03x25 - Cradle Attraction/Moving Away

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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03x25 - Cradle Attraction/Moving Away

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Inhales]

Smell that, deed?

It must be
those port-a-potties

By the tennis court.

Naw, it's springtime, deed

Flowers in bloom,
fresh-cut grass...

Makes you feel alive.

I still think
it's those port-a-potties.

Nonsense, deed,
love is in the air.


Oh, betty.

Hey, chuckie

Want to play spacemans?

Ah, I don't think so.

[ Sighs]

What's wrong, chuckie?

Oh, nothing. I guess
I just don't feel like playing.

How come?

I can't explain it.

It's a weird feeling.

It's like, well, like...
Well, like...

I just don't feel like
the same old chuckie no more.

You don't?

What kind
do you feel like?

Like an empty one.

Like a chuckie
who's going nowhere.

Like a chuckie
with something missing.

Something missing?

Well, like what?

I don't know, just...



My name's megan, what's yours?

I'm tommy

And this is phil and lil.

Nice to meet you.

And who is this bozo?

Oh, that's chuckie.

Chunky, what kind
of weird name is that?

Um, actually,
it's chuckie.

Whoa, ugh!

[ Grunting]


Oh, sorry, chunky.


Want to play hide and seek?


Hide and seek's great.

Who's "it"?

Good question.

How about chunkie?


Well, all right,
I'll count to...

Uh, well I'll count
as high as I can.

That doesn't give
us much time.

Rone, two...


Eleven... Ow!

Hey, what's going on?

Oh, must have been a bird
or something.

One, two...

Ow! Who, who did that?

[ Gasps]

Ow, hey, what'd you
do that for?

I didn't do nothing.

Yes, you did, you poked me.

No, I didn't.

Okay, fine, I'll just
go play somewhere else.

Hey, chuckie, what's wrong?

Didn't you see?

I was trying to count,
but megan poked me.

Aw, she was probably kidding.

She didn't
mean nothing by it.

Well, it sure hurt.

I don't think she
likes me.

Don't be silly.

Now, come on, let's go play.

I'll be the general

You be the captain.


Phil and lil
can be the brave soldiers.


Wait a minute,
how 'bout me?

Hmm, chuckie...

You can be...
Mr. Mud bucket.

[ Grunting]

[ Laughing]

I'm telling you, guys

Megan's picking on me.

Didn't you see
how she tripped me when we met?

Naw, she put her foot
there by mistake.

How 'bout when she
made me be mud bucket

When we played soldiers?

What're you
talking about?

Mud bucket's
the best part
in the game.

I wish I
could have been
mud bucket.

Come, on, chuckie,
megan isn't picking on you.

It's all
in your imagination.

Aw, maybe you're right.

[ Crying out]

[ Grunting]

Um, chuckie?


I guess I was wrong.

She is kind
of picking on you.

I hatethat megan, tommy

I didn't do nothing
to her.

I know you didn't.

Then why is she picking on me?

Maybe 'cause
you're a boy.

But tommy and phil are boys,
and she doesn't pick on them.

Maybe it's 'cause

You gots red hair
and freckers.

That's not
a good reason.

It could be your glasses.

My glasses?

But that's not fair.

No one ever said

Life was gonna be fair,

That's it,
that's the last straw.

I'm gonna go over there

And settle things once
and for all.

Hey, megan...


Why are you picking on me?

Well, what is it? Is it my hair?

Is it my freckles?

Or do you just hate kids
with glasses?

No, it's not that.

What is it then?

If you're gonna
keep picking on me

I got to know.


What is it?


Come on, out with it!

It's 'cause I like you,

She likes you?

She poked you, called you names
and pushed you down

Because she likesyou?

I know it sounds weird,
but that's what she said.

I think she's nuts.

If I was you,
I'd stay out of her way.

She might have rabies
or something.

I couldn't do that, you guys.

Why not?
It's a big playground.

Yeah, if you see her

Hide behind a bush.

Or climb a tree.

Or pretend
you're invisible.

No, guys, you don't understand.

I can't just stay away from her.

Why not, chuckie?

Well, I don't know how
to say this

But, I think I like her, too.


I don't get it.

Yeah, why do
you like her

If she's so mean
to you?

I, I can't really explain it

But I do.

Now, excuse me

But I got to go find megan
and tell her.

Huh, hey, what'd
you do that for?

'Cause I like you.

[ Laughing]


I got something to tell you.

Megan, wait!

Now what do I do?

How about
a present?

Every kid
likes presents.

Yeah, how
about worms?

Or mud.

Please, you guys,
I barely know her.

Hey, I got it.

How 'bout this?

Wow, a reptar bar.

Thanks, tommy,
this is perfect.

Hi, megan, I was
just passing by

And thought you might like
a nice, chocolatey reptar bar.

We saw the whole thing.

I don't get it.

Sorry, chuckie.

Sure, it was
in tommy's diaper

For a couple of days

But it's a perfectly
good reptar bar.

What're you gonna do now?

I don't know.

Why don't you
give her flowers?

Yeah, flowers...

That's it.

Megan, i...

I don't know what
to say.

You tried talking to her,
you bought her chocolate

You even gave her flowers.

I still say she's nuts.

Yeah, what kind of kid
says she likes you

Then runs away every time
you do something nice?

Face it, chuckie,
she's not like other kids.

You know, tommy?

I think you're right.

Megan's not like other kids.

Other kids would love
getting presents...

But not megan.

She wants something different.

And you know what, guys?

I think I know just what
that something is.

[ Both yelling]

[ Laughs]

[ Grunting, laughing]


It's the weirdest
thing I ever saw.

I think they're both nuts.

[ Cries out]

[ Laughs]

[ Cries out]

It's awful pretty,
isn't it?

I mean...

The sun going down,
and everything.

Yeah, and it's even better
'cause I'm watching it with you.

Gee, megan...

[ Grunts]

Guys, I never felt better
in my whole life.

I mean, if you think
eating carpet lint is fun

Wait'll you fall in love.

That's great.

When I'm with megan
I feel, well, special.

I never felt like this before
in my entire life.

That's nice, chuckie

But all this love talk
is making me kind of sick.

And there's the future.

I know it's a little soon
to think about marriage

But, hey, I'm gonna
be three next year.

Well, excuse me, guys

Megan's waiting for me.

I'm going to put
a worm in her hair.

[ Loudly]:

Huh, that's funny.

[ Shouting]:

Where could she be?

Ow, hey,
quit that.

[ Megan laughing]


Just stop it,
will you?

[ Laughing]

Ow! Just leave me alone, okay?




How could you?

Wait, wait,
I can explain.

It's not what it looks like.

[ Sobbing]

Boy, that's rough,

You'd think
if she was gonna
pick on another kid

She'd finish picking
on you first.

[ Sighs]

Maybe that's just
the way love is sometimes.

Don't be sad, chuckie.

Whatever happens,
we'll always be your friends.


Thanks, it really
means a lot to me

Knowing that you guys'll
always be there.

But, oh, I don't know...

I guess I still
kind of miss her.

I miss the way she'd
poke me in the back

The way she'd
throw mud at me

The way she'd push me
down on the ground.

Uh, hey, chuckie?


[ Grunts]

[ All laughing]

[ Sighs]

Guys, you're
real pals.

[ Grunting]

[ Slurps]
watch the corners, boys.

You're the one moving.

Give us a hand
with this heavy stuff.

Can't, sensitive ligaments.

[ Grunting]

what's going on,

How come everybody's
taking your stuff?

I'm moving away, bozo.

Moving away?

That's what I said.

Mommy got a new job, so I'm
getting out of baby town.

Oh, no.

That's awful.

Are you kidding?

It's the best thing
that's ever happened to me.


Angelica's moving!

We're free, free at last!

[ Laughter]

Wait, you guys

This is terrible.

What are you talking about?

This is the greatest thing
that's ever happened.

What could
be terrible about that?

You guys are forgetting
angelica's the one

Who made us friends
in the first place.

No, she didn't, tommy.

We was always friends.

No, we weren't.

Remember the first time we met?


Well, I do.

[ Door chime rings]

Hi, betty de ville?

Depends-- you from the county?

Uh, no, I'm drew pickles
from down the street.

Oh, well, pleased
to meet you, neighbor.

Come on in.

I came to invite you
to a party

For my brother stu
and his wife didi.

They just moved
from akron.

Be great if you'd come.

Well, howard's got a lot
of laundry to do

But I guess we could stop by.

Seaweed protein shake?

You must be phil and lil.

Who are you?

Angelica pickles.

Haven't I seen you at the park?

Were we eating worms?

Hmm, yeah, I think so.

Yep.that was us.

My daddy's inviting you
to the party tomorrow.

A party? Neat.

We love parties.

Sure, except
there's something

You ought to know
before you go.

Ever heard of a baby,
name of tommy pickles?

It's a good thing
I stopped by.

If there's one thing
I know, it's this:

Tommy pickles is trouble.



One mean, nasty baby.

He'll snap the diaper
off your butt.

Don't think he'll stop there.

He'll pull your hair,
step on your shoes

And eat the buttons right
off your clothes.

Whoa, thanks
for warning us.

we're going.

See you tomorrow.

And remember...

[ Snaps fingers]

I don't know, mr. Pickles

Social situations
make me uncomfortable.

Come on, chaz,
call me drew.

We've known each other
since high school.

Sorry, mr. Pickles

I mean, drew, drew!

Worst of all, there's two
of 'em-- phil and lil

They're mean.

Hate kids with
red hair, too.

Ihave red hair!

They really hate

with glasses.

I wear glasses!

Wow, two out of two;
watch yourself tomorrow.

I wouldn't want to be
in your shoes.

[ Gulps]

This ought to be good.

So everybody's
coming, huh?


It's wonderful
to meet neighbors.

I don't know.

At least we'll get lots
of gifts.

And he really steals toys?

He's one mean baby.

His name's chuckie

But they call him "the crusher."

[ Gasps]

I'll I tell you
about the twins.

Get away
from my shoe

Diaper snapper!

Diaper snapper!

Watch out,
they'll cut your hair off.

Stay away, crusher.

Bet you'd like to get your hands
on these buttons.

Hey, you're stealing
my toys.

Am not.

Are too.

[ Arguing]

[ Arguing]

[ Chuckles]

Well, cynthia,
it doesn't get better than this.

What's that?

[ Silence]

Oh, thank you, I ama genius.

But that
doesn't prove

Angelica's the reason
we're friends.

What it proves is angelica's
the reason

We almost got to be enemies.

Wait, you guys,
I'm not finished.

Don't you remember
what happened next?

[ Crowd chattering]

Wonderful way to meet
the neighbors, my foot!

Freeloaders and not one
lousy housewarming gift.

Meet betty and howard de ville
from next door.

This is my brother stu

The "inventor."


What a lousy party.

Nothing to eat
but vegetables and bean dip.

You'd think there'd be some cake
or cookies... Aha!

Look, a box
of chocolicious cookies

And not a growned-up in sight.

Ha, ha, come on.

I'll never get through.

You'd have to be...

Say, wait a minute.

Of course.


Too fat.


Ah, phil, lil?

You guys want cookies?

The cookies
are right there.

Crawl through and get 'em
for me.

I mean, us.

Sorry, angelica

It's too small.

It's not too small for you.

We'd never fit
in a million years.

Of course you would.

No, we'd get stuck.

You stupid babies,
you can't get stuck.


[ Grunts]


[ Grunting]

Say, isn't
that the yard

With the big,
nasty dog in it?

What big nasty dog?

[ Growling]

[ Growling]

[ Screaming]

[ Snarling]

[ Whimpering]

Hey, stop it!

Leave me alone, you stupid dog.

[ Panting]

Whoa, how'd you two
get out here?

Tommy, tommy!

Angelica's stuck
in the fence...

And a big dog's
gonna eat her.


No, don't listen

They're making it up
so we'll look away.

They'll cut our hair.

Keep out,
toy stealer.

Oh, look who's talking,
button eater.

Button eater?

Don't try to fake us.

We know you're a button eater.

Or should we turn around

So you can snap our diapers,
like angelica said.

Angelica said isnap diapers
and eat buttons?

She told us all about you.

Angelica told me
you guys are haircutters

And glasses stompers.

We are not.

Sounds fun, though.

You know what?

Angelica told me
you was a toy stealer.

What? That's the most
ridicirous thing I ever heard.

So angelica said
yousteal toys

But you don't

And she said
you guys stomp glasses

But youdon't

And she said I eat buttons

But idon't.

Hey, you guys, I think angelica
made all that stuff up.

You mean none of it's true?

Wow, this changes everything.

Why would angelica
make us ascared
of each other

And make us fight?

'Cause she's mean.

'Cause she's nasty.

No, that's not it.

It's 'cause she wanted us
to be friends.

Come again?

If we hadn't been fighting

We would have been
playing instead, right?


We'd have gone
outside with angelica.


We'd be the ones

With our heads stuck
in the fence.

[ Gasping][ gasping]

You're right, tommy.

Boy, if I got my head stuck
in your fence

I'd never want
to play here again.

See, angelica, likes us so much

She went and made us fight
just so we can be friends.

Wow, angelica's
the greatest.

How can we ever thank her?

We can tell her
what good friends we are.

And show her
how well we play together.

Yeah, that'll make her happy.

I got an even better
thing we can do

To make angelica happy.

What's that, tommy?

Get her head out of that fence.


[ Gasps]

[ Grunting]


[ Slurping]

Stop it, dog!


Babies, is that you?

Yeah, angelica, it's us.

Pull me out, pull me out!

[ Grunting]

[ Growling]

[ Grunting]

[ Growling]

[ Growling and grunting]

We did it!

My head--
I'm not stucked anymore!

You saved my life.

Oh, thanks, babies,
thanks a lot.

No, we're the ones
who should be thanking you.

[ All hugging
and kissing angelica]

What for?

Oh, we know what you did

And we think you're great.

What's wrong with you?

Are your diapers on too tight?

[ Laughs]

And she's funny, too.

You know, for a bunch
of stinky babies

You guys aren't so bad
after all.

Tommy, you're right.

I'm gonna
miss angelica
after all.

Yeah, me, too.

[ Sobbing]

[ Sobbing]

I heard the whole thing.

I remember how you saved me
from that stupid dog.

You were so brave!

You like me, you really like me!

I know I never
told you this

But you guys
are my best friends.

We are, really?

Yeah, and you know when
I was always mean to you

And broke your toys

The truth is, deep down,
I like you, too.

I really like you.

[ All sobbing]

Gosh, angelica,
I wish you weren't moving away.

Me, too,
I'm gonna miss you guys so much.


Listen, sugar plum

I hate to tell you this

But there's been
a change of plans.

It looks like
we're not moving.

We're not?

Those ingrates!

I give the best years
of my life

And they give the v.p. Job
to that weasel jonathan.

There's no loyalty
in this town.

Come on, honey

Let's counter-strategize
over a cappuccino.

you're not moving!

Now you'll get a chance
to do everything different.

Now we know how you really feel.

You like us,
you really like us.

Ryuck, get away,
you dopey babies

I was making it all up!

Stop hugging me!

Stop it!

Stop it!
Nothing's changed, cut it out!

If think I'm gonna be nice
you got another think coming.
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