06x05 - Sad Face

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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06x05 - Sad Face

Post by bunniefuu »

[ mouse squeaks ]
[ penguins chirp ]

[ all cheering ]
>> [ screeches ]

>> ♪ adventure time ♪
♪ come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ we'll go to very distant
lands ♪

♪ with jake the dog
and finn the human ♪

♪ the fun will never end ♪
♪ it's adventure time ♪

>> bmo, when is something going
to happen?

>> shh. Just watch.
It happens once a month.

I promise.
>> jake: [ yawns ]

>> this is it!

>> ooooh!

>> but where does it go?
>> that's none of our business.

>> tickets!
Get your tickets here!

See the world's greatest tiny

Witness the amazing wood-eating

The mighty strong-ant!
>> you're late, blue nose!

Get into makeup!

[ audience "oohs" and "aahs" ]
[ audience gasps, applause ]

[ drum roll ]
[ audience gasps ]

[ cheers and applause ]

[ soft music plays ]

[ music continues ]

[ sad music plays ]

>> [ laughing ]
[ audience booing, hissing ]

>> [ crying ]

>> too much artsy, not enough

We talked about this, clown!
[ chuckles nervously ]

Wasn't that something?
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and

Girls, you're perfectly safe.
But at this time, I'd like to

Ask anyone with a medical
condition to please leave the

Premises at once.
What you're about to witness

With your own eyes may shock and
astound you to your very core.

Tonight, I give you the wildest,
most dangerous beast anywhere in

The horrible, the stupendous...

[ audience gasps ]

[ whip cracks ]

>> [ growls ]
[ whip cracking ]

[ roars ]
[ audience gasps ]

[ growls ]
[ whip cracking ]

>> [ laughing ]

[ body thuds ]
[ audience screaming ]

>> don't worry, junior.
It's all part of the act.

[ screaming continues ]

[ slow music plays ]

[ knock on door ]
>> blue nose!

Boy, am I glad to see you.
Come in, come in!

Sit down.
You did good out there tonight

With the belly-dancing routine.
Real good.

Aw, don't give me that look.
I know we said we were going to

Let the chipmunk go at the end
of last season, but goralina is

Our big draw.
You understand that.

We're barely breaking even here.
What do you want from me?!

Look, there's another show in an

You come up with an act that can
rival goralina, then we can

But look what she got us last

Night -- three whole pennies.
Think you can make me this kind

Of cash?
You do that, I won't need the

Chipmunk anymore.
I'll let her go, just like I

But you're gonna have to lose

The fancy-schmancy stuff and
give the people what they want!

Get it?!
[ door closes ]

[ mid-tempo music plays ]

[ music stops ]
[ gear cranking ]

[ sad music plays ]

[ whoopee cushion deflates ]
[ laughter ]

>> the old blue nose magic.

[ laughter ]

[ laughter ]
>> aren't you glad we came back

For the second show?
[ sad music continues ]

[ record needle scratching ]

[ sad music continues ]

[ laughter ]
[ cheers and applause ]

>> oho! You were great, kid!
That's what I'm talking about.

With you and the chipmunk in the
show, we're gonna have a real

1, 2 punch!

I know what I said, but I want
to see how many boxcars this

Gravy train has on it.
[ chains rattling ]

Look at her.
It's like looking at a big sad

Dollar sign.
[ gasps ]

[ laughter, cheers, applause ]

>> whoa-ho!
>> [ laughing ]

[ laughter continues ]

>> [ growls ]
[ audience gasps ]

>> [ grunts ]
>> that's right.

Lift with your legs first, then
put your back into it.

There he is.

Thought you could skip out, eh?
And start your own circus!

>> yeah, you!
You and your corny clown hat!

>> hey, he's smiling!
>> what's so funny?

>> you rat!
>> you creep!

What's the big joke?

[ audience gasps, murmurs ]

[ horse whinnies ]

>> jake: [ sniffs ]

[ both laugh ]
>> ha ha! Neat!

>> hmm.
>> finn: What is it?

>> it's looking droopier.
>> finn: But I've been pounding

Pickle juice like I was preggos.
For the electrolytes.

>> well, switch back to water.
But what I really want to know

Is, how are you feeling, finn?
>> finn: What?

Oh. I don't know.
[ imitates trumpet tooting ]

I guess I don't feel anything.

>> okay, that's what I thought.
You got to bounce back, man.

You got burned by your bad dad,
you lost your arm, and all the

Ladies say you don't talk to
flame princess no more.

>> finn: Who's sayin' that?
>> finn, flowers thrive on good

As your doctor, I'm ordering you

To go out and have fun, okay?
>> finn: You want to go with me

To crab princess' party tonight?
>> uh, what?

Like, as a date?
>> finn: Sure.

That would be fun, right?
>> finn, I don't date my

>> finn: It's cool.

Guess I'll go make out with
crab princess.

>> okay. Tell her I said "hi"!

>> finn: ♪ I'm lost in the
darkness ♪

♪ what will this bring? ♪
♪ autumn descends on me ♪

♪ autumn ♪
>> ♪ what do I see? ♪

♪ oh, so beautiful ♪
♪ my heart it beats ♪

♪ oh, so magical ♪
>> finn: ♪ I'm lost in the

Darkness ♪
♪ what will this bring? ♪

[ dance music plays ]
[ sighs ]

>> aah!
Watch it, crab princess!

>> I'm sorry.
>> you ain't my man!

So why are you all up in my

>> [ grunts ]
hey, finn, could you pour this

Juice into my mouth?
>> finn: What? Pfft!

>> I can't reach my juice.

>> finn: Yo, come on, bee!

>> oh, I'm so sorry.
I didn't realize --

>> finn: Didn't realize what?
That there's a person attached

To this flower?
>> uh, yes.

I'm sorry.
But it's only because your

Flower's the greatest miracle of
all time.

It's just doing something to me.
I --

>> finn: Oh, that's cool.
Thanks, beezy.

>> my name's breezy.
>> never mind, finn.

[ laughs, coughs ]
[ laughing ]

>> so, uh, what are you doing

>> finn: Ah, well, I came here

To make out with crab princess,
but I sort of lost steam on the

Walk over.
I don't know what crabs are

I'm just gonna stop trying and

Let my flower wilt away.
Who cares?

>> I'll try for you, man!
>> finn: Whoa! Really?

>> yeah!
I'm gonna help you, friend!

[ dance music continues ]
>> hey, emerald princess, you

Know what would blow this party

>> what?
>> if we all got in a line and

Just showed off our moves.
[ clapping ]

>> yeah! Do it!
Oh, my glob!

Aah ha ha! Haa!
>> thanks for walking me home,

I'd invite you over, but you

Can't breathe underwater, right?
>> finn: Not usually, but can I

Have a kiss, please?
>> uh, okay...

>> finn: Okay.
Good night, crab princess.

>> good night, finn!
[ giggles, gurgles ]

>> hey, you did it!
>> finn: Oh, you're still here.

>> yeah. [ chuckles ]
just checking in...On my buddy.

So, how you feelin', buddy?
>> finn: Pretty grease.

I made out with crab princess,
so that's grease.

But really I don't feel nothing.
>> finn: Maybe if I made out

With lots of girls, I will feel

Maybe I'll reach a "good vibe"
saturation point.

And then my flower will feel
good, too...

>> your flower feels good, yes.
>> finn: Hey!

Cut it out, breezy.
>> ha ha! I'm just messin'

We're buddies, right?

>> finn: Yeah, breezy, I like

You're a good wingman.
>> yeah, wingman.

I'm a girl, but all right!
Let's wingman you some

[ horn plays softly ]

>> finn: [ whispering ]

[ horn blares wildly ]
>> [ rattling ]

[ upbeat music plays ]

>> [ giggles ]
>> jake: Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh!

[ indistinct conversations ]

>> jake: [ chuckles ]
>> finn: What's up with your

>> jake: Eh, I'm trying

Something new.

How's it going, miss...?
>> frozen yogurt princess.

>> jake: Whoa.
You're a dead ringer for

Flame princess, with a smidge of
princess bubblegum mixed in.

Guess you're still hung up on
both of 'em, bro.

>> finn: I ain't hung up on

Breezy, let's get out of here.

>> okay.
>> finn: She doesn't look

Anything like flame princess,
does she?

>> I don't know who that is.
>> finn: Exactly.

I'm just trying to have fun.
You know, doctor's orders.

But I still ain't feelin'

[ sighs ]
maybe I should just let this

Poor flower die.
>> noooo...

Listen, buddy, being a free
spirit is fun and all, but you

Got a responsibility to that
flower, just like I got a

Get this -- I'm actually a

Virgin queen bee.
I was born to lead a hive,

Destined for a life of
obligation and ritual.

>> finn: Whoa. Bummer.
>> yes.

Once I drink of the royal jelly,
my carefree days are done.

>> finn: Dang. That sounds like
raw deez.

Breezy, you got to stay free...
Free to make out with whatevs.

>> yeah, maybe you're right.
You know, it's too bad we're

Such great buddies or we could
make out with each other.

[ chuckles ]
>> finn: What?

>> uh, nothing. Come on, pal!
Let's run and be free.

[ chuckles nervously ]

I tripped right into you!
[ giggles ]

That's right.
Everybody's havin' fun...

>> finn: Whoops!
>> both: Whoa!

>> [ humming ]
[ children laughing ]

What's that?

Hey, girl!
Girl, I know you can hear me!

Girl, get back to your hive!
Quit hanging out with that

Bologna tube!
It's disgusting!

>> finn: Mnh-mnh.
Yo! Shut it!

She's an independent lady!
>> yeah! Shut it!

>> a'ight!

You guys want to roast a wiener?
>> together: Yeah!

>> gonna teach you to mind your
b's and q's, chump!

>> finn: Uh! Run, breezy!

>> you're about to get

Waggle-danced, you chicken!

>> finn: Ow! Ooh!
>> oh, no! Flower!

I-I mean finn!
[ gasps ]

[ clattering ]

Don't worry, finn!
I jacked some royal jelly from

Their hive!
>> finn: [ groans ] breezy...

>> [ gulping ]

[ gasps ]


[ grunting ]
[ vomits ]

Hey, honeybuns!
>> finn: [ groans ]

>> whoa!
Oh, no!

She got into our secret sauce,

It's all over!
Long live the queen!

[ crashing ]
>> finn: Breezy?

>> yes, finn.
Can't you see?

I've become a queen to save you

I love your flower and -- and I
think...I love you!

Now you can partake of my pollen
crumbles and become my drone.

>> finn: Um...You know, I'm --
I'm trying to keep it casual, b.

I just don't feel the same way.
I don't feel anything.

>> but I royal-jellied for you.
[ sniffles ]

>> finn: I'm lost in the
darkness, breezy.

[ dance music plays ]
>> finn.

I saw this already!

I know all about your dirty

Now it's lumpy's turn to slump
those lips!

Bring it in, baby.
>> wha?

Where you going?
>> finn: That's it.

We made out.
>> wha-- what?!

I didn't wait infinity for a dip
in the kiddie pool!

We're taking this to the deep

>> finn: But I'm not a good

>> don't be scared, finn.
Lumpy's on lifeguard duty.

>> finn: How's it going, guy?
Is any of this helping?

I'm gonna forget you did that.
Right in the vault.

[ sighs ]

>> ♪ my love will not fade ♪
♪ I see ♪

♪ love beyond reason ♪
>> finn: ♪ what do I hear? ♪

♪ oh, so beautiful ♪
>> ♪ blooming ♪

♪ this voiceless singing ♪
>> finn: ♪ is this a dream? ♪

♪ oh, so magical ♪
>> ♪ my chest is full to burst ♪

>> finn: ♪ this memory of
feeling ♪

>> ♪ ahhhhhh ♪
>> finn: ♪ who calls to my

Heart? ♪

>> ♪ ahh ahh ahh ♪
♪ my hero arise ♪

♪ let love be your guide ♪
>> finn: Whoa, whoa, whoooooa!

[ gasps ]

Yeah! Whoo-hoo!
>> what the lump?

Oh, hey!
Finn, you got your arm back!

>> finn: [ laughing ]

Yeah! Whoo-hoo!

>> [ gasps ]

>> ♪ come along with me ♪
♪ and the butterflies and bees ♪

♪ we can wander through the
forest ♪

♪ and do so as we please ♪
♪ come along with me ♪

♪ to a cliff under a tree ♪
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