02x16 - Guardians of Sunshine

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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02x16 - Guardians of Sunshine

Post by bunniefuu »

- Ha ha!
- Time to protect the sun.

Ha ha, yeah.

He knows how to get
things started.

Fire pit number 1.

Easy-peasy, livin' greasy.

You wonder why they
even put it there.

It's probably a computel gleech.

Now comes some real trouble.

It's Bouncy Bee.

He's gonna get that sun, man.

Ha ha, please.

Bleep. - Ha ha!

I had my eyes
closed on that one.

Yeah, that was cool.

Oh, oh, you missed a coin, dude.
Go back.

I ain't in it for
the money, man.

I'm in it to crush the
enemies of the sun,

like this sloppy
butt right here.

Hunny bunny.

I'm like, "Hunny Bunny,
don't you ever learn?

I've always got the bombuh."

Man, you are hot tonight.

Think you can do it this time?

Can you beat Sleepy Sam?

Oh, I very can.

Remember, use a combo move.

Okay, here it goes.

Up, down, left, left,

right, right, down.

Spin, down, up, left.

Faster, dude.

Right, left, down.

Ohh! Every time!

Beemo, this game is the worst.

If we were really
inside that game,

man, we would crush
Sleepy Sam, breezily...

with my mitts.

Oh, no.

It's much more dangerous
than you think.

Whoa, whoa, wait!

Beemo, is there a way for us

to get in the game for real?

Yes, of course, Jake.

If I push this button...

If I push this button,

you will both be
dangerously transported

into my main-brain-game-frame,

where it is very dangerous.

Oh, man! Oh, Beemo!

You got to let us in that game.

No. It's a far-too-dangerous
incredible adventure for you.

That's final.

Oh. Okay, Beemo.

Well, time for bed.


Time for bed, right, Jake?

Oh, right.

Good night, Beemo.

Time for bed.

Wow! Whoa!


We're in the game!

Look, there's the sunshine
we got to protect.

And there's the hole we're
supposed to go down.

And there's you...

doing whatever you're doing.

I'm looking at my bits.

My leg is math!

Mm, that sunshine feels good.

Feels good all over.

No wonder all the
monsters in this game

want to get their
grubby mitts on it.

Let's go kick their
digital bootays!




♪ We are in the computer world ♪

♪ We're computer boys,
not computer girls ♪

♪ In a game, I can be
who I virtually am ♪

♪ I can walk and sing ♪

♪ I can k*ll Sleepy Sam ♪

Hey, what stinks?

Smells like...


Looks a mite bigger
inside the game.

Jumping over this pit
is easy, remember?

We can do this backwards
with our eyes closed.

Aah! I'm burning!


What, man?

Wha?! Jake, what the shank?

Check it out... extra lives.

You still have two left.


Ow! It burns!

Ow! Aah-ha!


♪ Do, do-do-do ♪

Dude, what if losing
all your lives in here

makes you die in real life?

Or worse?

That makes me just want
to sit here and feel bad.

No way, man.

We're gonna cross that
hole with real-world grit.

Come on!

Faster, Jake.

Get ready to stretch it.

Watch out, Jake!



That was pretty intense, dude.

We're pretty intense dudes.


What's that sound?

It sounds like...

Bouncy Bee!


Hyah! Ho!

You ready to flippin'
this guy up, Jake?

Easy peasy, livin' greasy.


Finn's dead.

Finn, no. Why?


Curse this false virtual world.

Oh, Finn.

Yo, what up?

Oh, Finn! You're alive.

Yeah, I got extra lives, man.

Oh, my gosh.

Let's never die again.

There's nothing more
precious than a life.

Ooh, dude, look... coins.

Oh, man! Oh, man!

Hee, hee, hee.


Oh, man, dude, these
coins are thick.

Let's take them back
to the real world.

We'll be filthy, stinking rich.


Hunny Bunny!


Time to use the bombuh.

Come to me, bombuh.


Oh, bombuh,

I can't select you
without my controller.

Let's get out of here, Finn.

Man, we never run away
from Hunny Bunny.


Fire pit, Bouncy
Bee, Hunny Bunny...

They're supposed to
be the easy parts.

They're all hard as butts.

Sleepy Sam is gonna be the
ultimate butt-kicker.

Look, Finn, the most
important thing to remember

is that I still have
one giant coin.

Man, get ahold of your brains.

We need to stay alert
for Sleepy Sam.

Hey, that's him right there.

Get down.

What's he doing?

He's probably trying
to psyche me out.

I'm gonna break you, Sam.

When I'm done, they'll
call you, uh...

Stinky Sam...

stupid frog.



My... my mitts didn't...
Didn't work.

Come on, help me punch him.



Let's get out of here, man!

We're gonna die!

I can see the lights.

We're almost there!


Oh, no, man. It's the
edge of the screen.

We're trapped, and they'll
be here any second.

Wait, dude. The bombuh.

We can't get the bombuh.

Wait, dude.

Hmm. - Jake? Jake?

What if I...

That's not how it works.

Error, error, error.

Jake, let go of that.

But we need the bombuh.




Oh, holy cow!

That was nuts, man!

Yeah, man.

And I got my coin.

What?! A penny?!

Beemo! Oh, no!

Are you all right, buddy?

You... you have to... y-you...

Oh, no!

Too late! Run!


No. No. No.

Don't k*ll us. We don't
have extra lives.


Whoa, wait. Hold up, guys.

Check it out. Sunshine.

Oh, boy. That feels good.

All right.

See you later, Sam.

You mean that's it?
You're not gonna k*ll us?

No, of course not.

The game's over. We won.

All we wanted was
the sunshine...

and to k*ll that computer

that's been imprisoning
us for so many years.


Help! Oh, no!


Oh, sure, he's dangerous.

If he hits his button
again, back we go.

Beemo, quick! Hit your button!

I-I can't, Finn. I'm stuck.

You want him to hit his button?!

What's wrong with you?!

We'll save you, Beemo.

Finn, go!

They're too strong. Use
the combo move, Finn.

The combo move!

Combo move? That never works.

Listen, you got this, man.

I know you...

I know you can do it, buddy.

You got this!

Okay, okay. You got this, Finn.

For your friends.

Up, down, left, left, right,

right, down, spin, down, up,

left, right, left, down, spin,

up, down, jump!



Whoa. - Whoo-hoo!

You did it, Finn!

I knew you had the stuff.

Right, Beemo?


- Oh, crud.
- Beemo!

I'm sorry, buddy.

Finn, I told you about the
danger, and now look...

You fricasseed my stuff and
broke our house all up.

I know, I know.

I was double-butt, for real.

But, man, now that we
know what to expect,

next time will be way more fun.

Yeah, yeah!

How about it, Beemo? You in?

Up, down...

Hey, don't do the
combo move on us.

W-We were only joking.

Beemo! Stop messing around.

Left, down...
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