04x10 - Power Pals/Emotion Commotion!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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04x10 - Power Pals/Emotion Commotion!

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky always giving him commands ♪

Bed, twerp!

♪ The doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish who grant his every wish ♪

♪ Because in reality

♪ They are his oddparents

♪ Fairly oddparents

Wands and wings!

Floaty, crowny things!

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

♪ Obtuse rubber goose ♪

♪ Green moose, guava juice ♪

♪ Giant snake, birthday cake ♪

♪ Large fries, chocolate shake! ♪

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you are the kid ♪

♪ With fairly oddparents!

Vicky: yeah, right.

- Ah, lunch.

A time to enjoy the goodness of earth

And cut in front of your friends

To avoid the wait.

Hey, timmy,

You can't cut in front of me like that.

That was the last thick, juicy steak.

Here's some yesterday's crud casserole.

Timmy, maybe you should thank elmer

For letting you cut in front of him without asking.

It's not nice to take advantage of your friends like that.

What are you talking about?

I don't take advantage of my friends.

Name one time I did.

Gaze into my jiggling goodness

And see the artificially lime-flavored falsehood of your words.

How's that report coming, oh, project partner of mine?


Come on, ladies!

It's just a few more steps!

Hey! You scraped my boot!

And notice the carrot never moves!

Hey, that's what friends are for, right?

Well, my friends, anyway.

What are they gonna do,

Ban me from the lunch table?



All: we're banning you from the lunch table.

We're tired of you taking advantage of us

And treating us like sidekicks.

I do not treat you like sidekicks.

And that is why we have formed

The legion of timmy haters.

Fine, I'll find a new place to sit

And new friends to sit with.

Eww. Eww.




It stinks not having friends.


Man, it's great having friends.

Ha ha ha!

Timmy, I hope you don't mind,

But we invited some friends over to your locker

To let them know how special we think they are.

[Austrian accent] hey, fairy friends,

It is time for some fairy-oke.

Hi, puny timmy!

Bye, puny timmy!

♪ Feelings!


Large anchovies to locker .

That's $ . , Pal.

Ok, I wish I had--


Too much candy and soda!

Do you have to talk so loud?

Oh, sorry, sport.

We kind of overdid it last night,

But you know what they say:

"You can never have too many friends."

But I don't have any!

Maybe it's because you're too loud!

And I need new ones.

Really great friends who will stick by me

No matter how jerky I am

And who will make my old friends jealous.

You mean super friends?

Yeah, that's perfect.

I wish I had super friends!

Announcer: and just like that,

Timmy turner had a new g*ng of power pals.

Super sam...

He is super nice

And super strong.

Joan jet,

The fastest and friendliest woman in the universe.




Announcer: dark mark,

Mysterious, brooding creature of friendship.



Why do they always run?

Announcer: and wet willie,

With the power to summon new friends from the deep.


Hey, what's with the guy in the suit?

That's the announcer.

He comes bundled with the power pals package.

Oh, this is gonna be good.

Hey, look. It's the kid with no friends.

Oh, yeah?


Come, timmy,

Let's enjoy lunch at the coolest table in the universe.


The table of frienditude!

And I'll use the mark phone

To order us some pizza, timmy.

Girl: help! Help! Help!

But, as they readied for the lunch of a lifetime,

A cry was heard, and the power pals sprang into action!

Help! Help!




Thank you, super sam.

Don't thank me. Thank all the power pals

And timmy, the pal wonder.

Don't mention it,

Except to everyone you know.


Timmy may have new power pals,

But does he have a supercool clubhouse

Like the anti timmy force four?

Wow! You guys are the greatest friends ever.

And you know what great friends like you deserve, timmy?

All: a hall of friendship!

He's got another crystal!


[Kids screaming]

And moments later in the hall of friendship,

Timmy couldn't wait to play with his new power pals.

This is the power pals problem-action computer.

Why would you need that?

Nothing bad happens in dimmsdale anyway.



Power pals,

There's a cat stuck in a tree.

Dude, it's just a cat.

The fire department will get it.

Announcer: and so the power pals were off.

For whenever there's a cry for help,

They spring into action.

[Cat meows]





Dark mark: oh, thank goodness.

Willie and his whales are here.

Now we're safe.

I ironed your tights,

Waxed your dolphins,

Shined your speed shoes,

And here's the big bats magazine you wanted.

Can we please go do something together now,

As friends?

All: sure.

All: come, timmy, just a few more steps.

That's it.

All you do is boss me around

And make me do stuff.

I don't even get a costume.

Well, why didn't you say so?


You're missing the point!

Friends don't treat friends like sidekicks or servants

Or the way I used to treat my old friends.

No wonder they became the anti timmy force four.

Anti timmy force four?

Sounds villainous to me.

Please tell me they're near a coastline.

This anti timmy force four

Must be plotting to take over this galaxy.

We must crush them.

Or a pool.

Perhaps a fountain?

What? No!

They were my friends!

That's what they wanted you to think.

I'll press these randomly beeping and colorful buttons

To track down their exact location.

A tub? A damp sponge?

Throw me a bone, will you?

A wet bone.

Oh, no!

They're going after chester, a.j., Sanjay, and elmer.

Who knows what they'll do to them?

When we find them,

I'll have my friends from the deep

Teach them a valuable and painful lesson.

I was horrible to my friends

And I made a horrible wish.

It all ends here.

I wish I didn't have super friends.


Why didn't they poof away?

Uh, I'm gonna go with "they're super

And impervious to magic."

What do we do?

And that's when timmy quickly wished himself

To his old friends' clubhouse to apologize

And warn them of the impending doom.

Oh, yeah.


Don't mention it,

But you might want to take off the maid outfit.

It's pretty creepy.


A.j., Voice-over: so you're saying you're sorry,

And you appreciate us and that unless we come up with a plan

To get rid of your new power pals, we'll be eaten by sharks.


All: help!


Don't say "help."

They hear that word and spring into action.

That's it.

That's how we'll beat them,

And our clubhouse will help.

"Our clubhouse,"

As in we're friends again?

Welcome to the anti timmy force five, dude.


I'm a jerk!

Man, this is bittersweet.

We have got to get a new computer.


Did somebody say "help"?

A.j.: Our planet is under attack...

And we need help in our battle for justice and, oh, good stuff.

Where does this battle take place, strange alien visitor?

You can't miss it.

Take a left at the andromeda galaxy

And we're the third red sun on the left.

Oh, and if you hit the milky way,

You've gone too far.

Wait, this could be a trap

To make us forget all about the anti timmy force four

And their plot to rule the galaxy.

Or there's a doomed planet in a distant galaxy

That needs our help.

It's a planet filled with water.

I say we go.

We'll use one of the power pals invisible vehicles.

Ah, the power pals invisible rocket.

Is that a dent?

Who cares? It has cup holders.

Once they figure out we tricked them,

They'll come back and kick our butts.

Guys, andromeda is million light years away.

I don't think we'll be seeing them for a long time.


Timmy's got his old best friends back.

I wonder what they'll play first.

Just a few more steps.


Hey, that's what friends are for.

Are we there yet?


I think we've been tricked.


Should we go back?

No, he said there was water there.

I say go.


[Kids cheering]

Come on, turner.

You can do it.

Trixie is watching.

You can do it.

Come on, turner.

What are you, scared and poor?

Yes! I'm scared!

And I'm not poor, I'm middle-class!




Ah, finally.

No kids around to spoil my day.

[Timmy screaming]



Now he's scared, poor, and naked.

This is so embarrassing.


Wanda, voice-over: aw, come on out, timmy.

I know you're still embarrassed,

But it's a natural emotion.

That's the problem.

Emotions reek.

I was afraid to dive,

Francis scared me off the board,

And I was embarrassed because I was naked in public.

So, what's wrong with being naked in public?

Emotions cause me nothing but grief.

In fact, I wish I had no emotions.


That was weird.

How do you feel, timmy?

I do not. Perfect.

And now, since I know it can't hurt your feelings--

Ha ha ha!

You were naked!

In public!


Aw, what the heck?

Ha ha ha! Naked!



Well, look who decided to wear clothes today.

Ha ha ha!

[Stops laughing]

[Crickets chirping]

Personal insults not working!



I'm ignoring you.

I said, I'm ignoring you.

Stop ignoring me ignoring you!

You can ignore me, trixie.

Yay! It's working!

For today's vocabulary quiz,

Watch turner's naked performance

On last night's episode of...

"Dimmsdale's most embarrassing videos,"

And describe it with words that begin with the letter "u."



Un--un... He was naked.

Ha ha ha!

Pretty embarrassing, eh, turner?

Don't you want to wish yourself away using your...

Fairy godparents!

How does that make you feel? Uncaring.


Well, see how uncaring you are about this.

Here is your first virtual "f".

How do you feel about that?



I'm hungry.

[Bell rings]



He's so unfeeling.

That makes him cool.

Wanda: wow, timmy.

You must be pretty happy.

What is happy?

Oh, yeah. Right.

Your emotions are back with cosmo.

I wonder how he's doing.


Anger, stop hitting happiness.

Fear, get out from under the bed.

Envy, jealousy, quit arguing over who loves love more.

High voice: yahoo!

Oh, great.

Bravery's on the roof again.


Hello, turner.


Word in the bathroom

Is you're the coolest kid in school

And nothing scares you.

You know what that means.



Do I have to draw a picture for you?


Scary, huh?


Could we hurry this up?

I'm late for lunch.

Let's see what kind of appetite you'll have

After your swirlie.

Is that all you got?

You're weird!


Get away from me, you freak!


[Toilet flushes]


That's it.

You are now officially cool enough to be my boyfriend.

How does that make you feel?

It doesn't. What?

You think you can play with my emotions?!

You can't treat your new girlfriend that way

After all the time we've spent together!

Let's see how you feel when I date your best friend.


Girls give me the hives!

Chester: no!

[Bell rings]


Sport, has it occurred to you that--

Being the coolest kid in school is a hollow victory

If you don't have emotions to enjoy it with?

No--i mean, yes.

How'd you figure that out?

Without my emotions,

I am thinking quite logically.

For example,

The reason they couldn't build a boat on "gilligan's island"

Is because it would end the series.

The reason they can't build an airplane

Out of the same material as the little black box

Is because it would be too heavy to fly.

And obviously, the chicken came before the egg.

All right, go get 'em.

I'll take my emotions back.

I'll go get your emotions.

Just don't do anything dangerous and stupid

While I'm gone.

Hello, timmy turner.

I've been watching you.


So, you're just the sort of fearless,

Emotionless, naked kid I need to carry on my tradition

Of incredibly dangerous and stupid stunts.

Want to jump the dimmadome on a motorcycle?


Man, you're cool!

I told you he was cool.

I heard that in the agency bathroom.

Welcome to the dimmadome!

I'm doug dimmadome.

All: doug dimmadome?

That's right, doug dimmadome.

And I present to you,

The boy without fear,

Or happiness, sadness, shyness, joy, love, or any other emotion--

Timmy turner!

And he's gonna jump his motorcycle over the dimmadome,

Through a flaming hoop,

And between a giant pair of scissors!

How's that make you feel?

It doesn't.

You're weird.

How come you're not jumping this?

Are you nuts?

I'll k*ll myself!

Good luck, though.


[Crowd cheering]

Is he looking this way?

I think he is.


Your kiss...i-i-it burns!

Timmy turner, we've been keeping an eye on you.

You're just the sort of fearless,

Emotionless kind of kid we need at the agency.

To do what?

To catch the most scary,

Diabolical spy of all time...

Dr. Vulcan.

Sounds challenging.

Oh, here's how good he is.

He's already figured out we've contacted you,

Snatched your best friend

And the girl who's dating him for revenge,

And taken them to his lair

Inside this partially extinct volcano.

So? Wow, the bathroom did not lie.

Let's roll.

You'll jet to dr. Vulcan's island,

Sky-dive into shark-infested waters...

He's not scared.

He's weird! He's weird!

Man, voice-over: then swim to the island,

Walk slowly onto the beach,

And stare at the volcano.


Man, voice-over: pull out a grappling hook,

Twirl it, and throw it off-screen.

After that, you climb the north side of the volcano.

Then you unicycle across a tightrope

Through some giant scissors

And pedal to the other side.


Now, just one last thing:

Dive into the lagoon,

Through some more giant scissors,

And turn off the hidden underwater power switch.

Just think of it like a dive at your local pool--

Except much higher, with jagged rocks,

Alligators, piranhas, a whirlpool,

A tornado, and one really angry tourist.

The service here stinks!

No problem.

Hi, timmy.

Here's your emotions back.

Cosmo, no.



[Emotions muttering]

Aah! I'm scared to dive!

I feel guilty that I got my friend

And the girl who's dating him for revenge in trouble,

And I'm super mad at somebody

For not waiting to give me back my emotions!

Yay! It worked!

I'm so emotional!

I can't do this!


Do I need to remind you

He's got your best friend and his girlfriend?

Aah! I knew it!

I knew having a girlfriend would be nothing but trouble!

Come on, timmy!

You can do it!

Having courage means you're willing to jump to the rescue

Despite the fact you're afraid.

Why don't you do it?

Are you nuts?

Those piranhas will k*ll us.

Good luck, though.

I gotta do this.



Wait, why didn't he just wish chester and trixie free?


I forgot to return his common sense.

Whatever you do, don't jump!

Oh, timmy, I'm proud of you.

You learned that it's better to live

With your emotions than without them.

As opposed to those piranhas.

Them it's better to live without.

Speaking of which...


Look, a souvenir.

So I guess you're not still mad

That I brought your emotions back too soon?

Of course not.

Timmy! Help!

Are you nuts?

That piranha will k*ll me!

Good luck, though!
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