03x12 - Cuffed!/The Blizzard

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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03x12 - Cuffed!/The Blizzard

Post by bunniefuu »

[Cymbals crash]

[Light tinkling music]

- Ooph!


[Whimsical music]

[Twins giggle]

[Angelica gasps]

- [Groans]


- [Gasps]

[Milk squishes]

[Paper rustling]

- [Gasps]

can I have the handcuff set?

- Sorry, sweetheart,
but these gifts aren't for you.

They're for all the poor,
unfortunate children

At the orphanage.

- I don't need all the toys,
I just want the handcuffs.

- Sorry, angelica.

- But, daddy, those kids
won't miss one present.

They're orphans.

They're not used to
getting presents.

You don't want to spoil them,
do you?

- Honey,
when it's your birthday,

You can have
all the presents you want.

- [Moans]

- Oh, angelica,
I forgot to tell you

Your little friend chuckie

Is coming over
to spend the afternoon.

I want you to be nice to him
this time.

- But daddy, he's no fun.

He's just a baby.

- That doesn't mean
you can cover his glasses

In peanut butter.

- He didn't mind, daddy.

He thought it was funny.

[Doorbell rings]

- Oh, that must be chuckie now.

- Oh, great, the dumb kid
with the goofy hair.

- Hi, drew.

- Hi, chaz.

Hi, chuckie.

- Listen, thanks for
watching chuckie for me.

- Sure.
- Well, I got to run.

I don't want to be late
for my arthur murray class.

We're starting the samba today.

Bye, chuckie.
Be a good boy.

[Humming and scatting]

- Don't worry about a thing,

We'll take good care of chuckie.

Won't we, angelica?

- Oh, yes, daddy.
We'll have the bestest time.

- [Gulps]

Look, angelica.

I'm sorry I had to come over.

You don't have to play with me
or anything.

I'll just sit here by myself
on the floor

Till my daddy comes back.

- Never mind that.

Chuckie, there's an old saying.

"When life hands you a lemon,
make applesauce."

- Huh?
- I need your help.

Now, listen.

We're going to
sneak out into the hallway

And go into the closet
and get that handcuff set

Before my mommy and daddy can
give it all away to the orphans.

- Handcuffs?

I don't know
what you're talking about.

But if I did, I wouldn't think
it was a very good idea.

- Well, get over it, chumley.

This is a dog-eat-
dog-food world.

There's givers and takers,

And me, I'm a taker.

Now, come on.

- [Gasps]

Now, you stay here
and be the lookout.

I'm gonna go into the closet
and get that handcuff set.

Now if anybody comes, yell.

- Okay, angelica.

- [Grunting]

- [Screams]

- [Gasps]


- What happened?

- I saw something.
- Was it my mom?

- No.
- Was it my dad?

- No.
- Well, what was it?

- A mouse.
- A mouse?


Does this look like a mouse
to you?

- No.

- What does it look like?

- A sock.

- Do you know
why it looks like a sock?

- Uh...

- Because it isa sock!

Now, this time wait here,
and don't make a noise

Unless you see my mommy or daddy
coming, got it?

- Okay, angelica.

- [Growls]


- Angelica?

- What?

- Do you need any help?

- No, I don't need any--

What are you doing here?

You're supposed to be
the lookout!

- I got lonely.

- You dumb baby!

- [Screams]

- Shh!

Come on.

- [Yelps]

- Here it is, here it is!
My very own handcuff set!

It's mine, mine, mine, all mine!

[Laughs maniacally]

Look at these shiny new

- What do you do with 'em,

- Oh, you can do lots of things.

- Like what?

- Like, well, um...

I can pretend I'm a policeman
and you're a bad guy,

And I can handcuff us together
like this.

Pretty neat, huh?

- Yeah, I guess so.

- What do you mean you guess so?

Of course it's neat.

These handcuffs are the neatest
toy in the whole world.

- Uh, how do you take 'em off?

- Oh, that's easy.

You just get the key
and open up the lock.

Now, let's see.
Where is it?

They wouldn't sell it to a kid
without a key, would they?


- Uh-oh.

[Both grunting
and chain rattling]

Why don't you just use the key?

- Because there is no key,
you cheesehead.

- Why not?
- How should I know why not?

It's probably
back at the handcuff factory.

Some bozo probably
forgot to put it in the package.

- I didn't know bozo
worked at the handcuff factory.

- Do me a favor.

Just don't say anything
for a while.

- [Grunting]

- This piece of junk!

- I guess it's not
such a neat toy after all.


- You!
This is all your fault!

- Me?
- That's right.

If you hadn't have
come over here,

I never would have
sneaked into the closet

To get this dumb thing
in the first place.

- But angelica...

- And now we're stuck together!

- Angelica?
- [Gasps]

- Everything all right?

- Oh, yes, daddy.

Everything's fine.

Young charles and I were just
sharing and playing nicely.

- Great, muffin.

- Phew!
That was close.

- Angelica, I don't want
to be stuck together.

How are we gonna get these
handcuffs off?

- Hmm.
Give me a minute.

[Chuckie panting]

I got it!

We need a key, right?
- Right.

- Well, there's plenty of keys
around this house.

One of them's got to work,

- Maybe.

I mean, "right."

[Keys jingling]

[Keys jingling]

[Keys jingling]

- Come on, one of these keys
has got to work.

- [Gasps]

Ow, angelica, that hurt.

- It's gonna hurt worse
if you don't hold still.

Stupid key!

[Keys jingling]

Ah, who's dumb idea
was this anyway?

This stupid handcuff toy.

They'll put anything on tv
just to sell it to little kids.

What a rip-off.

Hey, wait a minute!

- [Gasps]

- I know it's in here somewhere.

- [Gasps]

- [Whimpers]
I can't look.



- What is it?

- It's not even on.

- This piece of junk.

- [Gasps]
- wait!

I got another idea.
- [Gasps]

- What?

- What if you miss?

- I'll crush your hand.

- [Gulps]

- [Grunts]

- [gasps]

- Oh!

- You missed.

- I know I missed!

- Angelica, you okay?

- Oh, hi, daddy.

Chuckie and I were having
a screaming contest.

It was so much fun,
we didn't hear you come in.

- That's nice.

Chuckie's daddy
is on his way over,

So chuckie should start
getting ready to go.

- Uh-oh.
Time's running out.


[Toys rattling]





- What do you think
it'll be like,

Being stuck together forever?

- Oh, we'll have to go
everywhere together.

We'll probably
need to get married.

Whenever we go out,
people will say,

"There goes angelica,
the girl who's stuck

To the dumb kid
with the goofy hair."

- Well, at least
we'll never be lonely.

- [Groans]

- I guess this isn't
a good time to mention

I have to go potty.

- Forget it.

- Angelica!

- Oh, no!
- Chuckie!

Mr. Finster is here!

- Just stay close,
and let me do the talking.

Will you come on?

- Angelica, wait--
- hurry up!

- But, angelica--

- Hi, chuckie.

Did you have a nice time?

- Mr. Finster,
could chuckie spend the night?

- Oh, not tonight, angelica.

We really have to go.

- Well, could I spend the night
at chuckie's?

- Maybe another time, princess.

- But, but I don't want him
to leave.

- Now, angelica, chuckie
and mr. Finster have to go.

- No, no, I can't leave him!

I can't! I can't!


Chuckie can't go.

- But, angelica,
why in the world not?

- Because
I'll miss him too much.

You were right, daddy, I did
have fun with chuckie today,

And we got to be
bestest friends.

- You know,
I think this playtime together

Did them a lot of good.

- I'll say.

- So please, can chuckie
stay over just one night?


- Well, what do you say, chaz?

- Well, I guess it's okay.

I can see
it'll make the kids happy.

- Oh, thank you.
Thank you!

Come on, chuckie.

That was close.

- Wow, angelica,
that was really nice.

It's gonna be fun sleeping over
and being bestest friends.

- Wise up, mush mouth.

I was lying.

Now, what were you
babbling about before?


Where'd you get that?

- I found it before,
under the puppet.

- Why didn't you say anything?

- You wouldn't let me.

- Oh, you make me so angry!

Now, listen, chuckie,
from now on,

I don't want to hear a word
from you.

No matter what I do,
no matter what happens,

Never speak to me again!

- Okay, angelica.

- [Sighs]




Chuckie, come in here!



Come back, chuckie!
Come back!

- No, angelica,
I know when I'm not wanted.

- Please, chuckie, please!

I didn't mean it!

Oh, chuckie, oh, buddy, oh, pal!

We could be friends again!

I'll let you play with cynthia.

I'll give you cynthia.

Here, you can have
all my chocolate.

You can take fluffy!

Come back, chuckie, come back!

["Back" echoing]

- Janucember nd.

It was a night
just like any other night,

And then disaster striked.

- [Yelps]


- Better watch where
you leave your toys, chuckie.

- Boy, it's really coming down
out there, pop.

- Yep, looks like we might have
a real blizzard on our hands.

[Phone rings]

- I got it!

- The grown-ups say
a brizzard's coming down on us.

- What's a brizzard?

- I don't know.
But don't worry.

Our dads wouldn't let
anything bad happen to us.

- Guys!

My brand-new fire engine!

It's broke!

It was my favoritest fire truck
I ever had.

Santa brought it to me.

- Don't worry, chuckie!

- Don't worry?

First a brizzard, and now this.

What's not to worry about?

- I can't believe it!

Didi said she's staying over
with betty and howard

On account of the snow.

- But they're just next door!

- Better safe than sorry.

- Febucember first.

The next morning,
we waked up to a big surprise.


Wake up, tommy!

Wake up!

- What is it, chuckie?

- [Gasps]

- Phil, look!
The sky is falling!

- That must be it, chuckie.

A brizzard
is when the sky falls!

- No wonder my dad
didn't want to go outside in it.

- Looks like the north pole
out there, eh, scouts?

- It was then
that I got my big idea.

- Yippee!

School's been cancelled!

- Stu, you're years old.

You don't have to go to school

- Oh, yeah, you're right.

But isn't this snow great?

I can't wait
to take the kids outside!

- Whoa!

- [Grunting]

- Hey, stu, think fast!


- [Chuckling]

- Why, you!

Hey, pop, could you keep an eye
on the kids for a minute?

- Sure thing.

- [Shrieks]

- [Laughs]

That was fun!

- Guys, I got a great idea
to fix my fire engine!

- You do?
- What is it?

- Well, tommy's grandpa

Said the north pole
was near here, right?

- Yeah?

- And that's
where santa lives, right?

- Yeah.

- So we can go
to the north pole, find santa,

And he'll fix my fire engine!

- Uh...
Let me get this straight.

You want to go
all the way to the north pole?

- Oh, yeah...

- You want to climb over
dangerous ice mountains,

Fight the scary storm,

And cross miles
of frozen plungers?

- Well, when you put it
that way...

- Chuckie, that's a great idea!

Let's do it!

Both: yeah!

- Go see santa without me,
will they?

We'll see about that!

Heh, heh, he.

[All grunting]

- Wait!

- Sorry, lil,
but we got to travel light.

We can only bring
the important stuff.

- Hmm.
I guess you're right.

[All grunting]

- We're never gonna make it
to the north pole this way!

- You're right, chuckie.

Hey, spike!

[Spike moans]

[Spike groans]

- [Crunches]

- Yeah, mush!

- Decembuary th.

We set out on expilition
to the north pole.

I was worried, but as usual,

Our leader, tommy,
didn't seem to be as scared.

He's an awful brave baby.

I just hope he knowed
what he was doing.

[All grunting]

[All scream]

[Ice crunching]

[Phil hiccups]

[Cliffs rumble]

[Phil hiccups]

[Cliffs rumble]

- Avalanche!

[Cliffs rumble]

[Snow splatters]

- [Crunches]

[Cliffs rumbling]

- Septober th.

Still no signs of santa
or the north pole.

I could see
the others were getting worried,

So I decided to speak up.

Whose bright idea
was this anyway?

- Don't worry.

The north pole must be
around here someplace.

- [Gasps]

[All scream]

- What are we going to do now,

- I don't know.

I guess we're stuck here.

- But, tommy, it's so cold.

- Yeah.

A wet diaper would freeze
in no time out here!

- We got to build an igloo.

Come on!

- So we started to build.

I didn't have the heart
to ask tommy

How a house
made out of cold snow

Could possibly keep us warm.

- And we got
part of a reptar bar

And some lint and a penny.

- That's all the food?

- That's it.

- Okay, you guys,

We got to make this last
until somebody finds us.

- Can I have the lint?

- What if nobody comes?

- They'll come, chuckie.

They've got to come.

- I'm cold.

- I'm hungry.

- I'm cold and hungry,

And I think I need a new diaper.

- You guys,
I better go get help.

- But, tommy,
it's freezing out there.

We're miles from civilization.

You'll never make it.

- Maybe not, but I got to try.

I got you guys into this mess,
and I'm gonna get you out.

- What a brave baby.

Both: bring fresh diapers!


- Halt!

Who goes there?

- It's me, tommy!

- I am angelinook of the north.

Why came you unbidden
to my snowbound kingdom!

- Huh?
- What are you doing here?

- Oh.

My sled crashed and it's cold

And we're
all out of reptar bars.

- You weren't on your way to the
north pole

To see santa claus, were you?

- Well, yeah, we were.

- Baby, this is your lucky day.

Angelinook of the north

Is going to save you
and your friends,

And we're all gonna go
to the north pole!

- We are?
- Yep.

- Say, why are you helping us
like this?

- Oh, no special reason.

I mean, the north pole

Is where all the toys
in the world are kept.

But really, I'm just doing it
'cause I'm your friend, tommy.

- Gee, thanks!

- Decembuary rd.

Still no sign of tommy,

But I feared all hope was lost.

- Where do you think tommy is?

- Maybe he got eated
by polar bears.

- Or wolves!

- Or the abondable snowman!

- Or a penguin!

Both: a penguin?

- I think we got to go find him.

- Why you want to go find
a penguin?

- Come on!

And so we was off
in search of our lost companion.

- [Gasps]


[All giggling, chattering]

- We thought you was eated
by a polar bear!

- I thought you guys
was frozen solid!

- Hey, babies,
anybody for a reptar bar?

All: yeah!

- Not so fast!

If I'm gonna
do something for you,

You got to do something for me.

- Decembuary .

With the help
of angelinook of the the north,

We was once more
headed for the pole.

As much as I feared
her strange wintry ways,

I sensed her experience
would serve us well.

- Mush!


What's the hold up?

- We're lost.

- You dumb babies.

How hard can it be
to find the north pole?

All you got to do is go north!

- Let's face it!

No one knows where we're going!

We're just gonna keep
going around in circles

Till we freeze!

Well, not me!
I quit!

- You can't quit!

- I can too,

And that's
just what I'm gonna do!

- Wait, chuckie.

[Both gasp]
- the north pole!

- Come on, you guys!

- Wait a minute.

If this is the north pole,
where's santa's house?

I don't see nothing!

No toy factory!

No funny little elves!

Not even a lame old
reindeer turd!

And where's santa claus' house,

Where's santa claus?

- Oh, no, you guys!

Don't you see?

- What?

- We must of got
turned around somewheres.

This isn't the north pole
at all!

- It's not?
- No.

It's the south pole!

- Great.

You babies have done it again.

- Wait.

Don't you see what we did?

- Made another big mistake?

- Got ourselves lost forever?

- No!

We've done the impossible!

We've faced the elephants,

Beat up the odds,

And dared to cross
the frozen wildermess!

- So?

- We've done something

No other babies
have ever done before.

We discovered the south pole!

All: yay!

- What's that?

- Oh, no,
it's the adominable snowman!

He lives down here, you know.

- I can't look!

- Hey, kids.

You having fun?

Maybe it's time you sprouts
came inside to warm up.

- [Gulping]

- No toys!

Not one single measly toy!

- At least we had fun.

- And my grandpa
fixed chuckie's fire truck,

So we didn't even
have to bother santa!

- Barch st.

Our ordeal is over.

We have rebelled
with the naked north

And, this time at least,
we have won.
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