.

[ Angelica moans]

susie's winning!


Angelica took
another bite.

Stand back.

She's going to blow.

[ Groaning]

[ Gulps, moans]

[ Gasps]

[ Groaning]

[ Gulps]

[ Groans]

[ Crash]

susie won!

way to go,
that's great.

Well, angelica, now
what do you say?

Oh, two out of seven.

[ Growling]

[ Grunting]

[ Screaming]

[ Thud]

[ Slurring]:
two out of .

[ Swings creaking]


[ Shrieking]

[ Thud]

I did it, I did it!

I jumped off
and went farther than you!

Now all's I got to do

Is beat you about more times
and... And...

Gee, what
pretty colors.

Angelica, if it means
that much to you

Why don't we just
say you win?


I'll prove to you that I'm
the biggest and bestest kid

If I have to lose
a thousand times.

But angelica, we could
be here all night.

So who cares? I'll show you.

Why don't we just do "whoever
wins next wins them all"?



That's nuts!


The bestest idea
I ever had.

First one to go around
the circle sidewalk ten times

Wins them all.

But angelica, everybody
knows a fire truck

Is faster than the big wheel.

If you're a chicken,
then I win them anyway.

Don't do it,

Yeah, let her say
she's the bestest.

No, I cannot
live a lie.

Let's race.

[ Razzing]

Okay, we're going
to do this right.

Tommy, you're going to be
the flag-waving guy.

When I say go,
you wave the flag.

What's a flag?

Here, angelica.

This was the only thing
in the laundry.

Here, tommy,
this is a flag.

Wow, neat.

Phil and lil,
you're the spit crew.

You push
the cars

And look at
the wheels and...

And spit?
And spit?

Yeah, sure, spit
if you want to.

Gee, thanks,

We'll be the
best spit
crew ever.

[ Twins hawk and spit]

And where do you
think you're going?

Well, uh... Uh...
Duh, you see...

You're not going anywheres.

Everybody's got to help.

But angelica, I'm afraid.

So I'll just be
going inside and...

Oh, no, you don't.

You got the most
'portant job of all.

[ Barking]:
peanut, get your peanut!

Hey, angelica,
what do I do

If nobody wants
this thing?

Shh! Tommy, get ready.

[ Twins hawk]

Not now!

Gentlemen, start your bunions!

I can'twatch.
[ Snarling]

[ Both growling]

[ Squealing]


So long, sucker!

[ Laughs evilly]

wave the
flag, tommy

Wave the flag!

[ Gasps]

Hey, that was

Nah, angelica
told me

She was
supposed to go

Right before the
flag was waved

And susie is supposed
to right after.

Oh, well, as long as
it wasn't cheating.

[ Tires squealing]

[ Cackling]

Move over, angelica,
here I come!

Oh, no, you don't.

I can't watch,
I can't watch.

Anybody want
a peanut?

I can't watch.

Hey, you can't do that.

It's cheating!

You're not supposed
to win, I am!

I did it!

I did it!

[ Gasping]:
oh, no!

[ Tires skidding]

[ Zooming]

Come here, mr. Snail.

This is no place for you.

See, I told you
somebody might get hurt.


Uh-uh, susie's

Maybe they're
both winning.

They can't do that, can they?

Peanut, get your peanut.

[ Tires screech]


[ Laughs]

Say, what's this ball
doing here?

[ Cackling]

[ Tires screeching]

[ All gasp]

[ Squealing]

[ Susie crashes]

Take that, susie.

I beat you this time.

I'm the biggest,
bestest kid there is!

[ Laughing]

I won! I won! I...

[ Screaming]

[ Loud crash]

Angelica, angelica,
are you all right?

Huh? What?
Somebody help her.

[ Both hawk]

Here, angelica, this
should help you.


You were right,

That old peanut
did come in handy.

Are you okay,

Yeah, I'm fine.

But I almost won,
I almost won.

Look, angelica,
I don't think

We should
do this anymore.

Yeah, that
was scary.

You guys almost
got hurt.

But how will we find out

Who is the biggest
and bestest kid?

You know, angelica

Maybe it doesn't matter
who's the bestest.

Yeah, maybe you're
both the best

In different ways.

Sure, susie's the
bestest drawer...

And you're the
bestest jumper.

And nobody eats pudding
like that.

Yeah, angelica

Maybe everybody's
the bestest sometimes.

Well, maybe you
guys are right.

That was a pretty
good jump, wasn't it?

I never saw
anything like it.

let's go inside.

I know where there's
a box of juice

With your name on it.

You know, I got to admit

You arethe best "chutes
and ladders" player.

And you're
the best racer.

Boy, I'm glad that's over.

Yeah, I'm glad
regular again

But it just goes
to show you--

Even if you are
three years old

You can still learn
something new.


I've got the
bestest hair!

No way, your
hair's all grody.

My hair is
much more bestest.

Oh, yeah?

I'll show you
whose hair is bestest.

Ow, don't pull it!

[ Babies screaming]

[ Both arguing]

[ Phil hawks, spits]

[ Phil laughing]
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