06x36 - Hoots

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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06x36 - Hoots

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog
and Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's adventure time ♪

I'm home!

Who's gonna have
dinner with me tonight?

Sorry, fellas.

I got to go make
some dreams come true.

Where are we headed,
dream token?


Aw, Finn again.

Say "cheese!"


"Eybdoog" yas


Huh? Wait, wait!

Who's that?

She's so beautiful!

Butt feathers!


Whoa, the cosmic owl?!

Does that mean this
dream is important?!

Is this a
prophetic dream?!

And is this stuff all
symbolic or literal?


Oh, yeah, sort of.


What does
it all mean, boy?

Dang, she's gone!

What? W-w-what
are you asking me?

Uh, I can't tell you that.

I don't know, shelby.

I think it's
too dark in there.


Pull him up,
pull him up!

Think I just had
a prophetic dream.

Cosmic owl was in it.

He was acting
all choco-loco.

Finn, you got
to go back to sleep.


Cosmic owl dreams
are important always!

You got to find him again!

Yeah, but last time I

chased a cosmic owl dream,
I got dumped.

Get back in there!

It's too important.

You don't got time to
waste on my class ring

or bets with shelby
or stomach fishing.



Shh, shh, shh,
shh, shh, shh!

All right, let's do it.

Hey, cosmic owl!

You still here? Oh!

Butt feathers...

Love is weird, man.

It really does come when
you least expect it.

Dude, you've been working on
that since you got here.

Take a break.

You haven't even asked me
about my banjo lessons.

They're going great!


Sorry, I just can't stop
thinking about her.

You really are in love, huh?

All right, tell me
more about her.

Where'd you meet?

In a dream.

What?! Whose?!

Finn the human.

What?! Who's that?!

No, wait,
I know that guy.

Look, I don't think you were put
in charge of prophetic dreams

so you could meet ladies.

Who cares?

I'm in love!

What am I even
worried about?

How will you ever
even find her again?

Do you have any idea how many
people are dreaming every night?

Yes, I do.

Dude, it could take
you a million years.

Then it would
be worth it...

For love!

Forgot my sketchbook.

It's gonna be a long night.



Excuse me?

Are these weenies?

Shrimp puffs, monsieur.


Uh, hi.

Oh. Is that a weenie?

It's a shrimp puff.

Oh, I love shrimps puffs!


This is a dream come true.

Do I know you?

I'm crashing.


I saw you in a dream,
and I had to see you again,

even though just by
me being here,

events in this dream
will come true.

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!


Oh, geez,
that poor guy.

- Whose dream?
- Hmm?

Whose dream did
you see me in?

- Oh, uh, Finn the human.
- Hmm.

I shouldn't be here.

No, you intrigue me.

So powerful.

W-what's happening?

You're waking up.

Oh, no!

Can't you go
back to sleep?

No, once I'm up,
I'm up!

But I want to
see you again!

I'd like that.

Okay, I'll bookmark
your dream coordinates

and come to you
tomorrow night.

What do I do with
the toothpick?

I'll take it!

And so then she's like,
"I really like you,"

and I was like,
"I really like you, too,"

and she was like, "I don't want
to hold hands until I'm in love,"

and I was like,
"that sounds great.

I'm all about
going slow,"

and she said, "What? You don't
want to hold my hand?"


Okay, what is going on
with that toothpick?


I can get you
a new toothpick.

No, I don't
want a new one.

I got to go!

No, wait, there's one...



Hmm, are there
any appetizers?

No, I think it's just
ice in this dream.

Oh, I wish I could
dream another place.

I have an idea.

My apartment.


It's a bit of a mess.

I'm not used to
having company.

No, it's got...


I know, right?

Hey, do you
like board games?

Tell me about this.

Oh, I use that for work.

It's interesting.

Yeah, I guess it is.

Y-you want to spy
on people's dreams?

Can we?


What's it like to have all
this at your fingertips?

I guess I don't even
think about it.

But you're not powerful enough
to see into everyone's dreams,

- are you?
- I'm totally that powerful.

Even royalty?

Like Ice King
or something?

His dreams are so sad.

Like Princess Bubblegum.

Surely, she has some sort of
dream security system in place.

No, we can go right now.

Is that what this is about?

Yes, let's go right now.

T-this feels weird.

It seems like you
really want to go.

It's okay to
feel manipulated,


Oh, thank you!

Thank you!

A-After all I've
done for you?!


Something's wrong.

Does this dream
seem weird to you?


I worked so hard!


Hey! Hey, you!


Do you have any
idea what you've done?

You interfered
with a dream!

Oh! Man, a dream I was in!

Why did you do

I... I can't
really explain it.

It just felt like
the right thing to do.

You... you
ruined everything!

We would've been
so perfect together!

Oh, who I am kidding?!
It's over...

It doesn't
have to be over.

We can run away...

You're dreaming, kid,
and it's time to wake up.

No, I-I...



Oh, did baby have
a bad dream?

Let me get
you a bottle.



Huh, what's eating him?
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