03x16 - Under Chuckie's Bed/Chuckie is Rich

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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03x16 - Under Chuckie's Bed/Chuckie is Rich

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Gasps]

[ Chuckie snoring]

[ Yawning]

My blanky.

My pillow.

My crib.

It doesn't get any better
than this.

Chuckie, you're awake.

Today's the day
you get a big surprise.

Chuckie, it's your
little friends.

Stay here and play

While I set up
your big surprise.

Thanks for coming
to help, you guys.

I'm no good at this
do-it-yourself stuff.

No problem, chaz.

I like building things.

Of course I prefer working
with bricks and cement.

[ Yawning]

What's the matter
with chuckie?

Yeah. I've never
seen him so happy.

Maybe he's sick.

Maybe he's sleepy.
Maybe he eated
a bad crayon.

No, no, no. It's that...

[ Yawning:]
I just got up

From my favoritest place
in the whole world.

My crib.

Boy, oh, boy,
do I love my crib.

That's where I talk
to my stuffed "aminals"

Before I take my nap.

It's where I sleep
and dream my little dreams.

It's where I lay
in the morning

And make noises
till my dad comes in.

Ahh... My crib.

I don't know what I'd do
without it.

[ Women groaning]

So, uh, chuckie
doesn't know

He's getting a bed?

No. I thought it would be
a nice surprise.

Lipschitz says you should
always talk to a child

Before switching him

To a new bed.

Trust me, didi.

Chuckie loves surprises.

And when I'm in my crib

Everything looks beautiful.

Behind those bars

I'm safe and sound.

The world is my toaster.

Chuckie, is that the crib

That has the wide bars
on it?

And the tall sides?

And the picture
of the pink and blue sheeps?

Yep. That's the one. Why?

I think the grownups
just carried it out in pieces.


[ All panting]

No one took
my crib anywhere!

Why would someone
take it?

You'll see.
It will be in my room.

All cozy and comfy and...

[ Screaming]

[ Chuckie crying]

Well, I guess the chuckster
found his surprise.

Okay now, chuckie,
this is a new thing

And you're feeling
a little scared.

But sooner or later

Every kid must start
sleeping in a bed

So nighty-night.

Sleep tight.

I can't believe
they expect me

To sleep in this thing.

No walls.

No sides.

[ Snorting sound]

[ Gasping]

[ Screams]

What was that?

There's something down there.

No. That can't be.

Things don't live under beds.

There's nothing living
under my bed.


At all.

[ Deep voice:]
hiya, chuckie.

[ Screaming]

Chuckie, chuckie, what's wrong?!

It's okay, chuckie.

Don't be scared
of your bed.

It's just
a big person's bed

Because you're becoming
a big person.

It's exactly the same
as your old crib

But it doesn't
have any sides.

That's all. Okay?

Good night, chuckie.

[ Blowing kiss]

Yeah. My dad's right.

There's nothing scary
under the bed.

I mean, what could possibly be
living under the bed?

Unless it's an elephant

Or a troll.

Or a monster.

[ Deep voice:]

It's me, chuckie--

The monster living
under your bed.

But my daddy says

There's nothing scary
about this bed.

Ha! Right.
What does he know?

He doesn't have to sleep
in this bed.

Hey, I got an idea.

Why don't you come on
down here.

I got candy.

No way.

You're a monster.
You'll eat me.

Eat you? Me?

Now would I do
a thing like that?

[ Evil laughter]

I'm not listening to you,
mr. Monster

'Cause you're not real.

You're just my imagination,
that's all.

There's no such things
as monsters.

There's no such things
as monsters.
There's no such things
as monsters.

There's no such...

[ Chuckie screaming]

So, chuckie

How's the new bed
working out?

Ooh, it's terrible,
just terrible.

It's big and wide

And don't have no sides

And, and...
Oh, you won't believe me.

Sure, we will, chuckie.

There's a monster
living under my bed!

But, chuckie,
that can't be true.

It is! It is!

I saw it with my own true eyes!

It's big and green

And it's got
a long arm

That was coming up
to get me!

But, chuckie, that's not
where monsters live.

They live in caves, swamps,
and stuff like that.

But the one place
they don't live

Is under beds.

Chuckie, don't let
those little baldies

Tell you lies.

Of course monsters live
under beds.

[ All gasping]

Really, angelica?


That's their
favoritest place

In the world.

I knew it. I knew it.

I'm in trouble now.

That's not true,

There's no monsters
under beds.

That's what poor
barnaby jones thought.

Who's that?

Oh, nobody.

Just a kid who lived
a few blocks over from here--

A kid who didn't believe
there was any monsters

Living under his bed neither.

Until one night...

knock, knock.

Who's there?


Boo who?

What you crying about?

I got cake and ice cream.

Cake and ice cream!

Oh, boy!

Oh, no!

[ Screaming]

[ Monster chomping]

[ Monster burps]

And they never saw
little barnaby jones again.

So remember

There's only one
hiding place.

Under the covers.

And sometimes the monsters
can even get you there.

[ Gasping]

♪ Chuckie's going to get eated

♪ Eated, eated

♪ Chuckie's going to get eated ♪

♪ By the monster
under his bed. ♪

Ah, don't listen
to her, chuckie.

Yeah. She's a terrible singer.

I'm doomed.

No, chuckie.
I won't let you be a-scared

And you know why?

'Cause there's no monsters
under your bed!

Say, charles, maybe chuckie

Will sleep better
if tommy stays over tonight.

They do love
their little sleep overs.

[ Gulps]

good night, chuckie.

Good night, tommy.

Sleep tight.

Don't let the bed bugs bite.

See, chuckie,
this isn't so bad.

Yeah. It's kind
of okay.

I told you
there weren't no monsters.

Yeah. Maybe you was...


Ahh! You hear that,

Hear what?

Hear me, happy boy.

Ahh! Angelica was right!

There really is monsters
under the bed! Yuk!

Chuckie, come out
from under the covers.

No way, tommy!

You heard angelica.

This is the only place

I'm safe.

[ Grunting]

Come on, chuckie.
Come on.

No, tommy, no!
Leave me alone!

Chuckie, listen to me--

You've got to come out
from under those covers.

What for?

'Cause monsters
aren't real

And you got to look
under the bed

And show yourself that.


'Cause if you don't

You'll be a-scared of them

Is that a problem?

You're going to go
down there

Look that monster
in the eye

And prove he isn't real.

You'll say,
"I'm chuckie crandall finster

And I'm not a-scared!"

You're right, tommy.

I can't be scared
of no monsters.

No matter
how big they are.


No matter
how ugly they are.


No matter how sharp
their teeth are.

Uh... Right.

I just want to ask one thing.

What's that, chuckie?

Please come with me.
Please, please.

Don't make me go alone.

I'll come with you.

And you'll see
once and for all

There's no such thing
as monsters!

I'll go first.

Yeah. Good thinking.

Okay, go ahead.

Look under the bed.

You first.

You're the one
who's a-scared.

No. You're the guest.

Okay, on three,
we'll both look under the bed.






What comes after two?



Nothing there, right?

Uh, right.

[ Both screaming]

Hey, what's going on
in here?

Chuckie, tommy

What are you guys doing down...

Hey... My sweater.

I wondered
where this thing went.

I must have left it down here

When we were putting
the bed together.

Is this what you've been

Scared of, chuckie?

I know it's
scary sometimes

To be alone
in your room at night

But believe me

There's nothing
to be scared of.

There's nothing under your bed.

No elephants, no trolls.

There's the occasional
lint ball

But they're harmless.

You're always safe in your bed.

Nighty-night, boys.

Sweet dreams.

See, chuckie, you have
nothing to be scared of.

Yeah, I guess you was right.

This bed isn't so bad.

In fact,
I kind of like it.

You know, I think
this might be the start

Of a beautiful

Well, night tommy.

Well, maybe there's still a
couple of problems.

Why's it raining

In your living room?

I thought the rain's
supposed to be outside.

Just lucky, I guess.

You know, chaz, your house

Could use a little sprucing up.

The place is falling apart.

Even the termites
are beginning to complain.

Hey, I'm a finalist

In the american
dunderhead sweepstakes!

Everybody's a finalist
in those stupid contests.

This is the only sweepstakes

With pat sajak's picture on it.

I could win one, five,
or ten million dollars.

Aw, wise up, chaz.

Nobody wins those things.

Ever heard of mary ellen healey
of endicott, new york

Or mike jasko
of dayton, ohio?

Can't say I have.

Well, they won
ten million dollars

And I could be next.

isn't it great?

We're about to make

This guy's dreams come true.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

We might not be able

To visit grandma and grandpa
this summer.

Things haven't been going
so well at daddy's office.

[ Doorbell chiming]

Hope it's not bill collectors.

Are you charles finster?

[ Gasps]

Do you know who iam?

[ Stammering]

That's right.
I'm tv personality pat sajak.

Do you have any idea
why I should be here

At your home,
braintree lane?

[ Shouting:]
because you've just won
ten million dollars!

That's right--
ten milliondollars.

You're the winner

Of the american
dunderhead sweepstakes.

What's going on?

I think
we're going away.

Great! Where we going?

Not you and me-- me and my dad

And I don't know
where we're going

But we might be
going there forever.

Forever?! How come?

I don't know, but my dad's
been acting real strange.

He got all these funny
new clothes and stuff

And he even talks different.

The bonds are % tax-free.

There's absolutely no risk.

That sounds great.

I should put some dough in.

Actually, there's a $ ,
minimum investment.

On second thought, maybe I'd
better keep my assets liquid.

Don't worry.
No matter where you go

No matter what you do,
we'll be bestest friends.

I hope so, tommy.

I hope so.

Guess I'll see
you around.

[ Engine starting up]

No more leaky roofs

No more bill collectors.

You'll have all the toys
you could ever want.

We've got it made.

We've really got it made.

And you don't know

Where he's gone?

Nope, but I sure miss him.

Don't you know

What's happened
to chuckie?

Chuckie is rich.

What's "rich"?

"Rich" is when you
got lots of money.

You can do anything you want.

Chuckie's probably swimming
in a pool of ice cream.

Nah, he'd be too scared.

You can pay others
to be scared for you.

He doesn't have to hang around
with babies like you.

No, angelica.

He'd still be our friend
no matter what happened.

You're wrong, tommy.

The rich are different
from you and me.

We could play

With the electronic
dinosaur action figures

Or the race cars

Or we could play
with reptar-tron.

What do youwant to do?

Thorg hungry.

Thorg want to eat.

That's what you always say.


Hiya. I just finished
working out

With my personal trainer.

He says my serve
is really getting formidable.

So, uh... What do you say
we go over to the toy palace

And get some more toys?

I guess maybe you've got
all the toys there are.

Hey, I've got it.

Why not call stu and see
what our friends are up to?

I don't know.

I'm just afraid

I'll use the wrong spoon
or something.

This is chaz.

He's not going to care
what spoon you use.

Money changes people.

You're being ridic... Wow!

You sure this
is the place, stu?

Yeah. Look.


I didn't think

Hehad a middle name.

maybe he bought one.

I told you
he's changed.

That's the butler.

So I slipped the senator
a few bills and said

"Just think of me
as a concerned citizen."

[ Chuckles]

Oh, stu! Didi!

So good of you to come.

Please, sit down.

take tommy here

Up to young charles' room.

Jenkins is a wonder
with children.

So, nice place
you've got here.

I'm afraid I paid
rather too much for it

But you know
how these things are.

[ Laughs nervously]

Didi, I must show you
my new glass elephant.

It's one of a kind.

wow, tommy!

You got two points.

A new record!

Now it's my turn.

Hey, you guys!

Want to play roll the ball?



You guys...

Give me that!

What's the matter?

If you guys won't play
with me

You won't play
with my toys neither!

So, this is it, huh?

I got to give you credit.

You've done all right
for yourself.

I have?

I always said

Chuckie had something
on the ball

And this proves it.

You've got more toys than me.

I do?

What do you want to play?

You're asking me?

It wouldn't be
very nice of me

To make you do
what I wanted to do

Just because I'm an eensy-weensy
little bit bigger.

Did I mention those new glasses
look really great on you?

[ Laughing]

"I may not know art

But I know what I like."

Oh, that's rich,

If I may, I'd like to show you

The prospectus
on this new venture.

Their concept will revolutionize
personal hygiene in america

And I can get you in
on the ground floor.

I give you... The ear-whizz!

Are you sure you like
this game, angelica?

You never used to.

Like it? I loveit.

How come chuckie doesn't want us
to play with his toys?

It has something to do
with his being rich.

Why would having lots of money
make you different?

Yeah, I had
a nickel once

And I didn't feel
any different at all.


How come tommy and phil and lil

Are acting so strange?

Them? They're just jealous.

Jealous? What's that mean?

It means you got
this great stuff

And they want it.


Angelica, are you just
being nice to me

'Cause I got lots of new toys

And 'cause my daddy
has ten million dollars?

Of course that's why.

You didn't think
I actually liked you

Did you?

Now, what do you want

To play next?

This is
the best investment

You'll ever make.

You're sure it's safe?

It's a sure thing.
In five years

The ear-whizz
will be considered

As indispensable
as the electric toothbrush.

"I may not know art,
but I know what I like."

Who's he kidding?

Now, you didn't really
give him a chance.

You were ready
to pounce on him

The minute you
walked in the door.

He's changed--

That's all there is to it.

I'm sorry, drew.

You were saying..?

The ear-whizz company.

The ear-whizz company.

Are you sure
it's wise for us

To be putting in
more money?


Well, okay, whatever you think.

Bye. I didn't realize

Being rich
would be so much work.

I think you'll like
this preschool.

Many famous people send

Their children here,
like pat sajak.

Shall we ask the new kid
to play?

finster? No, he's
not really our type.

New money, you know.

Very common.

charles, we need to talk.

Of course, drew.

Have some more caviar.

Thanks. It's about
the ear-whizz.

I'm tired
of talking business.

What do you say

We have a game
of tennis...


There's been a slight
financial reversal.

The ear-whizz actually
increaseswaxy buildup

In the ear canal.

The company...
Kind of went bankrupt.

How much of my money did you put
into this cockamamie thing?

About half.


Just kidding.

[ Sighs]

Actually, nearly all of it.

[ Whimpers]

Seemed like a good idea

At the time.

[ Gagging]

[ Retching]

You want
to play ball?

With you? Ha! Wake up
and smell the oatmeal.

You're not rich anymore.

Did you hear what my daddy said?

The money's all gone.

Ride's over. Finito.kaput.


Here, want some caviar?

To keep anything,
we'll have to act fast.

This house,
all this stuff--

You'll have to get rid of it.

This isn't happening.

You'll have to move
out of your house

And leave that fancy-pants
day-care center

And all your new toys have
to go back to the store.


Not my elephant!

I'll never give up
my glass elephant!

I know. I'll call pat sajak.

He'll know what to do.

Pull yourself together.

It's over.


Hiya, neighbor.

Listen, stu, I'm sorry
I acted like such a jerk

When I was rich.

I'm the one who had a problem.

Maybe I was jealous.

So your money's
all gone, huh?

There's enough left
to fix the roof

And I did get to keep

The glass elephant.


Hi, chuckie.

I'm sorry
you're not rich anymore.

Don't be. Being rich
isn't all that great.

Won't you miss
the big house, toys

And swimming pool
full of ice cream?

Nah. Not as much as I missed
being regular old chuckie.

It's good
to have you back.

it isa nice elephant, chaz.

[ Glass breaking]

[ Chaz screaming]

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